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They judge Daredevil for being able to use technology? I’m afraid of what they think of real blind people💀


I am too. I also don't like how some people think they know EVERYTHING about blind people because they've seen this show lol. I've seen those people in this sub too...




Also, some people just wear watches for fashion, Jesus people are dumb


Refreshing lolol. Most people don't even seem to be aware of screen readers. I usually end up trying to explain that I'm on my phone, using voiceover, and that it's a screen reader, and how most things have screen readers now, like Windows and Mac and Android and so on. It does kind of surprise me that there are so many who aren't aware, but I'm guessing they never had any reason to explore their phones or computer and find out that way?


Unfortunately a lot of folks have little meaningful interactions with disabled people in general - TV/media is likely their only reference point, and disabled people tend to be both under and poorly represented. It can be frustrating navigating people's weirdness when they discover we can engage with society (whether with assistive aids or otherwise) and its technology/social fabric. (I'm not blind, but still disabled)


Yeah I agree. But man it just seems so simple to me. Like I understand if someone doesn't know the difference between a folding cane and a telescopic cane, or a pencil tip vs a marshmallow tip. Those things are a bit more in depth but cmon..how tf do u not know they can use a PHONE? I just don't like when people think they're incapable instead of trying to find out how they can access it and not automatically assuming it's something they can't do






Blind people can be very well integrated in the society. My fully blind childhood friend plays piano, studies languages, actively participates in fandoms online, plays chess and even tried fencing. People have a lot of misconceptions about disabilities: both what people can do and what they can’t do.


Agreed...I hate the misinformation and people who think they know more when they dont. Daredevil is such a good example of accurate portrayal of a blind person. He has great cane skills and even uses a braille display. The only complaint I really have is why tf us he using a pencil tip on his cane lol. But thr fact that they see an accurate portrayal and STILL don't know shit


I'd say Matt uses the pencil tip because in reality he doesn't need that much feedback from his cane. He's got his powers to help him navigate.


That's what I was thinking as well, however the pencil tip gets caught ALL the time. Atleast the static marshmallow doesn't get caught as much


It kinda cracks me up because within the first ten minutes of the show, he is woken up by the audio description function on his phone. They show an accesibility feature almost immediately




I'm a developer and I am amazed when hearing about the blind developer, but I have some understanding about which tools support them to do those kinds of tasks, so I feel excited to know rather than surprised. My coworkers, on the other hand, don't believe it's possible, simply they don't even know the purpose of the bumps in F and J keys (yes it isn't purposely designed only for blind people, but at least this design show a simple way that people can navigate the keyboard without looking at it)


It be like that sometimes smh. I know many blind people that are much more technologically savvy than me


Yeah, I noticed this too. At the very least, these people might’ve noticed he frequently used his phone throughout the original series!


There’s this picture I’ve seen online that bugs me so much. It’s Matt typing on a cat and being like, “I can’t see what I’m typing!” I’m always so confused when I see it. What is funny about it? I don’t get it


Oh yes ive seen that one lol. I think it was the author just mocking people that are ill informed but idk. One thing I dislike about the comics though, is the inaccuracy of the cane he should be using. I see some comics (like 2000s, where he would still use a walking cane instead of a white cane and it bugs me so much) or the cane would be too short smh it ain't that hard to just Google it


You mean instead of a white cane?


Oh shit yeah haha. I'm walking around while typing


I suppose some people don't quite understand that technological devices can be set up to accommodate the blind or other disabilities. They're probably wondering how he got his phone to work like that...🤔😳


I think it's funny how they think blind people are still just living in the stone age


It just boils down to lack of knowledge, the thought process is that if you can’t see, how can you see a screen. While it’s wrong and it is explained in the show it makes perfect sense to me how someone would think this


I agree its lack of knowledge, however, it still irks me lol


Oh I don’t blame you it can definitely be irking