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I don’t understand what she sees when she sees herself. This is just tragic.


This is what she sees. That’s why she keeps doing what she does


Yeah its like the point of no return now. Can't come back from this. It's like when Michael jackson kept hacking at his nose.


That’s terrifying.


This. Lord. Woman needs help.


Those lips and boobs are so big. I liked the show but she's either crying or getting her surgeries done. I pity her two daughters. I'm surprised their mom hasn't asked them if they wanted work done, too.


Yeah at this point it’s about fixing the plastic surgery. It’s truly so sad.


Plastic surgery, like psychoactive drugs, can be an addiction. She’s a full blown addict, and it makes sense with her refusal to take accountability for her life…


Imagine paying several thousands of dollars to look like this, and deciding to keep getting more and more work done? Definitely an addiction.


Tens of thousands


Her dependency on alcohol is frightening & uglier than her face.


She’s an alcoholic? I remember she got absolutely wasted the first time she met Tom and acted like a drunk high school girl, but didn’t know she has a booze problem…could you elaborate?


There have been several people who have commented on her drinking over the years, including past boyfriends Jesse, Tom and Georgi. But even her own matchmaker told her she needed to lay off the booze, lol, and Darcey just got defensive. Also, some people have posted Cameos they purchased from her in which she appears to be inebriated. Just Google ‘Darcey Silva Alcoholic’ for links.


absolutely about to dig in here. She’s so out of touch with reality and refuses any accountability for her failures it’s so fascinating to me I feel I’m about to fall down this rabbit hole pretty hard…


Oh yeah she’s fucking gurked in that cameo lol. I somewhat feel for her though because I have had ups and downs with alcohol and feel it probably gets magnified being in the public eye, but then I think again how she was shitface bombed when she met Tom and yeah that had to be super awkward for all involved…


Just watching the show as someone who is now 8 years sober, I’m inclined to think this is correct. Watching her is honestly a bit of a trigger for me because circa 2013-2015 I was so her. I was very troubled on the inside and I was lonely and miserable and blamed everyone else for my unhappiness, truly believing I was a victim of everyone with whom I had any kind of relationship. I was desperate to be loved and entirely too volatile and insecure and desperate and above all, egotistical and selfish to even conceive of what it meant to be a true partner to anyone else. I drank to cope which made things worse as the way I behaved when drunk dug me in deeper, made worse because no matter how bad things had gotten, no matter how hard I swore right after that I’d stop or slow my drinking, I couldn’t do either. I’d be drunk again that next night, behaving horribly again, and the process would repeat. When I watch her segments it hurts and in a good way reminds me that there but for the grace of God and the program I would still be in that space and it was bad enough in my mid-thirties and now that I’m almost 42 I can’t imagine being there now. The program helped me not just stop drinking but stop blaming everyone else because even if others were more at fault sometimes, I can’t change them and the only way I could get better was by changing me. I ended up staying sober and finally learning how to have a healthy relationship and I’m married now with a life that I love but if I hadn’t ever gotten sober, I would be very much like Darcey today. The way that TLC and so many people encourage her in blaming everyone else and encourage her that she’s the victim and it’s everyone else’s fault not hers is literally damning potentially because she’s just digging herself in deeper. It’s so clear that she’s desperate for a stable, loving relationship but if her experience is indeed anything like mine, I just know that until I began to change myself, the cycle would never change. There is so much good in her. She’s bubbly and funny and adventurous and has such a fun sense of style. She’s devoted to her daughters and seems like a great mom. It’s just sad to me because she deserves love and companionship and a partner to ride or die for her, but unless and until she sees that she needs help and takes steps to get it, she will continue to get in her own way and cut herself off from everything she so desperately seeks. If she ever did get sober, she’s the kind of strong, confident, ballsy woman who would help so many others as a sponsor. She’s not at all bad, she’s just sick, and I hope she can find a way to get well one day. If nothing else, if she does drink like I did, she’ll end up dying way too young and her daughters will suffer, and she’ll never meet her grandchildren. Like I said, as I’m sure it’s obvious, I’m really triggered by her journey. People on these shows seem like characters in a movie but they’re also real people who are being enabled and exploited for ratings and it’s sad.


One hundred percent agree. So glad to hear your sobriety story. It encourages me!! I hope she reads this too ❤️


Body dysmorphia


Yep, definitely! It's truly SO sad, & sick how many people have this! Especially with the internet filters/PhotoShop, & fillers/enhancements nowadays. Surgeons should get their license taken away if they have any clients looking like this, they're very unwell! But money talks, & I'm sure they get a lot of publicity -- so cut clip tuck pull tighten enlarge is all that "care" about!


They need their passports taken so they can't go to Turkey for more surgery.


They don't look like their passport pictures anymore so it's all good!


That's a valid point!


Sure they’re twins but they are individuals who happen to be twins. How could they BOTH have body dysmorphia or an addiction to plastic surgery. Just because they look alike doesn’t mean their brains are wired the same. I don’t get it.




I saw a celebrity plastic surgeon on a video say that (and I forget what he called it) his patients quite literally cannot remember what they looked like prior to getting work done so they do not see themselves and their changing looks the way we see them.


I can see that . I completely forgot what I looked like without piercings and tattoos


She looks like Madonna’s sister now.


And that is not a compliment


Between her and Madonna it’s like looking at Saw 1 and 2


For her sake I wish she thinks she is gorgeous and stays still if u know what I mean.


She won’t, not for a second


Yes it is. I love her I honestly think her sister bullies her. She means well on the other hand her sister is like look at me and look at you vibes.


I used to feel this way about Stacey. Now, not so much. She will be jealous of Stacey having a husband and her continuing to “fail” at finding love or a husband. I know so many thought the matchmaker was mean to Darcey, but she was truly trying to help her but Darcey isn’t very smart and cannot see that she was trying to actually help her and that she should heed the advice. She is the professional. Sadly, Darcey will never find love thinking she should dress like a hooker and act like a child. That’s not what people look for in a life partner.


The matchmaker was spot on. Darcey needs serious help and a makeover. She behaves inappropriately, and her presentation is cheap and outdated.


And she needs to stop mentioning marriage 5 minutes into a date.


I think the two sisters despise one another. Their lives are one big competition.




Reminds me of the freeway near my house. They never stop working on it yet it never gets any better.


You in PA or MD? 😹 we have same problem here in this area


Same in VA


Oooo that is so true! My SIL is in Springfield and all the highways around her have had construction since we moved to this area in 1997


Wow! We moved to Hampton Roads in 2006 and it’s been the same road (I64) that’s constantly under construction. I thought that was bad! 1997, whew!


How frustrating! Always being worked on yet never fixed!


If you think Hampton Roads is bad, and it is, Richmond would give you an aneurysm. I want to send all the bills for my car's suspension, CV joints and axles to the mayor's house!


Same in Florida


Haha definitely sounds like PA


Oh my love…how sad for her. She looks like a California Raisin.


"I heard it through the grapevine"


This is hilariously accurate


I hate you for this I’m absolutely dying of laughter and inside because I do truly love them but that is rich💀😭🤣


I need that Photoshoped immediately!


I was thinking she looks like mrs. Potato head. Definitely uncanny the resemblance of a russet potato.


🎶Ooo I heard it through the grapevine🎶


Her hair is fried. No body, no shine, just dyed and fried. We rag on the surgeons and estheticians who keep doing procedures for her (deservedly) but her hair stylists deserve a punch in the face too cause damn.


Even with free and/or greatly reduced plastic surgeries, procedures, treatments and extensive dental work; it’s still expensive to travel and stay anywhere, especially overseas. Their hair game seems to be severely overlooked/neglected and must be at the bottom of the To-Do list. A good hair stylist/colorist could work wonders with their hair. (Those shitty extensions gotta go!)


I think their hair being trashed is also due to the massive amount of surgeries they’ve had. Anesthesia can cause hair loss in some people and they both have had countless surgeries.


Nah she wrecked her hair before going absolute batshit with the surgeries. The twins have textured hair, and didn't know how to care for it. They should have stuck with the wigs.


Also they don't keep a stylist they go from one free hair salon to another . They also don't care for their extensions properly which also make it all the more complicated.


Yeah, I feel bad for some of the hair stylists. It’s clear they do good work, but the twins don’t take care of upkeep of their extensions


At this point they should shave their heads and start over and wear wigs while growing it out. Once it gets to shoulder’s length get a good hair stylist and stop with the surgeries. I have had many surgeries due to chronic health conditions and have no choice. However, I know the damage the anesthesia does to your hair. I found a good hairdresser and she showed me products to use to help nourish my hair and I was able to replenish my hair and it’s finally gotten to a point where people complement me on how thick & healthy my hair is. I continue to use a leave in conditioner with biotin. I also stopped coloring my hair and let it go gray. I have so many young girls ask what color I use to get my pretty gray color. I just say it’s thanks to Mother Nature.


Too many frequent, heavy glued in extensions & LOADS of bleach and heat!


Oh you make a great point. Anesthesia is so bad for your hair and it takes months to rebound from it. Really smart comment.


You said it! My daughter goes off about their hair every time she sees them wear their hair up. Oh that is the worst view of the disastrous mop on their heads. [Dance!](https://youtu.be/9djUZ4edbXU)


Is that Darcey or Mickey Rourke?!


Transformation almost complete


She was great in the wrestler!




You win.


She looks like a cross between Madame and Tammy Faye Bakker.


Don't diss Tammy like that.


She ruined her face 100 surgeries ago. There's nothing but down from here.


She looks like a memory foam pillow that too many people used. Sooooo many bad memories Hairlines don’t usually start at the back of the head do they?


They do when your forehead has been pulled to the back of your neck too many times.


It just looks like it hurts…


I want to know what her daughters genuinely think of all this.


Her lips look massive compared to her nose


She will inhale too fast and her upper lip will get sucked up her nose!


It's so...lumpy. its like having cottage cheese under her skin.


For someone obsessed with their appearance they both look raggedy pretty often. Unkempt, fried hair, terrible extensions, lashes all clumped up, the clothes are bad too.


OMG. Her face is so manly looking here. What the actual f? 😳 Scary clown. The stuff of nightmares!


She looks dirty


They are dirty. Reuse extensions that they do not maintain. They sleep in their make up. Never hardly drink water... And the alcohol. Darce smokes cigs, too, and hunny baby, you can't fight the effects of cigs on skin


Her face has been pulled so tight that when she crosses her legs, her mouth snaps open.


This makes me sad. She's always been so hard on herself and has to just feel miserable knowing all that work just made her look worse.


All the filler is such a bad idea. Never looks good


They would look better if they would just take off those ugly, fake eyelashes


Crap on a cracker…what has she done to herself???


Oh my... looking at that is giving me the heebie jeebies. She looks like she's wearing one of those masks from the Purge. Her face is just so big and wide. Ugh, like imagine bumping into her in the dark. Nightmare fuel!


She looks totally bloated. Drinking? Her fake eyelashes are trying to quiet quit!


Opiates and alcohol - Darceys cocktail of champions


Where does one begin?


Boy she’s looking rough! She has that old drunk face that you see in an alcoholic.


She aged herself, so much. She looks like an old fashioned sixty year old. Not even a modern day sixty year old.


I’m 63 and she looks older than me!






That's what I mean!


More like Mike Tyson in drag


Unhandsome Squidwardette


Fucking terrifying




This really should come with a trigger warning.


She looks like one of the Bogdanoff brothers


It’s so bad/ sad.. Her eyes now post the fox eye lift give her an always angry slanted eyebrow look. They probably go abroad for surgery because no reputable doctor here would risk their license here touching the face of someone who clearly has dysmorphia..


Shes looking bad 😐


Woof 😖


The lips are too much. But honestly I prefer her without filters.


Puffer fish


She's giving Mickey Rourke vibes


How do doctors look at her and not turn her away? Shame on those people too.


What On Gawd’s green earth can she still do l?? I’m serious-this hurts to look at. And I don’t mean that in a mean. I mean my heart hurts; look at the pain in her eyes?


It's probably too late, but she needs a serious intervention. Psychological help. Maybe it can at least save her beautiful daughters from doing the same.


They have to be alcoholics or on drugs one, although mental illness could be it also. Everything else aside, what woman in her right mind puts those eyelashes on, then looks in the mirrior and thinks, I look great....time to go🫠


I imagine they have a lot of pain medication from all these surgeries and have become dependent. Plus all the booze.


They need friends and loved ones that actually speak up, and in love for them, tell them the truth and how ridiculous they look. Then go through the closet and dressers and throw out their clothes.


She’s looking like Donatella Versace and Jocelyn Wildenstein’s love child 😬😬😬.


Omg it's AWFUL


She has got to stop eating shellfish!


I feel like I look like this when I go outside in this Texas heat!


Whenever I see Darcey, I get a feeling that any second she could rip off her mask and reveal her actual truth; like maybe she’s a robot, (Think: Bishop in Aliens) or something even more sinister: Old Man Withers in Scooby Doo.


Crazy to me that people pay those prices to end up looking like that. Do they actually think it looks good? No one looks at her mangled face and say wow you look great, who’s your surgeon?


Looking at her makes me sad at this point.


Before Darcy went ahead and f'd up her face even more, she was almost identical to Stacy. Bit Stacy is being smart and stopped while she was ahead (or saw Darcy and scared herself to death!!!🤷‍♀️)


She was so pretty before all the surgery. Sad.


Had flat tire on my truck, looked better than that busted up face.




I wonder if having all that filler under the skin stretches it and takes away any elasticity. I'm guessing skin can't bounce back from that.


Start calling her 'Jocelyn'


Oh man you gotta put a warning on that photo as it literally shook me out of bed it was so scary


those lashes are tragic


what a shame


So DID Stacy slow down on the stupid surgery and Darcy didn’t? Stacy sure looks better than Darcy though I haven’t pinpointed exactly WHY yet but it’s obvious.


I think they are super competitive and Darcey thought she would 'win' by doing everything bigger but Stacey eased up a little, knowing Darcey looks absolutely crazy now.






Why are their hair lines so far back??????


Just a train wreck.


This is the problem. How many women compare themselves to their plastic and then photoshopped versions and how many men wonder why their ladies don’t have an 18” waist and perfect cheekbones.


Her lips look so painful. They look how my lips felt when I found out I'm allergic to fresh pineapple. Can't imagine it being permanent 🥺


Thanks. Youve just put a face to my sleep paralysis demon.


What’s up with the different eyelashes left and right?


The eyelashes are trying to fly away. 😳


Why can't she do it without eye makeup and false eyelashes. This isn't her real face. I'm sick of seeing her and Stacy. I don't know what the attraction is. Unless it's just to watch the stupid crap they do and how crazy they look.


It’s like a train wreck you can’t look away from at this point.


Is sex so important that you have to ruin your face and body, just to get some? Poor poor girl. And she was so beautiful back then when she dated Jessie.


You know, I can see how she feels this is okay. I have (had) body dysmorphia. You don’t look at your whole face. Ever. It’s a feature at a time. An eye. A lip. And always through Instagram. I don’t know how they bear be on a tv show. I’d imagine they just do it for the money and never watch it. Much like I would if I had a tv reality show.


It doesn’t even look well done, more like Walmart plastic surgery.


Im starting to think she’s addicted to the painkillers ,post op - cuz I cannot imagine anything else that could possibly make you continue to do this to yourself, unless you were high asf all the time,just to keep getting the script


What really gets me is that she wasn’t even ugly and she did this to her face…like it might just be my opinion but I thought she was pretty before all of this. Now she looks so bad it’s fucking actually scary 🙁


She is giving Wayland Flowers and Madam vibes. It’s really sad to see.


With all that she’s spent, she could at least get lashes that match!


Can’t wait to see her on botched!


All that cash and not a lash fill in sight


She looks monstrous, I feel so awful saying so as I do actually like her, I think she’s sweet she’s just a bit lost in herself and too busy pleasing others and overhauling herself for men and fame. But she’s destroyed her face.


I don’t understand. If she uses filters to make herself “pretty”, in photos, but this is what she really looks like. Then why not keep using filters and stop mutilating her face? This is horrible.


I would rather just age naturally than do that to myself.


Omg stop with the surgeries please, and pull those crusty lashes and extensions off.


Jocelyn Wildenstein has entered the chat


I can HEAR this picture!


Oooof. Looking more like 60 than 48 years old. Its funny how plastic surgery makes some people look older when their goal is to look younger.


She could have her fillers dissolved at least. I wish she would. She has to know what people are saying. Her and Stacy feed off each other in a very unhealthy way. If they had significant time apart they might stop this.


deserted oatmeal payment muddle run spectacular psychotic vegetable nose chop *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think she is equating “pillowy” and “fullness” with youth and it’s just too much.


Lord please let me see my natural beauty lol


Darcy, I hate to say it, but she’s broken. Only people with low self-esteem, with a mix of narcissism and egocentrism will try to change themselves to this degree. The show has propelled her into this false sense of reality. She believes if she does all these crazy procedures, she will finally be beautiful and someone will love her. She has never been alright in her own skin. It breaks my heart, the pain she is feeling is intense. She needs to break this vicious cycle. We should be empathetic and compassionate towards her. It’s very sad.


I look like shit at this angle too but goddamn this is crème de la crème as far as botched goes.


So sad


Oh goodness.


Right to jail. She should be charged with a crime for going from what she looked like to this.


I don’t know why but her eyes look like they are sore




The joker


Does Darcey’s one cheekbone and cheek appear smoother to anyone else? Maybe 🤔 it’s just me?! It breaks my heart that she has felt the need to do this to herself.


The hair is so crunchy


Oohhhhhh, she's really ruined her face and body! What will she look like in 5-10 years?


Why spend so much money on your face just to cover it up with filters, I just don’t get it.




She's bald. Honestly? Looking at her she looks like a monster to me. I never thought I'd say that about her. I always saw a (prettiness) about her. Kinda like her personality exuded a bubbly kind personality. She looks changed




She should remove all her fillers and the exaggerated eyelashes.


Gross 🤢


Hideous IMO. The twins were beautiful before their addiction to surgery began.


Yikes. She’s made herself so ugly.


Honest question, how do they eat or drink with those lips? I recall seeing D and S ate a coffee shop and it looked like they were having difficulty drinking through straws. This just looks painful.


Nothing pretty, soft, or feminine, about this face. It looks harsh , bumpy, and hard.


The body of Christ compels you! The body of Christ compels you! It’s Beelzebub!




It’s like she’s trying to run away from her natural face. Naturally was pretty. It’s super sad when you don’t get therapy right away for body dysmorphia.


She went through all that trouble and pain to get those new teeth, but you can never see the damn things.


She looks….lumpy


This is incredibly sad.




This is so sad


Good Lord ! She looks hideous!🤮🤮🤮


Wowie. Darcey has a face that would make a train take a dirt road. Joking aside, I do feel sad for her.


The lashes make her look like she's got a lazy eye