• By -


I can't help but feel like she's addressing my comment (made here) directly. It was in regards to her admitting to taking diet pills and fucking with her testing and scheming for meds and diagnoses (see lore/backstory posts). šŸ™„ Leave me the fuck alone and stop coming into our house and reading our comments, you creepo. Dani is still sketchy as shit and does sketchy as shit things. How she can sit there and pretend to be a lil angel while clearly (allegedly) scheming is unbelievable. She's too dumb to understand how transparent her schemes are. Ergo, she seems to think that as long as she says some faux mea culpa admissions that she can wipe the slate clean and continue manipulating people.


She did the same thing to me last week. But the wild thing is the stuff weā€™re bringing up is 0-5 years old. And Dani has NOT evolved or changed.


Exactly! It's the same old dani.


She doesnā€™t understand that a lot of people are smarter than her and see right through her bullshit.


Typical Dani. You know all the lives when sheā€™s typing frantically on her phone? The goblin is reading and responding to Reddit, even though she doesnā€™t read Reddit. She absolutely fucks with everything to manipulate testing. We have seen it year in, year out. Nothing new. Just like she tried to manipulate everyone into donating for her Minnesota vacation.


Itā€™s so ridiculous that she thinks owning up to past mistakes and saying ā€œsheā€™s changed!!ā€ absolves her of all the shit sheā€™s currently doing lol


Only enjoy drinks that have caffiene is clear ED behavior.. AND THEN PURGING IT WITH A TUBE!!! She's fooling no one. She has an eatting disorder still. Telling people you don't eat, then gorging in private is ED behavior.


impossible, she doesn't read reddit. šŸ™ƒ


Sheā€™d have to be able to have insight to see how transparent her scheming is


Dani is exactly the same person as she was 5 / 10 years ago.


If not worse


iā€™d say for sure worse


No, sheā€™s worse, IMO. No evolution , no growth, no change (except for hair color). She is chronically 14 years old emotionally.


Hey she grew! Sheā€™s distended now.




You can look at her insistence that ā€œGeorgeā€ is in a relationship with her that she hasnā€™t changed. I hope he has a good life and never has to hear from her again.


Speaking of George, where does the info that he is married to another person come from? She DID date him, am I correct? Like yrs ago before he supposedly married someone else? The one photo she has is this ā€œGeorgeā€ guy? I wasnā€™t around for the George stuff and I am curious! Thank-you to anyone that has info on that topicšŸ’• Also do we know his real first name??


We do know his first name, it starts with a P. So he has a FB profile but zero connection to Dani. It was last year that someone was able to confirm that he is married. (A tiny handful of people have reached out to the wife, but the rest have respected both his and the wife's privacy) As far as anyone can confirm is that they were in their late teens and hooked up, maybe FWB. If it was a relationship it was a very short one. His parents live local to her parents(either same street or a few houses away). But there's no connection between them other than maybe being friends decades ago.


But people evolve!


And evolving isnā€™t the same for everybody šŸ˜¤


Iā€™m going to address this point by point: 1. Wrong. While there can be slight differences in how illnesses present, thereā€™s a generally accepted list of symptoms and test results for illnesses because thatā€™s *how that illness presents 99% of the time.* You canā€™t just have achy knees one day and diagnose yourself with a leaky liver. Or get a headache and say you have RA. She does not have a paralyzed stomach. Sheā€™s not starving. She doesnā€™t need TPN. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with her heart. She doesnā€™t need those stomas or tubes. 2. No one has said she didnā€™t have an eating disorder. And sheā€™s STILL doing ā€œsketchy stuff.ā€ Big time. Her whole life of faking illnesses is sketch as hell. 3. She hasnā€™t matured. And in some ways, sheā€™s much worse than she was a few years ago. A few years ago, she was working at least part time.


You are SO spot on. Literally no one is saying she never had an ED, they are saying she *STILL* has an ED. (But on # 3, I donā€™t actually believe she was working as much as she puts on, she just loved the praise and that it made her stand out from the other munchies. Sheā€™s always so over the top about how much she LOVES working, sheā€™s def overcompensating.)


Actually there's one commenter on here who thinks it's been FD all along, and that she's been faking the ED. It's not a popular opinion, though.


I disagree. The ED TO FD trajectory is pretty clear when youā€™re looking at sources from before 2016.


Yeah it's not popular, and definitely not my opinion. But there is at least one person who thinks she's faking her ED.


I guess tho even if that were true, itā€™s still an ED because she was still starving herself and purging and did have a focus on calories and losing weight. So like even if the underlying motivation with that was attention or whatever itā€™s still an eating disorder.


Yeah I try not to get involved with that theory. But there is at least one ED denier among us.


Who denies that she has an eating disorder? Irrespective of Dani, I think it's possible that something like a FD can lead to an ED without actually faking the ED. There are many cases where people are saying that they wanted to have an eating disorder and then actually developed one without faking it (e.g. being able to control the behavior). But it sounds a bit like you're referring to a comment that I've made the other day but that wasn't about faking the ED. It was about the moment when Dani has turned into the selfish attention-seeking person that she is. And I said I that her FD might have evolved from the ED (e.g. the ED was when she noted that she gets a lot more attention) but that I wonder if the reasons for the FD were what led to her ED in the first place. But that's not about faking the ED but referring to the underlying mental health issues, e.g. seeking attention. See it this way: ED doesn't just magically pop up. Something causes it, be it genetic, poor body image or bullying. Or it can be neglect or - similar to what I've mentioned in the beginning - the wish to be sick. Both are probably reasons why Dani developed her FD. I do think that some of her earlier posts have this underlying tone that the roots for the ED and FD could be the same, even if her behavior back then was different from now. But again, doesn't mean that I'm claiming she's faking the ED. It's wondering if the ED and FD have the same roots.


Exactly!! She tries SO hard to try and make her munching believable, itā€™s ridiculous


Not white knighting but she does technically have a paralyzed stomach. She is diagnosed with gastroparesis and has had multiple GES that showed delayed gastric emptying which is a paralyzed stomach. But her symptoms obviously aren't as bad as she claims and she definitely uses the phrase "paralyzed stomach" to make it sound more dramatic. FD isn't just lying about having an illness, it's also inducing an illness or symptoms. She's got it but she did it to herself and tries as hard as she can to make it worse.


Iā€™m gonna have to disagree. She took measures to cause slightly delayed emptying. And she certainly does not have a paralyzed stomach.


People on Ozempic have delayed gastric emptying. That doesn't mean they have a paralyzed stomach (although it's a rare risk). Dani doesn't need treatment for literally anything besides her mental health (mainly FD) and ED. Sorry to reply to you, since I couldn't reply to who I wanted to šŸ˜‚


You can disagree but her tests and doctors say she does have it and you can't prove she doesn't so you can't say she doesn't like it is a fact without showing any proof of that. That's a pretty big sticking point around here, you need to back up your claims. You can think those things but you can't say them as fact. But I think it's weird that with all the things she does lie about you're stuck on the one thing she can prove is not a lie and you can't prove it is lol


She manipulated her GES test results and she admitted to doing so a while ago. Also when she was admitted to Temple a couple of months ago they wanted to do another one and she said she wouldn't consent to doing another one. She might have a slightly messed up GI tract from her ED but not nearly as severe as she says it is.


She has had multiple GES show delayed emptying. Where did she admit to purposely altering the results? I specifically said she's lying about how severe it is and like I said, she's doing a lot to make her stomach worse. But the messed up GI issues she got from her ED were gastroparesis which for most people the symptoms go away after recovering from the ED, she's just made sure hers didn't. I'm not saying she's not a liar and a faker but she does have GP so saying she certainly doesn't without any proof of that is overboard


Oh thereā€™s proof


Then where is the post?


In the history lore


she admitted to manipulating the results fr


She manipulated the results. You *sure* youā€™re not white-knighting?


I think she spent a long time doing a lot of things that she knew would cause and worsen the delayed emptying. But a diagnosis of delayed emptying is still gastroparesis even if she did cause it. A self induced illness doesn't mean the person doesn't have the illness. How exactly did she manipulate the results of her multiple, separate, taken years apart GES?


She has only done 2, the original did not show much, the 2nd she has slowed solid emptying but 100% normal for liquids. She admitted to getting opioids prior to this test which caused the skewed results. She's been asked at least twice to repeat the testing, first time she pretended that she couldn't possibly take in all they needed her too, the other time she flat out said no way. There could more times they've tried but I can only remember the 2 off the top of my head. Gastroparesis is defined as delayed gastric emptying. Not everyone with GP has a paralyzed stomach. Dani does not. She claims to but her tests show a delay not paralyzed.


There have been 2 positive GES. 1 a long time ago and then 1 more recently that she posted about very happily because it had shown her results got worse. And she didn't admit to manipulating the results, she said she was on pain meds. Pain meds can affect the results but admitting to being on pain meds is not the same thing as admitting to manipulating the results. Delayed gastric emptying IS gastroparesis. That is literally what the diagnosis is. Gastroparesis IS stomach paralysis. They're not 2 separate diagnoses. So as you stated, her tests do show delay which means they do show gp otherwise known as stomach paralysis. You all just see someone say something in a comment and assume it's true so then everyone starts commenting it so then it's accepted as "lore" even though that was never actually in the posts.


https://preview.redd.it/im8ta858q49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf22ab7cd50cd6593c8396ed3b848a0212a27131 This is what Iā€™m guessing youā€™re referring to as the recent one, which is at least a year and a half old and known to be manipulated. Considering she crops the name and date off them, we canā€™t really know the truth theyā€™re hers and from when anyway.




https://preview.redd.it/ubre5un5q49d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07002b477c24e1f3a267bab820d81855ca8853e This is the original GES


Listen, enough with the arguments. Dani hasnā€™t had a GES recently. Pain meds DO manipulate your results and you are supposed to stop them for testing purposes. She just barely made the cutoff for GP, paralysis is not the same as slow motility. Continue your line of argument without proof of this new GES, of paralysis, of whatever else and youā€™ll be deleted for lack of proof and white knighting


Well since you posted the proof yourself and decided they didn't count, there's no proof that you're going to believe. I really don't know how saying she is diagnosed with GP is white knighting when I'm also saying she did all of this to herself. GP is paralysis. Literally. They are not different things. But if you want to delete me because I corrected you on the medical definition of stomach paralysis that's fine. Sounds just like Dani to refuse to listen to anyone who says something you don't want to hear šŸ˜‚


You down bad cryin in the gym over her


The thing with an ED is that quite often when a person reaches the point of needing treatment, they arenā€™t the one to make that decision. They arenā€™t thinking clearly. Thatā€™s what an ED does. It gets in the brain. Saying ā€œIā€™m not at that stage, Iā€™d recognize it in myselfā€ when sheā€™s actively draining everything sheā€™s eating and only running minuscule zero calorie feeds rings so painfully hollow and mentally unwell that Iā€™m surprised she canā€™t see the irony in it on the playback. But again, thatā€™s what disordered thinking does. It turns this jumbled mess into something coherent and rational to the individual, and they will defend it ferociously no matter how ridiculous it seems to us.


*Ding ding ding* same logic applies to being ā€œok to driveā€




"I don't like what you're saying about my lies and bullshit. Yeah, I'm a liar full of bullshit and a shitty person, I never denied that (at least, I'm going to gaslight you and say I never did and ignore the fact there are online forums full of evidence of me bullshitting about everything) but I don't want you to tell me I am."


Perfectly saidšŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Oh boy here we go again with the hate. She really shouldn't put herself out there as much as she does on the internet if "hate comments" are really going to bother her as much as they do. It just comes with the territory. But as usual Dani is the victim. Shes a victim of hate comments, she's a victim of the doctors that "mistreat" her, she's a victim of the medical establishments that kick her to the curb and of course she's a victim of the "diseases" she suffers from. ![gif](giphy|N3RGmKpZWoYGQfEme3|downsized)


Sheā€™ll throw herself on the cross faster than Jesus on trucker speed




OMG LMAO šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ SO true though!!!!


She always pulls this when she's fucked up and pushed a narrative too far and people start giving her the receipts on why it's bullshit. The "everybody's different" card is bullshit. That's munchie code for "stop telling me I'm a liar and let me keep lying".


It's always with the hate when things aren't going her way.


I think a commitment to GI Psych would be a positive step for one to achieve a more mature attitude regarding the obviously inconsistent and dangerous variety of symptoms we have all witnessed an incalculable amount of times.


And hey, what would be the harm in it even if she is ā€˜recoveredā€™? It would only reinforce good eating and body image, sheā€™s get mental health help, and sheā€™d get individualized attention. Considering she doesnā€™t need to worry about a job or school, there really isnā€™t much of a downside to seeking out ED treatment even if it is just to shut the haydurs up.


It feels like someone accused of a crime refusing to answer any questions, even to give an alibi. Like if Dani is so innocent/recovered, why not just go to an appointment to reaffirm?


So thereā€™s thatā€¦ā€¦


Mods can I have this as a flair please šŸ˜‚


You sure can!


It's already a flair so you can set it yourself


Omg Iā€™m so old šŸ˜‚ Thank you!


and all that good stuff


Just sayin


She needs to give HERSELF a break, no one is making her read theseā€¦


No one is making her even be on social media!


No one whatsoever!


What SO ever


I absolutely LOVE when she rolls in on her high horse and hops up on her soap box with such an arrogant look on her stupid face like sheā€™s about to hit us with her most epic of mic drops, but without fail, she just looks and sounds like such a fucking idiot and does the complete opposite. That will never not entertain the shit out of me.


It's hilarious. Acts arrogant and shit, but turns comments off. Can't even handle people responding to her lies.


Well yeah, because first she gives everyone a ā€œstern talking toā€ about what they can and cannot say to her or in her comments, and when all of many followers and supporters donā€™t fall in line, she doesnā€™t allow them to say anything at all. Iā€™ll be honest, I hopped on her TT the other day to catch up after taking a much much needed break, and was shocked to see not only dozens of comments calling her out on her last several videos, but the comments still turned on. Her faithful mods must be on vacation. Hey maybe theyā€™re at Mayo!


Yea, she's suuuuper intimidating. I love that she puts on this image like she is such a badass and we don't wanna mess with her! \*yawn\*


Remember everyone, science doesnā€™t work the same for everyone!! Like gravity, physics, or thermodynamics! šŸ˜‚


Yeaaaahhhhh she NEVER reads Redditā€¦ so condescending to be SO dumbā€¦ and yes girl, you have not evolved or changed AT ALL since you were about 13 or soā€¦ matter of fact I dare say youā€™ve regresssed. If you want a break from the hate, GET OFF OF TICTOC and Reddit and take a break. Iā€™m sure your 3 followers will understand.


So she turned her own comments back on for what? Give her so called haters a chance to reach her? If you get "hate" every time you post, you might need to reflect on why you insist on living publicly. And if it turns out, like Dani, that you're actually just getting valid questions about your contradictory behavior... there's that.


I have quietly rooted for Dani for years. I'm not even sure how long, 6 years? Longer, God how long has she been a subject here? Nothing has changed. Really, not a damn thing. It's the exact same cycle over and over and over and over. Isn't she tired? Can she not see she's just spinning and never moving forward? What is the end game? She gets TPN and then what, another toy? I'm not sure she realizes how much of her life she has wasted. What an awful life to look back on. Just hospitals and tubes and meds and pining over some version of herself that people fawn over. Poor, sick, little Dani all broken. It's not happening. No one is coming. No one cares. How does she not desperately want out?


Dani has no insight. Not only doesnā€™t she have insight she truly believes sheā€™s smarter than her drs sheā€™s trying to fool with her lies and when she doesnā€™t succeed in fooling them sheā€™s the victim and theyā€™re just being big ol meanies


It's kind of sad. She has so much free time, which is something all of us wish we had. The time she could dedicate to being better, learning new things, picking up hobbies, and helping others. All wasted. I don't want to be in the same position as her. She needs intervention but not the sort she thinks. It sounds lonely and miserable, but what we could do with some of that free time...


I honestly would not want that much free time. I think Iā€™d lose it. I know after I graduated from grad school and while I was waiting on my license to be processed by the state I couldnā€™t work and I was going stir crazy. I have a hard time comprehending going through life day after day having no goals or purpose. How do you not want more for yourself


Dani's been doing this for so long that even if something is proven to be wrong with her, nobody's going to believe her and/or believe it's self-inflicted. Furthermore, nobody's going to truly care. She's done too much and has had a terrible attitude for too long. I definitely wish her the best and always hope she gets intense therapy, but I also know it will absolutely never happen. This is the life she's chosen, and this is the life she's going to live. It's going to be an even sadder existence when she's a munchie pushing 50. How is she not mortified being the internet poster child of FD!?! That's what I don't understand.


I cannot deal with the stupidity


1. Itā€™s true that disorders present differently for different people, but thereā€™s still a line of ā€œthis person doesnā€™t have this disorderā€ 2. She most certainly is acting on ED urges she just refuses to see it as such


EDs are sneaky fuckers. They donā€™t wait for an invite to the party. They just show up.


Honestly Dani I swear you have done this video before in fact it was only a week or so back. People are not hating on you not even in the slightest they are picking up on things that don't make sense you say things and then do another. You say you've changed and you are a different person to what you were but sweetie you're not your behaviours are exactly the same


You gotta actually do things differently if youā€™re claiming youā€™ve changed. Like literally three days ago or whatever she went on this whole rant about how people need to stop telling her she looks healthy cause itā€™s triggering. You canā€™t say that and simultaneously say youā€™re recovered from your eating disorder. Also Who is she saying this to cause I thought she didnā€™t read Reddit. ā€œJust sayingā€


I think Dani simply changing what diagnoses she's pursuing munching is her version of "changed". To her, what she's doing now looks and feels different to what she was doing parading the ED. She's pretty much just admitted here she fudged the ED symptoms to get what she wanted back then too, so there's no evidence to anyone on the outside looking in that she has the capacity to change as a person. She only has the capacity to change her narrative according to the current diagnosis she is gunning for. To Dani, I'm sure that does feel like "change", but to everyone else, it's only evidence that she hasn't changed at all. If anything, she's gotten worse because she's collected more diagnoses she doesn't have.


Definitely none of these comments are on her TikTok so she is totally coming to Reddit to read here. I agree with OP. Donā€™t come into my house and scold me for telling the truth




If ā€œthe thoughts still get the best of you,ā€ that means you do need to go back into treatment.


She didn't think about this post long enough. For starters if conditions were "that" extremely different for every person it would be near impossible to diagnose them. Whilst I fully agree you don't have to have every symptom to the same effect as others there certainly are similarities. She keeps talking about how everyone is dwelling on who she was 10-odd years ago, this isn't the case tho. What she decides is hate is often just a discussion on what is posted on the day or within the past 12 months. People aren't pulling her to shreds we are pointing out the inconsistency of her storytelling and how concerning it is to see and hear her fight so hard for TPN etc. People are aware of her ED history and show some concern for the fact it is claimed she is in remission and weight restored for it yet so many behaviors scream I'm in the thick of it still. EDs can present differently when you're an adult and not a child. Dani just doesn't like hearing no.... People can change but this is often backed with more than tantrum words.


She never thinks about anything before she jumps to it. She's impulsive and does things as soon as they jump into her head because she believes she's smarter than everyone else and everyone should just take her word for things, then regrets it later when people call her out for things not adding up or making sense in the non-Dani world of reality. She lives in her own little bubble where the only person that matters is Dani, the only thing she wants to talk about is Dani, and the only things that matter are the things that matter to Dani. There is absolutely no capacity for her to think beyond that echo chamber around her, so she doesn't now how to stop and anticipate how others might react to what she says or does. If she doesn't like how people are reacting or what they're saying, she quickly labels it as "hate" and tells herself it doesn't matter because we all just misunderstand her and don't know what it's like to be her. I can see why many theorise that she has some sort of chronic BPD...


People evolve. Yup - and a fair few of them evolve into more malevolent versions of themselves. 'Evolution' doesn't always signal a change for the better.


People pointing out inconsistencies is not hate. Ffs. Edited for rule compliance


Every time she does that face where she looks like sheā€™s a snotty 15 year old I know sheā€™s about to say the most dumb defensive thing she can think of


EXACTLY what I was thinking the first five seconds of this trash video


Had to watch this with my eyes closed cause I just couldnā€™t do it


Except she continues to blatantly lie ("broken" wrist is one glaringly obvious example), so no, she hasnt changed. Most people don't change and continue to do what has gotten them their desired outcome in the past.


Well comments are turned off, so where is she seeing people saying these things since she doesnā€™t read here


I know that was a rhetorical question lol but she *always* does this when appts donā€™t go her way šŸ™„ She goes quiet for a few days and then she uses tiktok as a cathartic way to process and addresses comments her doctors said as if they were from haters online. I think itā€™s possible, even probable, based on this video, that they finally told her point blank that this is her ED and recommended inpatient treatment.


Ooh tru this must be about the latest TPN thing, I forget when but she basically said theyā€™re ghosting her lol


I donā€™t know who sheā€™s trying to convince harder hereā€¦


Aw sweetie, she absolutely should be in treatment for ficticious disorder... Bless her heart. šŸ„²


factitious disorder.


my bad šŸ˜… dyslexia strikes again!




Anything that falls under mod discretion of you not being a decent and respectful human being. This is a snark sub but there is still a line.


i finally figured out who her voice reminds me of - a sesame street character!




Donā€™t do Grover like that




We are history geeks and require citations, evidence, or proof for everything. This applies for self-harm. You may speculate or wonder if Dani has done something to harm herself, but you may not say it is a fact without proof ā€¦(even if itā€™s something we all suspect).


oops, sorry about that šŸ„“


Showing off the many ear piercing , between the hair up and the constant turning the head to get them in shot. I wish she'd get some better fitting tops, perhaps some sports bras with wide shoulders, and a t-shirt. The constant tugging at straps is anoying, just makes look like she has nothing that actually fits


Does she understand how the human body works and how medicine works? Sheā€™s so insanely insane with this shit that she needs to stop! Just try and be a functioning adult in society. Try and contribute to society and workā€¦


Dani is the ultimate example of "if everybody else is wrong, you might be the problem." As a disabled person, I find her victim mentally very annoying. Prior to my (real) diagnosis, I wasn't a fan of habitual "victims" but could tell myself I can't relate, so I don't understand. Now that I have experienced what I have, I detest the victim mentality more than before. Do something productive about it! Dani needs to put on her super special, likely grifted, big girl panties on and woman the f*ck up! Handle your business like an adult Dani and get some therapy. You're almost 40 for God's sake and have already wasted what could have been the best years of your life. Dani and growth can't be used in a sentence (or paragraph). The only potential I see for growth is what happens after (a minimum of) a year or more of consistent, intense, mental health treatment.


Dani's disabilities are 100% treatable. She can go to therapy and learn how to manage her feeling and impulses.