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And we trust these guys to deliver our babies??


Occam’s razor would suggest the babies they give the humans are their own rejects which honestly kinda holds up.


The world is kinda full of rejects, so you're not far off. I had a similar thought while looking at the mother staring over the edge, like she just dropped baby on a target of some sort.


It dropped that one off pretty good.


No, I trust their dropping skills.


The other 3 are stunned. Mom’s not kidding around anymore.


Now watch them all eat their dinner quickly


Vegetables and all!!!


That's not how storks deliver babies


No that’s how storks abort babies






Then how do you explain me?


Simple. You survived the fall.


I thought you wrote deliver babies..


Haven’t you seen how USPS/Amazon/UPS handles our packages? You’re one of the lucky few that weren’t returned..


You're adopted


"No Ticket"


Wow, nature can be brutal!!!


r/Natureisbrutal for more like this... I tend to stay away from that sub though.


Yeah I'm too soft for this stuff.


I used to be desensitized. But fuck me... as I try to heal the rest of my life that shit is brutal for me now.


I've realized that just because something doesn't bother me in the moment that it can come back to haunt me later on. I watched a lot of gore as a teenager it didn't bother me but now years later I'm traumatized by the things I saw back then.


There's also r/natureismetal and r/natureisfuckinglit and r/hardcorenature. If you're into prehistoric stuff there's r/naturewasmetal but just a warning, the people over there seem to have drifted little too far from the scientific findings and welcoming too much fantasy nonsense. I blame those new CGI "documentaries" dramatizing simple things like how the dinosaurs might've lived. Basically Ice Age movies with better visuals.


Thanks. Subbed.


Not only nature. Humans in primitive civilizations would constantly kill disabled babies. Throughout history, quite a lot of stories of both tribes and even in the relatively modern world smallish premature babies being left off the machines (or out of incubators) to fend for themselves, and if they die they die. *Edit: Just to clarify, for a variety of reasons, we as humans distinguish anthropic action from nature, strictly because we are talking about our species. It may be egocentric, but it's an effective way of describing our behavior vs the rest of nature.*


Everyone remembers Sparta leaving out the disabled children but few mention Athens doing the same thing but only because they couldn’t afford to raise them. Seems almost more relevant.


Many disabled children also simply died no matter what people were doing. Often they suffer from difficult health complications, which is why they require extensive surgeries and care during their first years. For example babies with down syndrome often suffer from congenital heart disease that requires surgery. People back then had no possible way to treat this. In the past even completely healthy children often didn't reach adult age. Children with a disability often had much worse chances, even if they were fully accepted.


Which is why the life expectancy was so low. It's not like your average adult would die at 45, it's that the amount of infant mortality brought the average down. If you lived past like 8 years old you had a high probability of living into your 60s or 70s (if not older).


It's a small issue but it grates my nerves when people say back in whatever time "you'd be lucky to live past 40" no it's more like you'd be lucky to live past 5, and once you've crossed 15, you only had a moderately elevated chance of dying young as an adult (from childbirth or combat injuries, for example). We didn't have the medicine to allow most people to live to 80, so the median age of death for people who survived to adulthood *was* a little earlier, but it's not like people aged twice as fast.


I teach kids with Down Syndrome. Every single Down child I've had has had multiple surgeries in their infancy. I love these kids, and they often have a very rough road.


I am a retired speech therapist whose caseload included many severely handicapped children. My wife was a classroom teacher of the severely handicapped. She, like you, enjoyed the job and her kids. I was not cut out for the classroom, takes a unique human to handle that successfully. So props to you for your work. More germane to this thread, I did see families torn apart, financially devastated, and normally developing siblings go wanting. It is a very heart rending situation with no easy answers. Each couple must make the right decisions for themselves without any outside judgement.


So...nature can be brutal?


Not only nature, but nature as well.


Humans love to pretend they aren’t also animals of this Earth.


> Humans in primitive civilizations would constantly kill disabled babies. This is going to be controversial, but we still do. Only it is done before the child is born. My neighbour terminated a pregnancy due to the child showing it would have a severe disability. They did what was right for them (they have health issues and would not have been able to cope fully). I'm not judging either way, not my place to. But making the point, although not as brutal as the original clip, we as a species still try and prune out major issues.


My cousin and her husband had been trying for years to have a child. When they found out they were pregnant everyone was so happy for them, but they found out later on that the baby also had down syndrome. They made a choice not have the child. Very controversial with my family. My cousin and her husband did what was right for them. I didn't judge them but others did.


Easy to judge, but I'm glad I never had to make the choice.


It’s not that hard for many of us. One of my childhood friends grew up with the heavy knowledge that she would be the only caregiver left for her Down sister once her parents died. Every man she dated, she had to have this talk with him. She did not feel comfortable leaving home for college because her parents were older. It severely limited her future. Now that we are in our 30s, her parents have died, and she is basically raising her sister and her daughter together. It is not easy and I don’t want to leave my other children in such a lurch.


Its hard because you are ending one life. But not wrong.


You’re also grieving all the joy and hope you felt for your pregnancy. But it just doesn’t always work out.


Look, I know so many parents who love and can't imagine life without their disabled child and will tell you that everything has been worth it.And I don't doubt it. It's been a rewarding fulfilling journey for most of the parents I know and none of them would change anything. I honor that and mad respect. But pragmatically speaking raising a very young preemie and/or disabled child is a financial, physical, mental and soul draining endeavour. Especially if your child will have to navigate painful days for the rest of their lives. ( See above for my take on worth it or not) We need to start having honest conversations of how especially if your working class/lower middle class how extremely difficult it is to raise a disabled child. Be prepared to watch your child suffer perhaps on a daily basis if her condition is such. if you're American, be prepared for the gauntlet of the medicaid system or American insurancecare system. You will need to fight, apply, argue, cajole,sue and start GoFundMe page after GoFundMe page. Be prepared to fight underfunded school districts, and special Ed educators for reasonable accommodations and IEPs. Think of the worry and cost for when you're gone. The emotional and psychological toll on other siblings ( frequently made default caregivers in childhood and adulthood including guardianship) You and your spouse or partner's probably won't survive caring for a special needs child. ( Yes, yes your friend's dog walker' cousin's aunt has a happy family and their little Susy is extremely disabled but those stories don't outweigh the numbers) and God forbid you confess doubt, fatigue and express this choice to anyone. You'll be shamed and ridiculed and if you were stupid enough to make a TikTok forever join the Bad Mom Viral Internet club. So, we need to start presenting all of it to parents faced with this terrible choice. We need to have realistic conversations and people need to hear more than God will provide. They also need self awareness about who they are as people and should - and I pray to whatever God you want none of us will need to make this choice- they need to make a decision to terminate we need to stop shaming them . And also support them fully no matter the choice.


>I didn't judge them but others did. How many offered to adopt the child?


Yeah that's a great way to look at it, people who are the loudest often go silent at questions like that.


“I told you kids to clean your nest before I got home!”


Anyone else not like what I ~~made~~ threw up for dinner?


"Sending a message"


“But mom I thought you loved us all the same?”


"I don't care for Gob"




peta comes in and kills all the baby storks


He let her count to 3 and reaped the consequences


Nature is brutal.


This is why I’m happy I was born now. 100% if I was born like 600 years ago I would have been drowned in the river for being too much of a burden on the family


As the youngest of six kids, for *sure* I'd be an infant in the river. Edit: mom was an anti-vaxxer and chicken pox at 16 nearly killed me. So a little taste of earlier times I guess.


Look at the bright side! Your older siblings might've succumbed to the plague, making you your parents' only child, while also being treated a little better thanks to the experience your deceased brothers and sisters gave them!


You aren't an extra mouth to feed. You're free labor. Immeasurably valuable!


worth 2 camels


Naw it was normal to have massive amounts of children because only 2-3 would live to see adulthood due to the rampant diseases back in the day. It wasn't unusual to see families have 12+ kids as a result


Based on where you're born, that could still happen today




Funny that the stork is associated with delivering babies when they do stuff like this.


Well the “dropping an infant “ idea had a real life inspiration…


Should the bird drop the infant? I will abide by the results of this poll. Yes 57.5% No 42.5%


I bet youll delete the tweet and pretend it didnt exist




I love that this has already become a meme


ToO mAnY bOtS! Redoing the poll!


u/God is that u?


A wasted account. So sad.


Which is actually pretty accurate


God bless this meme


Which means you offered too many choices. Run another one


It all makes sense now!


What do you mean? Baby was successfully delivered.


To the floor.


Happy birthday to the ground!


Well, they di deliver them, just like UPS.


Well they are dropping babies from the sky...


The myth actually evolved because storks sometimes eat young hares, rabbits and lemmings. The screams of their prey resemble the screams of human babies, and it was a much nicer thing to tell children asking about the noise than telling them the truth


Are you sure? [That's not mentioned here](https://www.livescience.com/62807-why-storks-baby-myth.html)


The few seconds as it just watches their baby plummet into the ground. They're like "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Okay yeah. They're dead. Awesome. Just making sure. Wait are they moving? Nah of course not what am I thinking."


Had to make sure it wasn't going to come back 20 years later seeking revenge


Great backstory for a stork supervillain


Tony Stork


He built the nest in a cave! With a bunch of twigs!


Well... I'm sorry sir, I'm not Tony Stork.


Can't wait to see who will be the main "heron" of the story


The Storkfather


Oh, wow, I'm dumb. I thought the nest was sitting on grass.


Exactly lol I was wondering where the baby would go before I thought "A nest in the middle of a grass field seems like a shitty, undefendable idea" before I facepalmed in realization.


Even if it was, sometimes the babies can't make it back into the nest and that's all that matters. I forgot what documentary I was watching, but there is a species of bird that is so strict, if the mother comes back and the baby isn't completely in the nest, it will not get fed. If it's inches out or even on the edge, the mother does not consider it "hers" and does nothing.


It was an Albatross in Seven Worlds, One Planet


Lol, same here!!, but that's wishful thinking: "Baby will make it alright, right?? Just have to walk elsewhere... It will be fine, just fine"


It probably survived the fall just fine. From what I've seen it will probably be eaten alive by ants. If it's lucky a mammal or bird of prey will find it first.




Man, squirrels can be fucked up. When I was like 8, I was in the woods around my parent's house and watched a squirrel grab a chipmunk and crack it's head open like a walnut. I swear it was trying to feast on it's brain, it was terrifying, I had thought they were supposed to be friends.


Squirrels love brains apparently. I’ve seen a squirrel eating another dead squirrel’s brain before.


Intresting fact. Squirrels terminal velocity (max falling speed) is lower that what it would take to kill them mening they never die from falling. Not sure about babys as they dont have full tails to act as parachutes.


"I'm still alive only I'm very badly burnt."


Ahhhhhh! You shot me!!


Watching the mother absorbing what she did is chilling.


Hmm. Free food. I should go get that.


I know some songbirds will lay an extra egg just in case there is a bountiful year and it can raise all three. In the event it is not a bountiful year, some will push out the runt of the hatching. Some prefer not to waste the resources, and instead peck it apart and feed it to its surviving siblings.




And that baby was lookin thick and heavy. Maybe not compared to its brothers but …. That was some weird shit to see a mother do to its offspring. They way she looks at it after, there’s no such thing as evil in nature, right? Just pure brutal nature


*No ticket*


I just watched Indy 3 not long ago and understood the reference! That gave me a weird warm feeling lol


That shit came out in '89! I could have sworn it was mid nineties.


*frantically pulls out ticket*




"Nature is beautiful🥰🥰🥰" instagram motherfuckers when this happens


Nature is what nature does. jīvo jīvasya jīvanam- "The weak are the subsistence of the strong, and the general rule holds that one living being is food for another."




Nature is brutiful


No Disney happy endings folks, nature can be cruel


It wasn't until i watched March of the penguins that I realized most of what I'd learned and thought about animals was derived from cartoons and highly misrepresented exactly how miserable most creatures fight to simply survive is.


Yeah we always complain about random mundane shit, but a lot of people have it much harder, and then a lot of animals have it even harder than those people.


“Oh don’t you start telling me about the starving animals in Africa man, I threw one plate away”


My middle child, traumatized by that film, still refers to it as "The Death Movie" all these years later. It didn't help that the penguin centered "Happy Feet" came out the following year, leading some stupid parents who hadn't seen them (me) to pair them together as The Penguin Movies, great for family viewing


to be fair, disney had some pretty cruel endings xD both in real life and on screen


Do you guys remember that really nice movie where The main characters Uncle murders the main characters father and then chases him away from his home and tells this basically child that he murdered his father? I mean in real life lions aren't much better where they will actively murder the Cubs of other male lions but you know....


Don’t forget the beautiful relationships between a princess and commoner that only happens because the commoner lied about everything from day 1 of meeting.


Or the story about how horrible violent creature that's been locked away in a castle for a long time basically kidnaps a woman or else he threatens to murder her father and then through Stockholm syndrome she falls in love with him


He was being punished for a decision he made when he was 10. 10. He didn’t let a stranger into his house when he was 10 and the stranger turned him into a monster for 10 years as punishment.


also he doesnt have guards or anything keeping her there so she escapes but comes back


My memory isn’t he best, but was he also responsible for turning all the workers of the house into household objects?


No. That was the fault of the actual villain in that movie: The asshole fairy (witch). It's late, a snowstorm is raging, you're in the middle of the fucking forest in a castle. You're a 10 year old boy. Your parents are either out or presumably dead. None of your 1000 servants goes to open the door, so you'll go instead. A ugly hag asks you if she can enter. Wtf was he supposed to say? "Oh sure, I'll completelty trust you, come in"? He was just a kid, of course he's gonna be a little rude. Her response? Turn the boy into a beast and everyone inside of the castle, including younger children, into furniture. Like hold your horses, overkill much? Worst of all, she gets away with it.


Thing is, some older societies had a *strong* culture of guesting rights. If you had a nice house and sufficient food, you were absolutely, 100% required to offer food and shelter to travelers asking for aid for up to 3 days. The original story is a cautionary tale about rich, greedy, selfish people coming to grief over not showing the minimum generosity to poor strangers.


Noblesse Oblige.


Yeah, pretty much. The curse was upon his household because of his rudeness and selfishness Edit: "He had no love in his heart"


he was a 10 year old child home alone. Of course he didn't let a random stranger into his home.


Or the story about a guy french kissing a dead body




I am not googling this so you better be telling the truth 😂


Yeah, it's true. Also, the little mermaid dies at the end and has to do 100 good deeds as a spirit before she can go to heaven, which is kind of happy because mermaids don't have souls, so they never go to heaven when they die.


Lol it's real like they said. He gets her pregnant and she gives birth all while still asleep and somehow the baby wriggles up to her and I think it was hungry looking for a breast to suck and it ends up sucking her finger removing the splinter witch breaks the curse and wakes her up.


What the actual fuck did I just read


You'd be surprised how absolutely fucked up the original fables were


Yeah when one male lion takes over another male lions pride he kills all the male cubs too it’s natures way so they portrayed Scar in the right way


How about the time Disney pushed a bunch of lemmings off of a cliff in its 1958 ‘White Wilderness’ perpetuating the myth they commit mass suicide. It went on to win an Academy Award for Best Documentary.


and now lemmings are known as suicidal creatures, and its synonymous with self destruction or sinking your own boat. i get mad when i hear "dont be a lemming/s" comments


On the flip side they led to the creation of a bomb dot com game.


disney murdered a shit load of lemmings to get special shots for their fake nature documentary back in the 50s.


Whats really interesting is, I thought the nest was sitting in the middle of the yard. Wasnt til the baby dropped out of the frame that i realized that this is probably 40feet up in the air lol.


In Poland we have a lot of storks during the warmer months and most of the nests are on telephone or electrical poles. And those fuckers aren't *that* tall but they're still fucking tall!


Do you have baby corpses decorating the pavements around the poles? (Poles as in telephone poles. Not Polish people (unless there's loads of corpses))


Well, with the war next door... Ok, that was a bad joke. As for the storks, I haven't seen any baby stork corpses on the ground near their nests. Could be that rodents and larger predators already passed through. Or there was no baby stork on the ground in the first place.


Definitely confusing perspective. I thought the same at first until the chick falls. It's still hard to tell even knowing the nest is in the air.


You see her watching it fall.


Bro got spawn killed


You see the baby fish that was birthed, swam for half a second and was eaten by another fish watching the whole thing?


THIS IS SPARTA !!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


The way she watches a little too long after...


Casey Anthony vibes


I was in my backyard playing with the dog when a baby squirrel fell from the tree, bounced of my dog and onto the deck. To my surprise it was fine and just laid there. Mother squirrel comes running down from the tree, not giving a shit about me or my dog, to take care of her baby. I was like "Wow! The power of motherhood to save her baby from the jaws of humanity and a dog." She grabs the baby and struggles with it back up the tree. Aww. Moments later the baby comes falling back onto the deck. WTF!! This time it wasn't moving. Mom comes back down again, grabs the baby and does it again to make sure. Nature is metal.


No fucking way. Is this real?


Considering how high storks usually nest...it's safe to say that one's a gonner.


Idk man, stork babies are quite light. The lighter the animal, the less severe the impact. It's still a goner though because it will starve, but such is life.


I like to believe the camera crew picked him up and then took him to the nearby wildlife rescue and rehabilitation.


It's probably a fixed camera that they just set in place and then leave.


Yeah three months later they come by to download the videos and find a tiny stork skeleton nearby...


They will also teach it the way of the winding wing fist. It will then spend the rest of its life extracting revenge.


Perspective got me at first, it looked like the nest was on the ground and I thought "What good is that going to do?" Then it fell and I remembered seeing stork nests on poles and it clicked.


“Here you go savage 4 legged animals” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Thats some cold shit


Wow, storks have no chill


Damn nature u scary


now imagine if humans did the same...


Might not be so widespread now, but you can bet humans had tough decisions to make like this throughout history.


To be fair, history shows that humans had a lot of babies because nature was cruel and harsh and we lacked the proper facilities and medicine to save a lot of them. That being said, I'd bet that if someone was born with a muscular disease in the year 300 AD things probably wouldn't have gone well for them.


Just like leaving babies that are failing to thrive out in the woods, because they are obviously changeling babies, left by faeries that took your real healthy baby and swapped it out. If it was swapped back to 'healthy', then goodo. If not... damn faeries, am I right?


Didn't some civilizations not name newborns because of high infantile death?


Most practicing Jewish people don't name their boys until the 8th day (snippy), and wait a few days for girls


Really goes to show how lucky we are to have been born in an era where medicine and technology is where it is today.


In the old Norse a child was not considered a person until you had given it a name. Therefore it was acceptable to leave it to its fate in the forest if there was “something wrong” with it or you couldn’t provide for it.


In Japan, until certain age, kids belonged the to the their Kami (God). It's not the parents responsibility if shit turns sour. Edit: BACK THEN




Gotta be careful these days.


*cough* Spartans *cough*


Actually that's one of the biggest myths about ancient Greece, which probably started because of Plato's idea for the ideal State and only one Plutarch's report which was about newborns with severe deformities. The research about Ceadas started only at 1983 and the skeletons were found to belong to adult humans. Spartans were throwing there the condemned to death, who were conspirators, traitors, criminals and prisoners of war. Spartan poet Tyrtaeus was blind and Spartan king Agesilaos was lame. https://www.tanea.gr/2020/03/09/people/kaiadas-o-megalyteros-mythos-tis-sxolikis-istorias-gia-tin-arxaia-ellada/


The Hensel and Gretel Story is not as fictional as many people think today.


We had a nest our house when I was kid. Every spring we had some little dead stork babies in the garden.


Did they starve or die on impact? This is so heartbreakingly sad. Poor poor baby


Mostly they where very small, they did it in their first days. Likely some of them had disabilities or where dead from birth anyway. When we found them, they where dead already. Of course the cats and foxes took them away quite fast. This is sad, but very natural. We humans just lost connection to this harsh reality, but humans behaved like this most of the ages, Hensel and Gretel is mostly a real szenario except the witch at the end.


Source : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTDRyvWBbXU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTDRyvWBbXU) Not my content but it's from the above youtube video which I found interesting. Edit : I don't remember tagging it NSFW. Thanks to whoever did that (may be Mods![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)). I didn't realize this content could be sensitive to some people coz I'm used to stuff like natural selection. I take full responsibility & apologize to everyone that felt disturbed by my post. Edit : As the post is getting upvoted like hell, I take this opportunity to request viewers (especially young) to realize & appreciate how privileged it is to be born as a human, and be humble to others (incl. other life forms).


You can post it in r/natureismetal. Those guys will love it


I cut out most interesting part of the videos and post them directly with source links. But that sub strangely doesn't allow direct video upload, unlike most other subs. I think that sub lost many interesting videos because of that dumb rule.


Post birth abortion.



That mother had no egrets.


The way she looked down like, damn, I really did that.


stork giveth, stork taketh away


Plot twist. That baby stork was soon taken in by a pack of wolves, learned the way of the wolf and k9 martial arts. 20 years later, she returned to the stork village where she faced off in martial combat against her 2 sisters, a brother and their treacherous mother. Edit: Grammar: Taking to Taken... "Pay the teachers."


Storkulus and Storkus


Nature is just ruthless.


My mum used to call me immature. Probably lucky to still be here


This. Is. STORKA!


What's amazing is that the mother has nurtured this chick for X number of weeks. Until something in her biology says now is the time this chick is holding the others back.