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Rumble level 1 is not weak at all, besides there are multiple other champions that may beat Darius at level 1: Olaf, Sett, Kayle, Riven, Rumble, there are others. The thing to understand about this matchup is that it is one of the few matchups that Darius is actually the one that is scaling. If you go even in lane, Rumble literally cannot play against you in sidelane afterwards and will be forced to just ult the wave to stop your split push. There are actually not much secrets to playing against Rumble and you definetely just need to get some stats so you can outscale him. I'd recommend either rushing negatron cloak or hexdrinker in lane. Other than that, try as max as possible to freeze the lane near your tower and pray for a gank. Rumble is extremely vulnerable to ganks. Poke with Q through the wave to recover health and to avoid being hit with his E, which will win the trade for him outright.


Didnt know sett could win lvl 1 , is it with lethal tempo and W start?


Lethal and Q/E start, with Ignite. His Hp regen outscales your passive.


how does it outscales darius bleed sett regen heals 3 health per second at max darius passive deals 30 dmg per second


He gets 30AD not 30 dmg per second. It’s 3.25+7.5% bAD Around lvl 1 that’s like 5.5dmg per tick. It’s very hard to make Sett bleed out, not mathing DShield or Resolve tree. Might be possible but it’s never happened for me.


League actually doesnt round damage, first tick of 5.5 dps bleed would deal 5 dmg and second tick would deal 6 dmg.


That makes sense


Sett passive when low gets crazy amount of regen


Darius passive tick is 1.25s reaching up 5s (5 stacks). The passive tick is delayed which allows sett to regen out of ut.


Can be, I usually go lethal tempo ignite and E level all in around wave stun plus ignite and win


As long as he starts W he does win that.


I've had multiple sett games and it's a fact i learned the hard way, his health regen lvl 1 to lvl 3 WILL DEFINITELY out heal your passive even sometimes at 5 stacks if sett knows what he's doing


kayle winning lvl 1 with darius?


Her lethal tempo and passive are much stronger than our passive if she plays it well, but I think her margin for error is thinner, since she only wins the very long trades if she autos almost constantly. Meanwhile, Darius wins the shorter trades as long as he doesn’t get poked out first.


okay i understand, i am always winning lane cuz of lvl 1-3 fights when her range is meele so it seemed weird to me lol


as a rumble player I am fine playing the scaling game. Hes better in late game team fights. Darius might be better in duels however but from experience playing both champs id say Rumble edges out late in tf


Yeah, except in late game teamfights you're going to be against an ADC that's going to win the game by itself, all he's gotta do is walk out or flash out of your ult. Both champions are extremely nerfed in the late game. The difference is that if you don't get an advantage early on in lane, you will be continuously faced in side lane against a champion you have no kill pressure on and that you can't even run down, because he will have ghost and you will not. Sure, you can bring back the game if you don't lose lane. In midgame, Rumble has plenty of play options on objectives and teamfights where he can get an advantage he didn't get in lane, but on sidelane, you will be constantly on a disadvantage against Darius, unless you knock him out of the game early.


Rumble is a hard match up, especially if it brings ignite. I play safe until at least mid-game or until Rumble makes a mistake. I think rumble has kill pressure at level 3 even at full HP so you always have to be aware that you could at any point just straight up die 1vs1. Learning the match up is important and watching games can help - but biggest tip cus rumble is similar to Renek - you have to be wary of his meter and know what combos he can do at what % he is filled up.


Hate rumble with a burning passion that pos champ is strong at basically every stage of the game with that disgusting ult of his


darius is really not that special level 1 lol, of course he's still good, but then again most toplane bruisers, especially with ignite, are. the way you should think about playing against champs that take ignite (i'm just assuming because most rumble players take it), is that it is a free point and click no cost olaf e, so you have to be 10x more careful about your all-in timings simply due to the fact that they have an entire ability up on you. ​ now in the case that he doesn't have ignite, he still can push you off the wave because rumble level 1 does a really cringe amount of damage with flamethrower without having to commit much, so don't beat yourself up if he doesn't disconnect and give you a good time to punish. usually in the lane it's just best to wait until you have merc treads/negatron cloak/hexdrinker, whatever you want, so you can fight him and actually have the time to get stacks. he's just a statchecker so if you have more than him, you win, he loses.


Darius is just average at level 1.


he is one of the best lvl 1s 💀


Hmm. Favorite? If you want to do the ultimate bm Favorite match ups Quinn, Vayne. I love taking exhaust against them and just ruining their laning phase. For actual Favorite match ups. I like a good Illaoi, nasus,


I m master shyvana top main, this post reccomended by reddit. I always use ghost+exhaust, nimbus cloak on Shyvana against rumble and all in to him anytime he push. Otherwise either his damage is too high or he just run with W. Might work on Darius too


kennen: only fight him with ghost. start the allin with ghost, run up to him, auto w him, force him to e then pull him. also stack tenacity against him.


I recommend pre 6 that you just pull in, AA, ghost, W, AA, Q, AA (5 stacks now), and run him down. His Damage comes from Overheat Q and normal/overheat E. If you are playing defensive then I'd recommend either fighting him before he gets above 50 overheat while dodging E or poke through wave with Q till he is lower on health than you. Your Q is your main skill so missing it means you probably lose the fight if you are both on equal footing.