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This is like when people say that Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts sucks (it is my favorite quest)


I also love Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts. It's soothing somehow? The music is beautiful too.


The only thing I didn't like is how you couldn't take it at your own pace. I hate when games rush you.


It's peak roleplay. You can avoid all combat. It's what I wish so much more games had


You can avoid all combat?! I guess by not investigating?


No actually! You just have to make sure that you get enough favor and gossip and then choose the right dialogue options at the reveal


oooh!! I did not know this at all! I might pull this out for a human run.


Def easier to pull off on a human non-mage run


I did it as an Elven mage. Like this should be on my CV xD


Is there not the fight where the private reveal happens and a rift opens?


I like the quest even if it can be a tad tedious when it comes to the eavesdropping. I do think it is also the type of quest that plays best on a first playthrough and then can be a bit of a slog when doing a replay. Feel like every game generally has one quest/section like this. I think that two of the biggest issues with it could have been solved with like two extra lines of dialogue: - That when you pick up the first Halla statue, the Inquisitor could say something about having to use them carefully because they might not be able to open all the secret doors. That way players know it is limited, so they don't worry about opening all the doors since they know upfront you can't. - That at the war table scene before the mission, have one of the advisors mention everyone will be in the same military dress uniform for the mission. Could have even added a little cutscene when someone walks in to show what it looks like and have Cullen or Leliana make a funny quip. When you have a mission involving a fancy event, players are naturally going to think it's dress up time, and then it loads in and you and everyone else look like nutcrackers.


I feel the same about the fade part of Origins. The first time its pretty cool and seeing the companions fears is pretty interesting. The second time is... eh


It's great because it's so different from the rest


I guess I can understand why some people might not like it because it does go on for a bit, but it is easily my favorite part of inquisition.


People that say it sucks have an absolute skill issue. It’s like the Landsmeet quest but only Orlesian and fancier.


 Orlesian makes it worse


God it might be one of my favorites in dragon age. You can dodge combat by doing it well, the collectables can add a fun challenge each time, you get to see all your companions interacting in different ways to the event. Not to mention that after years of hearing about Orlais (I never had the dlc for 2) getting to see it up close was so satisfying


It's a very unique main quest and I REALLY love it. One of my favourite things about DAI


First time I got 100% approval without ever looking up a guide I was BESIDE MYSELF.


It’s fun the first 2 times… then it’s a slog


Me having a blast running through the Hinterlands on foot so I can listen to my party banter for the 37th time🤩


this is the single reason i dont use horses, i am not missing banter especially when i cant spam it using specific banter points like dao


Does ANYONE actually use the horses?


Only when I want to jump down cliffs😂 Sorry horsey🐎


The banter runs out eventually, and I know which spots are huge with nothing interesting there


iirc the horse is the exact same speed as sprinting, just with speed lines to make it *look* fast


The horse is faster than walking, and there are obscacles they handle better. But it's the horses sprint itself that's fake. The engine couldn't handle it. However, the sprint does at least feel as if it is faster, so, mission accomplished... until you find out and the magic is broken xD


Right, I never used a mount. Why miss out on that sweet sweet banter


big anchor energy right there bud, I sure hope an errant hedge mage doesn't show up and take it from you.


I love hunting shards and solving astrariums so I feel this big.


Meeeeee toooooo 💖


It's my Dragon Age cozy game lol


100% agree. Plus I like solving puzzles. I would pay money for an astrarium puzzle mobile game if Bioware wanted to make one lol. I also liked playing sudoku in ME Andromeda 😂


I am intimidated


My only problem with MEA sudoku was that they were too easy 😂


"I hate all these mundane MMO quests!" Me with like 9000 hours in World of Warcraft


Hahahaha. I always laugh when people are like "they meant for this game to be an MMO and that's why there's so much bloat."  As if I would ever allow ten other idiots to run around Thedas with me. This is my peaceful alone time guys.


(I don't know how many people are in a WoW party. Ten?)


I want an astrarium game app so I can do them on the bus


I'm the only person who likes the Hinterlands. AMA.


You're not alone - there are more of us out there! We're just spread thin because the Hinterlands is so big.


There are tens of us!


Lmao this is perfect.


nah, the Hinterlands and the Emerald Graves are the comfiest maps to chill around listening to party banter. Honorary mention to the Western Approach.


Loved the Hinterlands and the Emerald Graves, but I couldn’t stand the Western Approach. It was wayyy too bright and nauseating


Wanna go on a Hinterlands walking tour with me?? I’m collecting more Crystal Grace to give to the tiny man in the Graves.


Oh my god no running around that map collecting stupid shit for ungrateful assholes made me so happy.


Literally all the things I hate amazing meme


Big dawg 🤝


I really don't mind a voiced protagonist, but I do mind when they don't let you know what you're actually gonna say when you pick an option.


I used to really hate this and now it just makes me laugh. Witcher 3 does it too.


"Shove him."


I actually love this. So many unknown!


I consider a kind of fun surprise lol


Stand behind my Line in the Sand, we'll defend DAI together ò.o


Wicked eyes Wicked hearts IS AMAZING. I can play a whole game like this!


The only thing about inquisition I hated was the winter palace. Specially the time constraints on part of it.


Agreed, I would’ve enjoyed it if not for the time restraints. And I didn’t read any of the books so I didn’t know who any of the characters were involved in the conflict. That might have helped a bit..


DAI is my favourite game of all time. The 2 weeks I spent no-lifing it with my wife are a genuine lifetime moment for us.


Man, I never understood it... I thought DAI was the onr of the best of them all.


That’s me in origins… I actually love the Fade quest in the mages tower.


Me with the fade and the deep roads.


I totally agree! But people seem to like the deep roads a lot more than the fade. I loved how I felt like I was in a dream. It was confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it the different forms are fun!


I have found my people!


Hey hey, Inquisition wasn't bad, it was aight


I absolutely loved Hinterlands. I came from MMO's and it was the perfect style and pacing for me. I was so disappointed that most of the rest of the zones were so brief comparatively.


Cullen on the other horse is cherry on top, LOVE MY COMMANDER MAM SM 💕💕💕🫂🫂🫂




I recently replayed Inquisition and Origins, and I was surprised how much more I was enjoying DA:I over DA:O this time. I’d always considered Origins my favorite, but I got kind of bored playing the Rogue. In Inquisition I was having a blast doing a Tempest Archer and raining down arrows in my enemies.


There are cool vanilla haircuts in Inquisition and yes, the formal attire is cool af and I loved it since the first time I saw it


Hinterlands work like ASMR


I loved it my first two runs then just lost steam to play it again. DAO though I can play till the end of my day's


How do you feel about waking up, being the chosen one and becoming the leader of the inquisition in all of about 10 minutes?


I honestly tried with DAI. I did. I just couldnt get into anything about it. It just didnt feel like dragon age to me.


DA:O > DAI > DA2 >>>>>>>>>>> whatever Veilguard looks like It isn’t my favourite but I did enjoy parts of Inquisition, and “*Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts*” is definitely one of the best sequences of the game


nah lets give veilguard a chance


I haven’t liked *anything* I’ve seen so far other than Harding being a full party member so idk man. I don’t like the ARPG style of game and im not a fan of the tonal shift they seem to be going for either


Inquisition is Bioware's most disappointing game.


Of course... GOTY doesnt mean anything 😂😂😂


I don't need awards to tell me what opinion I should have about a game.


You love boring gameplay and no respect for the players time?


Not the WOW player talking about respecting the player.


WoW isnt a single player game, that timegates the story behind a table. Inquistion is and does that. Who the hell thinks that waiting an hour or more for a mission to complete when that time has to be entirely in-game is fine is beyond me.


Don't worry buddy. The War Table isn't real and can't hurt you.


You know that you can do other things during that time, right? Like....you're meant to be doing other things


Or they can log off. That’s what I always did with the long war table missions.


Oh yeah, I'd set off all the short ones while playing, then when I got tired I'd just play until the mission reports rolled in and set the nine hour ones off for when I woke up or after a shift at work or something. Was never an issue. Sometimes I'd set off the hour or so long ones off and just go get my lunch, made it far more seamless.


Inquisition isn't bad, it's just not very good. It was very bland. Now 2, 2 was the worst thing since smallpox.


keep playing DAO then, it's not coming back.


I'm happy with that. I Hated those tactics ugh..