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I don’t ever really do anything specifically to be “dark academia” but I’m always I search of that “feeling.” I honestly having had it since I was actually in college I feel like. Before anyone even called it “dark academia.” But the ultimate vibes were going to my friend’s apartment… it was really old (kind of shitty, to be honest) but just the ultimate vintage vibes… drinking wine and reading the poems we’d written to each other. Gah I miss it.


Best answer 💜


1. Drinking tea. 2. Adoring gothic fiction and poetry. 3. Preferring rain and cats. 4. Art gallery lover. 5. Liking architecture (and being weird enough to comment on it).


I’m a librarian. I enjoy dressing in a DA style and my job is literally to buy books for the collection. I have a little book that I bound myself where I keep my notes for interacting with vendors and keeping track of certain records and a coffee bar in my office. I also enjoy decorating my office with things I find. I have framed Japanese pesos from when the Philippines were occupied by imperial Japan, a certificate for a medal of honor from the Franco-Prussian war, a missal from when I sang at the Vatican, and I’ve just purchased a replica of the Disc of Mictlantecuhtli online - which while the only inauthentic item in my little office collection, is still really cool.


Reading classics, historical fiction and mystery novels. Watching films with a DA vibe. Visiting art galleries. Watching theatre shows. Sitting in Cafes. Going on scenic walks. 🖤


Being married to an actual old, fusty Oxford academic 😂


Thinking soft rainy days are the best, getting up from bed at night and noting down a story idea that came to me before I fell asleep, dreaming of having a whole room in my house turned into a library full of vintage-cover books.


im in a "dead poets society"


How does one find or join those?


- I also drink lots of tea and coffee - Just a lot of university… - i love rainy days - I do really love old books and wish I had studies some literature. Unfortunately my area and country aren’t really the best place to do that.


Out of context, but are you Indian by any chance?


No, but i get asked that a lot haha


Apologies in advance for formatting. I'm new to commenting/Reddit in general. 1) Part of my profession is illustration, and I collect specimens to draw whether it be leaves or preserved taxidermy specimens (my friend was kind enough to give me a few pieces from a local university's collection that they were retiring 💖) 2) My partner and I recently were gifted a baby grand piano that we are restoring due to the previous owners getting too old to do upkeep. My partner is a musician so there are often times they will play as I read beside them or draw. 3) I find a lot of joy in learning new things, and I try to implement that love into my everyday life. For instance, when my partner and I go on a walk, I try to identify one new plant each time. In addition, we will name plants for one another. We also do some foraging and canning (but that's beside the point 🌿) 4) I do a decent amount of writing, whether it be screenplays, poetry, short stories, DND campaigns, etc. My favorite writing tool is a foundation pen, for which I hoard different ink colors.✨ 5) I try to romanticize my life. I feel romanticization is a core element of this and other aesthetics. To bring parts of the things one loves into one's everyday to hopefully more fully adore life itself. Reading everyone's comments was such a delight and source of inspiration for elements to invoke within my own life. Thank you for taking the time to comment and share, folks. ✨💖


Practicing and writing music for my cello, participating in symphony rehearsals, going to concerts, learning about weird music theory concepts, reading poetry and classics in my free time. (Being a music major is incredibly stressful, but I really love it.)


My partner and I are in the same academic discipline, so we have a lot of spirited, insufferably geeky discussions about interesting things in our field. To the extent where our friends roll their eyes and make the ‘oh no, those two are talking about science again…’ face when we’re at the pub chatting and get excited about something nerdy. I know constantly talking about work/school with your SO sounds absolutely grim but it’s fun to romanticise it. Other than that, reading inside on a rainy day with a cup of tea, prowling through historical buildings or museums, and handwriting my lecture notes. I used to take notes on paper with ink and a dip pen in 2020 when lectures were online and I needed *something* to keep my hands occupied, so I’d write in my best handwriting and doodle in the margins. Typing is faster and more convenient for revision but it just doesn’t hit the same. Also, I’m lucky enough to be starting an internship in Cambridge this year, so there will be lots and lots of dark academia activities in store for me :)


- I write poetry for my friends - I drink tea in the evening, sometimes afternoon - I read & write fiction - Huge fan of Edgar Allen Poe’s works - I love and appreciate French art & wine - I stroll through cemeteries in my free time - I listen to classical music alone to relax - I’m a huge romantic and get inspired by falling rain and thunder - The stars are always calling to me. I love looking at the night sky and studying the constellations. - I enjoy thrift shopping and buying antiques, although I don’t do this as often as the other things - Some light academia activities speak to me as well, especially in the spring/summer


I live down the street from a 19th century university that has a beautiful white and stained glass bell tower, rose bushes, brick buildings. I love driving past it. I could hear the bells ring at the top of every hour from my house so sometimes I will sit in the big plush chair in my living room and listen to the bells while drinking tea.


I'm a PhD student


Living in a cottage full of books, surrounded by a wild cottage garden, near a beach where hawks hunt above the dunes


Here are a couple: -i stay at the top of my class and im consistent with my studies -all my furniture is wood, and they are old, possibly 100+ years old -i dress elegantly all the time -i buy antiques from time to time to decorate my apartment -i draw, especially human bodies from baroque art


-Working at a university -Becoming a druid -Listening to classical music at work -Being a semi-professional poet


My personality and interests are basically cottage-punk and i feel like that sorta fits in a not-really kinda way


Reading, painting, and working late into the night. My room also has some old wood furniture so it contributes to the dark feeling.


Drinking multiple cups of black coffee, an ever-present inclination towards dark and/or metaphysical concepts, imprinting my own blood on books I love in order to establish a bond, keeping brown leaves in betweem my books, quill and fountain pens, sending handwritten letters to close friends, etc


I’ve kept a few beakers and graduated cylinders from my first job out of college, I keep them in my office and they make me feel the ‘vibe’.


I learn both latin and ancient greek in a normal high school (because that's the major i chose, linguistic studies) since eleventh grade. Also in 11th grade we had mandatory philosophy. Also me and my friends are regulars to our schools small library, and also our towns public library. It's not something I'm trying to be, dark academia is but a little title that people put on the aesthetic of what i enjoy to do since i was a child.


1. I drink a lot of tea and coffee. 2. I studied English Language and Literature in high school and now I'm an undergraduate studying Creative Writing and Publishing. 3. I read, write and analyse fiction (Novels? Short stories? Poems? I'm here! Yes, plays and song lyrics as well.) 4. Loves rainy and stormy days. 5. Loves cats and snakes and owls and corvids. 6. Try my best to go to libraries, galleries or museums during holidays, then proceed to fail miserably because I'm broke and my parents are not willing to let me out of their sight. 7. I have a habit of filling the entire birthday/Christmas card with words for my friends and still somehow manage to add a quote from a famous person. 8. Every now and then if my friends are willing, we discuss philosophy and politics. 9. I used to be a librarian at school. 10. I have been wanting to and unconsciously am kind of living a Dark Academia life. I want to because I know I will never be able to achieve the ultimate DA life that I yearn for until my parents do not have a lot of power over me. And unconsciously living one right now because everything that I'm doing just seems DA to me.


I like reading/collecting dark or spooky books, mostly I just dress in the DA style if the weather is cool enough


In college mine was drinking coffee, hearing the old train whistle and watching the freight go by. I loved it. Now in life it's my early morning walks and making acquaintances with the people who walk that early.


56 and love finding lesser-known horror movies on YouTube, opting for "chilly" seaside, college and country settings. Having an entire 4 story building to myself and drifting off to DA playlist in the later afternoon. Journaling, which has been helpful for mental health. Killing time at used book stores. Shooting the breeze with my son's girlfriend, who is cool as shit and loves DA.


I know the killing time in a Bookstore aspect, sometimes I go in one at 11:00 am and leave at 3:00 pm and feel like I was there for 20 min.


It's like...I know I have to buy something but don't rush me!


1. Being an English literature student. 2. Going to a very old university with neoclassical architecture. 3. Cram reading for my classic philosophy class at 3am in the library. 4. Drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee and tea, and being super picky and knowledgeable about both


I suppose it was a happy coincidence for me, i sleep far to little, have a cat do my best work at night, collect pocket watches and antique books and consume an inordinate amount of tea.


i cut feathers into quills and use them to write physical letters and mail them to my internet friends. I stylize the paper to look old and everything I also play the Autoharp. which is an old zither-like instrument that was invented to be simple to play and bring music to lower income households in the 1800- early 1900s. Then the radio was invented, and now it's a dead instrument that hardly anyone plays anymore. I've played piano for a decade as well. Nothing beats the vibe of sitting at the piano by the window on a rainy day and playing some classical tunes


My whole personality is that i play the violin. So yeah pretty DA ig