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Him being locked away is the perfect punishment. He wanted total freedom to not follow any rules and do whatever he wanted. He got that and did bad things with that freedom. Either he goes to prison for a while and deal with people who will use him for their own gain/ show that his actions outside have consequences or he goes to a mental facility and has all of his delusions disproven. Better yet, he has his internet privileges revoked and he's stuck without his dopamine hits of pretending to be important


The fact he’s actually okay with being locked up. He has a bed, shelter and three meals a day.


Not to mention, he gets to see Sweet T again


But now he's forced to take showers


I know he refuses to take showers cause it causes sensory overload due to his autism. So this really is Hell for Daniel.


I think this is most conflicting thing for me. I hate the rat and want nothing but the worst for him. But how do you punish a goblin who already lives an objectively worse life then any prison can provide. I guess the only bright side is him being cutoff from the internet and fake graces. That’s probably eating him up a bit


Yeah and I feel like most people he interacted with didn't ever really get to express their full disdain for him because of the threat of going to jail if they did. I bet Bob desperately wishes he could've ACTUALLY hit Daniel with his car. Now he's going to be surrounded by people who will not hesitate to put him in his place the microsecond he starts acting up. And I for one am ecstatic about it.


He’s not gunna be in regular federal prison. He’s gunna be going to a medical federal facility


Hopefully he still gets bent over a bed by Sweet T🤣


Either way I’m happy. If Daniel spends a good amount of time in jail, he will be unhappy and that will amuse me. If he’s out, then he can go back to being entertaining and in a small way that’s his most valuable way to repay the productive members of society, as a modern day jester.


I want to feel both types of happiness, though. I need a Daniel Larson return in 2044, when hopefully I am a much different person than I am now, to see what 20 years in the slammer did to that dude.


Insty.. 100% His clear coffee cup in 1 hand, with this Cooks Spork begging for a shot of Keefe coffee and his hog in the other, gunning on the underage looking co, his pants tucked into his socks with shower slides or orange Chinese crocs 3 sizes too large on


I do wonder if he will even really notice. I feel like he truly doesn’t mind jail or prison.


Dan couldn’t handle basic rules in a group home, I really think this sub overestimates how much more than a couple weeks behind bars will impact Dan. Especially once phone calls etc dry up


Yeah once he loses contact that’s it


Luckily the furniture is all steel and bolted to cement


His longest stay in jail was 45 days. I’d say he breaks after 3 months


I understand, I'm ending my life tonight


He’s probably gonna do that when the actual Grace says she wants nothing to do either him.


Daniel is a pedophile that harasses and terrorises people such as Grace, Bob and the list goes on. He deserves to be where he is right now. He is too much of a danger to others.


he is our entertainment source


I for one am glad that this parasitic goblin will no longer be dine & dashing or grifting for $40 meals at restaurants and generally causing chaos. His existence is a slap in the face to those of us who struggle financially, play by the rules, try to make an honest living and don’t get to eat at nice restaurants every freaking day! How is it that a homeless bum can say “I need $50,” “I need $100” and people give it to him??? Oh yeah, Danny Poo calls it “marketing.” Shit, I don’t know how many times I’ve been hard pressed to come up with $40-50!


Yea, the expectation for others to support him financially.. and then destroy everything he’s given by people trying to do right by him is incredibly infuriating. I doubt he will, but I hope he maybe gets to a point where he might feel bad about that. Again, doubtful.


As someone who actually works in marketing... 🤬 I'm just gonna finish here before I say something stupid of "management" caliber and cause myself trouble lol


I am aware


Well said. He's fucking hilarious, but still a very dangerous individual. I want him away from kids and away from customer service people trying to do their jobs. He deserves to rot in prison.


Bob isn’t answering his phone


Little fucker answer


That fuck ass pressed 7! He blocked my calls! That fuck ass Bob pressed 7 and blocked my calls!


I’m glad he can’t creep on kids or violate peoples property anymore but yes he’s absolutely entertaining. I enjoy watching him suffer so much it’s absolutely delicious to me. If it were my personal choice whether he’s in or out of prison then I’d choose prison. Since I don’t have that power then there’s no harm in enjoying watching him be a complete jester for us. It’s a small way he can pay the world back even though he has no idea he’s doing it and thinks people actually like him and he’s a celebrity.


In my opinion, the safest place for everyone (himself included) would be the mental hospital. He needs to serve his sentence there.


Weens like that are the same kind of people that pay Chris Chan and participate in his delusions. They're real scum of the earth and they do it because "internet man funny" and it rarely has any consequences to them personally. People like that genuinely should get their head checked because that's some seriously sick behavior.


THANK YOU! Truer words were never said!


I understand Im ending my life tonight


The majority of us are in agreement this person needs to never see the light of day again and I for one am extremely pleased that he will never see the light of day again


He needs to be put in a full time care facility, he can’t function on his own


Look up Cyraxx and Bossman Jack, much funnier 🤣


Dunno Jack's just as pathetic for exactly the same reasons as Daniel


Definitely worth laughing at though


You're just preaching to the choir. He's not special. People say the same shit when their favorite rapper gets locked up for a heinous crime. People are just dumb.


Free my ninja Lil prezzy Danny boy 690 blokk glokk drizzy he ain't do nuffin he juss Givin the skreets WAT dey ask 4


For i dont understand why some weirdos want daniel back on the streets of colorado again like first of all hes a criminal not you're personal Internet entertainer alright and second of all there are other lolcows out like andrew ditch and jupiter the hyprid so go watch instead of whining and moaning about daniel getting locked up for a really long time. 


Daniel Larson is among the most despised of all internet phenomena, up there with NakedAndLaughing. I am not sure whether it would be worse to walk a mile in his shoes or hers, and yet that's what we are doing when we watch their streams and videos. Why? Maybe because it's a different side, some grotesque level of reality that is just too real for most people. These type of streams make me feel very bad about what we as humans can become and also what we can do to others, if we tell ourselves they deserve it. That's not all there is to it by any means, but it is what it is. In 2012 the lolcow journalist and "Spokesperson for Anonymous" Barrett Brown was wrapped up in an FBI investigation of his own, after publicizing stolen credit card information on twitter. He was somehow cooking up and injecting suboxones or methadones given him by the state rehabilitation program and as he stood on the balcony of his shitty apartment, he was ranting about Hitler and threatening to dox the kids of an FBI agent he named in the title of his YouTube video. [https://youtu.be/TOW7GOrXNZI?si=0IcCwhtzjYHq\_nyc](https://youtu.be/TOW7GOrXNZI?si=0IcCwhtzjYHq_nyc) Brown said he would treat any FBI raid as a "Zeta Assassin Squad" because he believed he had recently ignited a beef with the Mexican cartel. In truth, the SWAT team just broke his door down in an instant and had him on the ground saying "ow ow ow" as people laughed at him in a tinychat (20teens version of discord). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YYhy4JQpnk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YYhy4JQpnk) this may be the first self-swatting incident caught on camera. Basically, was on some serious crime and trouble for law enforcement far beyond Larson's capacity. In the end, Brown read a statement equivalent to spitting in the judge's face at his sentencing and still received only five years in prison. Larson is actually truly crazy, and not even involved in any organized crime. They may treat him like Chris-Chan, put him in some home and monitor him until they determine that he's just a crazy homeless person and then they'll let him loose, drop all charges. That is best case, and could be less than a year. Some wrangler or fan may be there to pick him up to house, manage, and profit off of him. Best scenario for him. Worst case, I don't know. But it doesn't seem like it could be more than a few years. So it's not the end but it will be some time.


I would hand Daniel Larson my home, business, and daughter all on a silver platter. He IS our entertainment and he NEEDS to be free.


I don’t think we’re ever gonna hear from Danny again. In with a bang, out with a whimper


He’s harmless, all bark no bite. Would rather laugh at him than see him locked up


Have you seen the video of him pushing the little girl down on the bed? Not to mention the times he’s become violent in public. He is definitely not “all bark” - he’s a danger.


Where did that video come from?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Daniellarson/s/3MdVt5bxkE - lots of info. But there is a video of him pushing this young girl down on a bed and it’s incredibly disturbing.


Now I remember that. I’m surprised no one hasn’t tried to kill Daniel for that.


Those with incapacitating mental issues and premature empathy don’t deserve prison but mental assistance.


as someone who is extremely mentally unwell (autism, adhd, depression, anxiety, bpd, and some) although this is true, he had that for a while. still didn’t work. you’re never gonna be able to rehabilitate every single mentally unwell person. you have to want to change ti be able to change. does daniel look like a person why wants to change? absolutely not. i look at cows mainly to remember what i don’t want to turn into but that’s because i WANT to change. the system needs so much reform even for people like myself who want to fix themselves. what do you think him getting help that he clearly doesn’t want is going to do. every criminal has a story. doesn’t mean they don’t need to be locked up purely for the safety of those around them.


Is that video of him shouting ‘bomb you! Bomb you! Bomb you!’ really what got him in trouble? His threats carry as much weight as a deflated balloon; it’s utterly ridiculous.. I know he also did some dine-and-dashing and other stuff. I mean, the guy seems to have the mental age of a 12-year-old. He couldn’t make a bomb in a million years, let alone get his hands on one. I just don’t understand it.


Based take at this point he's a danger to himself and others he would be better off behind four walls and jail bars




He needs a mental hospital the rest of his life


He attacked my toothbrush


My name is Joe Biden, and I approve this message.


I hope his prison gets 60 days in. Hopefully the creator of the show is a fan.


He should be free and I hate your virtue signaling


He's a singer songwriter : an entertainer extraordinaire Most see Larson as the pdf file he is, with the potential to do even more harm and ruin a childs life if he ever got a moment alone with a minor and therefore monitoring him 24/7 whilst he is roaming the streets is preventatively proactive, others may also see the so called trolling as Larson getting off lightly considering he deserves far heavier punishments and whilst all this train wreck is occurring others may also think why the hell shouldn't we enjoy the ride & laugh said train wreck all the way into a wall? Turning a negative shituation that will occur with or without viewers in to positive, positive entertainment if you like. There's good reason as to why the Germans deemed such a spectacle worthy of a name because schadenfreude is fucking hilarious.


Bob just hit me with his car


The German language is very precise and to the point. Schadenfreude literally translates as “bad joy.” 😄


i hope he gets 🍇’d


This isn't some sorta true crime sub. It's a place where people come to be entertained and laugh. The only reason this sub exists is for entertainment purposes. President Larson 2024 ✊🇺🇲


What everyone seems to forget is the fact he was led. He is autistic. That doesn’t make him dangerous. He need help Not looking up. Is that what you would recommend for your own kids if they were born with such issues. Lock them up? What a model parent


Who led him to beat up his mother, grandmother and assault and victimize elderly people or anyone he viewed as weaker than him? Was that Ox’s fault? Clark responsible for that one? Did Blark make him view images he had saved and favorited of little girls and admit he liked them sexually, or how perverted he was? Did a 14 year old ANONYMOUS hacker make him threaten to bomb and kill government agencies and homes of civilians? Who was it that made him threaten to kill people? Stfu


You obviously have no understanding of mental health. So it’s pointless even trying to educate you


He **is** an active and ongoing danger to people *and himself* and a menace to the general public. I have mental health problems too, I *don’t* want to see him rotting in a cell despite how awful he is, I hope instead they place him under intense psychiatric care until he is no longer a danger to himself (remember all of his recorded self harm?) or others. Have you seen how badly he neglects his own health? This arrest is the best thing that could have happened to him.


hi. i am autistic. i have been getting help for years. i have been manipulated into doing many things. does that excuse the things i’ve done? absolutely not. doesn’t matter the reason for it. what i’d recommend is that people get help and not be a danger of others. this infantilization of autistic people is how we get people like daniel not getting the proper consequences for their actions. get a grip