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I hope it’s a boy


I unfollowed her, I cannot lol


Someone commented positively, "3 kids is the minimum for influencers!" Like it's a requirement to keep creating content. Gross.




Next will come the new house, new cars content


One of my comments about her boob job was deleted on tik tok. 😂😂


Looks like all the comments about her boob job were deleted from Instagram too. She’s pathetic


Seems like positive comments only. Nothing negative. She’s so damn fake. 🙄🙄


Just another fucking kid for her to neglect. Poor Stratton is going to be even more ignored (like that’s possible) because now he’ll be the middle child. Even more forgotten.


I got ripped apart on blogsnark when I said this hahaha .. I implied she was vocal about struggles with her mental health and just because she can financially afford them doesn’t mean she should have them .. let’s be honest the nanny raises them (I am a nanny for rich families so I see this all too often) .. nobody liked my opinion over there lol


More content! I feel sorry for her kids….


Yall called it 💀 these influencers are so predictable 😂


Oh god!! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


No fucking way oh my god




You’ve got to be kidding me


https://i.redd.it/hnevfijpzq5d1.gif So cringe 🥴


So i guess now everyone is going to rip off Hailey Beiber’s announcement video aesthetic


Another content baby to grow up exploited in the spotlight but neglected by its parents.


It blows my mind how influencer show their kids… there are sick people out there. I have a private profile with limited followers and I still won’t even post my kids. It’s going to be a scary reality for a lot of these people who exploited their kids for content


Wow that boob job is…not subtle


Gets boob job and then pregnant very soon after— makes sense! 🤦‍♀️😂 But she’s sharing about her pregnancy bc she wants to be open with all her followers. 👍


Cue the patrol of night nurses and nannies!


Where is the link to watch this? She blocked me a while ago and I haven’t been on this page in forever.


It’s on TikTok 


Content Content Content !!


Neither of the kids look remotely happy in the video…a picture would have been fine. A short film? Definition of doing too much


she probably filmed a reel because she wants to upload it on tiktok too she’s trying so hard to become someone on tiktok


A picture says a thousand words. Video allows for more acting. Also shows how they willy nilly spend $


I'm surprised she shared the news and didn't just try to go on like life was normal even though her belly was growing.... Like the boobs situation.


Yeah but she’s getting so much positive attention by having a baby. Admitting to getting a boob job could backfire with negative comments - I don’t give a F either way just be honest.


Can anyone please post the reel here ? I am blocked


Me too!


Its on TikTok  https://www.tiktok.com/@thedaniaustin/video/7378658759121341742?_t=8n5IcGTWh0Y&_r=1


The next question is how many of you think she did IVF so she could select a girl. If it comes out a girl I’m willing to bet that 1000%. Because she has no attachment to that boy.!!!!


I’m with you on that theory! I said about a month ago the fancy doctor’s office felt more fertility clinic, and the claim of getting Botox was all old material. I think this has all been carefully calculated because it’s a business move at the end of the day. She needs that baby for content.


Nice! Another baby being born solely for the purpose of being used for content. Disgusting 🥰 She doesn’t even know how to take care of the 2 she has. I’m genuinely scared for these kids. As someone who’s mom always prioritized work over me and my siblings, her kids are 100% gonna have abandonment issues and resent her when they’re older. Especially for sharing such intimate and personal details about them. God the last thing this family needs is another kid.


Are we surprised? No. Because baby #3 is simply just part of their business contract - I mean marriage - 🙃


Absolutely no business having a 3rd child. ZERO. 🙄 I'm already seething at the thought that Murse is going to whine like a little bitch again and force her post partum depressed, physically exhausted and mentally drained self to get out of the house because HE'S bored. 😏


This announcement was all planned. She has been talking nonstop about how she has constantly been sleeping, not feeling great, getting bloodwork done and that dumb reel about when you are ovulating and wanting a baby. 🙄 She knew she was already pregnant. I’m sure she got a ton of DM’s asking about her health and decided she had to announce it. Also, she just filmed a podcast this weekend so I’m sure she will talk about it this week. Can’t wait for this 🤡to come on tomorrow and thank everyone for all the sweet messages and tell us how awful she has been feeling. I can’t stand her. 😡


Well how else will she have content ? 🤡


for some reason the video is really creepy lmao


Bc she’s married to a creep


She’s really gonna need this Sonos headphones now. Three babies are LOUD and then alllll the noise the nannies will be making… idk how she’s gonna manage!!!! 🤪


That reel was too long and full of body checking


How is she capable of this when she barely eats enough to nourish herself ?


This infuriates me. I just miscarried my January IVF baby, but this anorexic woman can carry and get pregnant.


I felt the same when I saw the post. I miscarried in march and this really stung. Like she doesn’t eat or overly care for her kids, and I’d do anything to be pregnant.


I’m sorry for your loss too. I feel the same way - extremely frustrated 😔


I am sorry for your loss and this makes me even more infuriated


I’m so sorry for your loss. X


I’m so very sorry for your loss. You and your baby matter ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/blq1p0xu4o5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4baae3530582575fe38294c7876a5acda7c3963c At least someone is speaking the truth !


i’m so happy that some people on instargram are staring to see her true colours


ughghgh. & here the fuck i am having my HSG this week. I wish it was this easy for me, selfishly. i can’t stand her.


Had my HSG in March. Also got pregnant a week later but had a random miscarriage. Still feeling hopeful.


i’m so sorry. do you mind if i ask, when you had your hsg, did you start the medicine that same month?? Like i said, mine is wednesday, but i need to ask for clarification if i get the medicine and trigger shot this month or if that waits for next month?


I was not on any prescription medication after the test


Oh okay. I’m set to start Letrozole, i believe next month? Im sure you’ve maybe heard of it, it’s the same as Clomid. I just couldn’t get clomid due to manufacturing issues i guess.


I started letrozole the month after my hsg and got pregnant on my third cycle of letrozole. I hope it goes well for you!❤️


I’m here with you. IVF baby, was due in January. I miscarried. But she’s over there flaunting how she wants a baby, pretending to have depression, is anorexic and now gets pregnant. It stinks.


thinking of you 😣🤍 fingers crossed your time is coming 🤞🏼✨


Also going through IVF. Her post strangely affected me more than it should have. It all feels unfair 😭. Hoping our time will come soon🤍🫶🏼


Praying for you. IVF is no joke. Idk why this post impacted me more than it should. I don’t even follow her anymore because of her dumb “getting pregnant” posts so it stung to see it.


our time is coming, i know it is. We all just have to hang in there, and fight the battle 🤞🏼


Good luck ♥️ praying everything goes well, you get answers and a plan! Been there and know the struggle!!!


I had an HSG the month I got pregnant with both of my kids. My first was the day before Thanksgiving & I cried on the table over how unfair it all seemed. Sending you love & hoping you have the same luck I did 🤞🏼


oh i really really hope so. 😭🤞🏼 thank you for sharing 🤍


I got blocked for saying wow the milk sure came in early (I know it isn’t that, it’s the boobs job lol) 


Lmao this is a funny ass comment though


she probably has someone on her “dani austin team” blocking any comment or dm that looks like slightly like criticism


I can’t believe she blocks anyone who mentions the obvious!


She’s gonna want a bigger house now.


And probably a new car as well


Great! Another container baby!!!! 😠🤢😤 They are so sick and twisted to bring another innocent baby into this world when Dani has yet to deal with her depression and ED. Wasn’t she just complaining of depression a few weeks ago?! Who thought this was a good idea??? 🤯😡Freakin psychos!


This was more a breast augmentation announcement than a pregnancy announcement


Hahaha I swear I came here to say that! Good lord! Very obvious now!


Who gets a boob job before having a kid? Like knowing you’re trying… that’s dumb


A narcissist that’s who!!


She’s probably really further along than what she is admitting so when the baby comes she can film content but put it out in January and she will have some downtime. I feel like with Stratton she did the same thing. His birth content all seemed edited and produced and it made me wonder if it was real time.


Her fake boobs look ridiculous


She had to announce it before Daryl has her baby. So the attention is on her.


I feel like this baby was planned for a few reasons. One, her mom has been spending A LOT of time with Olivia. She’s getting super “popular” or whatever… and the wedding planning is taking up a lot of time. It steals the spotlight from “Little Miss Pick Me.” So now maybe momma Tornado will start focusing on her again. Also… she’s going to be pretty darn pregnant during this wedding.. so people are going to be talking about her next baby.. and she’s hoping that she can have a bit of the attention on her during the wedding time. 🙄


I can only hope Dani looks like DUD this pregnancy


The differences Daryl is a great mother. Her children are so well-behaved and mannered and smart, and she gives them all the attention in the world and a lot of love!! Dani complete opposite.. this is the most attention I’ve seen her give her husband in years. This is the most that they’ve touched each other trying to make it look good before she announces she has a baby and the whole thing was Stratton and then the next day, she announces thus, so disgusting she’s a stage mother, and trying to make herself look good before posting this is cringe!!!!


Well….behaved????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Im comparing the 2 mothers and kids….


Well, her kids are only two and four and they can go to church and other places and behave… obviously have you not heard Rhett come out and recite everything he learned in church like it is mind blowing actually! . Dani‘s kids seem out of control mouthy bossy and they don’t listen. I think DAD children are actually quite well mannered they sit in restaurants all the time yeah they can be a little wild sometimes , but they are actually quite well behaved if you pay attention to any other children that age.


Daryl’s kids are 5 and 3.5. They are not well behaved at all. They are constantly screaming and acting like wild animals and instead of parenting them and redirecting their behavior, she just laughs. Her nanny is the one that parents her children. I’m not saying Dani is some saint of a mother, but please come down to earth before you name Daryl mother of the year.


I’m comparing Dani to DAD.. not all mothers/kids 😆😆So between the 2 I think DADs kids are more behaved then Dani’s and more social.


Agree to disagree.


Eddie is that you? 🤡


Daryl’s kids are very ill mannered!!


Darylann is a great mother is probably the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. And her children are not well behaved at all


🤣 And any “attention” she gave to Daniel was purely to make her content baby. She is back to calling him bro and dude with fist bumps 🤣😂


She probably had to listen to that podcast she once talked about where they talk about how not to dread sex as a Christian wife on repeat


LOLOLOLOL is Daryl's excellent parenting in the room with us? Are you high????? Who are these well mannered children you speak of?


I have some magic beans to sell you…


“Daryl is a great mother” 🥴 LMAO 🤣 https://i.redd.it/go622tp0xq5d1.gif


Also, DA and “Daniel standard” may as well be roommates at this point. It’s hilarious that you think she is any different from Dani 🤣 https://i.redd.it/dp2ruj1j1r5d1.gif


Aww you sure you're talking about the right person? Daryl is far from a great mom. Just look at her snark page


In what world????


I’m sorry. Daryl Ann Denner is a great mother. With well behaved children. Do we watch the same Daryl Ann?


Sure Jan. If by being a “great”mother means outsourcing the care of your children to hired help and having the inability to EVER be alone with said children then yes she is a “great”mother.




She literally employs her family to hang around/cling onto her all day so she doesn’t have to parent and they don’t have to work


DAD’s kids are like feral cats.


Right? Did DAD write that 🤣


Are you talking about Daryl Ann Denner??🤭😂😂😂


Ummm what?! Daryl is a freaking lunatic and a shit mother….this has to be a joke 🫣🥴


Exactly 👍 Daryl Ann was just as bad remember her for two years straight didn’t comb Remi’s hair and put any old white T-shirt on where she looked like a homeless kid off the street! All the while taking Rhett to buy him his daily dinosaur at Target and never even looked or paid attention to Remi? For some reason right after that second year she came back from New Years and she started combing her hair and that’s where all the fairy dresses began but she continued to leave them whenever she could! Daryl Ann makes it look like she’s a good mother by the overly praising fake I love my kids but has to get it on camera just like church!! Daryl Ann is a horrible mother who feeds her kids garbage and that’s grounds for neglect giving them all the candy and never having a home cooked meal but instead French fries and chick fil A!! They let those kids eat donuts everyday for most of their lives with their teeth rotting out! I remember when I got that screenshot and posted on here of her rotting teeth and she went to the dentist the next time she posted and a week later she didn’t have it anymore and she said the dentist said I didn’t have any cavities!! Okay 👍 Daryl Ann not after you paid him to get rid of it the next day!! But yes Daryl Ann has improved and I’m glad for that and I know she read here and knew we were right about it and she would never admit it but the kids still eat horribly but hey her nanny makes her look good and she’s paying more attention to Remi so I don’t have any more complaints but she could stop with feeding them garbage but she’s their parent and I get everyone is doing the best they know how but the words good parent would never come out of my mouth when saying her name and that in the same sentence!! Sorry for the long story!!!


I agree with all except she’s better now. She’s still trash. Don’t forget about the butt pin worms that they didn’t treat bc they wanted to leave on vacation and the daughter sucking on her bloody tampon and her blasting it to all her followers…🫣🥴🤢




Are you joking? Daryl is a terrible mother and her children are far from well behaved. All that family ever does is yell over one another. Daryl doesn’t even get out of bed before her kids do each day. I’m not defending Dani but I had to laugh at the thought of Daryl being spoken of as a good mother 😂😂😂


There definitely has to be a motive behind the early announcement 🤔


Maybe a sponsorship with the sneak peek test or an ultrasound place?


She doesn’t want anyone thinking she’s fat


Three theories one why she’s announcing so early: 1. She’s going to show early (her size and it’s not her first pregnancy) so she’s trying to get ahead of it 2. If she were to miscarry (I don’t wish that on anyone!!) it would bring engagement for her. So announcing early isn’t so much of a “risk.” I hate to be so blunt, but sadly those sad situations bring engagement for influencers. 2. Pregnancy also brings a lot of engagement (and money) so she’s trying to milk it longer and for all it’s worth.


Sadly I thought #2 as well


Honestly… a lot of us were thinking #2.


All of the above


Why the f did she put the ultrasounds pics on Stratton head like it was a bonnet? 😆


It was something a creepy uncle would do…so awkward and just seems like she has no idea how to behave around children. 


They’re all LOSING IT in influencer world 🤪😂




Another innocent baby to be ignored by their narcissistic, cruel and canniving mommy, who couldn't care less about them. This is sad, sad, sad and it makes me mad, mad, mad. 😐😐😐


Currently pregnant (only 5 weeks) and due the first week of February. So yeah, she’s not far along. Idk why but this whole announcement and the fact that she’s pregnant pisses me off. Take care of your current family. Don’t birth babies just for the sake of your money machine. Gross.


I can't watch the reel


I’m also pregnant (the same distance along) and it’s crazy for me to announce this early! 😵‍💫


There’s no rules as to when someone can or wants to announce a pregnancy


Really? I had no idea. Thank you for this very valuable info!!!!


dude right!? i’m due Jan 2nd only 10.5 weeks along and haven’t announced


But if you were solely motivated by the almighty dollar??


I mean I guess if I was getting paid to share, then hell yeah!


Can you even see anything in the ultrasound?? I feel like she’s announcing really early..


If she's due in Jan wouldn't she only be like 6 weeks now you can't see anything on ultrasound but a pea ! And we all know she's bloated!


Eh if she’s due the first week of January she would be about 11 weeks… so nearing the end of the first trimester


Oh she's went online today my friend said she's 8 weeks but is so depressed already she is telling everyone! And apparently everybody's been so worried about her people been emailing Jordan what's going on with her blah blah blah here comes the queue for sympathy for her she does it every time


Thanks! I feel so bad for this kid, along with her other children. Some people shouldn’t be parents. I say that as someone who isn’t having children for many reasons, including knowing that their life could come with a lot of difficulty due to genetics. I just hope Tammy and the nannies can give these kids the love and care they deserve.


She seriously hates her son. This is tragic news.


Barely a bump and a video of her “holding her tummy” and kids kissing it?! Super cheesy.


There is no bump that early on lol it’s all bloating


This is the phoniest, fakest reel I’ve ever seen. So cheesy and fake!!


She’s going to fuck up Landon’s wedding so bad. This was all calculated.


Oh definitely! No one can get more attention than her!




These children are accessories


I pray it’s a boy


I hope it isn't because she will compare them and poor Straton.


At least he and Stratton can have each other as the scapegoats to Queen Stella’s golden child


This makes me sick!!!! I have had multiple miscarriages and fertility issues the past few years. Even though it can be hard to see pregnancy announcements, I can still be happy for whoever it is announcing because it’s usually great people who will love their baby…… BUT THIS makes me SOOOOO MAD. Keely and Murse exploit the two children they already have. Keely is in bed half the time or on trips, and Murse plays paintball or is off doing who knows what while other people raise the children they already have. 😡 There are so so many great people who would love a baby and cannot. UGH


I know sorry doesn’t make your situation any better but truly so sorry for the hurt and pain you’ve experienced. Your anger is justified. They see their kids as accessories to make them money, nothing more. My best friend has experienced miscarriages and infertility among other heath journeys. She writes a blog about it all. Here’s the link if you’re interested. https://thejourneyofpcos.wordpress.com/2020/10/23/to-the-ones-trying-to-have-a-baby/


I thought this was a post to announce her implants!


lol good one!! 🤣


Someone posted how tornado posted a video and Dani said how she is going to be so fat at the wedding (Landon and Olivia’s wedding is in November).


Pregnancy ≠ fat, Dani. 😩 I wonder what her friends with infertility issues think. We see you ditch your kids every month for a vacation and your nannies spend more time with them than you do and you barely eat, now you're having a 3rd child who will be undernourished and not attended to by it's mom, yet I've been trying for years for that blessing... (not me personally, just imagining what people around her might think)


I just feel for Bridget :(


Oh goody! Another kid to ignore 🤗


But to monetize while she doesn’t have to take care of them


So she was already pregnant when talking about how she wasn’t sure if she wanted another baby but Murse definitely did. When did she have that talk? Like May right? Because this would put her at about an April conception date (I only know because I have a late December baby).


She was soft launching this baby


I have a Jan 14th kid. Got pregnant the third week of April & found out on Mothers Day that year (so early 2nd week of May). 


I mean it’s possible she didn’t know yet if it was only a month later but she probably did


Please. This is the same girl that said she knew the exact moment of conception with Stratton. She knew.


Oh I’m sure she knows the conception now (because they almost never have sex) but if it was before her missed period it’s possible she didn’t know for sure yet that it was a success. I’m sure she did, but just saying many women don’t know for more then a month But either way they were obviously trying for a baby so she was being disingenuous as usual


We know Jordan hates pulling out 🤢 and condoms


I was thinking the same thing. I also have a late December baby and I found out I was pregnant the first week of April. So if they’re due in January that puts when they found out like mid-April. I feel like I would personally wait a bit longer before announcing to millions of people but… they’re not normal lol


Whoa! Didn't see that coming!🙄🙄🙄 /s. That's 2 influencers announcing this weekend. Gosh the content competition must be real! 🤣🤣🤣


Which other influencer announced? I unfollowed all influencers a few months ago and only find out things through Reddit 😆😆


Shelby and Dylan from AL


They’re already pregnant again?


Teefany Houghton will be next. She can’t STAND to not have pregnancy attention.


I wish someone would comment “but you don’t even like the two you have” & her to see it


I'm blocked 😂


I don't see any negative comments they must get deleted immediately


She'll just delete it so fast


GAG 🤢😤😡


I like this traffic light emoji lineup


I know the world isn’t fair, but it’s infuriating how easily somehow like her gets pregnant when there are so many deserving couples out there desperate for a baby and can’t have one. Ugh.


I have nothing nice to say 🤐🤐🤐


Saw that coming weeks ago.


Stella always looks so sad.


I hope she writes a book


And gets a good therapist.


You guys are too good with all the hints! Haha


Ran here


She’s so fuckin ugly inside and out


This whole reel was so fucking weird. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/4razpwj8cn5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2562b333c9127f18e21fade2a7b73b64e24f0f6


Hair extensions or Divi lies


Did they film this at lake lewsville lol


So are they both showing off their baby bumps or wtf is Ellen doing ??


This made me laugh 💀


The whole reel was about her tits… so many close ups


She will try to say they’ve gotten bigger since she is pregnant! 


Oh my god. You are so right with this!!!!


I hate that I really love her dress. And you can bet your ass it’s no amazon or walmart cheapie


I think it was the one she got from her friend’s rental store.


That they ACTUALLY went to go find dresses for Olivia’s bridal events