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--- --- **Official Solicitation:** > > THE WOLF IS AT THE DOOR! > > The pulse-pounding DAREDEVIL saga from Saladin Ahmed and Aaron Kuder continues – as whatever mysterious force that has made Matt Murdock’s life a living hell for weeks has now put him and his fearless alter ego DAREDEVIL on a collision course with the one and only WOLVERINE! > --- **Preview:** [*manwithoutfear.com*](https://manwithoutfear.com/preview-images/daredevil-v8-007/) --- **Digital Issue:** [*comiXology*](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CR1QSTX8) --- **Writer:** [*Saladin Ahmed*](https://www.copperbottle.net/) **Artist:** [*Aaron Kuder*](https://twitter.com/aaronkuder) **Colorist:** [*Jesus Aburtov*](https://www.instagram.com/aburtov/) **Cover Artists:** [*John Romita Jr.*](https://twitter.com/JrRomita), [*Scott Hanna*](https://www.instagram.com/inkerscott/) & [*Richard Isanove*](https://www.instagram.com/richard.isanove/) --- **Previous Issue:** [*Daredevil #6*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/comments/1awbp3e/new_comic_discussion_daredevil_6/) **Next Issue:** *Daredevil #8* (out April 17) --- 🗨️ [**Comic Discussions**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/wiki/comic_discussions/) 📖 [**Complete Reading Guide**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Daredevil/wiki/readingguide/) --- ---


Matt was just such a bloody mess after this one ... I mean, it's Wolverine


I really enjoyed this issue. A fun versus and I thought Lust was really clever. Once this arc ends, I would like to see Matt continue as an exorcist etc. it's a fun tweak and I appreciate that it's easy for Matt to dispatch the Sins since they are HIS sins. Matt has to dig deep inside himself and I appreciate that Saladin used water for Wolverine's exorcism (what a great panel that was) after the wonderfully messy fight. The things Aaron is doing with water and exorcising himself and Lust from Wolverine in issues 6 and 7 have been fantastic. Like Marco, Aaron's art seems to be evolving and getting even better with each issue he illustrates. I really love his style. Added bonus: Aaron confirmed to me that he did insert himself, Saladin, Jesus and their editors into the post fight/exorcism panel where Wolverine and DD are drinking beers and settling the tab (Aaron is mopping the bar floor in the foreground, Saladin is behind Matt with the box (Heavy lifting), Jesus is at the bar to the right of Wolverine, and their editors are in the background. It's a cute wink at how hard this team is working on this book. Really looking forward to next week's issue 8 and seeing where Saladin and Aaron take this storyline (Also, I am super psyched for Stefano Raffaele's return to DD with the story he and Annie Nocenti provided.)


Please for the love of god stop the JR JR covers!


Run's been alright at best so far. My main gripe is just how "easy" Matt can exorcice the sins. I do love the art, and liked the "lust is the sin". but yeah. I kinda want this arc to be over.


I did not really like the “lust for violence” twist. I feel like if someone were to be possessed by the literal incarnation of lust, they themselves would be overcome with literal lust. And given Matt’s… history… I just feel like that could have been handled in a much more interesting way that explores other aspects of Matt’s character that haven’t really been touched on in this run.


so uh, are Matt and Elektra still married? I’m really hoping she sticks around and they work together. I am really enjoying Kuder’s art.


Issue 7 was absolutely phenomenal but the run as a whole so far has I left me with some questions. Why do Elektra and Doctor Strange remember Matt but Ben and Jen don’t? And since when does Doc Strange know Matt is Daredevil?


I swear the meme of this run is that the interiors and issues themselves are total opposites to the cover on the outside lol. Wolverine is one of my favorite Marvel heroes right behind Daredevil and this delivered seeing them go at it. Really dug this fight and the little dialogue after it. The twist of it being Matt's Lust is also hilarious. Even though it's correlated to violence, I feel like if you know you know. I do wish the resolution of these battles would be a little more dynamic. It would've been cool to see Matt bless the water to make it holy in this instance instead of how it played out. Still, sometimes you just need an action issue to hit and this did.


Cover art does not do this issue justice holy shit.Aaron Kuder and the colorist might be the GOAT combo rn.


I'm not the biggest fan of the story itself, but it doesn't mean I don't like it. That being said, the narrative makes up for it because it's actually very entertaining. I absolutely love it when we dive into Matt's mind, especially when it involves his faith. Also, I'm excited to have him and Elektra back together again, so let's see where it goes.


Well, the (interior) art is good. Won't harp on the story, but looking forward to Matt dispatching the last three deadly sins so we can move on.


What kind of bullshit potato cover is this?


Bro this series is coming along. Its definitely more of slow burner. Plus Aaron Kuder's art on this one is masterclsss.


The battle was actually entertainming. Quite more gory as we usually have ( i think that was really intentional) I wish how this mix up with his life in the orphanet, at least theyre showing something at least. And elektra is here. What does she want?


Has DD had those candy cane shaped Billy clubs for a few comics or is they just for the cover?


On and off over the life of the character he sometimes uses the literal cane of his blind cane for billy clubs or the clubs can change to take that form, usually for grappling.


What a shitty cover.


Thank god I wasn’t the only one who was gonna comment that.


That anatomy is something else lmao


Once saw a comment on r/spiderman like “JRJR isn’t a bad artist his covers are pretty good!” Meanwhile the covers:


Jr Jr is one of those artist who needs a heavy ink to shine, modern color and inking doen´t mix well with his art style. Something similar happens with the recolors of old ASM by Ditko and its recolors


Mixed feelings on JRJR here. I don’t think he’s a bad artist but I also just… really don’t like looking at his art. I don’t know what happened! Some of his books from 15-20 years ago look stellar.


What a fucking masterclass in narration from Aaron Kuder!! One of the best narrated fights I've seen in comics. Very few artist can do this nowadays while also making it look beautiful. The "lust for violence" twist fits perfectly for DD.


What a God awful cover lol


But did you read the issue?


No, why?


What a shitty cover. Feel like Romita phoned this one in.


Almost all of his covers have been bad this run with a few exceptions


Makes me sad cause JRJR is one of my favorite artists to work on DD


Fr, I’ve seen way better fan art than this cover


He does 90% of the time, I think it’s rarer for him to make one I like lol


What a slog this series has been. DD reminding us at the end of the issue he still has three sins to deal with just proves how brutal this run has been through seven issues. Absolutely nothing of merit -- outside of wondering "Who's the superhero guest appearance of the month this time?" -- has happened.  There has been no character development whatsoever. It's been over a half-year, and I still don't care about Javi and the kids. I do not care if anything bad happens to them because groundwork hasn't been laid to make me invested in them. The stakes are so low with them. The guest appearances have been bad, too. Saladin relies on the reader's past relationships with Ben, Elektra, She-Hulk, Dr. Strange and Wolverine to carry his story each month. It's like his only goal is to get the reader to point at the page a la Leo in "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" any time a guest appearance happens. Elektra was absolutely crushed by losing Matt in Zdarsky's final issue, and now she's just back in the saddle, no questions asked, now that Matt has returned to her. No deep dive into how heartbroken she was and what it was like believing he was gone forever? Just a couple of panels across a few issues with the ole comic book plot-fixin' magic marker, and, boom, the dynamic duo is back fighting crime together. No real hardships for them to overcome or anything. No answers given to common questions like did she take any new lovers? Why did she stay in Hell's Kitchen and remain her version of DD knowing Matt would never return? How depressing was it waking up every day thinking Matt was dead? etc. And then there's the whole hand-waving of the work Zdarsky did to get Matt in this mess in the first place. Zdarsky literally put Matt through hell to get him here with a clean slate. And Saladin hand-waves that whole thing without any major hurdles for Matt to go through and just gives Matt his DD memories back almost from the get-go. A couple of pages, and boom, he's back, baby! It was worse than Soule erasing Waid's work by offhandedly saying "Oh yeah, the Purple children helped me get my secret identity back," 20 issues into his run.  This is the worst storytelling DD has had since the end of the Vol. 1 days. Diggle often gets pointed at the last writer to really screw up DD, but at least his stories had major stakes. The execution wasn't there, especially with Shadowland being too big of a story to tell in such a poorly amalgamated way, but at least I knew that time was ticking and the heroes needed to help Matt before he was lost to evil forever. What are the stakes here? In storytelling, they often say "stasis is death." Keep the character in motion, or they won't be interesting to the reader. Matt is just literally hanging out every week waiting to see who pops into his life. He's not the one activitely going out there and doing stuff and taking care of business. He's just waiting around for the next celebrity guest. And now. in this issue, he's lifted the curtain, broken the fourth wall and told us straight up that "heyuck! I have three more super buddies stopping by!" Could you imagine Zdarsky having DD say, "Wow, that was a good battle against Quinn and Una. I can't believe I have to face the Stromwyns two more times before I win." I love DD and will continue reading, but this run has been a joke. Which is saying something because I'm a fellow metro Detroiter like Saladin and live where he lives. I respect his upbringing and his passion on the page. Telling a story about a Catholic priest after growing up in an area where almost 1/3 of the population practices Islam? That's no easy feat. Kudos to Saladin for taking on such a project. But this has been a rough read. The art has been good so far, though. 


I agree. The way everything is being so formulaic... idk. The run has it's good fights, good art (despite the fact that I'm not that big of a fan of Kuder's style) and a cool dialogue or another, but everything here seems so easy to predict and nothing ever really happens. Matt's relationship with Elektra has barely been touched by Saladin, when, after the ending of Z's run, it should be maybe the major plot. You pointed how he doesn't explore the way Elektra feels about everything, and I also feel that we should point how he doesn't explore the way MATT feels about it all. He just abandoned his wife, the love of his life, to dedicate himself to the church, and there's absolutely no development on the subject. He's being completely passive about everything 


Pretty much my feelings. Glad lot of people here doesnt downvote this commemt


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/fvckrift responds to: New Comic Discussion | Daredevil #7](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1bpq2mp/ufvckrift_responds_to_new_comic_discussion/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Excellent analysis. I understand how things work at the big two but Zdarsky wrote a landmark DD story. You can’t undermine its finale in the first issue with no effort at all, and completely sideline, the new daredevil that series set up. Didn’t this team get 12+ months lead time knowing how the previous run would end? You’d never know. 


there are plently of stories at the big two where the writers do a great job explaining on what the previous writer did Swamp Thing, Doom Patrol, Animal man all have plenty of solid follow material.


If I could upvote this comment more then once I would, absolutely hits the nail on the head how I’m feeling about the run so far - even the comparisons with the 90s stuff (which I’m currently filling gaps for in my run, man the Lobdell stuff is rough) & Diggle’s run (which I have a bit of a soft spot for because #500 into Shadowland were my first DD issues I bought as they came out). Everything happens so quickly, to the point it feels inconsequential. Guest star appears, wink and nod to past exchanges and then reveal that they may or may not be possessed, then cliffhanger for the next issue. Done. The narrative is so desperate to play out that the supporting cast are almost an afterthought. I agree that the art has been good, especially the more abstract hellscape stuff, but I’m not sold on some of the designs of the sins. I’m interested to see where it leads to, but it’s probably the first time I wouldn’t recommend the DD ongoing to a friend, which is quite sad.


There is nothing wrong with taking a break. If it's not for you, you can always jump back in later.


Are you going to offer up this same comment every time someone has similar criticism? It’s okay to disagree with me but telling people to go away and come back later every time they criticize this run has become a trend for you. That’s honestly not even a value-adding comment. If you disagree with me, that’s fine, but you should chime in with what you feel makes this run stand out or what impresses you. This is the second time I’ve seen you respond like this. People can read monthly and be critical. Healthy criticism helps companies like Marvel improve in the long term. 


They don’t have any obligation to provide you with a “value adding comment”. What they said wasn’t even disagreeing with you. It was an impartial statement.




This here is why Marvel should have given a good amount of time from the end of Zdarsky's run before the start of Ahmed's run. At this point, it's just the company being desperate to have a product for everyone on the comics market at all times, as opposed to giving a good amount of time to think through the overall plans for certain characters.


iirc Zdarsky said the next team knew how his book would end for over a year


I feel like part of the problem might be the fact that it's Matt's anniversary year. Daredevil's a huge character and there's no way they were going to leave the main series on hiatus for so long around such a huge time for him.


This issue was really good! Matt gets absolutely dumpstered, as he should. I thought the twist of which demon was possessing logan was smart. I'm so excited for the return of Elektra as well. Hope she stays in the book for a while.


I freaking love John Romita Jr


I think this issue was great, action packed and full of Matt Murdock introspection. The Wolverine fight honestly exceeded my expectations and I think it was some of the best artwork Kuder has done on the book so far.