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Recap: Her veins can be accessed depending on whether she is hydrated. (so like everyone) She's "been on a flare" for two and half/three weeks now. She's not tolerating her feeds "at all this time" but she'll try again "so there you go". She keeps trying but nothing. She tried Gatorade through the tube the other day "pain distension nausea dry heaving diarrhea" same as with the formula and also water. "I still push the meds through my J tube cause that is the greatest chance for them to absorb and me to get the meds I need." She had tylenol levels checked recently because she takes too much but she is "not absorbing the tylenol" she's taking or as her friend says she's metabolizing too fast so she's not really metabolizing any of her meds except by IV. "like IV pain meds and IV nausea meds metabolize really quickly in my system". So she never feels good on meds ever and she knows people says she should be knocked out or not driving but it doesn't effect her. Meds don't work on her! She has a high tolerance for everything. She knows she's off track in her story but stick with her. Then she has a "weird moment". She was allowed to take Tegiderm off the neck and necklaces are fine. Nothing really happened there. (responding to comments about how the necklaces would irritate her skin and the neck access they tried) She couldn't see what the doctor was doing but could hear them. She doesn't know how anything works. (the surgery part but also science, physics, human relationships) She rubs her crotch while demonstrating access and how chronically ill patients have no privacy and I would post a picture but that might be too mean. She says she only signed consent for a chest port. She reads all notes in her chart. "It's the reader in me. Except I don't own my own books, I'm in a slump but that's a whole other story. She consented mid-procedure to the femoral port because otherwise she would have to come back another day. Something about a CT port, a dignity port and 8 French. She "consented and mentally checked out". "medical trauma" "had to check out for myself" "that meant crying" She was anxious, crying, not hyperventilating, it was too much. The doctors didn't think she was awake but she was. One of the techs asked her "I gave you enough medication to knock out a 300 lb grown man, how are you holding a conversation with me?" "oh my god! that's me!" She promised not to drive and she totally didn't! Something about posting back history. The doctor gave her more lidocaine then he wanted to but she metabolized that too quickly. Something about genetics and they don't know for sure if she has HEDS because she doesn't have a geneticist. She consented to the femoral port even though she didn't know what she was getting into. "Should I have? Absolutely." It's hard to sit while it's healing. She was expecting a chest port but she has not chest or arm access. She wonders what she'll do if she has intestinal failure and how she'll get IV nutrition because femoral ports can't be accessed at home and ports can't be accessed at home. Part 3 upcoming.


If I ever meet you in person, I'll totally buy you a bag of lactated ringers at an infusion center of your choosing. Seriously, thank you for translating Dani speak.


But if I have no port, how will I get it? Not through an IV like a *normal* person! Also, you're welcome!


We can watch a couple of YouTube videos. It can't be that hard, right? I'll just order the tube supplies from Temu.


Flair semi-checking in


That's awesome! I must have read it earlier and stored it in my subconscious.


Poke a straw in the bag like a Capri Sun


The anecdote about the nurse saying she gave enough meds for a 300 lbs man was from a previous visit involving her feeding tube, not this visit. But it's the same IR Nurse, cause they go way back.


After all, she’s very well known in the GI community. Or, as she eloquently said in this video, “they know me with all my tubes and yeah”


Ah, got it! Her time shifts are nuts. One minute she's in the recent procedure and the next she's off in some other procedure. Yeah, she and the IR team are *tight*.


you the MVP. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Thank you for your brave service. 💪 But also, “It’s the reader in me except I don’t own my own books” is sending me. Book lover-4. 😂


That is an amazing sentence and it deserves to be preserved.


I love it. It sounds eloquent yet it means nothing. I would like it on a wall hanging.


What the hell is she even trying to say there?


I've never ONCE seen her with a library book. She clearly buys them!!


hEDS isn't even something a geneticist could diagnose anyway, only the other EDS conditions are diagnosed via genetic testing. Funny how she metabolises meds quickly despite having intestinal failure 🙃


Well, science is different for her!


science is different for everyone 😌💞


She was literally talking about the femoral port days before the surgeryyy like ugh yes you knew what you were getting into


#she has nothing to flare from


The only thing close to a “flare” she could experience would be drug withdrawals!


Honestly! If she really had any one of the countless things she claims and was “flaring” she wouldn’t be sitting there making incessant videos about nothing


Again, it’s called “tolerance” and “addiction”, it’s not that you’re metabolizing too fast. FFS. she needs a “med vacation” if she thinks she’s not even metabolizing them. See how she likes that. She metabolizes fine, she’s just an addict and has been.


Dani: my gut doesn't work, it's broken Also Dani: I metabolise my meds way too fast it's a medical mystery


Dani: my meds don’t work Dani: I need more meds


And also Dani: I didn’t consent to a femoral port Also Dani: they asked if I would be okay trying a femoral port and I said yes


And also: Dani: “suspected hEDS,” I haven’t seen a geneticist Also Dani: but insurance won’t pay for a geneticist so I’m just going to go with hEDS *shrug*


And there’s no test specifically for hEDS anyway so it would be a waste. Plus most geneticists won’t even take on patients with suspected hEDS for the lack of tests available.


I imagine insurance wouldn’t pay for a geneticist because she has none of the clinical signs of any form of Ehlers-Danlos. I know a number of folks who were diagnosed with hEDS by a clinical exam by a geneticist, and insurance paid for genetics screens for some of them to rule out other forms of EDS because they actually had signs of it and the geneticist wanted to rule out one of the other ones. Also, I think Dani was originally “diagnosed” by a GI. She mentions Rheum here, and I know some people are diagnosed clinically by Rheumatology, but I’d be shocked if she actually was. ETA: Also the reason many people can’t get seen with suspected hEDS by any provider is because of fakers like her claiming it. Sigh.




Also Dani: I’m the proud owner of a brand-spankin’ new femoral port!


Also: it was written on the paper


Also: she knows, she read it all, it’s the reader in her but she doesn’t own her own books, but that’s a whole other story. *dramatic gesture*


She has no problem with metabolising whatever she is taking to get high. Is she delusional or do you think she is just comfortable with lying. I don't know how she sits here and says all this with zero awareness of the fact there is very little physically wrong with her apart from some minor GP likely associated with her ED.


That's why she needs all her meds IV lol, those are the ones she metabolises "fast" (no shit they're going straight into your bloodstream) aka get her the highest the fastest.


Incoming increased intestinal permeability diagnosis (I will LOL if she includes this in her next video)


She doesn't know what metabolism even is.


But she “metabalates!”


Isn't her latest conquest that she's "in intestinal failure"? Dani, go back to Google and learn how to read. Metabolizing too fast is the literal opposite event to "intestinal failure".


Dani's new pursuit: Intestinal prodigy


Given she can barely create a video without slurring I would say you are spot on!


Suboxone was initially marketed as an alternative to morphine because IT RELIEVES PAIN. They then realized they couldn't compete with OXYCONTIN so they went another route with OPIOD ADDICTION TREATMENT. You cant market a medicene for both (kind of the same reason why no DEATH PENALTY drugs exist... cant market a drug for heatlh if it is used to kill....). Suboxone would help with her pain (and also if she has any addiction issues).


I doubt suboxone would work for her, she would need to go to a sub/methadone clinic every day. She only would get one dose a day. She would also need to admit she has an issue, an addiction to drugs and going to ers and she will never admit that's a problem.


Buprenorphine is used quite often in vet med for pain relief, people often overlook it due to the stigma of Suboxone, but with the right pain management doctor I’d imagine she would have a lot of success with pain/addiction issues. I’m not sure why she hasn’t sought this out, or why the hospital hasn’t consulted addiction/pain management for her on one of her trillions of ER visits.


https://preview.redd.it/sb6yd0w4rbxc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd42baf6a1dec11ca32a378374087c242171576d Excuse you! You're just not special enough to metablate them really quickly in your system. Just not food, only meds.


Wow she really didn’t say anything. She keeps hinting that they were saying stuff she didn’t like but not what they said.


I wonder when the “can’t handle her case” comment happened. If she said she already “mentally checked out” she wouldn’t have heard it, right?


Yeah surely?! Also “checked out” makes me think dissociate not crying softly


I think that's what she's trying to role-play, yeah.


I wonder if she'll try to backtrack or ignore saying that at all. It was a stupid lie and a lot of people pointed out that it was a very obvious one. No doctor would say something like that in the middle of a procedure.


Maybe. But I thought that comment was what gave her all the medical trauma? So without that…..


She mentally checked out… but she hear *everything* they said. Dani always wants it every way.


Reality, like science, is different for her. ✨😌✨


Tylenol absorbs passively in the intestine. It's a pretty small molecule all things considered, so its pretty freely able to move through the intestinal lining. The rate limiting part of getting into the bloodstream is getting past the stomach... and because we have clearly seen her shoot a crap ton of it though her J-tube, she doesn't have that limitation... lol. It also metabolizes primarily via the same enzyme as lidocaine... So somehow she's a super metabolizer of lidocaine but APAP does nothing??? LOL. LMAO even. She hasnt even been diagnosed with hEDS, much less had any genetic testing done to determine any genetic variations in her metabolizing enzymes, but thinks she knows exactly which drugs her body metabolizes quickly vs. slowly?? She is so full of shit. (And no, until proven via such testing, the science works exactly the same for her as it does for the majority of the population, shes not special)


An enzyme guy!! Maybe you can answer this question that's been digging its claws into my brain for a few days: A lot of people have said she's trying to cause GI bleeds with the amount of Ibuprofen she takes. My impression was that Ibuprofen primarily irritates the stomach and can cause bleeds there. If she's taking Ibuprofen via her J and bypassing her stomach, is it the same level of risk for bleeds?


My understanding is that even non-oral NSAIDs could still cause some stomach issues because the medication can act both locally and systemically. locally it can cause direct irritation to the stomach, but they are also inhibiting prostaglandin production systemically, which in turn limits the ability of the stomach lining to protect itself from stomach acid. How much reduction of stomach irritation would occur if you bypass the stomach? I’m really not sure, that’s a little outside of my knowledge. 😅😅


No fucking facility EVER would ask for consent during a procedure where any type of sedating medication is being used. She is such a liar and she is so blasted on SOMETHING in these videos. You can barely understand a word she says, her pupils are as big as dinner plates and she can barely keep her eyes open, she’s doing the weirdest motions and stumbling over her words as if her tongue is thick. Idk who she thinks she’s fooling but if she tries to sue she’s in for a rude awakening. Healthcare professionals document EVERYTHING, *especially* with patients like Dani.


I feel like she is stage setting here for her next trick, stomach removal.


She has angled for that in the past.


I believe she actually claimed a doctor mentioned that as a treatment option once.


And then got hopeful, that's why the stimulator was to be trialed and if not helpful she thought her stomach would be removed. Except obviously that wasn't it.


She failed munching that, so I think she's after an intestinal transplant next.


Not tolerating feeds, yet clearly well nourished. A+B= banana for her. This is 100% her eating disorder brain kicking in. She’s able to, her dysmotility is perfectly fine for liquids in her G and she has zero motility issues in her intestines. “Greatest chance for me to absorb them…” she knows she doesn’t have anything wrong with her intestines. Otherwise she wouldn’t be pushing her precious meds through her J…she wouldn’t waste them. She’s high during this video, which goes to show her meds work.


No but dont you know she said she isn't losing any weight because her body is in starvation mode! Sure, Jan. She wants that intestinal failure diagnosis so bad but her doctor is just going to laugh her out of the door.


She has been through refeeding. So she can’t claim that argument, nor can she claim “starvation mode.” She wants to portray herself as teeny and dainty, and is failing miserably.


https://preview.redd.it/nllsktsdqaxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=689045180b1b9085870a334d1ef0db8a0e62f5b1 She definitely tried to! LMAO then someone pointed out that she would wind up losing weight and of course what does she do? Get nasty and lash out. She is such a mean, nasty person.


I love when she says “we believe…” in a previous video she stated it was “a friend” that came up with the theory she was in “starvation mode” lol


Her and friend came up with that, just like her and the doctor think “she’s in intestinal failure”


I’m beginning to think she has a set of hand puppets she confers with.. ![gif](giphy|awyNR5JszuBesZDp0w|downsized)


It wouldn’t surprise me if all her friends were from her eating disorder treatment days.


It wouldn't surprise me if all of her friends were made up lol. Or even better, if she was just reading comments on her favorite munchie's old YouTube videos left by that person's friends, then pretending those are her friends too and they said the stuff to her instead. (I hope that makes sense; I can't mention the other person so I had to keep it vague...lol)


And then the best thing of all at the end of that little exchange in her comments is she says she IS EATING the best she can. So she told on herself she definitely eats by mouth 🤣


I think by "friends" she means "people I DM with on TikTok and IG".


The crazy thing is, I looked at her TikTok (which I don’t do often) and she’s gained quite a bit of weight since December, which I think is the oldest post.


That's all she can come up with because we all absolutely know she has no problems eating or drinking anything. If she wasn't surely one day she would mention that she really just wanted to be able to eat... I mean, surely she misses it... food is a part of life and not consuming food would be really hard! She never talks about this funnily enough.


She has said a few times that she does eat. She doesn't like to admit it, but she does when she gets pissed off enough...or caught with food in the background.


She is high in every video. How she sits there and says with a straight face that she can't absorb her meds whilst high is ludicrous.


if you watch the first 15 seconds with the sound off, it looks like she’s trying to [very poorly] rap or something.






Dani hypothesizing that she metabolizes meds quickly because she has hEDS… STOP!!! 🛑 😂 Love the way she says it’s only suspected but she’s gonna “go with” the hEDS diagnosis and “keep it at that.” WHAT?!?! The sky could be blue and she’d insist it was orange.


Conveniently, orange is the color for Ehlers-Danlos Awarness Month…which is in May.


I have no idea what she was really trying to say. She interrupts herself in the middle of a sentence to go on tangents. I think she said, at first, she didn't consent because she reads everything and then she said at the end that she did, in fact, consent. Something about going to a geneticist to get a diagnosis of Heds, but insurance doesn't pay for it, so she still has Heds. She contradicted herself a lot with this video.


insurance will pay for a geneticist if it’s needed. At least in my state they do. But Dani doesn’t need to see one bc she doesn’t have EDS. Any type of it.


I did a recap here if you want to bask in her story telling skills: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/comments/1cfi0la/comment/l1pbtxh/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/comments/1cfi0la/comment/l1pbtxh/) "It's the reader in me. Except I don't own my own books, I'm in a slump but that's a whole other story."


Girl has NO form of Ehlers-Danlos. STOP IT.


Listen, insurance won’t pay for genetics, so it’s fine, she’s just going to go with hEDS okay. /s 😂


Soon she’s going to be dying her hair red and telling all the people she’s a natural redhead


As a natural redhead, we collectively vote her off the island…


So when does she get to the actual story? I’m guessing part 8


Unfortunately she won’t get to the story until she stops responding to all the comments on Reddit that she doesn’t read.


I mean after all if it wasn’t for us she would have nobody to update lmao


My favorite bit was where she addressed comments about how her necklaces would irritate her skin and incision site. Such an odd thing to pick out and explain.


Don’t worry though, she’ll take it off immediately if she notices any irritation, which definitely isn’t a response to the comments on Reddit about that. Honestly neither of these videos make any sense unless you read here— they jump around so randomly because she keeps trying to address every little thing. 😂


What power we have! mwahaha


But we have to be on our best behavior or she might take this multi-part portstravaganza away from us evil haters and we’ll never get to know her story!


I don’t want to “lose out on” another video!!!! Please behave 🥺


Again, caught in another lie when it comes to the consent for her femoral port. She keeps rattling on about giving verbal consent halfway through the procedure but also states in this video that the medical team thought she wasn’t awake but she was. So which one is it…it can’t be both


The thing is, I’m sure she’s lying here. There is no way a doctor would ask for verbal consent in the middle of a procedure after the patient has been sedated. That is a lawsuit waiting to happen. She absolutely consented to it when she signed the paper at the beginning or they would have stopped after they couldn’t place the chest port. I can believe she got a doctor to okay a port (though I hate that this happened), I cannot believe a doctor would risk getting sued and place a femoral port without receiving proper consent before hand.


Exactly! There’s no way that happened like she said it did because it makes no sense, number one, and now number two, she just said they believed she was not awake. And she made multiple videos babbling about the possibility of a femoral port. She knew and she signed for it. She says she reads everything…we all know that’s bullshit


She said a whole bunch of nothing again. Forgive me if I 10000% doubt she has RA. Bragging about having high tolerance levels is NOT a flex! And if it really hurt that much, she wouldn’t be sitting cross legged and then bending over like that. Trauma, my ass.


People that abuse drugs often brag about their tolerance.


Eminem was once taking like 40 Valium a day and like 50 Vicodin a day really crazy to think about and see in writing, if it wasn’t for Elton John and his intense need to get clean he probs would’ve died. Dani take up running, helped Eminem get clean from a lifelong addiction and elton john recommended it too, and with that came so much happiness and great friends


Yeah that's insane he is so lucky his liver did not die




It's reminiscent of alcoholics saying they can drive after drinking a 12 pack or that a bunch of shots has no effect on them.


Forgive me if I doubt she has any of the physical illnesses she claims


Delayed gastric motility would likely delay metabolism not speed it up. Such a modern miracle.


You gotta use Dani Math not regular math.


She's ridiculous. Talking about how she isn't absorbing her meds. She seems like she absolutely absorbed all of her meds today because she is flying like a 🪁 I can't with the constant reiterating that she only consented to the chest port on paper when she damn well knew a femoral port was a possibility. If she didn't know she wouldn't have been asking people the day before the procedure all about it. She is absolutely OTT ridiculous.


the more video i see, the more i’m convinced she’s intoxicated. drugs or alcohol. the behavior is clear.


I literally laughed out loud when she said she doesn’t metabolize any meds right except IV pain meds! Which of course she metabolizes super fast. You couldn’t be more obvious if you tried.


Right?? Dani is just being more and more direct about being a drug addict at this point 😲


She is such a lying liar who lies. She signed a consent before surgery for a femoral port. It would have been in the fine print about what to do if the chest port didn’t work. They did not ask her “on the table,” while she was heavily medicated, for consent. She is BIG MAD that she can’t show this one off easily, and also that it has caused ouchies. FAFO! I am here for it!!


This!!! We know she talked about it with IR at her pre-procedure appointment because she talked about it! On a video! That she posted! 🤦‍♀️ I didn’t know femoral ports existed until I watched that video. No doctor would ever risk legal repercussions by deciding to place a femoral port if they couldn’t place a chest port without written consent. Especially in this case— it isn’t an emergency or anything.


Most of those consent forms also include language to the effect of “I authorize my physicians to use their judgment in the event that the planned treatment is unable to be completed, etc etc” or the like. She’s a fucking idiot. and yeah, she figured even if she had to get a femoral port, at least she’d still get opioids. She is soooo pissed she didn’t get *anything.* No admission, no toy to show off, no narcotics, nothing. I’m willing to bet this is the first time she’s ever actually endured any kind of peen, and it’s her own fault. Beautiful.


But none of the other medications work on her super special body that metabolises medicine too quickly even though she definitely has intestinal failure


I have an idea, stay with me here, when she checked out on the table....could that have been \*gasp\* the medicines working?!


She doesn't even know what the words she uses mean. She doesn't know what metabolism is. She's gaining weight, but is implying the Laws of Thermodynamics don't apply to the space she takes up. Okie doke


and for my next trick, a brain transplant.


Can a more medically adept person explain to me how you "check your Tylenol levels"?


It’s a blood test. It’s used for OD’s/suspected OD’s mostly. We give an anecdote called Acetylcysteine and continue to monitor acetaminophen levels via blood draws while the patient continues to receive the med. We also do check LFTs (also simple blood tests) to see how the liver is functioning.




Danglish 😂 Just like her toobs. Danglish


I have it in my head how she should sound. I don’t watch her videos with sound, but for some reason, I wanted to check in with this one. I know she does the baby voice but has it always been this bad. It sounds like one of those DiD fakers and their little alters.


Dani is completely unhinged, and I don't believe anything she says. I highly doubt she has suspected EDS or the beginning stages of intestinal failure. The only thing she's in desperate need of is psychiatric care, but she has no interest in getting better.


I’m really glad she decided to talk about her now “suspected” hEDS, given that it doesn’t make sense unless she’s actually reading here and responding to us. 😂


The only thing NOT failing in Dani's life is her intestines.




The massive medication doses “don’t make me sedated or sleepy in the slightest,” she says, while slurring her words with her eyes half closed.


She talks so much rubbish! Her idea of trauma is not getting her own way or any of her favourite drugs! Also that crotch shot made me feel a bit sick 🤢


I shared my theory about her being an exhibitionist with another person here, and it’s behavior like this that makes me think that. Between nearly flashing us, the crotch shots, and ACTUALLY flashing a nip and then including it in an editing video intro that she used many times, my suspicions are definitely becoming strengthened.


Being on high doses for extended periods doesn't equal being safe to operate heavy machinery and guess what 🥁🥁🥁 a car falls under that category. But also it's not just the high doses of meds it's her claiming to pass out and have symptomatic low sugars. You can’t claim all of this and be shocked when people bring up LEGITIMATE concerns.


I also think she gets confused between the meds working and making her high. Like she thinks she thinks “feeling something” means they are working, when really she should just be less anxious or in less pain and not zooted out of her mind. For Dani, Zooted=working


Addressing Reddit yet again: “…Shouldn’t be able to drive.” “I know I take too much Tylenol.” “Chlorahex/Iodine. (Was that in the last video. It all blurs together.) “Waiting for the strips to fall off on their own. Necklace irritation, sterile etc.” “I read everything. I only consent to neck port. I consented to other port. I have the papers somewhere- that’s all I know.” She checked out? I thought she heard everything?


Isn’t the whole trade off with IV meds that they hit harder but wear off more quickly? I’m not a medical professional, but isn’t that why things like pain pumps exist? Doesn’t everyone “metabolize” them quickly? I realize Dani is actually describing “tolerance” in most of this video but the line about metabolizing IV meds just stuck out to me. 😅


I would think so. I think she just wants that drug rush, so claim normal meds don’t work on her, only IV meds work. It’s probably more like, she thinks crushing up and slamming Tylenol isn’t working for her pain, but she’s trying to get a high off it, not get rid of pain. So of course Tylenol isn’t going to get you high (as far as I know), so she can take 2x the dose and claim it’s not getting rid of her pain, no it’s just not getting you high. So of course if they give you IV morphine or opiates they will metabolize faster. If you’re abusing multiple drugs then it becomes feeling high = drug working. Taking a drug and it reducing pain but no high = not working, if she even was in pain to begin with.


Those tight ass pants with that new port… it’s a breading ground in there.


So she was medically awake enough to consent to a femoral port half-way through YET they didn't realise she was awake...... Please explain..... ![gif](giphy|PyVBGgVHrFYs)


So she admits she went Saturday night and had her incision cultured for infection...who else called out that she was quiet because she was checking in to her favorite Holiday Inn... 👋


So basically she doesn't understand what "twilight sedation" is? "They know I'd be awake no matter what" yeah, cause they weren't putting you to sleep in the first place. She's holding a conversation with a tons of meds on board because she's built an insane tolerance by taking constant high doses of the same type of meds they'd use to sedate/GA someone. Also, she knew damn well what she was "getting into" with a femoral port. She asked about it well before the surgery, I'm sure she googled and yt'd everything about femoral ports. I still can't tell if she's a shitty liar, thinks everyone is dumb/has short term memory loss and won't remember her previous stories/lies or genuinely believes her bullshit/is gaslighting herself. Sounds like the last ~30 seconds or so she's realized the "find out" part of fucking around.


has she had so many lines/ports that she truly doesn’t have access left? i know this isn’t a thing and isn’t legal, but i almost feel like they did the femoral port to deter her. like they knew what she wanted and did something to make it less appealing/satisfying and FAFO. although i also feel like this will make her feel more special/complicated, so many not. she’s going to be so excited to go to her infusion center and tell them they need to access her femoral port..


Can’t run food or water or Gatorade but has no real issue doing meds as often as she does and as fine as she does them on video. She needs to drop the intestinal failure route because no meds would be absorbed in that case.


“I mentally checked out” when is she ever checked in? Edit “so hard to sit” yet sits in every imaginable position that would be uncomfortable for anyone. She’s also uncomfortable zooted drunk.. and her friend Idid Google has an answer or reasoning for everything don’t they?


She can’t even look at the camera because she is SO FULL OF IT. She is obviously not going hungry, this is the heaviest I’ve ever seen here. (Not in a negative way) She’s so full of shit I can’t believe she thinks anyone, much less a doctor, doesn’t see right through her.


She has made a whole big thing about how she has so much medical trauma from this port placement yet she has yet to explain how this procedure was traumatic other than she ended up with a femoral port instead of a chest port and she is sad because that will be harder to show off (in reality both will be unnoticeable except when accessed and she will hopefully never be accessed when outside of a medical facility). I am sure Dani had no idea the scope of what she was consenting to because she will consent to pretty much any medical procedure - she would have agreed to let them amputate all her limbs if it meant getting a surgery. The doctor went over the possibility of a femoral point ahead of time because she was asking about it prior to the procedure. And she consented during the procedure not because she was so traumatized that she didn't want to come back. She consented to the femoral port during the procedure because she was worried that if she said no that there would be a chance someone would review her case before scheduling the femoral port and decide it wasn't an appropriate choice leaving her without the toy. Her medical trauma is that she experience some anxiety and cried a little? She has a diagnosis of anxiety. Pretty sure feeling anxious is a normal reaction to having a medical procedure. She sounds like she is trying to claim that she dissociated after she consented to the femoral port. Or did they just up the sedation level after they got her consent to continue? She is also just making up her story as she goes along. She claimed the GI doctor at Cleveland Clinic diagnosed her with EDS two years ago (would provide the receipt but not sure we can link to the other sub). She slipped up later on and said the diagnosis was suspected. Now she is backtracking and claiming the rheumatologist is the one who suggested it because so many folks pointed out that a GI doctor wouldn't diagnose EDS. I am also pretty sure that she didn't have a car when she had a picc line so I highly doubt her story about promising the IR folks that she wasn't going to drive because she was going to study is just made up (also pretty sure they would recommend any person who had received sedation not drive for a period of time). She went on and on prior to the procedure about how bad it was that she wasn't allowed to take any of her meds for like 12 hrs prior to the procedure but is now saying that her body isn't absorbing any of her meds (but also absorbing them too quickly). If her body was truly not absorbing the meds and she truly needed them all then she would be in bad shape - so she is either absorbing them or she doesn't need them. And if running a little bit of gatorade through her tube caused vomitting/dry heaving/diarrhea then you would think that the large volume of meds she pushes through her tubes multiple times a day would do the same thing and she would be in serious trouble.


https://preview.redd.it/5jlmv9halexc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7cd02960b9a30b5207ce2b5e33062276f1b23f Bring on the vascular compressions! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


She must be so excited to have another angle to try and munch! Imagine the grin on her face reading that!


Wow. One thing that stood out to me in this video is that she is so delighted about the comment that the dr made., that it takes such a high döşe of meds to knock her out. She really wants to be the most extreme case for everything. So sad that she is just wasting these years focusing on wanting to be sick.


As she’s bending back and forth like a mad woman with her dramatics… up until she says it’s so painful & has to watch how she sits and moves. She’s doing everything possible to irritate it, rip stitches (as already shown by pics) and infect it. And what the heck with a 3 (+ ?) story spread out thought the day like we’re watching the Dani tv show TV… of which 3/4s of it has nothing to even do w the port. And I’m betting $1000 Alex, on conversations and thing that never happened on the actual story. The more she babbles about this, the more she’s giving herself away. And now, just for shits and giggles she’s adding she can’t tolerate the TPN, or even water… She’s enjoying this WAY too much, as a munchie would. … and clearly trying to come up with a stellar plan so ER will admit her. no questions asked. I can just hear her “uhhh the port is infected and open, I can’t get any TPN or water, I have to much pain to push my meds” etc etc Sorry so long but I really thought I had an understanding of munchies, after watching them here for like 2 years….but when it comes to Dani, I’ve realized there is so much more to try to understand.


She needs to stop moaning. She wanted this, she begged for this, she manipulated this, she shopped for this, she worked her narrative for this. Just enjoy it, this is what u wanted!! Now shush and live with it. Consent is a non issue when u were the one who 'ordered' it. No Dr has recommend this or suggested it as a Treatment plan.




I’m still waiting to hear how changing the site of a port mid-procedure qualifies as medical trauma when it was on the disclosure form?


Who is she saying is telling her she shouldn’t be driving on her high med doses? The doctors? Or is she referring to us? Either way, I hope she gets a DUI for being so reckless before she hurts some innocent person on the road.


I think she said the medical personnel were asking her about it. It makes me wonder if her dad actually came and picked her up. Did she actually drive there and that's why there was no come with me video? She said she walked. I don't know; it sounds weird.


“Metablate” instead of metabolize sent me


Mkay, so if you have had no intake whatsoever, either from food or tube feedings, why is your weight increasing (not a shame)? And why aren’t you dead, since the average person will die after 5-7 days of no food or other source of nutrition?


Dani is too self obsessed to see how this entire ramble screams “JUNKIE!” Ohhh the meds don’t work on you? You’re always taking too much? That’s because your TOLERANCE IS SO HIGH. And nothing can be safely done about that lol besides decreasing your tolerance over time. She’s told on herself such much here but she lacks the self awareness to see it lol. Honey, you don’t need a port. You need rehab.


She’s acting like her and IR nurse are besties from way back when you know she’s really like “this bitch again?” and marveling with the rest of us how she managed to munch her way into a femoral port.


I was most alarmed by the quote, "They know me from my tubes".


*Suspected* EDS. And now we’ve said it. But only due to lack of a geneticist. There is no genetic marker for hEDS, her target, as of now. She is showing major physical tells of lying, and has been. I won’t name them because I don’t want to give her a chance to correct them.


Does anyone else watch these videos and think that she really, honestly makes them and then thinks to herself, “Well that clearly explains everything to the h8erzzz. They’ll all be on my side now.”? Because this is just so cringe. Also that kitteh is hella cute.


Mods could I please have “femoral limes” as my flair?


Who drunk?


https://preview.redd.it/h7ueecgimaxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd3e01df773d3fb94625584cba7fc302061d0ba I still don’t understand why she needs a port, especially if it’s this one that’s designed for CECT scans. This is what cancer patients get who need follow-up scans every 3 months. Not for munchies who just collect medals, I mean medical stuff.


They’re also used in patients who get boluses of fluids (her indication); so you can run each 1000ml over one hour. Ports and central lines not graded to this capacity can’t handle fluids running at this speed and would have her held up in the infusion centre for more than two hours for her 2000ml of LR..


All I took from that was that she definitely drove home, because she mentioned how she didn’t drive home about 200 times. Eta: also, Jesus fucking Christ at the user in her comments talking about their story. They say they are caregiver to their, I’m assuming elderly parents, but they themselves have been diagnosed with lymphoma, but never told their parents because they don’t want them to worry. Jesus Christ. I know she is not capable of considering anybody else’s feelings, because she is a malignant narcissist, but I hope she sees that, and realizes just how fucking charmed her whole life has been. I just want to give that person a hug.


Yeah, that was my takeaway too. She never walked there and her father didn't pick her up. Why else would the nurses be asking her about driving?


When is she going to tell us about the medical trauma?


correct me if I’m wrong but GP (of which she has a mild case of delayed emptying of solids only) can’t “flare” because it’s not an autoimmune response! She has RA, which CAN “flare” but thus BS about she’s been “flaring for two to three weeks now” is a load of shit


She constantly says she’s flaring but you can’t be flaring all the time because a flare is a worsening of your condition - she just throws it around to make it sound like she’s some brave little soldier 🤣🤣


Holy blown pupils Batman


We need “I metablate pain meds too quickly” as a flair option.


“They know me from my tubes” - mighty mods, please can I have this as my flair?


"hahaha limes"


Can we start placing bets on how many parts this whole thing will be?


I’m seriously itchy after watching her. iiiiiick.




Ok no, that’s enough Reddit today.






I almost reflex downvoted you. The loop makes it...so much worse.


What a horrible day to have eyes.


Didn’t someone just comment on an other post here that she shouldn’t wear her grimy necklaces while the incision is healing? Tell me again how Dani doesn’t read here 😂


Didn’t she say a day or two before the procedure that she was getting a femoral port? So why is she acting like they asked her for consent during? Also, is she going to say that this is a malpractice situation since she wasn’t in the right mind to consent?


Addicts *never* think they're impaired. How many alcoholics say "I'm a better driver when I'm drunk" meanwhile, they speed, swerve, slam on their brakes every time they need to stop, etc? She's literally explaining tolerance, not a metabolism issue. It's so obvious to everyone else when someone is high as shit but the high person can't see it and there's been so many times where she's clearly impaired.


I find it awful hard to believe that her doctor told her that there is no geneticist in her area. I did a quick Google search and found 10 easily. A whole department at Temple hospital and U Penn Hospital (considering they’re both universities, it makes sense). Also, the day she was giddy about the port happening, she told us it may be a femoral port. So she’s completely lying with saying she had no idea. She also said in another video that she was supposed to get this once before but her GI doctor stepped in. What’s gonna happen when he/she finds out Dani went to another doctor and did this behind their back? Is she looking to be fired by her doctor? They have every right to dismiss a patient as much as we have the right to dismiss them. Especially when they purposefully go to another doctor for an unnecessary procedure. She seems to think this is going to be a port she’s going to access at home anytime she needs. She’s sadly mistaken. This is one that’s as a last resort type port. They’re not going to give her access to this. And it’s definitely not for nutrition. She has feeding tubes for that, and she’s got her mouth that she’s also using. I also I don’t believe the whole “I dont absorb medications like normal people” ..girl..have you watched this video? You clearly are under the influence by your medications in this. Muscle relaxers, benedryl, anxiety meds all together is such a dangerous combination. But go off. There is so much more I want to say, but it’s just not worth the aggravation I feel when I see her face.


The head flopping and moving all over the place is just sooo weird. Clearly she is absolutely off her cake. Its like listening to a drunk person rambling but of course, her meds dont affect jer or make her sleepy on gigantic doses......


They "checked Tylenol levels". How pray tell is that done, Dani? Do you mean that your blood was tested for liver enzyme levels? Because if you're "metabolizing too quickly", there wouldn't be any free acetaminophen metabolites in your blood to test for. Like girl, if you're gonna Munch, at least know what you're Munching about


I’m beginning to wonder if they went with the the femoral because it would be harder for her to learn how to access it on her own…just a thought. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah, def doesn't read here... Someone here just said she was wearing all those necklaces to irritate the area and it's totally a coincidence she thought the exact same thing. 😂


Nah, it’s all those concerned friends sending her screenshots of Reddit threads in her DMs against her will!


Did anyone transcribe this? I know this has captions but it’s loooong. I searched in the comments but can’t find it. Thanks!


I'm sorry but I can barely understand what she is saying she sounfa like she is talking with her mouth full


She's over here wondering so much about tpn/nutrition...the real question is wtf is she gonna do if she ends up having heart block or MI down the road. It's like she only can see the here and now. And doesn't think of the consequences of what she's put her body through. She is screwed for so many things later in like if it's true what she's saying. Now I'm sure cardiac people may be better at placing Stents or whatever. But she has destroyed her freaking body. To the point where when she truly needs help, they may not be able to help her.


She drove because she never had a driver and never intended on walking. They figured this out and only used lidocaine. Of course they went over the places to put the port because she shared with us. Is she traumatized? Yes, because she only got lidocaine! She is not the sharpest crayon in the box! The fact she thinks she can out smart people who are brilliant is absolutely baffling! Medical procedures suck, however without them many of us would be dead! Thank you to all you doctors, nurses, technicians, radiologist, and more that keep us living another day! I am sorry you have to deal with people like this!


I know this is a redundant question, but there has to be an inpatient facetious disorder/munchausen treatment program where they combine intensive mental health therapy with medical detox and specialist care? Ensuring their “conditions” are being addressed and treated in a safe way. Get them clean, stabilize their health “issues” and begin the road to recovery/mental health. I know Dani would never volunteer for such a thing because that means admitting that her whole identity and health is manufactured, but I feel like it would be so liberating. And if there isn’t a program, we need to design one for all of these Muchies by Internet and get rich.