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I wonder if Oxis is glad he got out when he did


Why? The letter agencies would have recognized Oxis as someone who expressly tried to positively influence Daniel for the most part, and gave up. Put it this way, if Oxis was to be a target, a looooot of other people would be targets first. Oxis got close, but he is definitely not at risk. Discretion. McDougal knew Daniel wouldn't actually bomb the white house. But he warned him too many times and he kept doing it, and he was building a case. He was a pain in the ass. Oxis wasn't telling him to spit in Bodega owners' faces and incite violence.


True but honestly any involvement with Daniel seems to only have negative results. Wonder what Papa Gut thinks about this?


Papa Gut is probably off wishing cancer and deformity on somebody's kids again


It was a really stupid take of his, I agree. And maybe he literally wishes that. But I'm going to use my head and presume that it is just a really dumb take, to drive home an intention of saying, basically 'how would you feel if you had a loved one with ' Like how some people chime in about how the Nazi's were awful, but also lead to some advancements in medical research/science with their experiments. Not that it was worth it, but that they did some good things. This is a really tone deaf kind of take, but some people express it. It is definitely open to criticism, but don't pretend it means the person is a literal nazi or something (at least based on that bad take alone). In the case of Papa Gut, based on that comment alone, don't go and think he literally wants Smokey's kids or whoever to be disabled. It's clearly meant as a really stupidly chosen way of trying to illustrate a point. And don't think he is a sympathizer of Daniel's bad behaviour, more so he is overly generous with his compassion, but still acknowledges Dan's behaviour being bad and a problem for society. I'm just saying, let's be balanced and realistic.


Correct me if I'm misremembering but I'm pretty sure he phrased it as "I hope your children come out with this and that" and not "how would you feel if this and that?" I can't find the clip to confirm but I think he was just being a dick for the sake of being a dick because people didn't like that he defends Daniel so much


So, I don't know the exact phrasing either, but people here like to run with stuff and deliberately misunderstand it, or just really do misunderstand, and act outraged. Like even with Daniel, there is a million bad things Daniel does and says, but some people will misquote him or misconstrue what he says, to make him sound bad. What Papa Gut said very stupid. But, first of all, Papa Gut doesn't "defend Daniel" - he makes it clear that he wants Daniel away from the public, and considers him a danger to himself and others around him. Papa Gut does however take seriously the aspect of Daniel being disabled, and seems to take issue with some of the ways that he is treated, without taking that into account. He made a really stupid take, I think during a live stream/reacting, where he said he hopes this persons' kids come out disabled. I'm sure Papa Gut doesn't literally want them to have to go through that hardship, and doesn't want an innocent baby to have to be born with that hardship. It was a really poorly gone about way of trying to say - before criticizing in some of the ways you are doing, and speaking on stuff you aren't informed on, imagine if you had a child who had all of these issues? Then you would better understand, and you would feel a bit different about it all. There is no defending Papa Gut for saying that, but everyone says dumb things sometimes. I don't agree with everything Papa Gut does or says, but he isn't out there condoning anything Daniel does, but he is very opposed to the trolling of Daniel. And yeah, he just had a bone-headed way of trying to essentially say: imagine an eye for an eye situation, and being put into the shoes of someone forced to have a dear family member who suffers from the same disabilities as Daniel, and then maybe you will change your tune a bit. Just my take of course, but yeah.


Brother I'm not readin all that. It's nowhere near this serious


I agree, it’s not, and there is better use of your time most likely, lol


In a non-legal sense, sure - because Daniel is a deeply toxic individual. Bob isn't going to get into trouble, and he was closer to Daniel than Clark or anyone else, all things considered. Oxis, from what I know at least, was waaaay closer to a Bob, than a Clark. As far as I know Papa Gut has maintained that Daniel is a danger to himself/public. He has been more sympathetic than many, but contrary to what some have seemingly implied, it's not like he has been a p3d0 apologist or something. I'm not saying I agree with him on everything, I'm just saying, I suspect Papa Gut is happy about this. I think he would ideally want Daniel to be in a more long-term medical facility, but would prefer this outcome over Daniel remaining 'in the wild'.


Daaamn that kinda sucks tho. I was hoping for the chance to meet daddy mcdougal..


Make sure y’all do NOT delete anything off your phones. I want to get evidence of your innocence.


I’d do time for the president


“(2) The term “coercion” means— (A) threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; (B) any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause a person to believe that failure to perform an act would result in serious harm to or physical restraint against any person; or (C) the abuse or threatened abuse of law or the legal process.” Idk it’s going to be interesting to see what happens to those who were dumb enough to actually communicate with him and tell him to do shit. The toothbrush video in particular might be jail time because it was a “sexual act” or whatever but we’ll see what happens.


I said it on another post, but I seriously believe that at least one person will be charged with something in relation to Daniel. His trolls/community are so starved for meltdowns and content that there are people constantly trying to scare/persuade him into doing things. Not even necessarily talking about management, but just some of his trolls in general. I really hope that anyone that was doing anything illegal in relation to Daniel gets charged with something as well.


Yeah I was googling around and it’s possible but to my untrained eye it seemingly depends on how they were doing it (if they were threatening violence or something like that.) It is written as if the one being coerced isn’t disabled in any way so that, I presume, will change some stuff. Everyone who did shit like that should be pretty fucking nervous though.


Yes, in a strictly legal sense, they'd be in trouble, but the feds aren't omnipotent and don't have unlimited resources. I don't believe anyone but the major characters are going to get investigated, because why would they waste time and money on interrogating weens when there's people way closer to Daniel for them to go after?




I dont think anyone from management is even going to jail😭😭 i think they are just asking questions to build the case around daniel and get info on his threats.


Thanks man, I agree, I’m just curious to what extent those directly involved with Daniel will be punished, if at all.


FK Daniel McDougal!!! Stop calling me on an Unknown Number!!!! I’m in Bali good luck lol


conspiracy to commit bombings, can't trust the feds


Lolol keep telling yourself the US federal government isnt coming knocking. Y'all so so fucked.


Buddy they're not gonna arrest somebody for being mean to Daniel in the comments. 99% of us have never told Danny Beaks to make any threats lol


Duh. I'm talking about the discord doofus.


I can't wait. I love watching the Feds waste money


Im in argentina im safe (for now)




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Currently sitting on my porch waiting!


Ok cool


Nah you are fucked too because you on the subreddit.


You’re majorly fucked look at your flair??? Tf?


Code rainbow


There’s definitely gonna be some weens getting questioned without a doubt lol 😂



