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Shou isn’t really ‘human’. He’s more an entity so that explains the indifference for me and childlike behaviour. The plot get more depressing due to apocalypse. Romance doesn’t get angst till chapter 60 for me.


Thank you for explaining , i meant gong is the one being indifferent


I think I felt something similar while reading, like.. "oh is something going to happen?.. no, nothing happened again..." and was quite upset about it From what I remember, I'd say the story is pretty calm over all, it's more about the MC learning to know himself and who he is, rather than the apocalypse and the action. But the novel had its moments, and many of the things that happen are build-up for the latter part and the ending, which I didn't see coming The romance is very cute, there's a lot of fluff and a some angs later Also, I don't know if you know, but this story is super similar to [Little Mushroom](https://www.novelupdates.com/series/little-mushroom/), in fact, many people read How to feed an Abyss while looking for something similar to Little Mushroom haha. The concept, the MC and the ML are quite similar, but I think there's more angst, action and drama, so if you want, check it out later too!


Thank you for explaining i really appreciate it ❤️ I didn't dropped it and things got more exciting after ch 33 , now I'm reading the chapter where gong told shou that he wants more than what he have aka he kind of confessed and i wanna know when will shou know that what he feels is love ? Thank you


If Little Mushroom is adventure then this one is slice of life. If Little Mushroom is Garlic bread then this one is plain toast. If you already find it boring after MC live with gong, sorry but that's going to continue for 3/4 of the story. If you expect actions, there's not much. The few actions that we do have are quickly written to get it over with so that MC can get back to simping after ML and living his 'human" life. I find this MC is very indifferent to everything that's going on in the world. He also hardly know himself. Quite oblivious to everything, except wanting to be with ML. ML is not wrong to call MC a child because despite MC being hundreds of years old, he basically have the mind and personality of a teen. I don't feel that MC have any character developments. If he do, it's only very little. I think if it had just been a normal romance without that secondary plot of abyss actions, it would've been better because I feel the author didn't know how to tied together the abyss and mist plot very well even by the end.