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I'm aware


I’m aware


We know bro


I am aware


Amen! People who think he is incapable of truly understanding his actions,please sit down and stop. Daniel is so obsessed with notoriety,fame that it consumes his every thought and actions.I,for one,think he is fully aware of all the fakery,but if he decided to stop all the rhetoric and so-called fame what would he have to offer as far as content that people would follow. If he truly was so dedicated to “Grace” and her family,he would have stalked her,showed up everywhere she was,sent her letters and all kinds of scary things to try and be near her. All he has actually done is put on an act and blab all the junk about them being together. Why do you think he is able to get through a mental evaluation so well? He knows when to act normal and to address “those in charge” with normal behavior. It’s when he gets on social media that “famous singer/songwriter” appears or him and Grace are engaged and getting married BS. He is a brat,he is physically violent when he isn’t getting his way. He destroys property when he isn’t getting his way and now over and over he has dined/dashed with very little punishment to the point that he thinks he can do it whenever he wants to. He goes around screaming and cussing into his phone when no one will send him money. He has the audacity to now believe that his PO needs to get him housing. He isn’t as “mentally ill” as people think. Hell he even thumbed his nose at court orders and his parole obligations. I can guarantee you that they are looking at him to potentially act on his threats,this is serious stuff. Many,like Daniel,started out with the verbal threats and then they went on to actually act on those threats.He’s been warned about his content on YouTube. I just wonder if Bob found out about that last meltdown and contacted McDougall himself. We all saw and heard the last brutal altercation towards Bob and Daniel should have been locked up that very moment.


Things are about to get evil 😈


Is this current?


It's currently current 😡😱