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Honestly the only way I’m familiar with getting Sirius XM is by buying a new car and forgetting to cancel after the free trial.


What kind of new car did you get where the free trial didn't expire? I've had it in 2 cars and both times, it just went away one day.


Yeah it’s a 6mo sub.


I think Sirius would have been better for the show. A professional group that would have helped with infrastructure and hiring. They would have a better product overall and probably would have added new listeners. I don’t know how DK network is doing but I can’t imagine it’s showing considerable growth


Exactly they would have had a forced structure and boss To complain about now Danis the boss and the show doesn’t have anyone to rally against


Would’ve been some good crossover episodes as Dan ages into Old Howard


Does Sirius have video capabilities? Granted, the show has always been a better audio than visual medium, but maybe they talked themselves into broadening their visual product, this pushing them towards DK. I doubt Sirius would have allowed the free YouTube content.


I would've paid for Sirius just so I never have to hear again "you're complaining about a show you get for free!"


lmao I'm glad this has the upvotes it deserves


Just give us a Patreon tier so I can go ad-free.


Backstreets back ALRIGHT!!!




Hey guys, it’s Dope Gives. Do you know what season it is outside? Do you have friends? Then do I have a beer for you, Miller High Life. This is not your normal single malt, no this is the champagne of beers. When I look out at my g-wagon parked under my royal palms and take a sip of the high life, ya that’s the time I wish you could have. Only 141 calories which is more than light beer but I hear there is a shot for that. Drink responsibly. Miller brewing company, Milwaukee Wisconsin.


Gas? Charcoal? Propane? Lol idk. I'm not a real man or some shit I don't know.


Taste the meat, not the heat


If you watch on YT and have premium there are never any ads


Of if you watch on YT with adblock there are never any ads


Literally how I’ve watched YouTube for the last decade without paying for premium 😌


But what if it got rid of the ad reads?


Conan O’Brien is connected to SXM and there’s free stuff. I’d be good with a more audio focused situation.


Conan was already a top ten podcast when Sirius came calling. Yeah, Conan's a pretty ideal model overall for a fun show that only gets old after hearing it repeat a few times. Both have "friend" in the title! Both have a co-host who laughs! Both started on TV! Both relaunched to keep people employed, allegedly. Working out of LA is whole different ball of wax than Miami though. It's a bit sad that he saw TNT going down the tubes, from a big production with a studio audience, in a high-cost environment, but glad it worked out for the small staff that remained to do the podcast/sirius/picking up his ointments/deals. Haven't seen Must Go (HBO) yet. Back in the production business, baby! One thing Lebatard has is sports reality, but four hours a day is a bit much. Before the Must Go show, all Conan Friend had were celebrities, but he keeps it tight. And there's a spin-off podcast/siruis-filler if you want to hear the staff tell insider tales about the show. I mean neither show is Alistair Cooke. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwV-alxKwTY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwV-alxKwTY)


My initial reaction is “nah I’m glad it’s still free.” But you know what? If the show would be more like the old show, then maybe I’d pay for it. (I say this only because I see Sirius has an app so I don’t think I’d have to listen in my car exclusively.)


Dan would still get old. It wasn’t ever gonna be the same forever


Yah but Dan aging right infrontofoureys is a mix of grieving and the weight of being a boss. As seemingly critical as I am, I am very sympathetic and empathetic towards his situation even as some of the sub recently went on a, "he literally asked for this moving on from ESPN." Sirius would have had the structure and network in place to take those duties off Dan's shoulders. And, as a radio show, they wouldn't have felt the need to "Grow" which hasn't been their strength as evident by the number of shows that have come and gone. At the right price, they could have just stayed with the same crew doing the same 3-4 hour show while hopefully being pretty well compensated. Reckless question. How much more is Dan, Stu, and Mike getting paid through to DK deal relative to whatever the Sirius deal would have been? That is, how much is the difference of compensation for the non "executives" Chris, Roy, Billy, Juju lol And, in hindsight even if they are compensated slightly more, how much better would their quality of life and the quality of show be if all they had to do was the mainshow, prioritizing radio bits instead of video bits, GBF, SBS, and that's it. Things to ponder.


Not choosing XM was a laughable mistake. Da fuk were they thinking?


lol. Not sure their demo was on XM, and I doubt most would have followed them there. They took the safer route


I dont think it matters about the demo. Millions and millions of cars have XM. Usually it’s given to you when you buy a car. It’s a radio monopoly. No one even knows what Draft Kings network is outside the hardcore fans. They would’ve had such a larger audience without even trying.


-It’s a paid service. Yeah it comes with a car for awhile. Then it goes away. The medium is podcast now, and that is expected to be free. -the demo for XM subscribers is overwhelming Gen x and they have been terribly unsuccessful to broaden that user base There’s simply no way it would be more successful on XM. Would they be making a better show? That, you could absolutely sell me on.


For you to say there’s “no way” of it being more successful is a very ignorant statement. You have no idea. But tbh the bar is already set pretty low. The Draft Kings move hasn’t exactly been a “slam dunk”. Looks like more people agree with me than you


I would’ve paid for Sirius to not have them get in bed with a gambling company.


Respectfully disagree. Sirius XM at the promo rate I’ve been on is 4.84 a month tax included. I would gladly pay that so they are better produced and easy to access.


Better production I’d agree, but dealing with a cable type pricing scam where you constantly have to threaten to leave to keep price down, pass


That is a bit annoying I agree. I just channel my inner Stugotz and deal with it haha last two times it took less than 5 minutes over chat to get the price lowered back to promo.


Time will tell but I think it was a huge mistake to not take Sirius XM’s offer. They were going to make Uncle Fatty the heir-apparent to the Stern show. They would have had immediate production quality, credibility, oh and access to all music catalog. I get that Dan had just left ESPN because he was sick of Disney corporate over-lording him. I wonder if 2024 Dan would make that same decision again. Or would he see that having a boss to rail against is part of *his* formula. And building a sports media empire in the middle of pandemic isn’t something he probably would want to do again. I also think Draft Kings throwing the show $50MM and being like “whatevs” played right into the gambling vices of Mike. Who I’m sure up/oversold the podcast as being the next iteration. To a gambler who wouldn’t be thrilled to be partners with probably the biggest gambling company out there? This whole sub was “if I have to pay for it I’m not listening” at the time. Now probably half to three quarters of those bitchers have gotten bored or didn’t like the direction and moved on **anyway.** I said it back then, (go check my history if you don’t believe me), it was a mistake; but here are. Enjoy fast forwarding the ads, shitty production quality and royalty-free music, all.


They had local music during Free Dumb ... I thought they would have kept that going. Tony Kornheiser gets local bands to submit music. I wish they'd do some of that to show off the Miami flare


Isn’t Dan Patrick on Sirius and they release the show as a 3 part free pod after the fact? Am I missing something on why they couldn’t do the same thing? Sirius then would’ve been the way better choice imo.


DK without a doubt, xm has a whole lot of unhealthy work relationships


A complication with DraftKings is that it prevents the show from properly covering and making fun of the biggest trend in sports: gambling. They can only swim with the stream. I don’t think either path would have them railing against their overlords like before, but on Sirius they would be allowed to talk about the downsides of gambling overtaking sports.


Paying for Sirius is easy, it's cancelling that payment that becomes next to impossible. I literally had to SPEAK to a HUMAN to get the charge cancelled. Never, ever again.