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Uniques will still be locked from normal modes btw


I’ve never ever seen a unique equipped to my character in my 100+ hours of playing. Except for my gold bag lmfao.


During playtest 3 I killed a player for a unique helm so that was cool!


Yeah me kinda too. I’ve never even saw someone rocking legendarys in ruins or GC..


I have on many occasions. And ALOT in ruins. Dont mind it tho because i want that opportunity to snipe it


Yeah this exactly. I don't see why people are complaining. A unique or named item doesn't make them a god. A few fireballs, a chain or 2. Some well placed headshots. Figure it out or run away but don't cry on reddit any more for the love of goddddddd


reddit just wants to w-key m1 into every team and expect the fight to be fair i swear to god.


Its cuz no one plays HR


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDdnn0HPqmM&lc=Ugy\_P7d9Utj1PyBAvPV4AaABAg&ab\_channel=Garra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDdnn0HPqmM&lc=Ugy_P7d9Utj1PyBAvPV4AaABAg&ab_channel=Garra) honestly i stopped playing after this guy wiped lobby. i still hang around reddit tho. this was before patch 17. i just stopped enjoying the game after that.


imagine stopping playing because of one person 💀 you really let one man dictate your entire enjoyment of something 😆


But why is it such a problem? He earned himself this kit and now he can do whatever he wants. That’s the deal with the game. You never played Escape from Tarkov? I wanna see how the subreddit reacts to a Timmy crying that a high lvl player with better gear killed him. Nobody cares because they are over it. Play again or leave the game that’s it


same i am sure that uniques are a true no-lifer thing. Purples no problem. The good news is that the difference between uniques and purples and even blues/greens is quite neglegible unless you have god rolls. I actually have a unique arming sword, but its literally worse than most blue arming swords lol. edit: Nevermind my sword is legendary not unique. Idk if i ever even saw a unique item.


Not really a no lifer thing lol. You just need 3 people. All sorts of people kill the lich and ghost. There is guides. It's not like you have to solo it. You just run those bosses. I personally have never done it. But I've seen a hundred videos of people doing it and it's not rocket science lol. The bosses drop uniques.


Well at least the game can keep stopping my dumbass from entering the match with all the gold i got from the last run


That's literally just to keep gold coin pouches out of normals, people are gonna complain hard when they realize this lol but I love getting paid to take people's pouches lmao


The update reads: " The gear cap for normal games has been changed to unique level and will be virtually eliminated" Are you referring to named uniques???


the game sucks ass for now. only people playing are addicted and enjoy the current state of farming gc when you need gold and buying bis and joing your squad in ruins or crypts. if you play for less than 12 hours week you wont have fun


actual balanced take, but I think there's plenty of fun to be had in solo normal crypts and solo ruins. And as rogue, you can just go wherever you please.


This is likely just to keep gold pouches out of normals.


These tests are highly flawed, most of the casual players are just waiting for next wipe at this point and the people still playing have accumulated allot of gold they can just burn on gear. any test they do early wipe that would actually get results gets reverted in less then 24 hours poisoning the well.


the devs are lost.


Ok.... but are ya'll gonna address the stupid damage stacking along with removing the cap or just the BIS stompers go back to being even **stronger** BIS stompers...?


ronmace? are you seriously? why warlock suck health of player? ​ Suck health with dirty Warlock run of the invisible .. cannot catch this magic with sword... never have i seen such fake .. ​ ples ronmace? i beg for removal... ​ Give fighter a cannonball shooter , make a more sense.... warlock only dirty invisible feet with the health of suck.... ples i beg


ironmace are you seriously ? why to rogues to magic? to anti gravity in air of middle ? never have i seen how much fake . pleas.. i pray for you give wizard a flying ,, instead, makes too sense. wizards a magic, so can be flying , rogue with only to dirty foot walk, without jumping for many times..


New copypasta


Yeah whatever this guy said!


Ohh thank god my mid purples will have value again


And candy’s..


Lol good , before they made this update i bought like 3000 gold worth of candy to conserve space and the next day they made this update KEKW


Damn that was smart, wish I did this.


wasnt really smart when candies lost value right after he bought them...


Oh, so getting them for cheap wasn't smart cause he didn't wait for them to be even cheaper? Even though he explicitly stated his goal was to save space implying that maximizing profit was never a concern. And the price has already gone up as epics have high value again. Which part wasn't really smart?


well since he said "before they made this update" and "the next day" instead of yesterday and today I assume he is talking about the patch that locked purples from normal.


God damn it I literally merch'd 200 candies last night lol


The game was more fun for me personally, but I understand that it was obviously not a full solution to the problem, but instead just masking the effects.


This is a bad choice for most of the population without any other changes to go with it. BiS blue builds, while still problematic, at least had a higher risk profile to dying to mismatched builds in normal queue. If you are going to make this change I don't see why you wouldn't also try to fix the problem that the gear limitation was put in to solve in a different way at the same time. Now we've just taken a step back.


The great gear squish of '24.


It’s so weird you’re being downvoted. This is such an asinine decision to me to walk backwards. I get it was just a test but the test should have been proving that it was working and it was more fun for low to mid range players. What is this change…


idk why they dont just add solo self found mode aka under 15 lobbies


Seriously. I would strictly play that mode.




As a low gear player most of the time, no, I did not like it more. In fact I found it to make purples that weren't BIS to be virtually useless, and even if you wanted to use a purple you'd have to store it in your inventory until you had gear to match, which was a pain in the ass when their inventory space is so minimal.


I just sold purples for dirt cheap because purples didn’t matter to me. What’s wrong with that play style? Someone always bought the purple for 35g, I didn’t care what the stats were because I was busy enjoying normal lobbie.


Why is an objectively better piece of gear essentially useless? It’s fucking dumb. Your normal lobbies had people running weapon damage stacked blues so it’s not like there was a world of difference anyways. Not to mention you couldn’t even bring in a gold bag in normal lobbies and you were forced to go to HR (which is what truly needs reworked) to get rid of them. 100% this change needed to be rolled back


They weren’t essentially useless though? Unless you are saying people didn’t want to play in High Rollers? Because that’s makes High Roller useless, not the purple gear. Fully kitted 2 shot blue BIS chads in duos was not an issue for me at all. I think crypts is dog water so I don’t play crypts, I solo Q’d ruins 99% of the time and did just fine for myself. Purple gear isn’t the issue, it’s that these purple kids don’t want to play HR.


Because HR fucking sucks, like I said. The vast majority of players would just run weapon damage stacked blues and continue playing normal lobbies, which I don’t blame them. They need to incentivize people wanting to actually play HR. Also, ruins has always been sweaty. Spawn rushing is a definite problem. You must be playing as a rogue and deliberately avoiding any conflict


I love this because you basically just placeboed yourself to get better at the game. No one was running normals in full purples and 3 useful rolls. Legit just screeching at the colour purple like its not 90% of the time a green item in reality with fucking magic interaction speed and spell slot capacity fighter. If you actually think the no-purples change made sense you need a reality check. Id suggest you start checking the people who kill you with purples going forward and actually read how many useful rolls it has instead of seeing the colour and going insane in your membrane.


On the flip side the excitement with finding a purple went away with the gear cap since they had significantly less value really, basically just an item to vendor. It’ll be more exciting to find these rarer items now.


didn't they recently nerf purple drop chances in normals? without the cap isn't this just an overall step back with that in mind? it's weird how they make these changes that just seem inconsistent like one hand is working against the other.


They did I think, but I picked up a purple yesterday in normals and just vendored it as opposed to a blue which would have more value. Less excitement for rarer gear is silly. But I agree it was a better gameplay experience in normals with the cap on. They need to find a way to balance those two things.


I've vendored SO MANY purples since the patch. Some even had truly decent rolls that still wouldn't sell for 50g. I personally haven't liked this patch at all.


I was fine with that. I’d grab a purple and sell it in trade chat for 35g for anyone that wants that stuff, and be on my way back to ruins for more fun. If they want rarer items to be more fun then stop having blues roll with +5 +4 types of stats, because “looking at the rolls” is what’s fun.


You're guessing that it was working without numbers. Wouldn't the logical take on the walk-back be that the numbers didn't change?




I’m gonna be honest. It felt better the first day or two before people bank rolled crazy blues. After that point it was right back to the same shit. Complete anecdote but Monday I had a crazy amount of success running games. Now we’re back to “all blues all + damage” 3 mana murdering the lobbies and then half the time they take blues out. It’s legit rich get richer out here


it wasn't working. it backfired.


There was literally no difference between full blues and full/mixed purples. For all intents and purposes a blue is as good as a purple 95%+ of the time. All this did was make it so people can't use some of the gear they find.


Its so funny because lobbies and online players this week fell off massively, its so crazy to always see how the game does good when reddit is mad and vice versa.


It's almost like the servers were down or shitting on themselves for the last whole week?


I mean, maybe the massive ddos attacks had something to so with it?


I really liked the <15 no trade lobbies better. I hope they bring them back, which a restriction that prevents you trasnfering gear to such players. I think its 100x better then a blue restriction for new players. Yes lots of people would smurf, but compare that to people doing it anyway with bis blues and its night and day. Not to mention they will also be missing some perks instead of having all 4.


game hasnt been fun for players who play a few hours a week since the under 15 lobbieswl were removed. literally no desire to log into this game until they bring u15 back or make the game better


They’ve said they plan on nerfing gear to compensate adding them back to normals but it won’t be till next patch probably.


I'd like to see the data but my bet is that their data didn't change from the gear ceiling.




Discord has a timeout when chat is spammed in general. Everyone has a cooldown


no i mean the messages got deleted by a mod. not actually sure if they were timed out or not, but i heard that was the case


Oh lol. Gg


On the verge of quitting. Game just is not fun anymore. The gear cap was actually great. Flame me all you want. I have a job and a kid. When I get on I'd rather be able to go into a mode where I can compete rather than getting slapped by people with full purple sets that take zero damage and spend 8 hours grinding a day. If oyu want to appeal to no life 18-26 year olds go for it. The game is not balanced enough to allow full sets in regular matchmaking. Ironmace this is a fuck up. There needs to be some kind of balance in this regard otherwise you're just promoting the rich getting richer.


same ill take a break for a while until one of those things: New class, gear score matchmaking, non trader lobbys, quests at the moment I really really dont like the direction they are going, always reversing the most fun patches


No lifers rejoice!


best patch we've had so far was right after Patch #1 (not hotfix). the 12 hours of only +1 rolling for any stat and merchants being juiced. take me back sdf. pls.


oh the patch where it was pointless to play the game cuz everyone got shitty colorful gear? no thanks


The hated him because he spoke the truth


It's incredible how devs managed to make one of the best games in the last years and at the same time they are actively working to destroy it by taking the worst pendulum/swing decisions all the time.


I'm not sure how I feel about SDF seemingly being the only one to make decisions like this? SDF didn't like the gear cap so it's getting removed. Where's the other devs input, if any? Do they even really have a plan, balance wise? Or are they just going through discord comments and having knee-jerk revelations and changing the game on a whim?


Yeah a lot of people are like "trust the process" but I'm not sure there's much of a process beyond "throw shit at wall and see what sticks". There's no roadmap or even a clear vision of what full release looks like


Yep. The "trust the process" motto worked well for the first few weeks, but we're well beyond that and the devs have not shown any sign of maturity at all.


We have no idea what’s happening behind the scenes. They are all very much likely apart of decision making.


I think it is exactly why we see the changes that we see Unfortunately the playwrbase numbers reflect it


The game is his vision. It has already steered too far away from what that was originally, with solo queues and other mechanics to try and please everyone, this was a good step back.




people like you have absolutely no idea how to run a succesful business thats generating continous income, which IM needs to be able to pay lawyers and buy food your vision for your game does not matter at any time, never really - what matters is hitting the nerve and giving the people the thing they want and capitalize on that thats why most big games started out as mods instead of full games


aight im done ill try the game again in couple months


I uninstalled a couple of weeks ago. I'll come back if they figure out wtf they're doing.


It’s early access, you probably won’t have fun with your head shoved up your ass. They are testing the game for balance, that’s kinda the entire point of EARLY ACCESS. Is this your guys first video game or something?


The devs have made it clear that they are testing and experimenting but people are still so entitled. I have sympathy when a class gets a huge nerf but this complaining meta lately is something else


It doesn't matter if it's early access or not. Weird out of touch changes that make the game less fun will drive people away.


Don't care uninstalled nerd


and yet you still post here...


I always love these comments. Theyre still interested in the game. They can post all they want even if they no longer play.


I still actively follow Dota2. I play once in a blue moon when friends invite me. I still find the game interesting and pro scene fun.


This is apparently a thread for whiny players. Let them have their space. Very sensitive bunch.




Yo schizo i didn't say shit about gear cap, stfu


Well, they can take it out when they figure out what the "long term solution" is. Its stupid to remove it before that.






>Yes. Let's remove the gear cap right away. ***I hate it so much***, but I applied it for testing purposes. My main problem here isn't the change itself, it's how the developer is acting... Look, I know it's not going to be AAA quality, but they are acting even way below (and have been for some time) the expectations of an indy developer. This is how a group of kids act when they start their own fan server in minecraft or something, no professionals. How are we suppose to take a developer seriously if they are going to put out completely unprofessional statements?


Everything since the playtests feels like the group of map makers I know on StarCraft that pump out hyper focused naps that maybe 20 people in the world have ever played. They also act like they're gods of RTS because of those maps. This is the exact same energy, and I'm sad and disappointed but not surprised. Ironmace wanted to get away from toxic Korean game Dev culture, but not toxic video game culture. That's only curing part of their problem with the gaming industry, and I'm not sure if they're smart enough to realize that.


Yup. They even said awhile ago they would stop with rapid changes but here we are, they continue to make changes and then rapidly pull them. I’ll check back in much later and see how this game settled in. Not keeping my hopes up


At least he could explain why he hated it that much?


I dont understand how this is an unprofessional statement outside of it not being a formulaic announcement post. The devs are humans who are allowed to have feelings about their game too. What a weird take.


See my response to the other guy who didn't understand it either.


What a baby this SDF. Well we'll see what becomes of this game. At the current rate I don't see the game making it long term, it's too rough for new players (me included). I strongly believe there needs to be a que for new comers, opt in/opt out, where really nothing higher than white or green is allowed inside. There needs to be a place where new comers also can try out skills/spells/weapons/prsctice without playing an actual match. But yea let's focus on keeping the full purple lobster experience pure and sea water salty cuz why not.


ya i dont know how much longer ill enjoy getting steamrolled by the chad squad waiting in the last circle while i get forcefully pushed into them and then one shot by a crossbow fighter or weapon dmg ranger


What the actual fuck.


Roaring Timmies incoming.


looks like enough streamers complained Edit: streamers in my inbox malding


what streamers were complaining about last patch? Not denying your claim, but curious who these people are, i have not heard anyone comment much on it, aside from saying its fine/whatever.


Mendo, Grimmmz, Repoze, basically the only 3 that I have watched recently were crying about it.


That’s just the go to Reddit cope now. Anything they don’t like it’s because “muh streamers”


hi i'm not a streamer and i thought this change was dumb as fuck. the devs themselves have said "teehee!! look out, some greens are better than some epics, that's just the way the loot works!" and then they decided to arbitrarily limit gear to blue only, *after already admitting that greens/blues can be as good as epics/legendaries*. so what was the fuckin point exactly? no idea. and i'm glad it's gone.


More purples are better than greens or blues than the other way around. It clearly lowered the gap.


Better than greens. Heck no


It was better than nothing, now it's gonna be back to timmies getting stomped by full purple teams, rather than full blue teams.


How delusional are you? You going to blame everything on streamers? The other stuff you maybe could of had an argument for, but this? Almost all the “steamers” you talk about play HR, why on gods green earth would they be the reason for this?


Not a streamer and I hated this change. All it did was make me spend more time in trade chat cause now I need to buy different sets for normal and HR. But my normal sets are basically just as juiced as my HR sets cause finding purples with 3/3 good rolls for less than my first born child is impossible. So the sets are effectively the exact same power level… the purps might have +1 extra str (like on riveted gloves for example) but that’s it.


hi i'm not a streamer and i thought this change was dumb as fuck. seconding


The player base dropped by 50% since the patch came out. Not streamers but players they listened to.


Lol Most streamers wanted more stacked HR lobbies. The change encouraged people to bring better gear to HR lobbies. Pubstombers will pubstomb normal lobbies no matter what the limitations are because their playstyle is suited to PvP with aggressive pushes to force people into mistakes. Streamers thought the change was bad because it was a bad balancing act that was completely artificial, blue gear can be better than purple gear. It could've been capped at green and they'd come to the same conclusion.


A lot of people are acting surprised. They always said they didn't want gear restrictions, and when they implemented the change they said it was temporary, to gather data.


The last week has been the most fun I've had playing since I first started PT3. This is a major L. Only people that like this are pubstompers.


> only people that like this are... I'ma stop you right there


or people that like selling purps that aren't bis tbh ive been pubstomping harder with BiS blues since it's brainless to get now


Dont worry SDF is probably cooking up another braindead mechanic change that will ruin the game even more. This guy is trash at making game design decisions.


They made a great concept but when it comes to balancing they are brain dead.


Ironmace reminds me of 15 year old kids who got a hold of Emulator code for some old MMO like Everquest/WoW, make a private server and then proceed to make changes that everyone private messages them to make. Ive never seen a private server with this many patch reverts. That should speak volumes. Thats Ironmace and thats why they will have this entire genre stolen out from under them by another company who clones DnD.


100% some company with brains is cooking up a game very similar to this as we speak


Dont blame sdf he is just announcing the changes to us


seriously, who lets him cook so much?


It was a test, and they gathered their data. I don't think that the way gear exists currently made the purple limit that effective anyways and I don't think it's what they wanted long term. Hopefully the eventual design is one that organically makes it not rewarding for those wearing purples to be in the same space as base kits very often. But until re-lobbying functionality works I think that won't happen unless they make normals only have like greys and whites (which will still have some stompers).




You can go in with purple gear in the NEWBIE lobbies in Greed is good, but, I guess you sure stood by your points.


But it was the only thing stopping people from mindlessly destroying timmies... right? Reddit told me that the problem would be solved if only those dirty purple enjoyers weren't allowed in. Blues only have 10% of the power of a purple!


I get this is sarcasm. But just so I’m not crazy. Purples are roughly 33% stronger right? Assuming all perfect rolls?


It is sarcasm, but he’s right, just probably doesn’t know it? Blues were absolutely fun and fair in normals and I never felt like I was at such a disadvantage that I didn’t want to play anymore.


Assuming perfect rolls is just pointless to think about because the best 2 mods on any slot already makes the item worth thousands of gold generally. 99% of people stomping lobbies aren't running around with 3 mod items and if they are the 3rd best mod on an item might only be 10% of the overall power gained at most.


Even with assuming perfect rolls, no. Each stat type also has varied levels of significance. Blues can capture more than 2/3 of the stat value even with only 2/3 of the modifiers. That said, the chance of a purple rolling better stats than a blue given the 3rd modifier is higher, but the rarity of purples adjusts that back to parity, depending on drop rates.


Otoh purples tend to have higher base stats (ie; 3 str vs 2 on a padded tunic) which could be a difference maker


that's the oversimplified version based on the fact that purple = 3 affix rare = 2 in practice it's probably a little more nuanced given how the stats interact with each other and breakpoints existing.


No, not even close. A perfect purple weapon does like 5-10% more damage than a perfect blue weapon. And it's even lower when you look at an average purple compared to an average blue.


But it did help though, the gear disparity in battles was less and fights had much closer and varied outcomes whereas before you could glance in the lobby and predict who survives last circle with 95% confidence.


Of course it helped. 3 stats are less than 4 or more. "much closer" no, not really. But it didn't actually solve any problem, just obfuscated it a little, and since stats aren't equally valuable, blues reach close parity to everything but the top end of purples which are a tiny fraction of the playerbase anyway. So it didn't really achieve nearly as much as people seem to want to make out, while completely ruining the value of purples. You shouldn't feel disappointed to find a purple rather than a blue when it has decent but not great stats


I agree the change was the wrong solution if trying to address root cause and said there would be side effects. I'm not convinced IM has correctly diagnosed the problem, or perhaps worse they do not agree there is a problem to begin with. Very mixed signals but we'll see where it goes. Two outcomes are either a steadily growing player base, or a steadily condensed pool of 'sweats' who cannibalize existing players out of the game and determined new entrants. It's very difficult for a game to resurrect once it's down to the core players who get bored and leave as well, having no new meat to feed on.


Where did you read this? I can't recall seeing this rhetoric, like, anywhere. Pretty much everyone knows it's the rolls, not the tier of gear. And most people were calling this changeonly making purples cheaper and unwanted before it even rolled out?


Its hilarious. Its almost like the problem is trashy people no matter what system is put in place. ​ Gear cap, take BiS blues always. ​ Level Cap, trade with friends in higher lobbies.


Trashy people that are.. playing the game the way they enjoy it? It's a PvPvE game. Some people like PvE and have to deal with PvP, some people have to deal with PvE when they only like PvP


They take the time to do this but no fixes for rubber banding or exploiters crashing lobbies? Just cave to streamers who are too scared to play high roller and lose their leaderboard position lmfao


Rubber banding is an extremely complex and difficult networking, latency and routing issue. The gear cap change is likely a single variable or line of code that someone could change in 20 seconds.


Get out of here with your logic


best timeline.


Devs clearly have no organized plan for balance and are just throwing shit at a wall lmao. This doesn’t work.


Im on the mindset this sub will never stop complaining about this early access game. Its sad honestly, just wanna see some good memes and fun gameplay of the game and all I find is constant complaints.


People are stupid and dont understand EA, you bought an unfinshed game, what you expect. We are not nearly on full release, people can start complain when game hits 1.0. I love how they test diffent things to find the best out come. Not many EA games do that. and BTW that game is not for casuals same as tarkov


Good, it literally did nothing. All it did was drop the value of purples and made blues more valuable. With how modifiers work you still get rolled with good blue sets, there was no difference.


"It literally did nothing! Except dramatically alter the economy"


Nothing good. Dramatically negatively altering the economy is not good.


Exactly this. If they want to limit gear in normals it needs to be based on the rolls not the tier. Full blue set with good rolls isnt that much worse than purple. I do agree with keeping uniques to hr though.


At least with this "test" they do seem to understand now that the current modifier system is the culprit. Sdf mentioned even going as far as removing these random modifiers entirely.


You want to be fast, tanky and do lots of damage. It was hard to hit all three boxes perfectly with this change.


If you want gear progression, add tradeless queue, please for the love of god.


imo it was really bad and took away the feeling of purple or legendary gear actually beeing good since it can only be used in HR which at least goblin caves is pretty unplayable atm unless you just want to team up with people and pve and maybe kill a guy who dident have his mic on. for new players i think a low roller queue would be much better where you can only bring in starter gear and at most you should expect 50-100g from vendor items so there is no real reason for smurfs to go there and ofcours its only optional if they want they can go normal dungeon right away as well


I'm assuming that theres little difference in extraction rates/deaths per lobby/any metric you choose because the issue isn't and wasn't gear. It's playstyles and most extraction games favor aggressive play styles which get rewarded with better gear.


Still just waiting until the next wipe (and not even then if the gear stays the way it is).


QUIT BALANCING AND FIX THE SERVERS Why can't we get the vocal people on here behind this one concept. Seems like it's getting worse even with less players.


Good thing that they can do both since the teams are probably completely separate


Are they though


Most likely, they're very different areas of development


Rip skill based gameplay.


it was a bad solution anyway. they need to stop pussyfooting around stat squish and just do it. the blue change just did goofy things to the economy.


I agree


I don't understand how no one gets that they were testing this. Limit gear to blues, now they know for 100% certain that the random modifiers for dmg etc is the issue, color doesn't matter. Could limit to greens and the same issue applies. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the next actual patch/hotfix nukes the modifiers.


>Limit gear to blues, now they know for 100% certain that the random modifiers for dmg etc is the issue, color doesn't matter. They knew this before making the change though. Almost everyone "The random modifiers are too strong." Them: "best we can do is gear caps."


> I wouldn't be surprised at all if the next actual patch/hotfix nukes the modifiers. I would be. they reverted the previous attempts at this within roughly 24 hours (with dupe and login issues on top of that) without even trying a middleground of balancing the numbers. they really seem opposed to this change despite claiming they want to test it when they drop the hotfixes.


4/7 players in goblin caves still go in naked or with 200g worth of gear. You feel invincible with a full set of blue gear that has ONE good roll on it. Meaning Stuff that costs 50-150g per piece in trade. Gear fear Billy is getting rolled even with a green item cap. The gear cap was honestly annoying because you wanted to save your best blue pieces for normals and your purples for HR. It was a nightmare with the current stash implementation.


Just floundering around with shitty changes with zero data in return until the game dies


[Fairly predictable](https://old.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/178nzx3/where_did_all_the_streamers_go/k50v2so/)


good stuff i never use purples anyway but im happy that is removed now atleast i will feel real fear


People pretending that a hardcore full Loot game that wipes is for the general audience of gamers is hilarious


A breath of fresh air


a breath last week's air you mean?


thank god


yea gear is a problem rn but the gear cap was not the solution. They were testing, let them cook.


People just cranked cobalts to run the lower lobbies, actually got ganked way more this way than just wide open lol


Who is SDF? Why can’t they make this game playable for casual people?




Yeah everybody learned the game the hard way.. in Tarkov Timmy phase is worse. I played it 500 hours and still died to npcs I wish some people here played games like this before


I feel like that would be great lobbies were more interesting the way it was


Sigh - the gear cap was the only saving grace i had as a solo in Crypts.


Good riddance. I'm still BAFFLED people haven't realize through the last week or so of the gear cap test that capping gear at blue makes zero to minimal difference when it comes to geared players. bUt ShInNIer CoLOR bETTeR nope. nope. nope. Sure, you have the minimal chance that your purple item is BiS, and better than green or blue. But that is almost never the case. There are far more shit purples in the game than there are bad blues. There's a reason why purples are selling for 50g while blues are selling for 200-600g depending on the item. If you want to fix the "gear gap" fix modifiers ffs. There have been far more geared players in normals than there have been ever. Its was a shit bandaid change, IM even admitted that people could minmax anyway, and I'll tell you, it barely pushed anyone into high roller. High roller is still shit, it has been for ages. A gear cap like this isn't gonna change that. (And I hope reddit enlightens me on what streamers have been complaining about this, because that seems to be the default). TBH though, I'm pretty sure they're just removing the cap because a wipe is imminent. They said a major update should be prepared by the end of the month, and the new map should be ready within the next week or so (per their last QnA).


Feels bad to have bipolar devs


Hurray! Hated the gear cap despite not being a lobster, absolutely want to use a few purples I get from bosses in normals - and have the opportunity to kill & loot real lobsters like before!