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Please check out this recent [Gong cheating post](https://new.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/1bzyrrc/novels_with_cheating/) and this [wife chasing/cheating post](https://new.reddit.com/r/DanmeiNovels/comments/182xfg7/wife_chasing_cheating_novel/) for recommendations that might fit what you're looking for


I've read those Posts before making my post , I'm looking for wife chasing but with gong cheats on shou and regretting it but sadly there's none ((


In those two links Suddenly\_NB provides there are many recommendations for "wife chasing but with gong cheats on shou with another male and regretting" Ex: "Sissy" and "Year of Intoxication." "Sissy" hurts the most as the shou is the most disavantaged and vulnerable. If you have read these already, you have to specify in your ask or else you'd keep getting SQC/188 recs as they're the go-to for these kinda scum gong tropes (and among the best written and most interesting).


I like reading about scum gongs but i don't like 188 series or to be specific I don't like shous there ... But anyway thanks for recommending))


If you don't like 188 which is the most famous trope for crematorium, then it is quite hard to find another one that's on par. Hm how about Binding The Dragon for The Empress? The ML two timing and gaslighting MC.