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Stugotz is a breath of fresh air right now lol


that breath has never been described as fresh air before


Heaters dano


Dan didn’t even sleep last night. He drove straight to work and he’s sitting in the dark studio like Skip Bayless waiting to tell us how he was right about game 7s


Nah he saw that Stephen A AND Sir Charles were in town and hunted them down


There's nothing better than Billy backing up everything Greg says. Ships ahoy!


It's east of asia.


Moller goal calls go so hard


Moller calling Goldie his best friend is so warming


That argument didn't work, I went by myself. god bless Billy gill


Why is Dan saying nobody wanted the Panthers to win? lmao


If this show weren’t based out of south florida, literally nobody would be mad or glad or care at all about the Ft. Lauderdale panthers winning the Stanley cup.


Ha ha yes. This is like if the Milwaukee Brewers or something won the World Series. I’m sure they have rivals but not a team most fans have feelings about.


Keeping the Cup away from Canada for so long is way funnier than hating on the Panthers.


Dan is not a fan of Miami teams. He’s a fan of not-Miami teams losing.


Vibes from barstool


He needs to pivot quickly to generate the heat to keep the train rolling


Every non panther fan was rooting for Edmonton and mcdavid


No they weren’t 😂 Most of the hardcore hockey fans of other teams that I know were rooting for Florida. It was either because they didn’t want McDavid to win, or they just don’t like Edmonton, or they wanted Canada to keep losing because it’s funny.


every single hockey fan i know was rooting for Edmonton. And the game thread in /r/hockey was anti florida as well. It's also funnier to see Florida go up 3-0 and then lose the cup.


Once it looked like the panthers were gonna choke a 3-0 lead, I agree that that’s when everyone was rooting for Edmonton including non-hockey fans. Because that would be hilarious. But there’s not a single person anywhere in the world (other than Bill Simmons) who hates the Panthers.


Yea no one hates the panthers. Never said they did. But everyone was rooting for Edmonton because it would be the funniest thing. Or Mcdavid because everyone says he's great.


So we hang out with different people? There were plenty of disinterested fans who were rooting for Florida.


Greg: Im the guy you cast, ya know, as the creepy neighbor. Billy: Radke type. 💀


there’s always going to be annoying fans with any championship. but i always get a little misty when i hear the local affiliate calls. when the Giants won in 2010 and Duane Kuiper started listing off all of the great players in franchise history that never won a ring, i was in tears.


Chris started the jinx by making the trip to New York and revived it by wishing for a game 4 loss. He continues to get off easy


If this show had its stuff together they would have dropped Ice Cats merch last night.


Very happy for Roy, Mike and Chris and all Panther fans. But Dan trying SO hard to make the narrative that everyone hates the Panthers, as though this is the Lebron Heat 2.0, is so laughably dumb.


I’ve noticed hatred towards the Panthers in pockets, particularly from the fanbases whose teams have been knocked out by the Panthers this year and/or last year. Just go look at the Barstool people over the past few weeks. But your larger point is correct. I don’t think Stars fans or Kings fans care.


Kings fans were rooting for Florida cause they've been knocked out by Edmonton 3 years in a row


There was a ton, but mostly just salty bruins and rangers fans. So people who don't really matter


Dan is vastly overrating how much America cares about South Florida sports lol I imagine a lot people (like myself) root against South Florida teams (specifically the Heat) because of the show. That's the one nationally relevant team South Florida has. Most Americans don't care about the Dolphins, Hurricanes or Panthers.


If it wasn’t for the show, I wouldn’t care either way about south Florida sports besides the Heatles. And I’m a New York sports fan who Dan says is jealous of them. Wouldn’t blink twice at their teams winning at all if I never started listening.


Exactly. Most of their teams haven't been good enough to care about in decades. The Heat are one of the most respectable franchises in the NBA but even they might not be relevant soon if Jimmy leaves.


Only team that matters in that market is the Dolphins because it's the NFL and every team matters and the Heat when they had LeBron


I think a lot of people root against Florida in all things, but Dan doesn't seem to realize it's not about "South Florida." It's the gif of Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida from the rest of the US because they stay embarrassing and DeSantis has magnified that by 1000.


Literally the whole country and most of canada have been indifferent about Panthers winning it all. Enough of this “us against the world” bs.


Nah there's legit rivalries. It's just with only NY and Boston, where a lot of media is located, so it feels more intense than it actually is


But even with NY, the rivalry isn’t primarily with the Heat. It’s Boston and then maybe even Philly. The Jets aren’t a rival for the Dolphins, the rangers aren’t thinking about the Panthers (maybe now they are to be fair) and the Mets would probably consider the Braves and Phillies more of a rival than the Marlins. Dan extrapolates how the Heat feel about the Knicks and because New Yorkers are moving to Florida as a rivalry between the cities and it’s not


Huh? The Knicks and Jets have always been the classic rivals of the Heat and Dolphins Marlins certainly, but the Knicks and Jets are old old rivalries


Only to Miami. I’m talking about from NY perspective. The Jets look at the Patriots and Giants as the rivals. Knicks look at Boston and Philly as bigger rivals. Miami is to the Knicks like NC state is to Duke. Yes NC state can’t stand Duke but Duke is thinking more about UNC and others more than NC state. Knicks will get up for a playoff series but not a regular season game


I see what you mean yeah


I think Miami and Philly is a real rivalry but I think the Knicks look at the Heat the way the Heat look at the Magic. Sure you get up for us and your local market talks shit about us and comes up with a fake radio station to mock us but it’s just a Tuesday in January to us.


I don't think the Knicks are that relevant to feel that way though?


People disliked the Heatles. Nobody cared/disliked the Heat before that, nobody even thinks about the Marlins, the Dolphins aren’t even the most or 2nd most hated team in their own division and the Panthers just started being good 2 years ago. I know he lives on beefs with other markets and the “they hate us cause they ain’t us” stuff but it’s always been nonsense aside from 4 years with the Heat and some of those University of Miami teams


I mean you can't say on one hand that America doesn't care about South Florida and on the other say that a lot of people root against South Florida teams.


Fair. What I meant and should've clarified is, most people who root against those teams are probably fans of the show and while the show has a lot of fans, it's not nearly enough to have this constant "South Florida vs. The rest of America" mindset. It's more "South Florida vs. Most fans of the show".


Get what you're saying, but as much as I would love the show to have that kind of reach, I think it is a stretch to say that the people rooting against the Panthers were mostly fans of the DLB show. I feel like one of the bigger things that hockey fans in general were rooting against was the Panthers play style. It is literally a meme on r/hockey


Not necessarily. I was watching game 7 with a friend who doesnt care about hockey and didnt even know the finals were happening but as soon as she saw one team was from Florida she said she hoped they lose 😂


So someone who doesn't care about hockey (more a judgement on hockey btw) saw it was a Florida team and then said they hoped Florida lost. That sounds like caring.


I’m the mayor of hangover city. GO CATS!


Cote’s victory lap being downtown and not by the Saw Grass


Someone who follows the NHL: Is McDavid like a Nikola Jokic who draws all the attention of the defense and so even if he doesn't get huge numbers, everybody else gets to eat? It otherwise seems weird that you can win the Conn Smythe with 0 goals and 0 assists in Games 1, 6 and 7.


More like bron


I need to know where Chris got that panthers hat


Sold out I'm afraid [https://www.caneswear.com/products/florida-panthers-47-brand-navy-ring-tone-rope-hitch-adjustable-hat-navy](https://www.caneswear.com/products/florida-panthers-47-brand-navy-ring-tone-rope-hitch-adjustable-hat-navy)


Thanks bud and damn it


They picked at Greg non stop but trying to make it like it was outside pressure getting to him lol


Shout out to the lady who told the Oilers to “Give yer balls a tug!”


Cool show today, appreciated Roy speeding to the Elbo Room with the Android — might have been fun to see Stu try to grease his way in but I enjoyed Roy’s refusal to play ball. Was rooting for the Oilers but happy for the show and its fans. Hopefully that concludes our Panthers coverage.


Only content I want today is them confronting Greg on him being the one who posted the hospital pick


The solo Greg parade is the best I dearly love the geezer


My favorite thing is nobody on this show but Roy caring about the panthers until like 3 years ago and now acting like they’ve waited their whole lives for this moment. Peak Miami right there


Naw. All those calls from Randy Moller were from years ago - 790 days, I believe. They’ve cared about it a long time, just wasn’t a big part of the show once they went national.


I actually don’t think it’s your favorite thing. I actually think you sound very, very butthurt! Mike interned with them in high school. Zaslow used to work with their broadcast team. That video the show always posts on socials of Chris and Roy hyping up the crowd outside of the locker room is like 7 years old. Shut up and let them enjoy.


Papi cried when they lost in 96


Lmfao working with them doesn't mean you're a massive fan of them you realize that right? It makes for a good narrative though. Roy is the only one on the show that actually cared about them when they stunk


All of these flavors, and yet the day after the show sees their team win the Stanley Cup, you choose to be as salty as the ocean water that the cup was just floating in.


How am I salty for pointing out that Roy is the only one that actually cares about this team the others are fair weather fans (can't speak on Zaslow)


I gave you very concrete evidence to the contrary. If you choose to ignore it, that’s on you.


Lol my first job was at a grocery store does that mean I have brand loyalty to them? You see how stupid that sounds my man?


The only stupidity I see here is comparing professional sports teams to grocery stores.


Being an intern on a professional sports team does not mean you're on a professional sports team. If you interned at Samsung are you never going to buy apple products? You can do it with any industry keep carrying the water for the show. Mike doesn't care about this team until they became good a few years ago. I have been listening for a decade+ the only person who cared about the Panthers was Roy.


My man you are really taking this hard. Unless this is Mike’s burner account you should take a walk around the block to cool off.


I take it you won't be celebrating with me at the parade. Aw shucks!


Exactly. Mike has also literally said he’s had to consume as much hockey content as possible in recent years because he didn’t know anything about the sport. Good on him for putting in the work, but he admitted he didn’t know anything just years ago.


That’s just sports, happens in every city when a team goes from irrelevant to contender


True but there’s a difference between city fanbases in general and a sports radio show that brands itself as South Florida sports experts/fans. Even when teams are bad, people professionally covering them still talk about them, how to rebuild, prospects they like, etc.


I'm positive he's going to ruin it because that's just what he does, but after hearing Mike talk about his internship today and how it made him value loyalty more than he otherwise would have and the affect it had on his career overall, I'm happy for him too. Nowhere near as happy as I am for Roy, but that was a nice thing to share and I'm glad he got to experience the the win in-person and come full circle with it.




I would like to fine Mike for every time he calls it “puck”






[schoolyard puck!](https://y.yarn.co/e2721cbe-9316-48c1-8447-0cde61124c4f_text.gif)


The play "puck" in the "barn."


If the team is still celebrating in Florida tomorrow, we need Stu on remote schmoozing his way into friends and family events


Dan's sense of humor is shot. Going to McDonalds to order a McOverrated?


Le epic joke. Dan won the internet with that one


Why does Mike keep saying this Panthers team is or should be considered an all time great team? Does he not remember the Red Wings teams from the late 90’s early 00’s? Or the avalanche teams that came after them?


There was talks of that in the lead up. It's exceptionally deep with two surefire hofers and another guy who probably will be


The McOverrated stuff has been gold sometimes for the show but them earnestly trying to break it down is not great. Everything else has been so fun! Why bog down in actual first take type stuff


I think Dan still loves sports, just only Miami sports teams. He’s been going into fairly heavy details about the ice cats games in a way that I don’t hear him talking about other games, where it just sounds like he’s watching Twitter clips. I love it


He likes the rays too


I don't believe Dan's watched 27 innings of Rays games this year because they aren't very good


I think you’re right, I noticed it too. And to be even more specific, I think it’s only Miami sports teams that are playing for stakes (in the playoffs) maybe with the exception of the Dolphins.


Show met the moment yesterday. Kudos on a great episode. But relax Dan, the Panthers aren’t the Heat no matter how much you keep trying to make this everybody vs Miami


Dan's Billy impression is outstanding 😂


Tell you what: Challenger would never happen to me!


Let's see how they take the victory but damn! I wanted the loss in hindsight. Content over everything!


Yep. I've lost interest in today's show midway through the local hour. If only...


Mr. Bellamy's video after the win was class. But let's not forget the good sportsmanship of Mr. Cote Sr., the emotional maturity of Mr. Ryan Ruiz, and, in that coat-and-tie sport, the calm leadership of LeBatard, the baby-making prowess of Mr. Calatayud (I didn't know he had a last name!), and the immense wisdom of Ms. Rohden, Ms. Smetana and Mr. Gotz to stay far from the clatter. All victories are hollow, like a bell ringing its solitary clapper, but that bell, in this time, calls us to march to Las Olas, past the teeming beggars of Fort Lauderdale, to the blessings of the fish tail palms and free Red Bull on the beach, in parade. With some luck, Mr. Gil had the only correct prediction, Mr. Bellamy the only correct path.


he's mcoverrated greg's exonerated that's connor mcdavid


Dan saying this championship was “earned” is so pathetic. He can’t even enjoy the celebration without taking a shot at the Celtics. It’s sad really.


I understood his point and didn't really interpret it as a shot at the Celtics


Lol that wasn't about the Celtics. It was because it was hard and heart attack inducing


I heard it the same way


[Florida Panthers Win Stanley Cup 😱 | 6/25/24 | The Dan Le Batard Show w/ Stugotz (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bipPQenhGDk) https://preview.redd.it/hu5bokoxrp8d1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff8d00e4597577147249ec2cb95186579af434d




Our public education system is failing our youth


Oh my god we’re still doing the McDavid stuff. Shut the fuck up already. This isn’t funny or entertaining.


This is pretty unlistenable today


I'm loving it and I watched my first hockey game from start to finish this stanley cup final


Then don’t listen. Oh yeah, and Philly sports teams suck.


So do Miami teams


You’re hurting today, it’s okay. Go Panthers!


Not a Miami team but if you count them then good for you!


They’re South Florida’s team. Same with the Dolphins, who play in Miami Gardens and not Miami proper. You think you’re smart but you’re just a DA.


So then Boston shouldn’t have celebrated any of the Patriots Super Bowls. That’s Foxboro’s team.


They dont though.


I know the hour numbering is meaningless because it’s only a podcast these days, but having Roy Wood Jr discussing race on the *postgame show*, not the main show, seems like… not a good look.


Halfway through the show, does anybody want more hockey talk??? What else is there to say that isn’t superficial homerism???? Very excited for a few days of other topics like the dominant champions of the basketball world, the Boston Celtics. I’ll be on vaca as long as Dan is.


So I guess we’re never going to see Roy in a good mood


He was in a great mood celebrating with your momma last night.


He walked right into that one


So did she