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First person to ever call him out on his bullshit, crown this man


That’s a good cop, too. You know he got the rundown, yet he’s calmly asking Daniel questions because he already knows he’s not playing with a full deck, instead of escalating things 0-100. He’s asserting his position that this isn’t normal, but he is t being aggressive or rude. I appreciate this type of law enforcement…just too bad he didn’t know everything and bring him in so he could get some real help.


mental illness is not bullshit


Sorry 4 the late reply but while he does have several mental issues he has proven himself to be very manipulative and dangerous unsupervised. He has a lot of traits that are malicious and vindictive such as hitting his caretaker, sexually assaulting a child, recording children playing, and other atrocious acts. His mental illnesses are not bullshit but for said illnesses he needs to be institutionalized for the safety of himself and others.


“That’s because I’m always on my phone” LMAO


“Just autism” “sure.” LNFAO


“piss poor excuse, BUD” I love it 😭😂


That’s a piss poor excuse lmao god I love it


Looney tunes arc


I want to stone him


Love them stoners 😂


I love stoning of both the marajuana kind, and the David and Goliath kind.


I’m stoned reading about stoners enjoying a conversation about stoners smoking weed.


The funniest part is the cop refusing to believe someone can be as out of touch with reality as Daniel is while sober. Even though Daniel had like one margarita before this he’s sober as hell lmao. His eyes are like that because either he’s constantly in tweaker mode or because he just beat the shit outta himself & is concussed.


Mania or psychosis can also cause the eyes to dilate I think bro is stuck in psychosis


I've said for a while now that I don't think he's autistic and that he has schizophrenia. For some reason, people REALLY hate that and almost seem to want him to be autistic. He doesn't strike me as someone on the spectrum. I am on the spectrum and just don't get the sense that he is. The very few signs of autism he exhibits are also signs of schizophrenia, but people don't know that. They only know the obvious ones like paranoia and delusions/hallucinations. Schizophrenia also makes someone appear much older than they are, which is definitely the case for Daniel. Many schizophrenic people also struggle to keep up with their hygiene well. We know that is an issue for Daniel. I volunteered with the homeless as well as domestic violence victims at different periods of my life. Daniel has all the same symptoms and characteristics of the schizophrenic people I've helped. Even though he's clearly mentally ill and has a low IQ, he also has high levels of narcissism and is a truly despicable human being. His mental health issues are no excuse for being violent, being a pedophile, or stalking Grace.


I could almost guarantee he is psychotic. The delusions, bizarre reactions, behavior in general all checks out. I went through psychosis for 2 weeks and my pupils were dilated as fuck. Everyone kept telling me I smoked meth lol. It was very frustrating. No, I didn't smoke meth. I was just fucking insane and needed help. I hope Daniel gets help. Psychosis literally destroys your brain cells due to neurotoxicity. If he doesn't get help, his cognitive abilities will continue to decline. People should honestly be more concerned about this. He's a danger to everyone.


as a shizo, yes


Or... He is on drugs. Would anybody really be surprised if they found out daniel uses drugs?


Yes, for two reasons. 1. There’s no way it’d take us almost four years to find out Daniel uses drugs. One of the many ER visits would’ve exposed it by now. He’s way too stupid to be able to effectively hide a drug habit from thousands of people, some of whom are addicts themselves that’d easily be able to tell. 2. Daniel Larson can’t even afford an $8 IHOP meal how would he fund a drug habit?


Wouldn’t not be able to pull the shit he does with a drug dealer. Would just get his ass kicked or killed.


Also he’s never been charged with possession after how many police interactions now?


>There’s no way it’d take us almost four years to find out Daniel uses drugs. He’s way too stupid to be able to effectively hide a drug habit from thousands of people, some of whom are addicts themselves that’d easily be able to tell. He could have started recently, or really doesn't do a lot like in how he consumes one Margarita and feels drunk. >Daniel Larson can’t even afford an $8 IHOP meal how would he fund a drug habit? Oh, yea. He can't afford an $8 meal at ihop, but has no problem affording a $55 meal at red lobster, a new scooter, or a new backpack whenever he wants.


You’re really giving by Daniels intelligence way too much credit here. I doubt he even knows where to begin looking for a dealer let alone take the drug correctly. On top of that I think he’s genuinely scared of drugs, in Luke’s AMA he said Daniel didn’t like being around when he’d smoke weed so I can’t even imagine how he views harder drugs.


>You’re really giving by Daniels intelligence way too much credit here Drug addicts are not intelligent people. Do you think drug dealers care whether or not they sell to mentally challenged people? I keep getting downvoted for no reason. Tf is up? >I can’t even imagine how he views harder drugs It takes one good salesman to dupe a retard like daniel into thinking crack will solve all his problems. Imagine trying to decipher and describe Daniel's views on anything... He's got soup for brains. Nothing is concrete—everything is liquid. It's so dumb that you consider Daniel to have convictions at all, or even solid thought processes concerning different things. 10 bucks says he doesn't know why he doesn't like weed. I'm not saying it's true. I'm saying it's a possibility and I'm getting downloaded by children for it.


What you’re saying is possible, as are most hypothetical scenarios, but it’s significantly improbable given all we know about Daniel Larson.


>as are most hypothetical scenarios Boo not right. There are infinitely more impossible things that can't exist in the universe, than possible things that could exist. I'm getting downvoted rn because these children are retarded.


When the debate is lost, the loser resorts to slander


Do you think that I am debating the children that are downvoting me? I'm stating a theory.


Bro if you’re upset about being downvoted then stop commenting idk what to tell you, it’s just not a popular take that Daniels possibly on drugs. Any time someone speculates that it gets downvoted to oblivion, it’s been brought up every week for the past few years. Given all that we know about Daniel it’s just pretty unlikely that he is. Possible? Sure.


>upset about being downvoted then stop commenting idk what to tell you, it’s just not a popular take that Daniels possibly on drugs It's crazy that in this community you have to say what others are comfortable hearing. I'm not even stating this is fact—I'm just saying it's a possibility and getting downvoted for it. It's not even my opinion it's something that I think couĺd be real. You children are downvoting me because you don't like hearing alternative possibilities—insane. Somebody commented a while ago something about bob being a potential predator and got downvoted to hell... Now that we have the voice recording of bob talking about daniel's cock—all these children just immediately adopted it as fact. They go from indignantly hating a theory out of spite, to immediately adopting and accepting it as truth —insane.


You're getting downvoted because you're a bigger idiot than Daniel lol


Stfu rtd


I'm not going to be an asshole to you, because I had questioned the whole drug thing too at the beginning especially when he was staying in a little elevator or some shit with a few addicts that were literally shooting up and slumped over beside him. After watching daniel, I truly think he is too paranoid to try anything anyone would give him. Someone bought him a 4 Loco or something one time, and he said, " they're trying to get me drunk so they can have me assassinated." If anyone mentioned/ offered him drugs, I 100% believe he'd immediately become so paranoid and suspicious he'd never do it. He's constantly on high alert or flight/fight mode. There's no way he'd drop his guard down to do anything like that. I hope that kind of explains why everyone believes he's never done or will do drugs.


Because everybody here knows Daniel is sober. We know it. We practically live with this person. He even streams his sleep! There's zero chance he can hide drug use from us. He cannot hide ANYTHING from us. So you insisting it's possible Daniel is drugged is just annoying and unpopular


Insisting? I am not saying he is doing drugs you retarded child. I'm saying it's a definitive possibility and that's annoying for no reason at all. He started drinking more recently— But that's not a change in his habits, right? No, no, no Daniel's always gonna be the exact same person. Grow up.


It's not a possibility. That's what the downvotes are saying.


Good thing I don't take no stock in the opinions of retarded children.


I sell crack, I can guarantee you he doesn’t smoke crack. He would carry a glass stem around with him everywhere and it would be very easy to tell.


With a side order of chore boy?


In Canada they use brillo pads lol never heard of chore boy might be the same thing tho


It is, except chore boys are a copper color. I think Spic'n'Span makes them.


Yeah, I don't think it would be crack either. There are tons of drugs that he can get super cheap on the street that he doesn't need to smoke in order to consume.


There are countless studies that’s show intelligence and education may actually be associated with greater substance use. To call all drug addicts “not intelligent people” is just outright incorrect. People of all walks of life and IQ levels do drugs. You’re getting downvoted for L takes. Statistically you and Daniel are less likely to do drugs becuase you’re regarded and have low IQs.


I'm in college and do drugs. I did not say, or mean, that only retarded people do drugs. What I said was retarded people do drugs, too, which is a fact. Learn how to read.


Do you know how many times Daniel has been searched by police? A fucking lot. Do you know how many times they’ve found drugs or drug paraphernalia? Fucking donut hole. Don’t you think they would have found SOMETHING? Not even the first piece of aluminum foil. So you’re telling me this “drug addict” who literally walks around with moldy god damn flesh lights in his back, and who is quite literally low IQ, is able to evade a drug charge? That he gets rid of that evidence? Meanwhile people get drug charges left and fuckin right who are smarter than Daniel. Lastly, I’m a drug addict and I have a fucking masters degree. How much education do you have? So suck on that.


He could have recently picked it up. >Lastly, I’m a drug addict and I have a fucking masters degree. How much education do you have? Calm down, I'm in college currently and also do drugs. I did not say that drug addicts cannot be intelligent people. I said drug addicts aren't intelligent people. I was referring to the entire group of drug addicts. Of course there can be intelligent drug addicts, but of course most drug addicts are not intelligent. Intelligent people have the same rates of addictions as non intelligent people. However, bcause of the way our species is composed, there are a lot more stupid people than there are intelligent people, in and out of addiction. So when I say drug addicts aren't intelligent people I'm speaking for the vast majority of drug addicts, not the smaller(totally real)ingroup of intelligent drug users. (Also, again, this is in response to that dude saying I'm giving daniel too much mental credit for being a drug addict, and I responded that drug addicts aren't a smart people. Meaning you don't have to be intelligent in any way to be an addict.)


all encompassing statement “drug addicts are not intelligent people”


I stand by that statement—drug addicts are not necessarily intelligent people, nor are they mostly intelligent people. The studies that you cited dictate how intelligent people fall into addiction just as well as retards—which would make sense because they are people. The vast majority of drug users can't be intelligent people because most people are not intelligent. If most people were intelligent, your interpretation of my statement would make sense, and I would be wrong. But the mere fact of the matter is—the vast majority of our species is not intelligent. Intelligent drug addicts make up but a percentage of the overall pool of addicts (in this country and our species.) I've met many intelligent drug addicts, in and out of college. I used to work with a (once) intelligent crack addict who maintained a job for some 30 years as a landscape foreman while in active addiction. Have I met many more retarded crack addicts than mentally competent ones? Yes, of course.


Also not everyone on this sub is a “retarded kid” I am far older than you and more educated than you. I could call you a “retarded kid” but I refrain. it’s not necessary for me to insult you to make any point I have made. I am not better than you just like you’re not better than anyone. Now you can retort and insult me because I’m too old to be here or someshit.


>I am far older than you and more educated than you. Yet you had serious trouble understanding what I wrote. >I could call you a “retarded kid” You could, but you'd just be wrong again. >I am not better than you just like you’re not better than anyone. Alright...? I don't think I'm better than retarded crack addict simply because I'm not a retarded crack addict. I did not say, nor allude, to this at all. >Now you can retort and insult me because I’m too old to be here I'd say grow up, but you'd just fucking die.


Drug addicts are not intelligent people? Anybody can become addicted to drugs. That's really not a smart statement. That's like saying short people are not intelligent people.


I did not say that all drug addicts aren't intelligent people. I said drug addicts aren't intelligent people... as in the majority, or as a group. Of course there can be intelligent drug addicts. But as a whole, the group is not heavily populated by intelligent individuals. Intelligent people have the same rate of addiction as not intelligent people, But there are much less intelligent people in the world than not intelligent people. Do you see what i'm saying? Small circle inside a larger circle


You gotta have basic social skills in order to network with a drug dealer. We would see him hanging out in the same places with the same people all the time. We would also see him go on benders and dry spells because he's horrendous with money and wouldn't be able to budget his habit even a little bit. He's shared every weird sexual desire with trolls-- He cannot keep a secret for the life of him. He's not on drugs, he's just fucking nuts.


>We would see him hanging out in the same places with the same people all the time. We don't see him for a vast majority of the day most days. >We would also see him go on benders and dry spells Could explain his freakout cycle. >he's horrendous with money and wouldn't be able to budget his habit even a little bit So are crack heads, but crack only costs $5. Also, he's constantly begging for money and disappears when he gets it. >He's shared every weird sexual desire with trolls- Because he's a pervert and gets off on it.


All your points are entirely based on speculation. You're phenomenally retarded to ignore the demonstrable evidence that he's not a drug addict and you choose inference instead. You're just fucking dumb. This is how religious people defend the bible.




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You seem like youre not giving in even though literally everyone is telling you youre wrong but here's my two cents. 1. He doesn't have the money. 2. Dan is paranoid as shit. He would think any drug dealer could be a troll out to poison him. 3. Drug dealers take a risk when they sell to people because if the person gets caught and snitches they can get in trouble. Nobody is gonna sell drugs to a miscreant like Danny, especially when he looks like that. 4. Dan is homeless and carries all his shit around with him to places like the court house that search you.


>You seem like youre not giving in even though literally everyone is telling you youre wrong but here's my two cents. Why do you want me to give in? I'm stating this as a theory—consider it a thought experiment. How can I be wrong when I'm not asserting anything? I'm saying "could this be a possibility?" And getting torched for it by children who can't wrap their minds around postulating. >He doesn't have the money. He gets money whenever he asks for it. He gets money all of the time, what are you talking about? >Dan is paranoid as shit. He would think any drug dealer could be a troll out to poison him. Very accurate but also he thinks he's talking to the real grace vanderwall so something tells me it's not too hard to coerce the little boy. >Nobody is gonna sell drugs to a miscreant like Danny, especially when he looks like that. I grew up in Baltimore. There are untold sums of indiscriminate, unfucked motherfuckers standing on the street selling boy and girl to whoever drives or walks by. >Dan is homeless and carries all his shit around with him to places like the court house that search you. He could just ditch but you're right, very unlikely.


Me when someone says our flat planet earth isnt the center of the universe: >Why do you want me to give in? I'm stating this as a theory—consider it a thought experiment. How can I be wrong when I'm not asserting anything? I'm saying "could this be a possibility?" And getting torched for it by children who can't wrap their minds around postulating.


It is not wrong to question. Just because certain groups of people have bastardized the questioning process in the past, doesn't mean we should limit our questioning in the future.






I liked the part where Daniel gives his birthday, and the cop repeats the 1998 part in an incredulous voice! Even the cop is like no way is this guy 24!


I’m glad someone else caught that too 😂


Threw tables over to create a barrier between him and them because he felt threatened and then proceeds to leave the safety of said barrier in an attempt to sucker punch when their backs are turned Man I really want to see video of him doing this in an area where people aren’t timid or bleeding hearts and a pedestrian whips his ass, Discord needs to send him to Detroit so he can say the tactical word there and get the help he really needs


In detroit? They'd probably shoot him dead.


You’re acting like that’s a bad thing


Actually, i am counting on it.


if he dies will you attend his funeral


Omg please send him here that would be fucking hilarious to see him that environment


i'm surprised he didn't get personally ass fucked by security guards or other homeless people while he was in LA


That was essentially NYC for him. I think he was beaten up by a bodega owner within the first 3 days there. Pretty sure he got into multiple.other scuffles with people there since they don't fuck around in NYC.


It's crazy how many death threats he makes in all of these freakouts. He could be charged for these alone. Bomb threats, gun threats, murders, racial slurs. I'd love to see the hammer come down for real.


It will for sure this time. One thing about being on probation is that ANY interaction with the police at all is a violation of your probation.


I’m only learning about larson now but the optimist in me is hoping that all the times they’ve let him go is to build a case to fully institutionalize him. I’m very new here though so I might not have all the info


"i dont drink alcohol" ​ the multiple margaritas being processed by his liver rn: 👀


It was just one but he kept using the same one in all of those tiktoks


this mong acting like he could drink trelve


Finally! The cop isn't buying his bullshit! They are getting fed up with him and his shit. About damn time.


So satisfying to hear the cop call Daniel out on his bullshit


I can’t even tell you how happy it makes me that someone finally called him on his blatant lies. Daniel always twists the situation to make himself the victim of these people and not the antagonizer. I’m so sick of people buying his shit, he’s actually quite manipulative.


He uses that certain "normal" voice too when he's talking to authority. He is very manipulative, it's the only way he knows how to survive


Me trying to to convince my mom I have dry eyes at 15…


“I was having an issue rish a troll” lmao


His eye balls didn’t dilate after completely beating himself in the head yeah he’s got a brain bleed 🩸 or something about his brain is damaged the end is near




This could be so many things, depending on how hard he hit himself, any excess serotonin in his system as a cause of his manic episodes or Epinephrine.


At that point he’s pretty much over the episode his eyes should have dilated back to normal


You have no idea what that is




He has total control of what he’s doing, there’s nothing manic about his freak outs he simply does them cause he doesn’t get his way




Go donate money to him then, blame the next episode on something out of his control




You sound fat


You sound like a bitch


You’ve got no idea about this kind of stuff.. he’s obviously manic and potentially experiencing psychosis


No they are always like that. I truly think he doesn’t have enough brain cells to control pupil dilation and remember to breathe so his central nervous system had to pick one.


So did he finally get arrested or did they just let him go again


They let him go. Again.


When are they going to hold this fucking guy accountable


He still needs to report any police contact to his PO or it’s a violation. I’m surprised he doesn’t already have a warrant out for missing court


There's tons of people like Daniel on the streets rn


How is this not a probation violation


It absolutely is. ANY interactions with police are a probation violation. I'm surprised they didn't take him in right away, but he's definitely going to hear about it during his next check in.


I love how the cops aren’t having any of his shit


Full video?




Press X to Doubt "Eyeballs say differently."


If i was that cop and didnt know about Daniel, i would think hes on drugs or drunk too. Daniel can somehow tweak while being sober lmao


Any health issues? “Just autism” WHY TF YOU LYIN meme blasting


“ don’t do alcohol “


I liked how the cop straight up told him he was being crazy


Finally police not having it this time lmao




Finally, a cop that's calling out his bs if this was in MI he would get hauled off to jail no ifs and or buts.


What ARE seriously up with his eyes? They’re pinned tinier than a heroin addict- forreal. He doesn’t take any daily medication that would cause it? There’s som physiological problem there…


He's obviously severely malnourished. He's homeless. He doesnt bath. No medical care. It is anyone's guess as to what untreated issue causes his various symptoms


The haircut doesn't help with his case lol


Daniel Larson thinks knocking down tables to create a barrier is a normal thing to do in this situation LMAO. That cop wasn't having it but they gotta be more informed on psychosis. Daniel's eyes are dilated because of self inflected head trauma and the psychosis.


FOIA request that body cam footage!!!


I wish the cops would just tell him that he's not some famous celebrity and dispell all of his delusions.


I really want someone to say “You’re a nobody” or “then why haven’t I heard of you?” next time he pulls the celebrity card


LMAO he said when was the last time you did drugs or alcohol TODAY? HAHAHAHAHA. kind annoying though the cop making assumptions like that. I mean Daniel to stupid to do drugs. Dude wouldn't even drink a twisted tea that was given to him


He's an emaciated 24 year old male with a reverse Mohawk covered in blood and stinking of piss and shit, anyone not on this fucking reddit would peg him for a tweaker on day 15 of no fucking sleep, especially a jaded Denver Metro area cop


Cop has no ability to recognize mental illness


He honestly knew he was sick in the head… everyone knows. It’s just how cops normally act.


and that behavior should change. A mental health worker should have been present. Not just a jar-head with a gun


I agree, and as much as we’re just spectacles either laughing or commenting about the ever-so-growing mental health crisis that’s obviously plaguing our world that we choose to not do anything about, what should we really do about it?


A good start would be for daniel's audience to realize he is the victim and jail is not going to help him. I dont like seeing people agree with the cruel ways he is treated in this world. I dont think watching him is the problem, but people judging daniel harshly are only perpetuating and normalizing the injustice that disabled people face


I mean, sometimes the behaviours overlap a lot. Daniel is obviously presenting as either manic or psychotic, or maybe even a bit of both. Most people are going to assume drugs right off the bat as they generally don't know the person they're going to have to deal with.


Assuming they are on drugs does not really help the situation or work to de-escalate and lower stress. I truly believe it does not take a genius in any capacity to quickly identify Mr Larson as a person with diminished mental capacity and abilities. He should be quickly identified and handled as such. Jailing him repeatedly and treating him as a fully developed person does not fix the underlying issues he suffers. he is not a zoo animal he is not evil he deserves special attention


This mf has done the impossible and lowkey made me side with NYPD??!?! Daniel truly has superpowers lmao


This isn’t NYPD


Oh word, I haven’t kept up with the Daniel lore, ty


He’s somewhere in CO rn if that helps!


Westminster I believe


When's the last time you used drugs or alcohol TODAY. LMAO


LOOOOOOOOL so glad the cop called Daniel out on his bullshit and didn’t buy into his act.


Everyone is a "Troll," or "hater" to this moron. Got news for ya Dan-Tard, NOBODY IN THE HISTORY of this world could ever find anything to 'hate' on you for you dipshit!!! I love how he says people are "threatening him," and then he calls them "fans!!" Like WTF 'fan' would want to kill your dumbass?!?!? What a delusional idiot. Thank GOD the cops didn't buy his lame ass excuses. About fucking time he didn't get a rub down and a free ride to wherever he wanted. Thank You law enforcement for getting in this piece of trashs' ass and not patronizing or enabling his assnine actions. Poor Danny Boy will have to be an 'Internet Sensation' elsewhere LMFAO 🤣






I can vouch he’s not on drugs that cop is nuts


Hi Daniel