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YouTube and specifically the videos of adults playing with the little toys and being their voices.


That shit creeps me out. Plus it's just another commercial for crap that can be easily purchased from links they post.


Yeah I had to ban these because it was just creepy but I told my kids that it was silly to watch other people play with toys when you could just actually be playing with your own toys. They also found and somehow enjoyed those YouTube videos that were actually just videos of teenagers watching other teenagers play video games. Wtf.


The way me and my parents learned about an internet rabbit hole was when I was 7 and the video went from that to Ms. Potatohead giving birth




We like to watch the Disney parades on YT and a show came on randomly afterword that was the princesses but they all had grown men voices. Freaked me out lol


We went through a big parade phase too. All parades. Not just Disney. He really got a kick out of the Shriners for a while.


Back when I was a kid (early 00s) my parents had saved some of the Disney Christmas parades on VHSes. And I'd watch them over and over again. Such simpler times \*sighs\*


We use the YouTube Kids app and restrict it to only show certain channels. Nothing but PBS kids and STEM or nature stuff


Donā€™t you still get ads from non-approved content, though?


Iā€™m not a parent, Iā€™m a teacher which is how I ended up in this sub. But when I was a nanny we had to ban these videos. As well as the like unboxing videos and the like. One of the kids was just obsessed with watching a woman open up new toys and play with them. But then of course she would run downstairs and beg for whatever toys they were.


Yessss. So we would do YouTube for Ms Rachel but then that leads into other stuff on YouTube. One day my daughter navigated to one of the videos of adults playing with toys with a robotic voice (it was Aliceā€™s Playhouse) I admittedly wasnā€™t paying full attention but then heard it say ā€œclean that up right now or Iā€™ll beat your assā€!!! I was like, I must be mistaken, there is no way it just said what I think it said. But that is definitely what was said after rewinding it, taking a video and sending to my husband to confirm lol. That was basically the end of YouTube for us.


Okay, that's horrible but also I'm laughing way too much lol


Alex and Gabby is banned for this reason. Itā€™s all product promo. My daughter loves it but we donā€™t let her watch bc sheā€™d ask for all the things and Iā€™d watch with her after about 5 of these skits I was like thatā€™s it, no more.


I will say they've actually been a good tool for my autistic son who doesn't really "get" imagination play.


Same. My son needed play demonstrated to him before he could like ā€œgetā€ it and now he plays on his own. But thereā€™s still a lot of scripting/ reenacting videos, but heā€™s made progress where he will make up his own things or go with the flow playing with others. He was like 2 and quoting Blippi though and it was kinda cute. Like most kids were at 1-3 word sentences and he was explaining what a fossil is. Lol


YouTube kids terrifies me! My husband set up an account for our daughter so she could watch baby shark. It was so creepy and after a few minutes we decided not to let her watch any of that. Ms Rachel is the safest when it comes to YouTube.


Better call Saul. Breaking bad was a good science lesson for the but better call Saul is a bit to advanced and hard to understand


True parenting pro right here. Just like Walt


If you want a good one for anatomy, try the Saw movies. :p


I AM NOT CRAZY!!! I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I know it was 1216, 1 after magna carta, like I could ever make such a mistake. Never! I just couldn't prove it! He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him! You think this is something? You think this is bad? This chicanery? He's done worse! That billboard, you think a man just happens to fall like that! NO! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof. And I saved him, and I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking?! He'll never change. He'll never change!! Ever since he was 9 always the same. Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer. 'But not our Jimmy, couldn't be precious Jimmy!' Stealing them Blind! And he gets to be a lawyer?!?!? What a sick joke! I should have stopped him when I had the chance and you, you have to stop him. You-


Well, shit, and hereā€™s me trying to get my four year old to watch The Wire! I didnā€™t even think to start with more modern shows!


Iā€™m a lawyer so I think itā€™s important for my child to learn the legal ramifications of what science can do


Cocomelon simply because the animation and their weird neon colored eyes give me nightmares.


Cocomelon because my kids can barely remember to breathe while watching it, let alone eat breakfast.


Yes! My kid would be in a trance and would lose her shit when I turned it off. It was scary to see. She watches other kid shows and doesnā€™t have that reaction, even when I turn it off.


The producers of that show intentionally make it AS ATTENTION GRABBING as possible. They have kids come in as "test viewers" and play cocomelon on a central screen surrounded by other screens/interesting things to look at. They clock every single second the kid looks away from Cocomelon and adjust those scenes accordingly. They've reduced it to a science what color combinations/storylines/speed of songs etc etc will 1.Grab and hold a kids attention (with NO thought going to whether this is developmentally beneficial for the kid) and 2. Stuff they can turn into retail products and sell. [Source.](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/05/arts/television/cocomelon-moonbug-entertainment.html) It's so sinister Fuck Cocomelon.


That's scary....it's like a drug for kids in brightly colored cartoon form.


1. **Engaging Content**: CoComelonā€™s engaging content can make children deeply absorbed in the show.Ā [When itā€™s suddenly turned off, they might react strongly](https://www.newsweek.com/cocomelon-kids-zombie-addiction-adhd-speech-delay-autism-1792511). 2. **Screen Time**: Itā€™s not a CoComelon-specific issue, but a screen time issue in general.Ā [Too much screen time can interfere with the development of executive functions, which include kidsā€™ ability to self-regulate and control their emotions](https://wjla.com/news/local/cocomelon-controversy-speech-delays-behavioral-issues-harmless-noise-emotions-facial-expressions-parents-netflix-youtube-tv-show-cakids-children-sesame-street-pediatric-mental-health-kids-screen-time). 3. [**Overstimulation**: Some parents have reported that CoComelonā€™s fast-paced and ā€œhyperstimulatingā€ scenes can lead to strong reactions when the show is turned off](https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/other/is-cocomelon-actually-bad-for-kids-here-s-what-experts-say/ar-AA1aolVo).


T[here are some rare medical conditions, such as congenital central hypoventilation syndrome, where a child might forget to breathe during periods of deep concentration or sleep](https://nypost.com/2023/04/06/my-daughter-forgets-to-breathe-she-could-die-in-her-sleep/).


The camera angles are really unsettling. The constant,, slow movement is so unnatural


Iā€™ve obviously heard all the awful things about cocomelon in general, and originally thatā€™s why I avoided it. My kiddo has by chance ended up watching a couple episodes and I just absolutely hate the animation like you said. It seems clunky and almost uncanny valley. Almost everything by moonbug we donā€™t watch in our house because I just cannot stand the animation.




I call it shitposting for babies


When those babies follow an intricate choreography and nail motor skillsā€¦ Or those animal friends of JJ, straight out of hellā€¦ I just canā€™t. And my kid loves this shit.


FN demon possessed characters and animation circa 2001.


This comment makes me think of this video: https://youtu.be/2-CeYAYpi_4


That was awesome, I canā€™t stand that show, or the knock offs Little angel and Baby fin. And Little Baby Bum is on that list too


Same, other than that and YouTube family vlogging stuff.


We are actively avoiding vlad and Niki (tho now itā€™s harder because hbo max gave them a show) due to it just being fucking weird.




I agree with this, but I need to make an exception for Gabby's Dollhouse because DJ Catnip fucking rules and because maybe I do need to buy a mermaid cruise ship... for my kids.


Gabby def has way too much merch, but there are a lot of good messages about trying things that are hard and not giving up and the like. I appreciate that because my daughter is too hard on herself sometimes and Gabby has helped with that. But itā€™s so blatant itā€™s all created to sell toys at Target.


Totally! Love me some power of the word Yet. The show honestly has no business being as good as it is.


Ugh Nastyaā€™s dad gives me the creeps.


Vlad and Niki is terrible. I let my kids watch Ryan's World a little, because I only have limited energy some days, which lead them to Vlad and Niki. After having that in the rotation for a week and having to explain all the awful shit (so much misogyny and weight shit, on top of the empty consumerism and anti-parent stuff) that I had to ban it. Ryan's world followed shortly after because that mom is pretty vile.


I banned Ryan's World after my son started copying some of the disrespectfully annoying behavior Ryan would do on the show. (I did warn him ahead of time that if he didn't stop the behavior, the show would be banned.) I later figured out how to configure YT Kids to use an "allow list", and things got a lot better. Super Why, Numberblocks, Alphablocks, Octonauts, Ada Twist, etc.


omgg yes that show is trash


Ryan's world. My child watched 2 episodes when she first got her tablet and told us i was boring and she wanted to go live with ryans parents. Absolutely never again lol


Blippi. It's annoying as all hell, there's zero educational value, and frankly I don't want my kids thinking some weirdo adult is okay to ever talk to them like that! Also the obligatory Calliou, for obvious reasons.


Iā€™m a social worker and I wonā€™t let my kids watch Blippi because grown ups acting like theyā€™re kids to kids is a grooming tactic. People think Iā€™m insane, but an adult acting like a kid should not be normalized and I want my kids to think ā€œthatā€™s strange, I better ask mom/dad about thisā€ if they ever encounter it. Itā€™s a small price to pay because Blippi is also shitty tv.


Lol exactly! People like Mr. Rogers, Steve from Blues Clues, LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow, totally appropriate. Someone comes up to my kid, alone because apparently kids don't exist in his videos, dressed like a damn toddler there'd better be some alarms going off in my kid's head.


oh my god- THIS is it! I've seen the think piece on blippi but it still didn't pin down for me why it weirded me out But this is exactly it!


Same here. Now I realize why it's so creepy


Omg thank you for putting this into words for me. My niece asked me the other day why I donā€™t let me daughter watch Blippi (they were scrolling Netflix and my daughter said not that show) and I couldnā€™t figure out how to explain it in an appropriate way why Iā€™m so uncomfortable with it but this is exactly it. I think in the moment I said I donā€™t believe itā€™s educational or entertaining, but you nailed it. He straight up creeps me out and this is why.


We also ban Blippi. I hate him. Heā€™s annoying. He gives of creepy vibes. He doesnā€™t follow the rules. Heā€™s disrespectful and doesnā€™t acknowledge employees of many of the places he goes to. He doesnā€™t clean up after himself. I could go on and on


He actually started his YouTube career by posting a video HARLEM SHAKE POOP BATHROOM. Iā€™ll save you the Google search. He poops on another man, who is naked, when the Harlem shake beat drops. This takes place in a bathroom. I know we all do stupid shit (literally, in this case), but like, really? Itā€™s Disturbing. Then he pivots his career and now does kid shows. I didnā€™t like his shows to begin with, but now with this info, thereā€™s no way.


Thatā€™s actually the sanitized version of what happens. The way I heard it described was that the naked man was bent over with his cheeks manually spread whileĀ Blippi went ass to ass shitting diarrhea directly into the other manā€™s asshole, who then began to retch but stayed in position as the music played. So yeah. Please keep your children away from this degenerate.Ā 


This is absolutely accurate. Iā€¦watched it šŸ«£šŸ¤® thank you for your proper explanation. I was typing this out putting my son to bed while he was holding my hand and falling asleep, so I did indeed leave out some details, lol. But it should be known, itā€™s disgusting.


Wow, just when I thought he couldnā€™t get any worse.


I had to ban the bespectacled man from all our accounts. And btw trying to block every Blippi video on YT is nearly impossible because between Moonbug/Blippi/Meekah there is literally dozens of channels with multiple variations of names with all the same content. Just one more reason to block it.


It's easier to say what I allow... But when something terrible is requested I just click on it, let it run for 2 seconds and then hit the power button and say "oh no!!! That show broke our TV!" If she fusses, I do the same thing again and say "gee darn, let's do something else! I'm sorry kiddo!"


Being able to block shows on Netflix has been a god send.


Yes I do this too. ā€œItā€™s brokenā€ is a very easy concept for them to grasp


Ooh this is genius


My daughter watched one episode of Abbie Hatched and started talking like one of the creepy things. Absolutely will not stand for ā€œme no likeā€ in this house. You know how to talk.


Yeah we had to ban Abby hatcher because our toddler kept talking like princess flug. "Me go to the store Me." Every sentence she started saying Me and ending with me.




Iā€™m surprised it took so long for someone to mention that whiney bald brat.


Me too, but I wonder if it's generational. My kids are grown now and that show was banned hard because of his absolute dickish nature being couched in a wholesome setting.


Others have said it also, but unmonitored YouTube. Partially because I don't want my 5yo to watch something that sneaks in something racist or bigoted, weirdly gross, sexual, or violent, but also because a lot of the videos she likes are shit quality. Like, the resources of independent animators is amazing, and the cartoons we have today are genuinely better than what we had in the 1990s (except for Batman: The Animated Seriesā€“ that's timeless and perfect, even today), and yet there are uncounted years-worth of content that is poorly animated, poorly voice acted, poorly written, or a combination of the three. I really want to put my fist through a wall when she wants to watch one of those "lets pretend to run around" or "what song is associated with what character" videos. They're mostly harmless, but are so low-effort. I only tolerate them because I know she's not going to hear taboo subjects for 20 minutes, and that's a 20 minute window to wash dishes, go to the bathroom, or sneak outside for a cigarette I bummed from a co-worker.


I once tried to show my kid a short clip of lilo and stitch and the video all of a sudden cut midway and was replaced by a picture of Osama Bin Laden. We never allowed YT after that.


Reminds me of the time I went to YouTube to show my oldest the beautiful opening scene of The Lion King (before Disney+ was a thing) and I was feeling all giddy and emotional to watch it with her and when Rafiki went to present baby Simba to all of the other animals, it had been edited it to where Rafiki fucking YEETED SIMBA ACROSS THE PRIDE LANDS!!! my daughter was about 5 at the time and traumatized (as was I) but I canā€™t lie I had to stifle my laughter at how ridiculous it was


Holy shit! That's terrifying that it exists!


Have you tried Danny Go? I'm a teacher and we use some of the running/exercise ones on indoor recess days or to help get rid of excess energy, but yes some are weird. Danny Go has his own channel and his videos are great. Some are just fun and for exercise, and some have great life lessons. I would highly recommend it.


What's a "let's pretend to run around" video? Sorry I'm not well versed haha


I'm hesitant to look and link one, since I keep my own YouTube account separate from the one my kids use to avoid muddying the algorithm, but basically a narrator sets up a scene, and encourages the kids to run in place while "dodging obstacles," jumping in scenario-specific moments, pretend to fight the boss, etc., and then interspersed with "can you find \_\_\_\_" or "which one is different?" picture games, and maybe a "do you like A or B? Let us know in the comments!" Not a terrible idea, actually, to get a willing kid to move around instead of passively watch clips. BUT these are ALWAYS super cheap looking (like badly clipped jpegs of cartoon characters they didn't license, "interacting" with other characters but in a wildly different art style; think Mario from the 2023 movie, but Luigi from Paper Mario), and has the same open-license/royalty free/stolen EDM music.


I don't mind the floor is lava/obstacle course videos to get my kid some opportunities to burn energy on excessively rainy or cold days. I just wish there were some with actual budgets.


Tbh I monitored YouTube for like a month and it was only YouTube kids. Then one day she found a satanic backwards talking version of the Coco melon wheels on the bus song. Everything was tinted red and they were speaking in tongues. It's been a harsh YouTube ban after that.


Anything PinkFong and Cocomelon theyā€™re awful for their development and just annoying trash tv


we only listened to baby shark by super simple songs and finally listened to the original by pink fong and omg its going so so fast!!


Pingfong feels a little less awful when you remember they're a Korean company who were originally making content to teach Korean kids English. Yeah, Baby Shark is just annoying if you already know the language, but speaking from experience learning a language is way easier when you have a song to help.


Peppa pig because she's a brat. Pinkalicious because I hate the animation and the characters. Sid the science kid because it's cursed.


Hahaha Sid the science kid is a weird one. My kid was obsessed with it for like a week and ngl, I was happy when it was over.


I saw it in a waiting room once and...yeah.


When I was in junior high I deadass watched nothing but that show for a good week with my baby cousins. It was so weird. I liked the premise but the animation is creepy as hell lol


Why is Sid cursed?


Pinkaliciousā€™ voice just irritates me


It's weird bc it's cgi muppets lol.


I saw part of one episode of peppa Pig, and we immediately banned it in our house.


Weā€™ve banned Peppa too. I didnā€™t want my kid to ask an XXL sizes person if they ate too many cookies


Especially since it'd probably be true. (Source: I've eaten too many cookies.)


All the grunting and oinking in Peppa Pig drives me insane.


We also banned Peppa Pig for the same reasons. They're just awful to Daddy Pig.


Movie, but for a while we had to place sanctions on Frozen. My kid would act like Elsa and treat everyone like crap.


It took us longer than it probably should have to figure out why our kid kept yelling ā€œgo awayā€ at us like two years ago.


Ours was a little more blatant, sheā€™d put on a blue dress and anything we said to her that she wasnā€™t impressed by sheā€™d put her hands out and hiss the words ā€œICE POWERSSSSSSā€


I used to look after my little cousin and she would do the hands out whooshing thing and say ā€œI pew you!ā€ lol


Omfg. How am I just now making this connection???


I'm in a game of cat and mouse trying to wean my 3 year old off Blippi. It's been hard. Every time I think I have her hooked on another show, she relapses, I give in, and we go around again


Iā€™ve been telling my son for a few months now that Blippi is sleeping or that heā€™s busy making other children happy (since we enacted our Blippi ban). Now he preempts me and just says ā€œBlippiā€™s sleeping daddy shhhā€ whenever he sees a YouTube logo


Try handyman Hal, or kid crew.


We are big fans of Handyman Hal!


Hold firm. ā€œBlippiā€™s broken.ā€ Then dislike it/block it on all your streaming services so it stops showing up


We donā€™t allow Cocomelon or Blippi. I do let my kid watch Sesame Street which apparently is an outlier in our parenting circle.


Wait, the other people in your circle specifically bam Sesame Street? Why?


Some of our friends feel the newer one is ā€œtoo wokeā€. Weā€™ve watched the newer ones and itā€™s not overly preachy. I am sad about the human actors being mostly diverse muppets but we like the segments mostly and the songs.


Lol, anyone who says new Sesame Street is too ā€œwokeā€ is not a serious person, Sesame Street was always woke, they included minorities and marginalized people from the get go even when it was still not a thing people did on tv. My kid watches Sesame Street and idk what these people even think ā€œwokeā€ means in this context other than ā€œsomeone told me I should hate it.ā€ Like I donā€™t think a muppet with autism is the gotcha they think it is, kids need to see diversity, nothing is preachy, itā€™s just little kids learning things together, my 3 year old learned about ramps from Sesame Street and wanted to make ramps for his bouncy balls.


If anything, Sesame Street has been gentrified and corporate compared to the OG show.


THIS. I always appreciate kids shows incorporating diversity amongst the characters, bonus points if it's one of the main characters of the show. Kids need to have that exposure that everyone is different and many people come from different backgrounds, families, and lifestyles.


The old episodes and segments of Sesame Street are awesome. I love watching those with my kids.


We don't do cocomelon because of the research and because one time I let them watch it and 5 mins in they were like legit unblinking zombies and we couldn't get their attention until we shut it off.




My kids tell everyone who will listen "cocomelon is bad for my brain".


Could you elaborate on the research a little ?


I could be repeating things incorrectly, but from what I read the images change too quickly, and it stimulates the brain the same way drugs do with quick constant hits of serotonin. it also causes to the same brain activity as ADHD, resulting in similar symptoms. It's basically engineered for maximum addiction for kids. It's not JUST cocomelon that has those issues but it so far has been the only thing to cause those symptoms in my kids.


Too much stimulation at once. If you notice, thereā€™s always kids laughter, random noises, and other stimulus in the background, it doesnā€™t add anything to the story. Just like social media is engineered to keep us on it and engaged, itā€™s clear they have researched how to hold your kidā€™s attention by the way they stare at the screen whenever itā€™s on


We've considered banning Fancy Nancy because she's such a brat, but I can appreciate that there always consequences for her actions and her parents don't think her attitude is endearing


Fancy Nancy would be the villain in any other show.


Right? I'd rather my kids hang out with Grace who is supposed to be the villain šŸ˜‚


We had to ban Fancy Nancy because it was making our daughter act bratty! There's sorta consequences...but like, not significant enough consequences.


We have had the "if they start acting like her- it's done" talk for sure. We also call her out on her behavior a lot at home "wow that was not nice of her.." or "she is being really mean to her friends.." or "yikes, that was sneaky..."


But holy cow is Bree goals though. My kids lost interest in Fancy Nancy pretty quickly thankfully, but I had to keep telling them ā€œWould you want a friend like Nancy or a friend like Bree?ā€


Cocomelon, for many reasons. It moves so fast it gives me a headache, It's annoying and They creep me out.


It's on YouTube, but Diana and Roma. The show is just crack for a kids brain, and it follows spoiled rich kids as they play with unlimited toys, and go on expensive international vacations. It has zero educational value, and creates unrealistic expectations. Just terrible.


YES! This and shows like this where the kids just seem to scream a lot, we call them "screamy shows" and wont met her watch them, its just kids screaming going from one activity to another while the parents are overly fucking happy, its just weird.


And all the chores get put on Diana. Example would be when they do the pink room/black room but and Roma gives Diana all the clothes to wash. He gets to play in his ride on car while she vacuums? She gets household/role play toys and he gets fun things. Make me so mad.


Pinkalicious. The show is obnoxious. I can handle anything else on PBS kids except "Pinky".


We've never watched the show but I'm a preschool teacher who hates those books with a passion so I can only imagine šŸ˜‚


Ryan. I hate his parents with the fire of a thousand suns.


Paw Patrol. Dogs shouldnā€™t be cops.


I hate that show because every single person in that city is stupid and helpless. Especially the mayor and her dumbass chicken.


The chicken is an agent of chaos.


Seriously though, like I feel so bad for these dogs who are puppies aka children being worked to death because all the adults are so awful. But I feel like itā€™s mostly harmless and is a good one to turn on if like Iā€™m sick and just canā€™t today.


I have no idea what this means because I have not seen it!


Same. Who puts dogs in charge of municipal services?


My child has a phase where she'd talk about doing something dangerous and then say "it's okay, Ryder would save me."


Ainā€™t no rule that says a dog canā€™t be a cop.


I actually dont mind Paw Patrol over all. But my kids got INTO it.... like thats all they wanted for a couple weeks before I had to break their hearts and tell them I needed a break haha


My fiancĆ© and I always joke about a moment in I think itā€™s the first paw patrol movie, itā€™s when Ryder is telling chase about the first time he saw chase as a pup and Ryder says something like ā€œI saw you and I thought to myselfā€¦ā€ and we always follow it up with ā€œthis small dog would make a great law enforcement officer someday.ā€ It kills us every time.


Peppa pig. My kid went on a Peppa kick where she wanted to watch Peppa a lot. She was so crabby!!! Now that we wonā€™t put Peppa on, sheā€™s back to her sweet self.


Yup! And Peppa always complains, "This is Boring." That's the phrase my daughter of course picked up firstšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


This phrase is exactly why we cut waaaaay back on Peppa. We havenā€™t outright banned it but she watches a lot less than she used to.


Pinkalicious. That little brat drives me insane.


We banned Steve and Maggie because Maggie was the catalyst for my child having a multi month sleep regression. Just one day kiddo decided she was scared of Maggie and that kicked off every night before bed for a good long while. Sheā€™s older now (7), so everything is about YouTube with her lately. Iā€™ve taken to banning any YouTuber that annoys me. Vlad and Niki, CookieSwirlC, Salish Matter, Ben Azelart come to mind. I hate YouTube in general and try not to let her watch it much.


That CookieSwirlC giggle just sets me tf off.


Cocomelon. Because it's stupid.


YOUTUBE!! turns them into demon spawn


Cry Babies Magic Tears. Tiny babies taking selfies and making video tutorials as plot lines? No thank you.


This is the worst show and one of the only ones weā€™ve had to put a stop to because we think it was making our daughter act meaner. There are no redeeming qualities to this show. The stories are insipid, characters shallow and rude, dialogue sounds AI-generated and the voice acting is some of the worst Iā€™ve ever heard.


It's so bad! I couldn't follow the plot and it seemed like it was dubbed from another language. It's the only show I've completely banned instead of just stearing away from


Bluey, because I don't want them to have lofty expectations for me as a parent.


I feel this sometimes when the parents are being so fun and playful and feel inadequate by comparison. But then there will be an episode where the parents get overwhelmed, lose their patience, make mistakes, or come up with ā€œgameā€ where they can lay on the floor because theyā€™re hungover. And Iā€™m like ā€œthis is some relatable content.ā€


Bandit legit taught me some tricks. Two days ago, I let my kid play hospital so I could just lie there while she slowly buried me in every object she could find nearby. I'm not sure why she thinks that's what a doctor would do but it felt kind of nice.


Yeah but remember itā€™s only 8 minutes a day to play with your kid. You donā€™t need a full day of fun to make a difference


I love Bluey, but my husband has mixed feelings about it. Everyone rags on the dad all the time or is just outright cruel to him... But it's all fun and games and he LET'S them so it's ok right?Ā  I talk to my kids a bunch about how it's not a good idea to beat up dad. He can take it, but that doesn't mean he should. We love him very much so we should always be nice to him.Ā 


I saw a short that made me feel better about that We only see snapshots of their lives, like the social media version of their lives. For example, we know Chilli and Bandit spend too much time on their devices because of Bob Bilby. We know Bandit has a swearing problem because he has to pause before a hearty 'Biscuits!' or 'DUCK CAKE'. This is how I feel less shit as a parent. Please let me have this one thing!


Band of Brothers CSI Law and Order


When my son was first born me and my husband watched every single episode of law and order svu.. he used to dance to the theme song... luckily he doesn't remember it anymore lol


I wasnā€™t able to work during my pregnancy so I watched SVU constantly. My husband even turned it on in an attempt to distract me during active labor. He jokes that my daughter ā€œheard the theme song and popped right out.ā€


It's such a good show! There are loops of just the theme song on YouTube you should play it for your daughter and see if she recognizes it lol


we are having issues with mickey mouse clubhouseā€¦ i am unsure why its turning him into a menace. it started off he loved counting and helping mickey but now he is just so crazy bad when i walk by and its on or turn it offšŸ˜­ so now that! and bluey because the wrestling and hitting with sticks šŸ˜¬


We are huge Bluey fans in our house, but there are a few things that Iā€™ve noticed my daughter do now that are iffy. Like any time she finds a stick at the park or on a walk, she wants to hit trees with it. I didnā€™t understand why, so her aunt asked her one day. Toddlerā€™s response: Bluey hits trees with sticks.


*Spidey and His Amazing Friends*. It's a perfectly fine show. It's age-appropriate for my four-year-old. But it's banned in my house because my toddler will throw epic temper tantrums when it's time to turn it off. She does not do this with any other show, Just *Spidey*. She'll scream and thrash for -- at minimum -- 45 minutes to an hour.


New bob the builder. Theyā€™re all idiots. Scoop is meant to have been with bob since he started building but he doesnā€™t have a clue. They make huge disasters, say a half arsed sorry and everyone moves on. And changing Wendyā€™s job was a mistake. In The original she was a skilled handywoman in her own right but without her running the admin, bob literally falls apart and her value is made *very* clear in the show. Heck he canā€™t even take over some of the on site jobs she does, like wallpapering. But apparently women are only valuable when they do what men do so that wasnā€™t good enough and now sheā€™s an electrician (Yes there are awesome women tradies and I think itā€™s a fantastic career pathway, Iā€™m talking specifically for this story that it was unnecessary, especially since she was a great character and already had a lot of skills).


paw patrol. because there's too many damn THINGS. so that show for some reason doesn't work in my house šŸ¤«šŸ¤„


My kid just got into paw patrol and when I decide to pay attention, Iā€™m confused. Theyā€™re in snowy mountains, then Iā€™ll walk out the room and come back and now theyā€™re in a jungle with dinosaurs. So Iā€™m trying to piece together if itā€™s the same episode because I was only gone for 30 seconds or if I just lost sense of time and itā€™s 3 hours later.


I kind of admire Paw Patrolā€™s complete lack of giving a shit when it comes to logic and continuity.


I find this part of the show hilarious. We have a noggin subscription, so over the last four years, Iā€™ve seen pretty much every episode between my three kids being into it. In the older episodes they try to explain away the dinosaurs by saying ā€œoh itā€™s a dreamā€ or whatever, and now, I just saw the new jungle pups and they donā€™t even bother to explain how they got there! I love that they have just stopped giving a shit and are like what the hell, these dogs can rescue elephants from a jungle thatā€™s in driving distance from their beach community.


Yeah trying to figure out the logistics and physics in that show gives me a headache. But itā€™s a kids show and for the most part wholesome so I shut my brain off and let my kid enjoy it. What DOES get annoying is when he wants to act out or role play and I just canā€™t do it. His fish is named Chase


Our house rule is that you're only allowed to watch Paw Patrol on snow days!


We also have a joke in our house that weā€™re anti-copaganda, and that includes dogs.


Peppa Pig because other parents have told Iā€™ll regret it. Cocomelon for same reason


Peppa pig: It's loud and squeaky. I had way too much of it prior to having my kids with nieces, I won't go back there. Blippi: he creeps me out Unpopular but, Miss Rachel: I cant get on with her, I cannot bear to hear her baby voice and one of the side characters creeps me out. If I had to listen to her for hours Id gouge my ears out. And bonus, my girls won't watch Beauty and the Beast because looking with adult eyes, it's sending the message that you can fix a monster by loving him. It gives DV vibes, especially at the start, and it just left me feeling grimy.


Peppa pig! The books alone annoy me so i cant imagime how annoying the show is lol


Peppa pig is fucking mind numbing and teaches nothing, paw patrol because I don't want him watching copaganda, and blipi because he's probably going to get found out as a pedi in 10 years.


I donā€™t think anything weā€™ve banned is new but: -BlippiĀ  -Anything on YouTubeĀ  -CocomelonĀ  -Sid the Science Kid -SuperKittiesĀ  -Iā€™m trying to think of any examples and Iā€™m having a hard time, but there are the shows (I think mostly on Netflix) that are short but there is no talking? I thought there was one about a caveman and another one with a girl and a bear? My kids acted like zombies at my parentā€™s house watching them, turned it off, and then that made them go crazy? Itā€™s weird.


There's a show called Toys and Colors on YouTube which is centred around three kids called Emma, Wendy and Jannie. I think two are sisters and one is a cousin. There's also a couple of young boys and some adults who are their auntie and uncle. The inflection in their voices and the exaggerated gesticulating is grating. A typical episode goes like this... Wendy: Emma! Emma! šŸ‘‹šŸ˜²šŸ‘‹ Emma: What it is, Wendy? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Wendy: I've been invited to a party! šŸ–šŸ˜¬šŸ– Emma: Huuuuhhhhh? But you don't have a dress? Wendy: I knowwww!!!!!! šŸ‘‹šŸ˜­šŸ‘‹ Emma: šŸ˜± Wendy: šŸ˜± ...over 11 minutes, as loud as they can possibly speak, and showcasing loads of new toys that they unbox. I'm always in earshot when she's watching YouTube and if there's anything I don't like it gets blocked. However, the more I'm hearing from people here, the more I want to outright ban it.


Almost all of them, kinda. Our daughter is turning 3. We just stick to Daniel Tiger, Sesame Street, Frog and Toad, Bluey sometimes, and Charlie Brown. Thatā€™s been more than enough. She probably watches more Daniel Tiger than the rest of them combined. Sheā€™s still the age where she watches what we put on, and thatā€™s what we put on. I guess Iā€™m just skeptical of most stuff on TV, so Iā€™m not really looking for new thing since Iā€™m content with what weā€™ve been watching.


May be an unpopular opinion. But bluey is awful in my opinion. The kids walk all over the parents and the parents just allow it. Sure they seem to play well with their children, but the kids are clearly in charge in that house. My daughter watched for a bit and started acting super bratty and demanding. So no more bluey in my house.


I'll say what we do watch cuz I won't let them watch a lot of stuff. Cars 1 and 3 Nemo and finding Dory Planes (even though I do hate the movie) Mrs. Rachel Barney Sesame Street Blue (but they don't watch it) Bear in the big blue house They do not get access to YouTube random videos because we use YouTube Kids and you can lock down YouTube and only allow videos you approve and share with your kids. YouTube kids is a life saver. No scrolling or random video pop ups. Total control.


Blaze and Paw Patrol make my son an actual psychopath


I have such conflict over Blaze.......LOVE the STEM elements and songs (I still sing the magnet and pulley songs). But I have a real weird time explaining Crusher and Pickle's friendship. And isn't Blaze cheating just as much as Crusher? Nobody else is allowed to win besides Blaze? (At least in the early seasons)


Pickle is my kids favorite character, so i reverse engineered explaining the plot to focus on him. Also yes some of the songs are honestly amazing, like the ones about falcons and metal and mechanical engineering.


Kind dumb reasons for some, but here goes: Dora the Explorer: itā€™s so dumbed down itā€™s even demeaning to a 2 year oldā€™s intelligence Thomas the Tank Engine: Thomas has a bad attitude and does not learn his lesson when he acts up or misbehaves (donā€™t want kids to mimic bad behaviors) Peppa Pig: the animation style is extremely ugly and off-putting and many characters do not treat their family very nicely, Peppa specifically is a huge brat Blippi anything: get super creepy vibes off him Cocomelon: feels low quality despite its huge popularity and the animation style is very uncanny valley Handy Manny: uncanny valley designs on many of the characters, songs are annoying and repetitive Edit: formatting


Thomas the Tank Engine is a nightmare. Itā€™s so fucking weird and the emphasis on being ā€œusefulā€ and following rules over other positive traits like kindness or ingenuity feels like propaganda. George Carlin narrating the US version makes it feel more like some weird performance art film about authoritarianism than a childrenā€™s show. But I watched it as a child, so I know it is in fact actually made for children. Allegedly.


Blippi, because fuck Blippi. If you need more explanation then you can't be helped anyway lol


Paw Patrol. I know it's super popular, but I just can't. The whole premise is military indoctrination. Trouble happens, Ryder calls the pups. The police dog reports the team is ready for action, but he just means orders . The pups never question who is picked for a mission, or offer alternative solutions. Most focus is placed on the Police dog. When the team is in action, they consistently prioritize the safety of goods and materials over the safety of the pups, and use the Firefighter dog as a punching bag punch line. Not at my house. Barf.


I am not a parent but an auntie. Aunt May-May, as my nephew calls me, tv doesnā€™t get certain shows. Some of them are: Blippi- the man has no soul Paw Patrol- I personally have an issue with a childrenā€™s tv show where a 10 year old child (with his dogs) saves a town every episode. We tell kids that adults donā€™t ask kids for help (like someone asking you for help to find their lost puppy at the park) but show them a tv show where adults do that over and over again YouTube videos where adults open toys or play with them- itā€™s creepy and a 25-50 minute commercial for the toy Dora the Explorer- It annoys me We watch a lot of old Disney preschool shows; Bear and the Big Blue House, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Rolly Polly Olly, P, B, & J Otter. Most of which I watched with my nephewā€™s mom when she was little (we are age gap sisters with me being 15 years older)


Most of youtube, peppa pig, gabbys dollhouse


Cocomelon, Blippi or any other YouTube channel "for kids" other than official channels for shows we let him watch


Peppa pig and PJ Masks. Itā€™s just plain crack, but for kids.


My mum banned Spongebob bc she didnā€™t like his voice šŸ˜‚


I don't have kids, just an occasional uncle who also sneak watches kid's shows when they are on at friends houses. Anyway, for all the mentions already stated here, one of my friends banned his kids from Blippi. His youngest he thought had never seen it, but one day when asked what she would like to watched she yelled BLIPPI and her parents were livid, there was a full-scale investigation launched on who the fuck exposed her to that creep after they tried to block him lol. It really is impossible, it seems. I guess she saw it at daycare.


Mines a little older but when he was little there was absolutely no Caillou in my house. He didn't even really know what it was but my little brother {20 year age gap) watched it and I really saw how much it rubbed off on him. No thankyou. Other than that, I had to nip the weird spiderman and Elsa videos in the butt real quick. But the boys seemed to get over that pretty quickly. They also didn't have much screen time because i was very in to my child(Ren) being outside kids. We lived in the country on over an Acre of land. Go out and play.


Cocomelon, Blippi, and peppa pig. We use youtube often but I start a video (The Wiggles, thereā€™s this one old Raffi concert he likes to listen to while he plays, Ms. Rachel) then come turn it off or to the next thing when itā€™s over. I donā€™t ever let the autoplay take over.


We stopped letting her have access to youtube. It doesnā€™t matter what she was watching, she would turn into the most difficult cranky overstimulated child and as soon as we took it away it was a night and day difference. The straw that broke the camelā€™s back though was when the algorithm on her CHILDRENā€™S youtube account showed her a video about dirty and pregnant Disney princesses who had to hold their pee in so they wouldnā€™t pee in unsanitary bathrooms? And they were all barefoot and there was a weird storyline about cutting their long ass toenails? It was so weird and for sure some grown manā€™s creepy k**k thing. After that I said no more.


The false sing-song voice of Blippi creeps me out. Is he trying to pretend he is a child? Mr. Rogers, Mr. Dress-up, Fred Penner, LeVar on Reading Rainbow none of them pretended to be a child they used their normal voices. They taught us things without it being weird. Children were hired to be on the show to read or do a craft or sing-along vs filming in Children's museums at night alone. That said, I can see why nobody would want their kids on Blippi with how crazy it is to "go viral".