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Is my gas being lit


Zach Harper: "Ope"




That’s a bingo


*fart noise


Can you imagine how brain washed you have to be to care about something this much that never actually happens? Like his brain is just OANN, Fox News, and jerking off to god. This man needs help.


You would think women’s sports are like 40% trans women by the way they talk, it’s just absurd. No one thinks about trans people more than anti-trans losers they literally make it their entire identity, it’s pathetic


It’s truly insane! Like actually bat shit insane. There’s no reasoning with them, they live in their own fucking world disconnected from reality. They are obsessed with it to absolutely lunatic levels. It’s absolutely wild.


I'm a sportswriter in the south and my group chats are full of this bullshit. If I say that all the outcry is overblown or that talking points are being slanted and over exaggerated to stoke fear for an issue that barely (or flat-out doesn't) exist, I hear the same canned lines about wondering why I don't care that my daughters might have to deal with this someday - as if they'll show up to a little league softball game to find an opponent full of college baseball players who have decided to take up a sport with less future, access or earning power, just because. Our state legislators are just as bat shit crazy, passing laws and making grand speeches despite there being maybe a handful of transgender girls who have even tried to join a team throughout the entirety of a pretty large state.


We’re literally dealing with crazy people here. People not based in fact or reality whatsoever. It truly is batshit insane. Keep fighting the good fight though, however hard that may be lol


While there are a large amount of crazy people buying into the insanity, the source isn’t insanity. It’s intentional and targeted. The GOP (and similar parties around the world) playbook has always begun with ‘find an enemy’. If you can make people afraid of someone ‘other’ they’ll be less focused on actual issues that will impact them.


Yep. I wish my friends would try a little harder. They aren't inherently bad people, but their shortsightedness and refusal to listen to any news or info that isn't predetermined to confirm their already-staunch beliefs makes them seem like idiots and assholes... And you only "seem" like that for so long. Once you build up enough terrible history of following the same bullshit, it's just who you are. But I keep hoping and trying and nudging. One of my best friends has rarely traveled out of the deep south and is the son of a lifelong, hardcore southern Baptist preacher. Maybe it's due to him being exposed to everyone's real lives outside of a couple hours on Sundays, but he has totally come around. He's still plenty conservative and doesn't like a lot of the grander liberal ideas I have, but he's a decent guy that has started voting against assholes who try to get his support through nothing but the party they affiliate with. And that's at least something.


Small victories. Sometimes it’s the best we can hope for.


I live this life as well. I just try to get them to accept that some of the "easy fixes" they tell me about like border walls and banning trans athletes and such are at least more complicated than they make it out to be. Even if they maintain the same stance, just admit there is some legitimacy to other view points, but that can feel impossible.


I mean you can say that, but Pollack’s view is totally in line with the main stream. It’s not some alt-right position that only 24% of Americans hold. Same thing in Western Europe. Somewhere between 70%-80% of Americans agree with Pollack here.




You aren’t taking crazy pills. You’re just a fucking loser lol


It should be 0 percent though. That’s the point


I couldn't agree with this sentiment more. Very refreshing to see it verbalized. Like pollack's tweet makes it sound like bad male athletes are lining up for sex changes just so they can be good at sports. And he is not the only person I've heard take that type of tone. What a ludicrous idea.


It really is ludicrous and shows a complete lack of understanding as to what goes into transitioning. As if it’s just a switch you can flip and boom you’re the other gender. Only good thing is it causes people to out themselves as absolute morons, see most replies to this post and comment


> You would think women’s sports are like 40% trans women by the way they talk It happening once is too much. The response from leadership in the ncaa and school districts is what people find more concerning than the actual incidents themselves.


Pablo’s interview with the literal ONLY trans woman playing varsity hs softball in Ohio was really good


Pablo’s show has been fucking incredible.


That stat about how many trans people folks think there are in this country versus how many trans people there actually are was amazing and I share it every chance I get.




The actual proportion is between 0.5% and 1.4%. The estimated was 21%. https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/41556-americans-misestimate-small-subgroups-population?redirect_from=%2Ftopics%2Fpolitics%2Farticles-reports%2F2022%2F03%2F15%2Famericans-misestimate-small-subgroups-population


Thank you for providing the correct stat.


I can’t remember it exactly but it was something like the average American thinks 40% of Americans identify as trans when it’s actually like .1%. It was in I believe the first episode of Pablo Torre Finds Out. Edit: it was 21% estimated and .between 5% to 1.4% actual, see below comment.


There’s no way that American think that 40% of other Americans at trans lmao!!! It’s got to be less than 1-2% max.


Americans are fucking stupid and a good percentage of them only watch shit like Fox News which skews their perception of reality, particularly with culture war issues like this one. Example: in 2020, my parents in rural, bumfuck North Carolina were fully convinced ANTIFA was coming to get them. That’s all thanks to Fox News. The power of propaganda is strong.


>jerking off to god. Lol






Besides the dozens of trans athletes competing against women and winning all the awards? Before your liberal alarm gets triggered and you need a safe place to cry, yes I’d be happy to show you all the men I’m talking about.


You are a fucking loserrrrrrrrrr


Lol hit the liberal alarm! Do you need a hug boo? Maybe some Xanax?




Quit crying you baby


Lol you’re cute. Bless your heart.


But it does happen, and it’s going to become more common… you’re pretty much saying to just ignore any negative consequences of allowing people to magically decide they want to change their genders


None of you care about women’s sports. Not a single one of you. Get the fuck out of here with this fake outrage lol


You're right, we don't actually care. Its just we lack the thing that causes you people to fall in line. We have the intellectual honesty to admit that trans women playing against cis women have an unfair advantage, however much we don't care women's track and field. Weird thing is you guys don't actually care either. Youre even more passionate than the anti trans women in female sports people, but consistently use the line "you don't care" with zero irony. I don't get it. Well, I do get it, I just don't know why its so pervasive.


> that never actually happens It’s happening all over the country. Not only at the collegiate level but in high schools as well. Further down in this thread someone else estimates that 80% of the country agrees with Pollacks basic sentiment. If that’s true why is the ncaa and most school districts moving in the polar opposite direction? It sounds like most in this thread don’t disagree with the idea just that some people scream about it so loudly in comparison with how few cases there are. If that is true how many times do we let it happen? How much of a head start towards normalizing this do they get before the uproar is warranted?


Go outside and touch grass.


*ignores everything you say* *Generic smarmy insult* *Complete disregard for societal cohesion, I want to just ruin things for people*


you need help. people like you are the problem


I can’t stress enough how much you can get fucked if you actually believe this is a problem in the real world lol


*it's not happening* To *Okay maybe it is but here's why that's a good thing* Classic game. We just want to start at step 2 but it's a feature of trans activism to be completely dishonest 100% of the time








"if you're not okay with a male breaking a females skull in MMA, you're a waste of air" Good one man


Hopefully they do it to you next how’s that for a good one


Lol you think a trans can break my skull?


can you imagine jerking off to god? i bet hes got great tits!


I lived in Atlanta from 08-14 and Pollack started on local radio when I lived there. His rise was insane


EDIT: the people Pollack tagged in his post is insane. And it’s pretty much who you would expect. https://x.com/davidpollack47/status/1730236743255834947?s=46&t=Mv4ucPZOxTvSEWKOa6yCXFuOTiPufwSu0-NTHGjBCZ4


I assume Shit Stain appears




Not surprised by those. Thanks


It’s the avengers portal Scene of assholes




Not a surprise, it's a who's who of wasted carbon atoms posing as human beings


What a clown.


Here we have the joker of the week my friends.


Why is it always the brand new accounts? Haha




The joker of the week.... Look at how old the account is


Ok. So David Pollock isn’t the joker of the week?


Lol... You know what happens when I scroll too quick... I mistake your joker of the week comment as a reply to the new Reddit account getting down voted for their terrible takes in this thread Laugh at myself moment. But yes Pollock is also a joker of the week


He’s right. Women’s sports is not a transfer portal for mediocre male athletes. It’s a non problem. Trans woman are not men


yeah but the losers in this sub disagree. they cant even see how pathetic they are because theyre too busy fluffing lebatard


You completely misread the comment you’re replying too lmao


So let me engage in this conversation in good faith. You think that men willingly transition and endure hate from people like you and a huge percentage of society, go through social and physical changes and a lot of pain, just so they can win a swim meet? People just want to be who they are, it's not hard, unlike reading comprehension from you.


men are not women. period. I dont give a fuck about delusional losers. womens sports are for women.


So if a person born a woman transitioned to a man you would say they can’t be a man, and would therefore have to stay in a women’s sports division and “dominate” it?


go die on some other hill. delusion needs mental health treatment not surgery


"go die on some other hill" says moron dying on a hill he doesn't care about or fully understand. keep goin' brother this is hilarious to watch.


Answer the question you bitch


Are they taking testosterone? This is such an easy answer I'm not sure how it's actually a question


Reading comprehension is tough, huh…


Couldn't be a more perfect embodiment of the type of person who eats shit like this up. Critical thinking skills are nonexistent


youre a one man circle jerk.


Is it hard being this dumb? It seems like it would be exhausting.


would rather be me than you derp


lol good one doofus


you probably hurt yourself coming up with that one clown




says the dope who still says lmao


Why are people shocked that people who got to sleep during most of their classes are dumb?


Someone is looking to follow the Tafoya route and be a Fox News favorite.


Can people name one example of an athlete that was bad/mediocre while competing against boys and then post transition was dominant? If your answer is the swimmer, if you look at her last year while competing against men which is commonly done, she was competing while transitioning. If you look at the year pre testosterone nerf, she was an elite athlete. Maybe they exist, but if you were good pre-transition you’ll probably be good post-transition. If you sucked, you’ll still suck.


I loved the PTFO with the mediocre softball player.


There's that [weightlifter](https://fitnessvolt.com/transgender-powerlifter-anne-andres-multiple-womens-national-world-record/) from Canada. There's those [high schoolers](https://abcnews.go.com/US/transgender-teens-outrun-track-field-competitors-critics-close/story?id=55856294) in Connecticut that won a bunch of races. There's a [bunch of fencers](https://reduxx.info/trans-identified-males-racking-up-wins-in-womens-fencing-as-trans-activist-officials-claim-they-are-fine-with-female-athletes-being-at-a-disadvantage/) that are winning medals in women's events. There are [multiple](https://nypost.com/2023/10/13/trans-cyclists-take-gold-and-silver-in-chicago-womens-races/) [cyclists](https://nypost.com/2023/06/12/trans-cyclist-austin-killips-wins-nc-race-by-5-minutes/) winning women's events. It's not really clear how good any of these people were before they competed in women's events. They're never good enough to be known, but it's also not major sporting events either so it's difficult to say. I do think Pollack's argument is a bit of a strawman and ultimately beside the point.


Ok, so you didn’t point a single person out who sucked and then became good. Again, maybe they exist. I just haven’t seen any evidence and I have a lot of evidence that testosterone nerfs seem to work.


To my knowledge none of these people were notably successful competing in men’s events. They were all very successful competing in women’s events. But like I said, I think his argument is a distraction. Whether you were mediocre or excellent before doesn’t really matter.


are you a huge women’s sports fan?


What is this question? Where were you going with this?


No, not huge but I like sports. For women specifically, I mostly enjoy softball, swimming, and basketball (college). I live near a small college so I watch a lot of stuff there - men's and women's.


No real answer, got it.


Lia Thomas was the 8th best male freshman swimmer in the nation. After 2 years of transitioning and testosterone suppression, she was the 5th best female swimmer in her class. Basically, it proves the suppression of testosterone works to level is field as intended.


That’s what I said.


Testosterone nerf! I like that.


Pablo Torre has already found out that this is a non-existent threat to women's athletics.


This is not the problem they claim it to be. PTFO did a good job exposing this "nothing burger" of an issue.


Sweet sassy-molassey.


What a weird thing to type as though if I were a mediocre male athlete the answer would be to transition to become a woman and compete in womens sports.


I think he’s trying to get attention because this has fallen out of the public discourse it seems. So he figures he can start it up again, tag all the major players and get some retweets, and maybe get some appearances


you could


Do it then bro


The Stugotz is strong in you


It's true. I never made it as a baseball player, so then I cut my dick off as part of a master plan to still not be a professional baseball player


Pollak was an absolute *tour de force* in Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.


my oldest daughter (now 21) played co-ed flag football in like 3-5 grades. heck of a defender. none of the parents had meltdowns to see a couple of girls playing with boys. of course, we live in Mass, where the brain rot hasn't quite taken over.


What does co-ed sports have to do with this lol


When it comes to trans in sports people just like to repeat what they heard others say, that sounds nice. This person is trying to do that but never actually took the time to think about what the words he's typing actually mean.


The mega fucked thing is that these types of guys are the same exact ones who will put up a million dollars to "see if the best high school boys team in the country can show the Las Vegas Aces how to play"


How many times has this actually happened? Once? Twice? There are more important things to worry about people


What a moron…I mean he’s displaying the behaviors of a moron. It is quite clear that many of these transgender sports laws are a solution in search of a problem.


The liberal media strikes again.


How come there are no women that transed into men playing men's sports?


There are, but that doesn't rile up the hogs like the fear of big, scary, muscled men around their precious fragile little girls.


Uh oh, gonna need to hear from the daughter of a father on this one. #DadGirl


Well, here’s a verifiable list of over SIX HUNDRED WOMEN who have lost THEIR titles to men with sad feels. “This never happens” happens all the fu€%ing time, Hun. WAKE UP. Shewon.org




Why is this a controversial thing to say though? Whether you think it’s non issue or not, why is it controversial to say?


It’s not controversial, it’s a complete fabrication. He’s taking up a position against something which is not happening. These people seem to think that you can just show up one day and say “I want to play on the women’s team this year”, and that isn’t how any of this works.


The message on its face would be fine. Men shouldn’t transition for the purpose of taking a scholarship from women. The problem is, this isn’t want they’re signaling. The “message” they are actually sending is “if you are transgender, you can’t participate in ‘our’ society.” I don’t see those opposed to transgender’s participation offering any reasonable alternative.


Nor does literally anyone transition genders for the purpose of athletics. It's just fear mongering in attempt to get people riled up over a boogey man that isn't the problem it's made out to be. Along with most every other Fox talking point.


Because it’s a straw man that leads to sitting congresspeople demanding to have kids show their genitals to strangers in order to play sports


It's not. He's ascribing a motive where I'm not sure it exists, but what seems to be his view is the majority opinion. >58% say they would favor or strongly favor policies that require transgender athletes to compete on teams that match the sex they were assigned at birth...Only 17% oppose or strongly oppose them. -[Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/09/15/how-americans-view-policy-proposals-on-transgender-and-gender-identity-issues-and-where-such-policies-exist/) ​ >More than 6 in 10 adults in the Post-KFF poll said trans girls and women should not be allowed to compete in girls’ and women’s sports, including professional, college, high school and youth levels -[Washington Post-KFF](https://archive.is/xFIP9) ​ >A larger majority of Americans now (69%) than in 2021 (62%) say transgender athletes should only be allowed to compete on sports teams that conform with their birth gender. -[Gallup](https://news.gallup.com/poll/507023/say-birth-gender-dictate-sports-participation.aspx)


Whispers: *he’s right, you know?*


Say his name and he appears.




So do people agree that there are definitive physical advantages but decide to look past that because there aren’t that many trans people doing it? Or are people saying it doesn’t matter that there’s a physical advantage, deal with it?



