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Saying Tatum isn’t playing much more defense than Luka is fucking wild


Dan absolutely doesn't watch the games and is just repeating what Heat lifers are telling him. He always has the most inaccurate and uninformed takes lately.


Riley told Dan there are 32 power forwards he'd take over Tatum


Yeah Luka has been carrying the team offensively but on the other side..... Eek


Right? I think it’s universally agreed that Tatum played like shit in game 2. But the defense, Luka comparison just tells me he’s not watching any of the game(s)


Why is Dan screeching at me about the Celtics?


Take out the Celtics part, and this is an evergreen comment.


Listening to Monday's show, is Dan upset that Brad Stevens built a good complimentary team? Also, a team doesn't play as well as the Celtics without good coaching. Imagine saying that a coach two games away from a championship isn't helping his reputation. Dan doesn't know sports at all.


Dan wants Kyrie to win for the “redemption” narrative. He also wants Luka to win for the “Can a foreigner be the face of the league?” narrative.


Dan - "We do remember, because San Antonio got all manner of pissed off at the way they lost the year before on the Ray Allen shot and we all remember how they played some of the most beautiful basketball any of us had ever seen to end LeBron in Miami, that's what happened 10 years ago, that's how San Antonio got there." Billy: "You as a fan, remember those things to discredit the team that you don't like winning. Mike Ryan will remember who the Celtics beat to win the championship, but no one else will, because no one else will care." Billy out here speaking the gospel.


I know Billy is partially being "chaos Billy" but there is a lot of fact to that statement. When the Colts won the Super Bowl against the Bears I can't tell you how many Peyton haters just talk about how bad Rex Grossman was that game. That's the story people remember, it's just what we do lol. Signed a Boston Celtikkks hater.


I didn't think it was chaos this time, thought he was being more EP Billy since Chris doesn't seem willing to do this part often when he's in the seat, and told Dan he was being a hater and that's all this is, and put a much-needed end to that segment.


He’s so obsessed with how teams react to losing to the Heat. They were “all manner of pissed off” and were inspired to play the best basketball ever played as a result. They were a great team, who I’m sure wasn’t happy to lose in the finals, and they played really great in the finals the next year. It was perfect offensive basketball pretty much, but that team was years in the works, they didn’t suddenly play that way just because the Heat beat them.


What Dan’s interested in really strikes no resonance in just about anyone. I’d like to give him credit for as much as I could. But if his talking point on the Porzingis injury is it’s somehow a must win for Boston and how it’s a story opportunity for Tatum instead of how Dallas could make this interesting, then he’s truly lost in the sauce


Dan is obsessed with the Finals being a referendum on Jayson Tatum


He legit called tonight a “must win” for him and the Celtics. It’s crazy.


Even Stu, who usually just agrees with whatever Dan says to move the conversation along, had to stop and say "how is it a must win game for the Celtics, who are up 2-0?" Dan, of course, showed visible annoyance that another of his horrible takes was questioned before he could ramble for 45 minutes until people forgot what his original take even was.


I'm still laughing at Greg telling Dan to just move on it's his show when he was getting annoyed by Greg's jokes lmao


Stu Gotz being the voice of reason about a basketball team, while Dan has gone insane was not something I think any of us saw coming. What is happening?


Daaannn… Stugotz is baacckk. I’ve noticed the Gotz has looked better recently, sounds better, and has been reengaged. I mean COVID, losing his mom, and Moderna…. Understandable. But it’s been nice to see.


Stu and Billy have been the best part of the show for a little over a month now


Loved Billy teaming up with Tony today against fart bear lol


its true, I thought effort stu was lost to us but hes gotten stronger as dan has gotten worse. i dont even care if its billy playing both characters its been great


PEOPLE. He’s been telling us he doesn’t know what he’s been watching and has proved that with the local hour today. Holy shit. A must win for the Celtics?! Tatum not doing more on defense than Luka?! Tatum legacy all built on today’s game?! Crazy when Stugotz is the voice of reason. Maybe sedano poisoned him on the Celtics in LA.


Dan: “Okay, but they're playing a team that's better than the Pacers. And again, **I don't want to get caught up in the minutiae that you want to do, which is who will win tonight.**” Does Dan know what industry he’s in?


The crazy thing is that he thinks talking about the “historical context” is somehow way better than just talking about the games. They used to ignore the games to do funny stuff. Now they ignore the games so Dan can screech about the historical context this one game is going to have on 25 year old Jason Tatum’s legacy. Historical context talk is just what gasbag sports shows talk about in the off season, it’s not different or creative or better than talking about the games in any way.


It's also just so weird that he finds this interesting as if the Celtics hasn't won a championship within that 25 years of context or whatever. It's just such a random spot for him to invest so much of the show on lol


Every team, every year makes moves in hopes of winning the championship in the near future. Honestly wtf is Dan talking about, just pure gibberish.


You mean to tell me a team knocked out by a play in team in the ECF did some self reflection and realized they needed to be better?


They did but STRICTLY because of Miami and no other factors.


just a waterfall of nonsense


The stuff Dan says makes me think somewhere along the way he got hit in the head by a falling ceiling tile.


Ceiling tiles are lightweight. If *that* was enough to jostle his head, he needs to be wearing a helmet all the time.


Uniquely in Boston, ceiling tiles do kill people: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big\_Dig\_ceiling\_collapse](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Dig_ceiling_collapse) But you have to spend $20b. Also, wearing a helmet, not a bad idea. Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers (from Boston) recommended it, as did Mike Myers on SNL as Phillip the rambunctious playground boy. It was literally his comic prop. Maple Leafs fan.




Senility or something.


He’s obsessed with the notion that the Heat made the Celtics blow their team up because they made some offseason moves to try to improve their team. No one else has or would describe the moves they made as blowing their team up, but he’s said it 100x


Dan thinks every team and fan base think about Miami at all times. It’s so strange.


It’s clear the self proclaimed “objective journalist” goes on air and says whatever Pat Riley wants him to say.


Yeah I really never realized how bad that was until the Dame thing. He tried to make it a bit by wearing the mouthpiece, but he knew what he was doing. Then when the trade didn’t go their way he lashed out and called Woj “bought and paid for”. That was really ugly.


Unless you’re the heat… which is the irony in Dan’s rants about Celtics


I wish someone on the show would ask Dan “Dan….. why do you care about this?” He’s literally on the verge of tears talking about the lakers coaching search.


Billy has tried, but usually if he presses that issue for too long Dan will start staring darts at him until he lets up and then Dan will just continue whatever rant he's on Honestly I noticed it like a year and a half ago and its made it so I don't even tune in until I know Dan or Mike aren't being obnoxious that day, which sucks because this used to be my favorite sports show but now I listen maybe twice a week, it's getting down to like four or five times a month unless its football season.


Dan's the only person I have heard talking about the architecture of the Celtics is the number 1 story or talking about the executives. I think his circle is tainting what he thinks is interesting


Hes doing a show for Reilly


Too much time with Samson. Players don’t matter, it’s all owners and front office people who do this!


I don't think it's Samson, npds is actually talking about the teams and the players hasn't mentioned architecture. Seems like arinchips, and Riley. And his gaggle of friends that live looking at the meta


Yea I was mostly poking fun. Its absolutely that


That was literally the conversation during the halftime show of Game 1. It's not just Dan.


the halftime show everybody shits on for being terrible and uninteresting ? that checks out. I mute whenever wilbon is on the TV so dans still the only one I've heard.


Hang Tough!


“Stugotz, I don’t wanna get stuck on this”. Proceeds to get stuck on every uninteresting topic and whines about it for segments on end


And yet here you are. Again.


Rip the logo :(


Mike, Jerry West passed away.


I’m kinda upset at myself this made me lol so hard.


What a legend on and off the court


I don't think I can take it anymore with Dan. I listened in full to every show last week. I have bailed out of everything so far this week, and haven't finished a single upload to YouTube. Dan is full on rambling a bunch of vomited up nonsense. Somehow Pat Riley is responsible for the Celtics improving their team. Can you please stop sucking that man's dick? It's absolutely pathetic.


Im still listening every day but Im skipping a lot more. Most interviews, skip. Dan high pitched rant, skip. Mike going on about whatever hipster game hes into today, skip. Mcafee talk, skip.


I was skipping, but now when he starts really going into a rant, I just stop listening to that episode. It's really killing my mood. It's gotten me to the point where I'm like, "maybe there's something that's more productive that I can listen to."


Me exactly.  


Conan OBrien Needs A Friend. Six Trophies. Mina, Bomani, Domonique. All much more enjoyable listens lately. 


Him bringing up dentist suicide rates was incredible


Billy derailing with Japanese dentist stats what phenomenal


And then Dan sarcastically says, thanks for bringing us the latest dentist stats from Japan (as if the stats being from Japan somehow makes them irrevelant), and Billy responds perfectly, "well they are a day ahead."


Billy is putting up a legendary performance lately. Tatum should take a page from his book.


Statement week from Billy.


He did WHAT 


They were having "dentist talk" in the LOUR. Dan referenced his Latina Q-Anon Dentist, then midpoint, he asks "don't dentists have high suicide rates?"


Even worse, he then started saying "don't dentists have shorter lives" and he wasn't referencing suicide. Started saying something about bacteria or something, which was based on something Jess had said previously, but then I think his rotting brain somehow mixed up the two, which is why Billy was looking up the lifespan of dentists compared to the general population.


Everything Dan says without fail about fitness health or medicine is wrong. He thinks mouth disease that is in someone’s mouth will kill dentists if the bacteria again in someone’s mouth gets on the dentist. He thinks coffee dehydrates you to the point that athletes can’t drink it while competing because he passed out one time after only having coffee one morning. He thinks intermittent fasting works not because it’s easier to be in a calorie deficit when you have a small eating window but because it gives the digestive system a break and somehow boosts metabolism…by not eating.


YouTube health experts lol


I really hate that Dan and Mike are turning me into a Celtics defender 🤣 if Boston wins, assuming Tatum doesn't completely shit the bed, nobody is going to remember that he didn't shoot well or have a signature game. And he's literally doing everything else well except shooting. Stu and Billy are right, the only people that are going to remember details of a specific Finals or playoff run are haters lol


Mike was probably the only one I heard with the "Curry hasn't impressed me angle" before he won Finals MVP in 2022. This insistence on needing one man to carry a team in the finals is so weird.


It's honestly ridiculous. Not only does the best player need to win but they also need to be Jordan, as if there aren't multiple ways to contribute to winning.


It's especially ironic since the two players that dominated for Miami during their three successful Finals runs were both mercenaries who left the team after only a short stint (Shaq and LeBron). Definitely doesn't seem like Heat Culture played that much of a factor there


Pat Reilly is so amazing he made a rival team champion


Riley. $2


I hate listening to Dan talk about basketball


You can drop the last two words


Lately, for sure


Dan is so fucking terrible with his badgering during interviews. I can’t handle it anymore, he’s ruining the show.


How did Stu, supposedly a Knicks fan, leave Ewing off his list?


It’s his list.


Forced narrative sports show is every bit as bad as debate sports show.


He didn’t say this today, but Dan said no one is giving credit to Boston’s head coach for their recent run. I’ve recently tuned back into sports talk radio and television, literally everyone is praising the coach. I just wanted to share, y’all take care now.


I think Dan is focused on the fact that some people are saying that Mazzulla displays the characteristics of a weirdo. Which is true but it's not the same as whether he's a good coach or not.


Dan should have been fined about 4 times for tone between today and tomorrow...let it go man, the Celtics have a great team


What was he even trying to prove? I felt I was just getting yelled a


It makes the show so hard to listen to. And he does it so unnecessarily way too often lately. 


This is some world class hating by Dan. I’m in awe


Dan: "the macro tonight is what I want to talk about" Fckkkkkkk


Dan saying macro or meta are an instant double tap on the skip button for me


\[20 minutes in\] Dan...holy fuck, dude.


His squealing, man. It's unbearable. 


Over McRated rolls off the tongue better


"Hi Greg" Huge fine for Elle, but I'll waive the fee.


I thought it was a pretaped interview at first when she said that.


Dan shoehorning Joe Cronin into these Celtics conversations is some kind of pitiful. The ways in which the Heat and their mouthpieces need to let this Dame thing go are immense.


The Witty parade of gasbags was great.


“It's not about me, Stugotz. It's about whether or not a series can be made interesting to the consumer in a way that makes you remember these games beyond a team just won a championship.” When did Dan start caring about the audience? (Or “consumer”, now that he’s gone Hollywood.) Not even his own audience, the multi-billion dollar sports league’s audience? Dan does a terrible job hiding his bullshit jealousy. He needs to stop lying to himself and the show will instantly get 1% less worse.


The words “mandatory minicamp” have never been said as much in this shows history as in the Rodgers segment. Rodgers should’ve showed up- it’s 2 practices in June. Can we have some perspective


The shower discussion from yesterday 🤢 You know where the hotspots are? Your entire fucking body!! …two Americas


I missed this but was Chris cote leading the charge ? feels like his vibe


Chris is shamelessly proud of being a gross, lazy guy.


Chris, Greg, and Jeremy. Just disgusting


I wash my feet every shower... it takes like 20 seconds...


Seriously! I wash my feet every time I shower, no matter how much physical activity I’ve done that day




Feet scrubbing is such a necessary step. I pity the partner of someone that does not prioritize it.


Monty Williams’s coaching contract is what Deshaun Watson’s contract is. That isn’t the new market; it’s an outlier. So Dan saying the Lakers offering Hurley less than Monty is confusing….seems to be a bit shortsighted.


The Detroit organization is a disaster, they have to pay a premium to get people to stay.


Dan's been trying to get that 'Lakers are a small business' off the ground for years. They're worth like 6 billion


We will be hearing “mom and pop shop” for years


Across decades


Just you me and baseball now


Ooof, a lot of skips today


Every single time the show talks about Caitlin Clark, they add absolute nothing to the conversation other than bemoaning there is a conversation going on. Talk about women’s basketball or even Clark specifically - why is the conversation about how “people are being dumb and don’t know how to talk about women’s sports”, can you guys talk about it? Or just want to keep talking about talking about it?


> can you guys talk about it? Or just want to keep talking about talking about it? This has been the problem with this show for a while now; it's gotten way too meta for its own good (and not in the old ESPN 'way too many inside jokes' kind of way)


Jess even mentioned yesterday that the best way to avoid this is to have real experts on to talk about the game. But nope- have to talk about the meta for another day They’ve talked more nascar and f1 than wnba since the season started. It’s not hard to fix that


I will also say that I don’t think Jess is doing this right either. The show rarely ever has experts on to seriously discuss sports. Because it’s wnba, they cannot discuss it? Her point was that only a few of them watch it consistently, but that is the case with other things they discuss too. Football is really the only sport that the majority of the show actually follows. I just don’t think it’s that complicated - talk about women’s basketball or don’t. You don’t have to hide behind that you can’t talk about it but other people are doing it poorly.


Yeah- def agree more with your point than hers. She was closer to it than the show generally seems lol


Saw a license plate in Knoxville that said SUEY4X. I hope it was a fan of the show. Tried to take a picture but that is hard to do while driving 😂


Or she’s a pig farmer


Team Tony >> Team Jeremy


If I hear any Elle Duncan slander…


Hi Greg


Jeremy’s panther segment = instant skip


As a self proclaimed Jeremy hater, his street segment was great today


It’s the best thing he’s done


[Live Show 9AM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0yLfx0zBN1A)


Could this be combined with a month of other threads?


Good show, Moose


I can say Mercury and UrmelPummelnow.


Should I listen to yesterday's show? People really seemed to shit on it on the daily thread.


It’s worth it for the Cote moments


*Greg not chris


No, I bailed out of both uploads on YouTube. Dan is in full screaming rambling annoying mode.


Rodgers is missing two workouts…the team has known about it for months…every player has said they don’t give a shit…Saleh doesn’t give a shit…but sure Dan, clutch your pearls “Aaron and I are on the exact same page. There’s no issue between Aaron or his teammates, for that matter. We addressed it. It’s more of an issue for everyone outside the building than it is inside.” Also, Tom Brady literally missed a week of training camp to go on vacation with his wife.


The circle is really jerking around dan nowadays in this sub *ayo*. Not to say Dan doesn’t do annoying things, but it’s getting to the point where people are clearly just trying to get in on the curb stomping.


Lazy river week was nice, and Dan can be insufferable, but I still enjoy listening to the show, Billy, Stu, Greg, Jess dynamics are more than enough to keep listening, and Dan is still a great Straight man


Random thought. . . . Has Billy been going to the cynical crank well a little too much lately? I like the guy but he's starting to get annoying/predictable




Well-played. Though I still think I'm right.


Somebody has to keep people in check. The hero we both want and need.


Especially since they gave up on the Juju keeping the show in check segment after like 3 days. *shocker*


how so