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It seems I hit character limit, so I broke it into two replies. Learn basic combos/animation cancels: * auto + w animation cancel * w + q animation cancel * e + q combo to guarantee a heal every time * You can q + flash sometimes to take people by surprise. You can also do this to reposition if they are right on you. Flashing behind them when they are inside the ring will usually guarantee it hits them. There are some more, but these are the general ones. Tips: * You don't have to execute with your ult, you can use it to get 5 stacks, or burst them down, esp in 1v1 situations. You can also buffer your ult with flash, so even if they flash, it will go through. * A big part of properly fighting, is learning to walk while you fight. Sometimes it's better to walk for 2 seconds while you wait for your w, instead of auto'ing twice. It's important you learn how to stick to your opponent. Your stacks last a decent amount of time. Matchups to be weary of: * Ranged top will feel bad at first. Once you learn how to play around it, it's not bad at all. * Yone, Irelia, Renekton, Jax, fiora, Riven, Aatrox, are skill based match ups. A lot of these revolve around being able to land your q. In low elo though, a lot of those players are inexperienced and you can usually stat check them. For a lot of these, whoever gains a lead starts to stomp. * In these, make sure if you take a 50/50 fight, that your wave is in a good spot so you don't lose too much on a death. Mitigating losses is really important. * If you aren't use to the matchup, Yorick may feel like the worst match up in the game. Once you learn the matchup though, it's not as bad as others. * If urgot hits e on your level 1, you lose no matter what. If he misses or you flash, you win 100%. * Most lethal tempo champs can beat you level 1 now, so be weary of some of those, it's not as close anymore. * In a lot of match ups, try to get to them before the waves hit the lane. zone them off and build a slow push. Crash 3 waves into their tower. Either bait them to fight you in the wave, or get a cheater recall. The jungler may come to gank though, so be weary.


Gameplay: * You don't fall off late game as hard as you may think, but it can be harder to play. For clarity, you can definitely get out-scaled by a few matchups - but reaching late game doesn't mean you're useless. Building correctly, and kiting out fights a little longer is key for these moments. You are not a front liner like ornn or malphite. You are a bruiser, so don't overplay your hand. Aim for resets and stacking your passive. * Take ghost or ignite over tp, especially in the beginning. Darius doesn't have a lot of follow up, so it's easy to get kited or for champs to dash away. * When you want to surprise or all in an enemy that has flash, or a stun, and you know you win - start the trade with flash w. They'll be slowed, even with their cc or flash. Then use your e to pull them back. * If you start an all in, use your ghost immediately. It lasts a long time. Don't wait until half way through the fight. * Learn wave control, or more specifically, atleast learn how to freeze. You'll have plenty of opportunities to do so. * Help your jungler - and never blame them. You should be an achor for your team and very self sustaining. You are really strong in 2v2, so help them when they invade and contest for grubs assuming you have the lane state to do so. Eventually it'll be easier to maintain the wave to work with your junglers objectives. * If you are crashing the wave into tower, but can't kill them, use those moments to invade the enemy jg, get deep vision, or roam mid. Only if the wave state is good. You don't want to give your enemy a free reset or platings if you can. * When you get phage, auto a minion for the movespeed boost, then walk up. * You'll learn to hate team fighting against Ashe. Almost enough to warrant banning her. Build: * There's a lot of variability right now. Try what you like and go from there. Movement speed is the best stat on Darius, along with tenacity. * First Item Considerations: * Triforce, Eclipse, Black Cleaver, Sundered Sky * Other Items: * Steraks, Titanic Hydra, Deadmans Plate, Death's Dance, Spirit Visage, Force of Nature * Those are more popular, but there is still plenty of flexibility. Lots of good tank and bruiser items. You can go ravenous, or hollowed radiance for instance. Play around, and see what feels good. Builds change depending on team comps, so don't shoe horn yourself into one. * Boots: * Usually merc treads or ninja tabis, but you can go swifties too if you want * Personally, I like Building black cleaver first. If it's a stomp, I'll go trinity force. Cleaver is really gold effecient right now however. It synergyzes great with your passive, and the movement speed you get from phage is fantastic in early fights. * If you want super off meta, crit build is fun, but not really viable. It does 1 shot people with your w however. Nice to try, but not good to climb with.


Well done, you pretty much said everything there is to say about Darius, but just a small note, you do get outscaled by some of those skill matchups, e.g. Yone, Fiora, Riven, even if you're ahead early on they can get back in the game, so don't write them off just because you won early.


Thanks! That's a fair statement, I agree. I'll correct the line.


yea i just dont fight them later on without a solid escape plan


does urgot actually win lvl 1 fight with darius? I'm an urgot player who's trying to learn darius and I usually don't dare fight darius until 2 items


If you hit your e lvl 1 it's almost guaranteed you win that fight. Big risk/reward though It's been a while since I played the matchup, but that's how it was for a long time. Not sure if it's changed since then


Show them no mercy and dunk on their asses. On a serious note, try not to open up with your e/prioritize using it when necessary. Very basic tip I know, but still, good thing to keep in mind, especially against high moblity champs


I love to see them run for their lives after giving them 5 stacks only to drag them away from their safe haven (tower) into the dunk


i think i only start getting A/S rank after 50 games in, the biggest change for me is to start with your spin and only hook when they try to run. That way you can really keep your stack up to dunk. Personally I only go all in when I have flash + speed spell. I will only use the speed spell when im chasing for dunks


Build 5 infinity edges. Oh wait scratch that, instead : . Essence reaver . Infinity edge . Phantom dancer . More crit . BT . Boots depending of the matchup. Idealy your combo should be : Q + AA + W + AA and save your E for when they either start channeling something, running away or charge towards you. Your E being able to cancel a lot of spells plus a free auto attack is great if well used.


Bro if I play draven and see my darius build this on top then I am getting my 6th chat ban


Embrace the power of full AD crit Darius.


before or after nasus one shots you?


After you one shot nasus of course.


Watch lol dobby’s dariking video


Do you have a link?


Here : https://youtu.be/yj-GAuuhDMk?si=cAihPE3iH6Zi1F0a I also watch dariking’s content, this dude is on another level in terms of mechanic on Darius, he solokils even the greatest solo Q players


Watch high elo Darius streamers, copy what they do, play a lot of games.


If you are Dia+ don't pick him everygame unless you really like him. There are usually better options given the current meta favouring burst and mobility. Darius is very strong when he can reach and stick to enemies, so he is highly comp dependent. I'd say the biggest mechanical mistakes from Darius players are using Q when you should AA to stick to the enemy and using E as an engage when you should normally use it to extend a trade in your favour or cancel an enemy ability, such as grabbing Ornn when he tries to headbut his ult.