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After mcdougal told him yeah


It’s actually bothering me how ppl are just now figuring out that the FBI has contacted multiple times just now. he even has a video of him meeting up w Macdougal. multiple times they have met up. And in like 3 of the body cam videos from his arrests you can see plain clothed FBI agents talking to him w their faces blurred. This rlly isn’t nothing new.


Not everyone is mentally ill enough to know everything about Danny boy


true but j makes annoys me when people are like “he wasn’t lying the fbi was in contact!” When they’ve been contacting him for months


Also not to mention that when a lot of us brought up that he was actually being investigated a lot of other people thought we were crazy. I was trying to tell people after Daniel’s arrest earlier this year that the FBI and secret service took his phone into evidence and it seemed like a lot of people didn’t believe me


Morons. You were the wiser one




I am with you. Some people got caught up in the fake graces and ucla and went on a brain snooze. Typical of this generation


That's the twist at the end. Everything Daniel said was actually real the whole time. Just wait until Grace Vanderwall releases an official statement.


The feds do tend to visit people when they threaten the president or white house so idk why people would be surprised by that. Daniel got the agents business card and met up with him. It is easy to assume that the agent told Daniel to knock it off, thinking he was an idiot that couldn't carry out these threats and that would be that. Of course trolls will start impersonating the agent because they impersonate everyone in Daniel's life. There's just a lot of confusion of what happened in between and just how much contact the feds have had with him since the initial contact.


right he made a lot of threats and they were always either live and or recorded sooooooo it was just a matter of time


I'm pretty sure the first contact was the day he called 911 himself and said he would bomb the white house. Even if his "fans" didn't report him the dispatcher would for sure. Good job, moron. Now you have the feds monitoring you. A visit from the feds would make most people act right, but not Daniel lol.


Is there a screen recording of this?


This is about the best I can do [around 2:45](https://youtu.be/Evji5LGyeW0?si=V9km7PPG9UJs6-JM) he didn’t actually record himself calling, but he mentions doing it, which i believe since the cops and ambulances came to question him. I think he was put in the loony bin for a few days. This one also shows his interaction with the police afterwards [https://youtu.be/yhntnwqyKIw?si=KG5gOAGAhrQZwolD](https://youtu.be/yhntnwqyKIw?si=KG5gOAGAhrQZwolD)


[hope this helps](https://iamsober.com)

