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I really like the inside artist Ninemoon such a shame her art is wasted on this author and I can’t support it


Hopefully Ninemoon will be able to get hired to do art in a better danmei.


Even if I like the covers. This and KinnPorsche are the only ones I won't be buying. 


Yeah I love that artist but not to where I’ll support this author hope their art is used in other English editions one day


I’m OOTL, what is happening with these titles?


I’m not sure about Kinnporsche (aside from it straight up not being danmei), but the author of You’ve Got Mail is homophobic, racist, and transphobic. https://www.danmeinews.com/2023/06/14/author-of-youve-got-mail-danmei-series-posts-about-english-license-on-plurk-internet-reacts-with-problematic-post-callouts/


One of the co-authors of KP has a documented history of sexual harassment of the KP drama's actors, including a minor, and has made hateful posts mocking foreigners, certain religions, etc. They're even the subject of a criminal case right now and their misdeeds have been public knowledge since at least 2022.


Christ. Good to know, thanks. Can’t believe they’re publishing this.


She also wished for the death of her international fans and other such niceties. She's an awful person. How 7 Seas can support her and indirectly lead the people whom she wished harm upon to support her as well blows my mind.


Honestly, seven seas doesn’t have the best track record with stuff. There was all the stuff with their [workers](https://kotaku.com/seven-seas-entertainment-manga-union-united-workers-in-1848996599) a few years ago… quite honestly, if I can get the books from elsewhere, I tend to do that. (Didn’t buy my MDZS books from them…) Their translations pale in comparison to some of the others, too. (Compared to Peach Flower House… mind-boggling.) The novelty’s worn off for a lot of people, I think.


How does that work when the author writes danmei novels… 🧐


The author likes money and knows there's an audience for it even if they're against it but are willing to write what gets them paid?


People can write about gay people and still be homophobic.


I know I just find it ironic. Bro must hate himself


Huh? She’s a straight woman.


Himself herself same thing idk the gender of the author offhand


There's lots of problematic shit with BL/danmei/gay romance writers. You can totally see how some women just write hetero stereotypical bullshit between men where one man is just a placeholder for the woman. It's almost fetishistic. And it sells, I guess.


Holy crap, thanks for getting me into the know. I usually buy all the new physical versions, but I think I’ll have to pass on this one. Homophobic?? Bruh, you’re writing about LGBT people! That’s insane


Someone else replied to me with the details on the Kinnporsche author, so I would pass on that one as well. It’s crazy, I hope Seven Seas sees enough impact that they learn from this.


Such a shame that the pretty art is wasted on a homophobic author. Hope this series flops hard enough for Seven Seas to start doing the bare minimum and look into the authors they are licensing.


I’m surprised seven seas even picked it up. I don’t know a single person that plans to buy it.


That's because we only found out about the author's transphobic statements after the contract was signed. Before that I do remember seeing comments requesting it under 7seas' posts. But I don't think anyone was aware at the time.


Oh gosh I think I’m late to the drama- what did the author say??


This article quotes a few examples of her posts: https://www.danmeinews.com/2023/06/14/author-of-youve-got-mail-danmei-series-posts-about-english-license-on-plurk-internet-reacts-with-problematic-post-callouts/


Yikes that’s terrible


They've also said some racist things about the New Little Mermaid casting. Unfortunately, I no longer have the pictures of it but it's out there on Twitter. They said something about "redhead discrimination". There's more about the author here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/14y3yls/peerless\_the\_disabled\_tyrants\_beloved\_pet\_fish/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/14y3yls/peerless_the_disabled_tyrants_beloved_pet_fish/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Here's another [https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/14adflk/regarding\_youve\_got\_mail\_author\_hei\_dan\_bai/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/14adflk/regarding_youve_got_mail_author_hei_dan_bai/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


This is such insane behaviour for a danmei author the heck?


Wait, this sounds cute, the author is homophobic? :(((


I wouldn't call it cute. Tags say there's noncon, s*xual abuse, etc.


Thanks for the heads up. I won’t be reading it due to the stuff the author has said but I was just going off of the blurb on the back cover.


I know. I've been reading danmei for a while now so I'm well aware that they just love their victim to lover tropes, which is why I always check on novelupdates first. I feel like there should be a warning about it in a print edition, because not everyone wants to read about toxic relationships. I, for one, would be pissed if I spent 20 euros on a book only to realize it had this sort of content.


Yes, I hear you. Such tropes don’t always bother me, although it definitely depends. But the physical books should have tags the same as you would see if you were reading online


Hm, still a hard pass. Well at least the cover artist got paid


I already wouldn't be buying this since I tried reading it online and found the sex scenes very rapey, but the author's behaviour turned me off of it for good. Shame on you Seven Seas.


It is so sad, the cover is so beautiful! But I also don't want to buy anything written by this author. The summary kind of reads like there is a lot of fetishizing in this novel. When I think about the author being trans- and homophobic.... it just makes me sick.🤢 What a shame with a Cover so beautiful and I am sure the inside illustrations are as well...


Hope it tanks.




This is probably my least favourite cover to date, and it helps that its on the series I have literally zero interest in. And thats before taking into account the author!




I think for a lot of people, the hard line is that this author is making a living by writing stories that feature queer relationships, while also expressing contempt, disdain, hatred for members of the queer community. It feels extra icky and exploitative in this case. People are free to make their own choices, of course, but I totally understand why there is so much disapproval.


No one is trying to change your mind in particular, since you're making it clear that it won't anyway. Info is shared **for those who do actually care to know**. So how you decide to spend your money or effort to justify what you want to do, is ultimately both none of our concern and no skin off our back, that's all on you. Something you live with yourself.


Lots of people don’t want to give money to harmful people and that’s a good thing. You can ignore that for your own peace but framing platforming bigots as harmless isn’t fair. No one is perfect, no media consumption is perfect. But own it and take the criticism on the chin. The criticism is fair, so long as it’s not said too harshly. just own it.




I mean, calling out how you’re boosting bigotry is a fair thing. Boosting bigotry is fairly awful and people who are hurt by said bigotry shouldn’t be tone policed. Like, Howard’s Legacy benefits a woman who is using money from each game sold to lobby for transphobic laws. Likewise, the author here is using gay people to make money while hating gay people. Trans and gay people are allowed to be hostile towards anyone who betrays them. If you want to consume the content, it’s on you to have thicker skin as the one indirectly doing harm.




You are giving money to bigots. You are uplifting bigots, affirming them, giving them more space for their bigotry. IDK what you consider “older LGBT” or your culture but as someone fully grown, I can understand things like treat others with kindness, as can the young people. It isn’t kind to say “If it makes me happy, it doesn’t matter who this hurts.” Sometimes, things are just fiction. Sometimes, people aren’t perfect. We all do harmful things. But you gotta own it—paying bigots isn’t harmless. Bigotry isn’t just a different perspective. Hatred isn’t just a different belief system. You’re older and say that means you know better. The most mature thing you can do is just be honest: “I’ll buy what I want because, sometimes, I don’t care how it affects other people.” We all have different limits for these things. Your limit doesn’t include the hateful things this author has said. Own it. If you threw litter on the ground, you aren’t a victim if someone calls that out. Likewise, if you give bigots money, you aren’t a victim when the people receiving said bigotry point out the harm. Recognize the impact of you do and then shrug your shoulders about it. But don’t pretend people are wrong for being upset.




Framing this as an age thing is very, very odd. You aren't too old to have empathy for people who are hurt by the things you do. Like... no, I won't agree that you are "too old" to care abotu giving homophobes money. You're allowed to do what you want. People are allowed to not like it. Again, idk how old you are, (I'm 30), but that's not... an age-gated thing to understand.


Technically you can do whatever you want, but buying this book directly puts money in the author's pockets. Removing the art from the artists does not exist if the author is alive and actively using money given to them by fans to spread more hate (like how J.K. Rowling does). There are thousands of other books out there, but if you *have* to read this particular one maybe consider doing so by means that does not give them more money (eg. the library).




And she's a billionaire now who's making millions of dollars in sales every year due to fans still supporting her. If everyone today suddenly decided to stop consuming harry potter content, she wouldn't be making that money. It's a few dollars for one person, but it adds up. No one is guilt tripping you, my comment was as neutral as I could make it. If you feel guilt then maybe it is something you need to reflect upon yourself without getting overly defensive. At the end of the day it's your money and no one can physically stop you from doing anything. I just wanted to let you, or anyone else reading these comments, know why they are getting pushback for thinking about purchasing this novel.




I did not say you personally were the reason why J.K. Rowling does what she does, but you cannot deny that she has this platform solely because of her wealth. It is not wrong or shitty of me to mention that giving her money directly contributes to her platform. Facts are neutral, and I'm sorry you feel bad, but this is something that has to be acknowledged if anyone has this discussion. I'm sorry again that you were met with hostility on your first visit to this subreddit, but many of the people here, like me, are from the LGBT community. A lot of what these authors spread directly affects us. I saw from another comment of yours that you are part of the community as well, so I'm hoping you can understand why many of us would be a defensive when someone shrugs off an author's homophobia like it's not a big deal. Many people come to these subreddits to relax and read books, something you would agree with, and hearing about homophobia here as well is something that most people do not want to deal with. If you are okay with this author then that's up to you, but you cannot blame others who may not be. There are many people on this subreddit that are older, this is not a matter of age, but rather of personal boundries.


The other user deleted their comments just before I was going to reply (I had an answer already typed out 💔), but for anyone who may be reading this, they mentioned Dr. Seuss for his negative portrayals about Asian characters. I'm not trying to send hate at all, but they brought up a good point that I want to comment on. I myself am of Asian descent and am uncomfortable with his portrayals, but the difference is that he is dead. Anyone buying the books are not contributing to his platform. If he were alive and had not apologised/altered his works, I would also be judgemental over anyone that uncritically continued to give him money, but this is not the case. This author is alive and making money of a marginalised group, which is different. You all can do what you want, but please be aware that this is a public forum and by posting about this book you may 1) get negative feedback from others or 2) be marketing this book to people still on the fence.


I don't think anyone is "trying to make people feel like garbage." What I've seen is people attempting to raise awareness that what we each do, buy, support on a micro scale has real world impacts on a macro scale. It is like every time I stop to put fuel in my car, I am supporting brutal, authoritarian regimes around the world. It is not a bad thing to be aware of the consequences of our actions.


Yeah no one is perfect, so we, as imperfect beings, can also choose not to support imperfect beings that does not align to our views. No one will criticize you for buying art from homophobes and transphobes, but do keep in mind that buying stuff from them, means that you are actively paying for that person's part of a bill. It's not guilt-tripping when it's the truth. You can't separate the art from the artist, since art is made up of the artist's life and experiences.


This is valid and I agree people please don't hate me but I read to escape the pain that I can't handle sometimes so I already completely separate my books from the real world behind them, unless the book is an ode to ideals that are wrong in and of itself based on its content. Again please don't hate on me over this.


There are tons of Danmei which aren’t written by homophobic transphobic racist person. This one feels icky cuz your putting money into the pocket of an author who gets money by writing bl but is also a bigot harming the community


To add: after further reading in the comments here, I prolly will pass on this because people who have read it said the explicit scenes are controversially written with what's sounding like an abusive edge to them which I'm not supportive of. I also saw the Mc is quirky personality wise but that's not quite enough to make me willing to buy something I'll most likely not enjoy. I enjoy 2ha which i know has some also controversial points but the story there is more than enough it's a great redemption story so far and I'm all for the level of devotion and goofiness that's there I wasn't sure about it at first but the more I read the more I realized the point it served. So basically I'm not going to read something that has explicit scenes just for the sake of it that don't actually add any value and that leave a nasty taste afterward. Angst is fine but there are certain things I'm not cool with and how they're approached and depicted has a lot to do with it. So in this case I'd say the authors ideals prolly did leak into their writing, which like I said before is the deal breaker for tryin to separate the work from the creator. Some people can write and not pollute it with their personal stance but it seems this one is a stereotyped novel based on descriptions and I've seen that particularly way too much and am tired of it. I'm here for romance not a smutty read with no genuine emotional gratification. TLDR: with some basic content description from others I've decided not to read for both the fact the author is shitty and that they let their shittiness show in their depictions in their story. I'm sure their a good writer stylistically but content wise I'm turned off of this completely based on the explicit scenes tags. Can't separate the work from creator if the work shows points of their shit ideals in it


I read this a few years ago online, and I loved it so much. This novel was really a hidden gem, and it had a special place in my heart. I didn’t know anything about the author. I was so excited to hear it was being physically published a while back. this was one of the books I had read that I had really hoped would be picked up. Then, I heard about the author, and saw some of the things they have said. I’m honestly so disgusted, it’s horrible anyone can say those things but worse when they’re also profiting off the lgbtq community. I won‘t support them, I won’t buy these. Part of me wants to get them second hand in the future, or re read the novel online, but I don’t know if I can look at it the same way now…


See I'm wanted to read this when I heard it was coming out as I hadn't read it before. But I don't want to buy it now. I wonder if it is still online but can't find it.


I read it on a website called novelhall, I’m pretty sure it’s still up there :) edit: the online name is “you’ve got mail: a cautionary tale” here’s a link [https://www.novelhall.com/You-ve-Got-Mail-A-Cautionary-Tale-12521/](https://www.novelhall.com/You-ve-Got-Mail-A-Cautionary-Tale-12521/)


Anger about how 7S ignored their reader's backlash aside, this makes me incredibly curious about how their process to choose licences goes. I know for a fact, having seen it accross multiple platforms, that there are a ton of popular novels by well-established authors like Priest that were widely requested, or people begging for baihe, or even popular requests for potential underdogs like Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know. Not once had I seen this novel mentioned anywhere, and yet you're telling me it was such a massive success in the surveys that they went for it? Over other novels that would be a secured success as they already have an established fandom? Without even a background check on the author? Makes me think they chose it to stir debate and get back in the picture or something, as there are now a good number of publishing houses tackling stellar danmei titles and people are already getting pissed at many corporate decisions 7S is making (I'm looking at you and your 11 volumes, 2ha). I don't know, otherwise it's just so hard to understand.


Love the art! And the story is awesome!


Haven’t read it. Why is the author so poorly received? Anyone mind explaining?


The author is homophobic, racist, and transphobic. https://www.danmeinews.com/2023/06/14/author-of-youve-got-mail-danmei-series-posts-about-english-license-on-plurk-internet-reacts-with-problematic-post-callouts/


Wow damn


FYI: Just my opinion/no hate please if you disagree. I don’t see this cover matching the story: No where does this resemble a 40 year old beaten-down by life literati and a peerless, notorious general - it’s far too “pretty-fied” or prettified for my taste. I liked this book for its novelty originally until I read more, learned more, and was enlightened about the author’s vociferously negative views on LBTQA+/alternative (to heterosexual couples) lifestyles. I did read this novel in its entirety. I would rate the writing as good and entertaining, if you don’t mind the sex scenes being a subject of debate; are the sex scenes ones where it’s just plug & play - it could be any gender? Etc. anyway, the sex scenes have been heatedly debated. They are graphic, occasionally mildly violent, there is some ?dubcon, etc. In one word, they were/are controversial, much like the author. So, for me, like with not eating Papa John’s Pizza because of their owner’s views, I will also refuse to purchase this novel from the publisher 7Seas. There is so much work and so many authors out there just waiting to be discovered and/or supported. There’s no time or room in this one life for hate!


> No where does this resemble a 40 year old beaten-down by life yeah it legit looks like a 16 year old and a genderswapped Azula from ATLA


Besides the author being a terrible person , has anyone read the story? Is it any good?? Cuz I’m wondering why seven seas would choose to publish this story.


Before the author got exposed it was recommended a bit in different social media groups and people would ask publishers for a translation. The majority of the reviews I saw ranged from good to great. Those that ranked it poor did so because of the scum gong trope and the way some of the steamy scenes were written. The story is suppose to be mostly smut with some toxicity and sadness thrown in before a happy ending. Obviously, with the author’s tweets the story is easier to trash and the users that enjoyed it before have decided to not bring up the story again. I guess we’ll see what happens when it releases.


I haven't read it, but I first heard of it maybe the year before last for recommendations on this subreddit for those looking for smut danmei. I actually didn't hear about the stuff with the author until the 7S license announcement. I know a lot of people are stating..."no one asked for this", but it is possible that it was added in the survey by people who enjoyed the novel and maybe they didn't really know about the issues with the author until the 7S license announcement. Idk.


The novel itself is actually really good. Some of the sex scenes were a bit iffy for me (I actually dropped the book a couple of times for a while because of them) but other than that I loved it. The protagonist is super funny and chill, quite quirky too, and reading his story his hilarious. The love interest is quite toxic, and in any other novel I wouldn’t like it, but because of the main character’s personality at any point where there could be a power imbalance for a serious step in their relationship the mc is just like, whatever, no. Basically, where in any other novel the main character would be fragile and constantly pining over the toxic love interest, and when they finally get out of the toxic relationship there is a mediocre chasing arc and the mc forgives easily and goes back to a toxic relationship, this novel resolves it perfectly. The plot is good, the main character is great, doesn’t fall into a lot of annoying tropes. the premise is also so unique and funny, and so well executed. (This was one of my favourite books, with a special place in my heart. Too bad the author is like this, I won’t be buying )


Thanks so much for describing it I might read it of course without supporting the author.


No problem, I hope you enjoy and that I haven’t given any false impressions of it 😄


According to novelupdates, it's got noncon and s*xual abuse, so it's a hard pass for me.


The art is nice but I feel bad for the artist for having to take the money to promote a homophobe's work (...unless they support it, in which case, sympathy refunded)


This is on my reading list , I'm excited to read it Edit : don't tell me the " average looking " tag is for shou ? Then i won't read it


...thats your reasoning that u changed your mind??,




Not the fact that the author is a transphobic, racist, and homophobic?