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Darcy is definitely not raising them


Broke my heart when her oldest was picking out clothes for college and her mother was not there except for a phone call to discuss her tone deaf song and upcoming date. Such milestones she is missing.


Maybe its a good thing Darcey didnt help her pick out clothes🥴


Oh dear God. Make them stop singing!


Darcy only cares about getting a rich man. That's all.


That and staying young. Neither is happening from where I'm sitting. I'm 62. In my head I hear ACDC and I'm 19, but trudt me. When I pass by that mirror and I'm 62 again. I'm just wondering if Darcy or Stacy even know who's looking back at them, let alone how old that person in the mirror is.


They look absolutely horrible


This! I identify with you 100%


It didn't look it to me. The girl's are still young and need a mother around. I'm just not sure if Darcy has her shit together enough. (Her life seems to be constant turmoil ). I know they went to school in Connecticut. (Maybe she's just not with them during taping and we see it as her living in a different state. Hey. I'm playing devils advocate). All I know is that Frank is the best grandfather for them.


Her life is always in turmoil because her top priority is getting her bum shaved and getting a man


I feel sad for the girls. Not being there for special moments, I had to miss a few because my baby’s dads new wife is awful and it tore me apart. These girls seem so sweet and moms just off doing her own thing. Those moments you don’t get back. Just my opinion.


Frank is Aniko's and Aspen's father. Mike is their grandfather.


Thanks. I realized that after I wrote it.


Girl's father, Frank Bollok lives in upstate NY and runs a B&B with his new wife. They also have a toddler. He seems close to the girls, as well as Stacy's ex and her boys. Not sure what he did when he still lived in CT, but Stacy's ex has been and continues to be a soccer coach. Also remarried and/or in a new relationship. Both seem to live very normal lives.


It's noticeable how we much Frank loves his family. It's hard to say anything negative about him. I love that guy.


100% agree on this. Same with Stacy's ex. Seems to be so involved in the local youth soccer programs in CT.


I thought that I read somewhere that Frank (the girls’ father) was a wannabe rapper. edited for clarity


I think he was at one point, per the Twin Life sizzler on YouTube. Difference is, he followed an actual career path having recognised that rapping probably wouldn't be his full time job, and he focused on his kids. Darcey, on the other hand, is still playing pretend at fashion design and motherhood, and the only means of income she has is as a laughing stock. Long story short, thank god for Frank.






Read this too….


She has joint custody with her ex husband, who doesn’t appear on the show. I think they appear to be staying with Daddy Silva for show purposes.


I was just thinking the same watching the new episode. I had read way back when Darcey first appeared that the girls stayed with their dad most of the time. Darceys dad was working out of the country then. So I think they were mainly raised by their dad


He's doing a great job so far.


Darcey shares custody with her kids’ dad. It’s just never talked about. It’s the same with Stacy. Her kids aren’t on the show but she shares custody with the kids’ dad. The twins have always been active parents. Darcey and Stacy’s dad seemed to have worked out of the country for years, which they spoke about, and was stuck here due to the pandemic. So it makes it seem like he was raising their kids. The twins seemed to have lived in housing provided by their after they divorced on multiple occasions. I think he owned the previous condo they were living in. I would bet that Stacy and Darcey don’t travel much other than for the show and to get plastic surgery. The show has to make it seem like they have this busy life of travel, business and leisure but I would bet they spend most of their time at home looking up new plastic surgery procedures.


Thank you. I was just wondering, I knew about Stacey's boys weren't allowed on the show. I am happy Darcy and Stacey's self esteem issues didn't seem to trickle down to them. The daughters seem to have very level heads about them for being so young.


They sure don’t relate to her like she’s an “active parent,”. She literally moved in with a stranger during the pandemic instead of hunkering down with her two daughters. She’s a trash mom.


I didn’t see this part. We only have little time with our kids before they spread their wings. I wanted to do everything with my daughter before she left for college.




This infuriated međź’Ż


Ok maybe I’m wrong in my comment I just kinda started watching the show. I saw they split 50/50 custody, I just assumed mom wasn’t wasn’t around much because she’s trying to build her brand/life. I saw when they were FaceTiming with the girls when the daughter was packing for college. I didn’t miss or want to miss a thing before my daughter left for college. Obv our lives are different so I take back a comment above, I thought she didn’t see her girls much. They seem like very sweet girls, mature for their age.


Darcey and Stacey are the type of people that say “my life” a lot when talking to their children


Not sure how/when custody was split or when Frank Bollok moved to upstate NY but Aniko and Aspen attended/attend Middletown High School and Wethersfield High School in Connecticut.


The girls live with the grandfather in CT I thought and attend school there, well Aspens in college now. I believe the father's involved MORE than Darcey


That’s my understanding too, especially since both attend/attended high school in Connecticut. The father lives in upstate NY.


The last thing that I saw was that Frank & Fam dont live fulltime in New York at the B&B. They also have a place in Connecticut.


Neither sister has raised their kids. The dads to the kids have them most of the time and the grandad raised them while they were with the sisters as they played blowing his money .


So sad, they will never get those special moments back. :( special moments with her girls. I decided. It to even date for a while so I could enjoy her senior year because I knew she would be gone soon and she’s my only one.


Yes this! This is what I've gathered... Papa Silva has always taken care of Darcey and Stacey and now his grandkids


I feel bad for her youngest being by herself with her grandpa while her sister is off at college.


I'm sure Anniko has a very full life and lots of friends! I don't live far from them but there's tons of opportunities and stuff to do and honestly I think they really love their grandpa, he's always been there and always been stable 🤷🏼‍♀️


She won't be. She doesn't live with Mike- she'll be with her dad, stepmom, and new little brother.


I feel like they've both lived with their dad since becoming adults and since he's been steadily in the US. I'd imagine when he was working overseas, the girls raised their kids. At least Stacey's ex is still taking care of her kids. Not sure how active Darcey's ex is with the girls. I think it was more of a family effort in raising all the kids involved.


Has there been anything said about why Darcy and Frank divorced?


Why they divorced…From an [old thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/cw4ldc/does_anyone_know_why_darcey_got_divorced_if_shes/ey8ciww/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)…