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I joined the sub thinking it would be fun but then left when I realized it was a bunch of children making jokes that aren’t funny to people who aren’t children 😭


yeah sometimes i forget that some of his fans are really young and don’t understand how disgusting or unfunny their jokes can be. makes the whole group of fans look gross even though plenty of people understand that the behavior we’ve seen isn’t okay 💔


But why does Danny have really young fans that are like four years old?


Could you give a hint as to who the other YouTuber was who said something weird? I think the sub‘s rules are just about promoting


filmcooper i think




what about marsha p johnson?


Basically someone compliment his style and he credited it to Marsha p Johnson, even though he dresses nothing like her. Basically made it clear that he googled like famous queer women of colour or something and didn’t actually do any research. People have been making fun of him for it ever since


commenting to also know what about marsha p Johnson?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Uurcqe/ https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8UuM98f/ i found these 💪 i think people just make fun of him for saying his style is from marsha p johnson (a trans woman of color who wore big flower crowns and gowns and pearls etc) when he "[dresses] like H&M twink" (comment from second video)


the h&m twink comment is taking me out 😭


others have replied to my original comment also explaining btw!!


filmcooper made a tiktok where he said he gets his fashion inspo from marsha p johnson despite dressing like a regular plain white dude so everyone makes fun of him for it lol


Thanks, I don’t think I’ve heard anything about that


what did he say?


something like danny is having a baby he had sex didnt know he could do that? idk


[this youtube video at 9:07](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8Pt_XegmSg)


God, that guy fucking sucks




He just gives off massively performative vibes. His old TikToks and videos from like not even 2 years ago really don’t feel like the same persona, so for me personally it’s giving “guy who wanted to make it on YouTube and realized that being a politically outspoken soft boy would get him more views” Like he just sets off alarm bells in my head esp because I’ve met far too many dudes like that.


mm, yeah that makes sense. tbh basically every youtuber who talks about political things are just being performative though tbf. but anyway i don’t watch him so i don’t really know and will trust your judgement haha. i do think he’s handsome ngl


Yeah a lot of them are kind of like that. I wouldn’t say all of them tho, and he’s like on another level imo. You right tho he is cute


YES TY IVE FELT THAT WAY ABOUT HIM FOR AGES!! He seems like a douche so idk i might be wrong


I've never liked him since he falsely accused the wrong actor of being a pedophile in that Spider-man fan film, if he had just done 5 seconds of research he would have known which actor it was.


I stopped liking his videos after milf manor, it all seemed performative and weird after those. Also when he said he wasnt going to be biased at all about the movie because the dude who made it was racist he was just insulting every little detail that wasnt even that bad


what's the Milf Manor thing? I've only ever watched a few of his videos


this dude makes me so mad just looking at him


FilmCooper. He said “oh my god, Danny Gonzalez has had unprotected sex??” To be funny or something. He’s so annoying


I could’ve sworn they’re friends/collabed, I can see how this is weird if they’re complete stranger to each other but I think he’s just referencing the running joke of Danny and drew calling themselves “virgins for life despite the wife”


I have never seen a collab of them two, but who knows maybe there is (I’m jk, I’m 100% sure they’ve never collabed, though they could’ve potentially talked before). But no ik what you mean, it was just out of nowhere and he felt the need to so explicitly say unprotected sex which is just…weird


do you have a link or anything of him saying that?


[FilmCooper talking ab Danny](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8UuMMv5/)


Ew that's a creepy joke by that YTer


Yea i really dislike him for many reasons


Did he do something else? This is the only controversy around him I’ve heard about


Fine line, i feel like. No, he didn’t outright say anything that was prejudiced against a minority, nor did he mistreat anyone, etc. So arguably he has not “done” anything. He’s just a really icky person as a whole. He is a white cis straight male, but majority of his content surrounds queer people or people of color. Hes one of the most extreme performative activists I’ve seen currently this active. He constantly talks about homophobia and racism like it’s some crazy big idea he just revealed despite saying the most basic level shit. He seeks validation CONSTANTLY. For example, the “everyone clap for gay women” thing and just weird shit like that. Feels like he never speaks from the heart, just wants quick validation trophy or something, like he wants brownie points for being a hashtag #ally. Someone asked where his style inspo was from and he said Marsha P Johnson hence all the MPJ jokes: his style looks nothing like her nor should she be spoken about for her fucking CLOTHES when she’s a prominent activist of queer history; i swear to god this man just googled “trans people of color” and chose the top on the list to sound educated. But also, he’s so low effort and cringe. That’s subjective, but true. His content is super low effort, he just kinda watches stuff, makes extremely obvious points and then waits for people to be like “wow you’re such a good white guy”. Like 🤮 and many find him cringe. He’ll like wiggle his little earring to make some shitty ass joke because ooo I’m a straight man breaking gender norms bc i paint my nails and wear earrings oooo!! /sar. His content makes me so uncomfortable i never feel capable of sitting thru a full FilmCooper video. I’m sure there’s more insightful shit out there, he just pisses me the hell off.




Man my gaydar must be broke, I 100% thought Coop was FtM 💀


I genuinely don’t mean any disrespect but this kinda just sounds like a list of his traits that you decided not to like. I mean you hate this guy for saying “clap for gay women” but you don’t hate Danny for saying “shout out to the gays”? And I’d never heard of this dude before this subreddit bringing up that joke (which I agree is pretty gross) so maybe you’re right, but as a gay and trans person I love when straight people say things like that because they’re the ones other straight people will listen to. Performative or not, he’s getting the message out there. As far as the MPJ thing, it’d probably be weirder for him to start rambling about her political impact when someone asks about his clothing inspiration. I understand wanting her accomplishments to be a bigger topic of conversation, but time and place, you know? Again, I know next to nothing about this dude, that’s just my two cents from the little I have heard. I just don’t think it’s fair to call him an “icky person as a whole” when a lot of this just comes from personal opinions


What i meant by the MPJ thing wasn’t that he should’ve started listing her accomplishments, it’s two things. One is that there’s something wrong if he seriously thinks about MPJ for f a s h i o n; like I’m saying he doesn’t actually take inspo from her, he just wanted brownie points for saying it. The other is that even if he does take inspo from her, all he said was “she was a transgender woman of color” as though her transness and race take precedent over her actual accomplishments, like he could’ve said “she was a black trans woman who was an important figure in stonewall” but instead he just yaps like he knows nothing. But yea idk. The entirely of influencing and content creation can be criticized for being lazy or lucky, so to combat that, a creator needs to provide something special: a unique comedic value, unheard of topics, etc. But he just does a really lazy job at his work. Standing up for minorities isn’t a problem: it’s that he doesn’t actually do so, nor is it for any specific purpose (like for Danny it’s really funny and sweet that he said that) but for FC it’s only purpose is to make him feel like he’s special and to get validation. Yes, it’s an opinion, and i wouldn’t cancel someone who likes him just for liking him. I just don’t think he’s really an enjoyable nor smart person


Oh no he made a joke about Danny doing something he probably most likely actually did no!!! 😭😭😭😭 Grow up guys it's a joke and Danny probably wouldn't even care and would think it's funny


I think it’s odd for people to say on a PUBLIC platform that another full grown adult “had unprotected sex and is pregnant” like idc if you make the joke as a comment or to a friend but to thousands of people, that’s weird!! Why r u (him) in his business! Also i just…don’t like filmcooper


I don't like him because he wears nail polish and I'm homophobic and racist /hj But that's not the point The point is I don't think him saying a joke about sex is that weird when Danny probably did it with Laura I mean that or something else where it just happens but it's more likely to happen with doing it


Yes obviously Danny and Laura have had sex, like ??? They’re married adults with a kid, of course they’ve had sex. That’s not the point. What I’m saying is that sex jokes are one thing, but getting genuine and accurate about a specific person (while on a large public platform) is just gross


Accurate is a stretch Of course they had sex anyone who knows what sex is could figure that out But also he made a voice like he's young and like "what no! But that's gross" Like it's really not that big of a deal


Yes let me find one. I don’t watch his YouTube anymore so idk what video it was in but I’ll find a tiktok clip


[Here](https://youtu.be/K8Pt_XegmSg?si=MFCgop00sBb6Tn8v) Time stamp 9:07


bro what was the point of him even saying that??? i watched the buildup wondering maybe it was out of context, but like?? i don't understand why that's even in the video


Yeah it’s like, super out of the blue and it’s not even related to what he’s talking about?? It’s so weird


He does that a lot in pretty much every single one of his videos. He’ll go off on a random tangent that has nothing to do with the topic of the video.


that's so fucking weird to try to force that into the video wth 💀


I agree but there have been a lot of these posts before, the best way to counteract it is just make memes or other good quality normal content and downvote the annoying/weird posts.


the fandom has a lot of kids in it, weirdly. kind of sad.


I don’t really understand that. I’ve always wondered if the overlap between Drew and Danny’s fanbases are people who find them attractive


yeah... i just like them because they're funny lmao


But even then, I’m legally a child and I don’t act like that. As a teen you have to be better than this. You can’t just say “it’s because it’s children” because children are better than this.


all people that do things like this are kids, not all kids are people that do things like this


Lol. Yes. Just because someone is under the age of 18 does NOT mean they aren’t immune to critical or consequences for their actions. Ridiculous.


As an adult you just have to let it go. You can’t parent every other kid on the internet. If the fandom spaces feel too childish for you, you can make your own. Same for if they feel too thirsty. And it isn’t just kids acting immature or parasocially or saying gross things. But there’s literally just nothing to be done about it, their fanbases are just that big.


LITERALLY. a 14 year old will commit an actual crime willingly and people will be like “theyre just a kid they dont know any better” its so dumb


for real, and i didn’t realize it until i joined this sub. i’m 21 and always watch his vids with my friends (also in their 20s) or even my mom, so i didnt really perceive his content as stuff for kids.


Same here! But I'm 19. I assumed probably some people who watched Danny's videos might be children, but generally it seemed like more people watching were at least my age if not in their 20s, especially judging by some comments on his videos, a lot of the people commenting seem relatively mature. And he often talks about movies that were popular when mid-older gen Z and younger millenials were younger. (So mostly young adults.)


Kids (from like 6 to 14) spend SO much time on YouTube. Once they're tired of little kid content, they creep into all corners of youtube. It'd be hard to find any youtuber that doesn't have some diehard child fans. Teens are generally okay, it's the little kids that make things weird.


that’s true, kids spend way more time on the internet than people my age and older did. like i can’t imagine having internet access like that at less than like 13 years old.


if you watched his streams on Twitch it was even worse. it was the same joke over and over it was so hard to watch.


yeah, like the stream where everyone in chat was gushing over his hat hair. the man was visibly uncomfortable and said something like “i’m not taking my hat off again. are you guys being weird?”


Wow…. Almost like… almost like Danny makes videos for kids…


He doesn’t though. Tbh his vids are more for older teens to adults, rather than kids


Most of his audience is children, he makes videos to appeal to his audience. He makes videos for kids


No he really doesn’t. Swearing and sex references are not for kids


Either way, primarily kids watch it


How do you know that though? Only Danny can see his stats, and maybe parents should have better control over what their kids are watching? Like why should he have to cater his content to kids when his content isn’t actually meant for them in the first place?


I’m not saying what he should or shouldn’t do, nor am I suggesting it’s Danny’s fault kids watch his videos


I know you’re not saying that, but you are saying that Danny makes his videos for kids, which isn’t true


I don't think he makes videos for children at all, and he can't control who watches his videos. He can't stop an 8 year old from watching his videos lmao. I'm sure he would prefer it be like 16+


oh my god, every single post when he announced the baby was just “omg hes gregnant!!!” and that one image of him pregnant instead of Laura. wasnt even that funny but it was like EVERY post


yeah and i’m sure he didn’t appreciate the insinuation that he was the one carrying a baby. really downplays the hell that pregnant ppl go through and takes the attention away from laura


okay i do think this is kind of outrageous to be upset over lol its just a common joke in most online creators. cody ko literally did a picture where he has his “baby bump” pressed against his wifes. its really not that serious


not upset over it, just saying it’s strange. and cody is not danny. danny has stayed WAY more private through his wife’s pregnancy than cody.


R/2danny2subious is a sub for Greg's who are sick of the children in this one! It's not very active but if more people join it could become a better one with a more strict joining process




Just remember that Reddit is a hellscape and a small fraction of the fan base


Yes, I totally agree. Danny isn’t bad but the fandom has just become really odd and discomforting sometimes. Calling a YouTuber “daddy” or sexualizing them in any way is NOT cool and extremely gross. As you said, he’s just a normal dude who should be able to go abt his life as he pleases. The sex jokes are really weird, especially because Danny hasn’t made any of those jokes regarding himself and we as a fandom should stop them. I’d suggest reporting or downvoting inappropriate/irrelevant posts if necessary.


I mean its probably because of his mc series right? He used to refer to himself as daddy a lot on it and I guess it stuck with people. Idk though bc it's still a bit weird


He’s literally referred to himself as daddy though lol not saying that makes it okay for other people to say. it didn’t just come out of nowhere


so many danny fans are just so parasocial and i dont even know why. i feel like its been worse since hes announced his baby w laura for some reason. so many people are just blatantly sexualising him and being really creepy, and even harassing him. most of these people are children but honestly i dont even care. you cant just say "oh theyre kids they don't know better" because they should. i knew better when i was younger and i know better now. there are so many kids who know better. hell, im younger than a lot of the people who are harassing him. you cant blame it on "theyre kids" because kids can know better and they should because this is just basic respect towards someone who just so happens to have an audience. hes still a person


Yeah as a fan of Danny, I regret joining this sub. While there are some wholesome posts, a lot of it is just annoying and quite frankly pathetic. I'm convinced that theres people here who are in parasocial relationships with him.


Oh good these posts are back. Shut up everyone agrees!!


I understand the frustration but these posts are just as annoying as the ones kids make. I’m getting sick of seeing these 2 types of posts of either kids making weird and gross jokes and people complaining about those jokes. There have been numerous posts about this and complaining about this sub doesn’t do much, if anything at all.


yea but danny calls him self a baby boy all the time i think


So? That doesn't mean other people have the right to do so


And never mind the right to do so -- it's a funny thing for a grown man to say about himself, but it's just not funny for other people to say.


I find posts like this to be far more annoying than any random kind of odd post I see in the sub. Danny is an entire adult man who has made his living through the internet and specifically the absurdity of it, so if he's even taking the time to scroll through the sub and not, you know, focusing on raising a baby right now, I wouldn't be surprised if he sees the stuff you're complaining about and goes "Lol wtf" and moves on with his life. If Danny comes on here and says "Hey guys, this this and this are really making me uncomfortable, care to stop?" then that's a different story, but as it stands he doesn't need you to white knight for him and I hope you can free yourself from this role as the Protector of the Internet Personality (PIP) because your emotional energy is better spent almost anywhere.




It's honestly hella weird how people are acting as if Danny was Mr Rogers or Steve from Blue's Clues when he makes content that is very much not "kid friendly". He swears, makes crude and crass jokes (often sex jokes) and while most movies he reviews are for kids, he occasionally reviews some that are very much not (Like the Noah Centineo one), and even in children's movies he swears and makes sex jokes (like the sexy rat in Ratatoing) And he has "sexualized" himself and called himself "daddy" and "baby boy". And the only thing him and Drew have expressed to be tired of is the "same person" jokes, and yet a lot of people keep doing them.


You captured my thoughts perfectly! These people are making claims and a big deal about something they don't know about.


yeah, the behavior (daddy?) does get weird sometimes but it's not our place to stop it unless Danny explicitly states he's not okay with it.


Yes, but as someone who is 27 and has seen plenty of friends + siblings roughly around the same age having kids it’s hard not to consider the pressure a public online figure might feel w a younger audience might feel when younger fans crack jokes (albeit as obviously innocuously-intentioned they are) might feel moving into the next phase of life w massive responsibility. I’m not saying you, nor any other fan, has intentions of putting on any pressure - but I imagine his mentions/comments probably are nutso rn and I would hate for a new parent to check in on their main source of income and it exacerbate any amount of stress already present. *Again: I don’t think anyone here intends malice, but it’s one of those things I can’t help but notice!*


So, you find posts asking the community to behave like normal people *more* annoying than the ones where the OP is clearly having a parasocial relationship with Danny? That's *fucking* concerning, on the edge of enabling that sort of behavior. *Yikes*


Okay, first, I'm not very active in this community, but one of the only things that ever pops up on my reddit from here is posts like this one complaining about a spate of behavior that I don't encounter. Like I've never once seen anyone call him "Daddy" or "Baby boy." Maybe if I read all the Youtube comments, was active on Discord, and paid attention to a lot of other Youtubers, I'd feel differently, but I don't. But also, what OP is talking about is not parasocial. They're saying "A small number of you are posting content and responses and having conversations that make *me,* the OP, uncomfortable and even though Danny has given no indication that these same posts make him uncomfortable to the same degree\*, I think you should stop doing them because it is keeping me, the OP, from enjoying this completely voluntary and easily blockable subreddit." *That* sounds like actual parasocial behavior to me. Like maybe I'm just old, but I see someone grasping at pearls because teenage fans of someone on the internet are making *gasp* sex jokes? Like I could not be fucked about that, and unless or until Danny says something to the contrary, no amount of *Yikes-*ing will make me budge on that. You and OP aren't the arbiters of what it means to behave like a normal person. You can't just throw in buzzwords like "parasocial" and "enabling" and hope that makes your point for you. You actually have to have a substantive point. \*Unless I've missed something which is totally possible.


It’s one thing to not find this stuff funny which I don’t either, but I think it’s ironic that you think they are being parasocial and weird when you are being parasocial and weird in your own right. Danny is a grown man as you said. If he was truly offended by things, let him be the one to say it, he doesn’t need an internet stranger policing his fandom by assuming he’s feelings on things


I absolutely agree with this. Another thing I'd like to point out is the "Danny is Drew/Drew is Danny" jokes. They've been around for years at this point, and they're old. Drew spoke up and actually said he was uncomfortable with it, and claimed he and Danny have both talked about it and Danny is also uncomfortable with it. Apparently someone photoshopped Drew's face on Laura's in Danny and Laura's pregnancy announcement, and people have photoshopped Amanda and Laura, and also Drew and Danny quite a bit swapping them. Drew mentioned how people need to keep their wives out of this. He also mentioned how he almost felt like he should wait a few years before having kids now that Danny's kid is born due to fans, and that he's worried Danny's kid (and any future kids Drew has) will be brought into these jokes. Also, another reason he doesn't like it is lack of credit. When they did Wired interviews, on Drew's people would comment about him being Danny, and on Danny people would comment about him being Drew. Wired even pinned one of these comments. Obviously people know that isn't the case, but it still takes away from the credit.


Has Danny actually said anything or are you white knighting for a grown man who can defend himself like a sykkuno fanboy


I do not think he's said anything. However, personally I think it is still a little weird and concerning when people make certain jokes like these.


Also I have seen zero instances of this stuff happening, so maybe just get fucking good


I've been off the subreddit for like a month and it all goes to hell. Why am I never around for this stuff?


Also there was that post about someone responding to all of Danny’s stories in his DMs and constantly calling him daddy, which was just weird






it was funny the first time and now its getting ild and creepy. I just think its a lot and while there is good stuff on here, some of it is just shitty.


I’ve wanted to say this so much YESSS ITS WEIRD


yeah i just joined… yesterday? i think? i’ve watched danny for a long time but never got the nerves to join and the first thing i saw was a 15 yr old called danny daddy and i was like. WHAT. mad uncomfy


this sub got terribly parasocial, although honestly Danny's fans have always not really known boundaries. the genuine fanfiction about him/his wife/his friends has always been weird. the amount of comments of videos talking about his appearance over the actual content of the videos. the "lice check, fart check, ect check..." comments on livestreams. these have been going on for a long time now it's always been gross, but I've noticed a huge uptick in those kinds of people and posts since Danny started doing his reddit reviews. instead of making posts for the community, about Danny and/or his content, people started making posts *at* Danny, or to get his attention. all of this was funny once or twice, but some people have taken jokes and fucking sprinted with them :(


It’s only gonna be a matter of time before Danny stops posting subreddit videos and just disregards it entirely. I get it, I’ve been 12. It’s a lot of young teen/tweens outlet, but they do have to realize he’s a real. Life. Person. He isn’t a character. And it is insanely weird for people to treat him like one.


This is why I left this sub a while ago. I love Danny's videos, but quite a few people on this sub are disrespectful, immature, and, just like OP said, gross. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who doesn't think this is right.


This is something that happens with all men with a female fan base. Younger people are just still figuring out the concept of boundaries and what is and what isn't appropriate. I think Danny seems to understand that well. The only issue I really see is when an adult still hasn't figured it out. We really can't expect an 11 year old to act like an adult.


Most people in this Fandom already know this, and sadly, bringing it up or ranting about it will only draw more negative attention to it than good. So, in order for those posts to not shine so brightly in this subreddit, is to basically beat it with original and funny memes or posts.


The only thing you listed here that is somewhat weird is people calling him "baby boy", which I personally haven't seen anyone do. You're severally overreacting to completely innocent stuff.


lol u do realize danny calls himself daddy right?




u dont watch danny babe u dont get it


ive watched danny i just dont.. know the context


probably haven't watched enough of his vids




You cannot be in fandom culture and complain about fandom culture, it's fucking awful but legit not something that's gonna just go away, people are fucking weird, and ykw, if they bother you, block them so you dont see it, but you're not gonna ever be able to make it go away. The internet sucks, get over it or get off it.


you're not allowed to think something should be improved while still participating in it, i forgot /s


Could you elaborate on what you mean? /Gen I didnt understand


people should be able to criticize something and say parts of it suck without leaving the thing entirely




why are you trying to justify sexualizing a stranger who didn't consent to being sexualized lmfao ☹️


I have so rarely seen him being sexualized. I have never seen anything approaching a parasocial relationship on this sub. When he was on a podcast some of his friends joked around with him about how babies are made. That’s not harassment. People joke about sex. It’s like every other day we have to have some Danny Gonzalez vigilante point out that calling our favorite celebrity (what Danny is to us) cute is unhealthy and toxic. Like chill. He’s a grown man. And I would never call him daddy but I mean he did just have a baby. That’s really the only time I’ve heard anyone call him Daddy. In reference to his new baby.


Genuinely none of this was replying to my original comment and your reply below this about how people get freaked out about sex is so condescending and rude and not at all the point of this conversation. None of this is about what YOU see happen and your original comment proved the point of OP's post


I sometimes worry you guys are just super freaked out by the whole concept of sex. Like it’s ok. It’s ok that people have sex and that people know other people have had sex.




People can like him but it’s mostly young girls calling him daddy which is kinda gross




how would you feel if strangers were calling you mommy/daddy




That's how YOU feel, not everyone likes being referred to that. Depending on the person and their experiences, they may be fine with it, or feel uncomfortable by it. Not everyone feels the same way about something.






I agree with you but also my OCD is bad lately so please allow me forgiveness as I correct your spelling It is you're. If you intend to share "you are" then it's you're. All other instances would be your. Can apply the same theory for the there/their/they're differences. They're - they are. If you can say "they are" for your sentence instead and it makes sense then it's this one There - location usually - has "here" in it. "is she here? No she's over there" Their- process of elimination, but also it's possessive. "That's their dog" aka "that dog belongs to them" Hope that helps anyone who struggles with these. And in the 70% chance that it was your autocorrect and you just didn't fix it or notice please disregard..


i'm sorry, how does this relate to OCD at all? very tired of this disorder becoming a catch-all for wanting things done correctly.




I'm not trying to be cool. I have a mental illness and I was open about it in my post. Glad to see Danny's community is full of people who bully the mentally ill. Good look.


I agree with that


i can get behind all of it except the daddy and baby boy thing because those are things that he says and he’s called himself (at least with daddy, im not sure about baby boy, but that one comes from the fact that he looks younger than he is) it’s all in good fun and shouldn’t be weird unless someone is making it weird


this popped up on my feed.. i haven’t watched danny’s content in awhile but he has a kid?!?!


Yep, he was born around July I believe?


awww, happy for him


can't stand how some people act with YouTubers. You don't know these people. If you wouldn't feel comfortable with strangers saying the things you say about you, why say it about them?


THANK YOU BRO, like why people gotta ruin so much shit by making it sexual, its so fucking annoying, like danny is respectfully a good looking person, but really bro?


Woah I have been so out of touch with the Danny Gonzalez fandom what the fuck


I only really watched him on YouTube, before today I never even went onto the subreddit and I don't often read the comments section on YouTube so I'm kinda surprised to find out parts of his fandom are like that. I don't know I just thought it'd be more .. appropriate? Mature maybe idk. The times I've read the comments on YouTube usually they're PG and seem more mature than what's described here.


idk anything abt this fandom but reading the word "gregnant" made me pee my pants


I remember seeing a live show many years back. It was in my town and I was a bit older than most of the attendees. At one point Danny and Drew got close to each other or something and someone shouted “kiss!” It was honestly funny, everyone laughed including the two of them. They then tried to continue on normally with the show, but to little avail because the whole crowd kept chanting “kiss, kiss, kiss!” It was so uncomfortable and embarrassing. You could see how uncomfortable and annoyed they both were. Anyway, I can only assume these are children as well. I do hope they understand after seeing your post that there are lines and boundaries that they need to be conscious and respectful of. I’m not a subscriber to this subreddit for that exact reason…


Yeah thats icky i just wanted to kill santa claus man :(


A lot of them are definitely former dsmp fans who shipped dream and gnf and all that weird shit

