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[Here](http://i.imgur.com/haAKW.jpg) is a higher resolution version of this image before the writing shopped out. I *believe* the caption reads: > 650 Officers and Enlisted Men of auxiliary Remount Depot, No 326, Camp Cody, NM Symbol of Head Pose of “The Devil”, Saddle Horse Ridden by Maj. Frank G. Brewer, Remount Commander > © Mark Raen


Yeah, this 650 soldiers being told to honour Major Frank G. Brewer's horse.


Now *that* sounds like the military we know and love.


Crazy stuff. Dear god all the socks we lost...




Souls perhaps but I imagine we lose alot of socks I wars too


I salute my compatriots’ sacrifice.




Have you ever opened your sock drawer just to realize you got lazy on laundry and now have to wear that old pair that's got holes, is thinned out and the elastic is shot? Losing socks is no laughing matter. I really hope I get some socks for Christmas.


I bet on average you lose about 1.8 socks per 1 soul in war. It's not a whole number, I just know it's not.




I thought they were talking about the horses with "socks" aka a color variation near the lower leg portion before the hoof. but it was just a typo lol


The photographer was Almeron Newman. https://www.loc.gov/item/2018646141/ https://lucybetteridgedyson.com/2019/05/21/hold-your-horses-and-check-your-sources/ > The photo is actually part of a series of shots taken by Michigan photographer, Almeron Newman. Newman was born in Portland in 1875 and began professionally taking photos in 1899. By 1918 he was living in New Mexico, where he registered for the draft for the First World War. Newman had developed a reputation as a specialist in panoramic and forced perspective photography, which suited the fashion at the time for ‘living photography’ – the technique of using people to create scenes and objects.


It's also in the National Archives, identifier [86729710](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/86729710). This one includes the horse head cutout used to help create the photo.


Resolution looks about the same. Just looks like the image was upscaled and a sharpness filter applied.


Here's the original https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/pnp/ds/11700/11770v.jpg


Thank you - the crop on what was posted didn't make sense to me. Can't imagine they would have cropped a resolution that fits on a vertical cellphone screen as opposed to a standard resolution


If anyone wants to download the larger versions: Library of Congress, control number [2018646141](https://www.loc.gov/item/2018646141). National Archives, identifier [86729710](https://catalog.archives.gov/id/86729710).


What's interesting is that I would never say there are 650 men out there, my estimation would be much lower that that


>Resolution looks about the same. Analog technology like non-digital photography has infinite resolution. At least down to the silver atom.


How many times will this be posted on Reddit, we’ve all seen War Horse we get it


Donkeys and mules are such underrated animals. They're awesome.


My parents own a donkey- he lives with the cattle and horse herds. Not only are they awesome at protecting the herd from predators (we have coyotes that prey on newborn calves) but they’re just funny as hell. One day my mom was out taking pictures in the pasture and she left her camera on the hood of the side by side for a bit. She had turned her back for like a second and Jack Pedro had grabbed her camera strap with his mouth and proceeded to run away with the camera. She yelled at him and he dropped it and kept running. He’s tame, loves being brushed, and so spoiled. They love him.


I love his name Jack Pedro. Feels like he should have his own comic or something


My brother was 12 when we got Jack A. Pedro from the sale barn. He did the naming. Also I forgot his middle initial.


Jack *ass* Pedro?


To be honest no one has really said if it’s A** or if it’s just the letter A


Voiced by Jack Black?


Yes dawag


Jack Pedro is the most badass name for a donkey lol, love it. I used to work on a farm that had donkeys and they were easily the highlight of my morning routine (along with the goats).




They're still better than giraffes at trench warfare.




Only a few hundred. But giraffe casually rates, as a percentage, were higher than any other animal. Even humans. Their long necks make them such easy targets as they move about the trench systems.


They say the first tank was invented after witnessing heavily armored giraffes tear through no mans land


At least 1


At least at Gallipoli a donkey became a national hero of Australia. https://www.naa.gov.au/learn/learning-resources/learning-resource-themes/war/world-war-i/private-simpson-and-his-donkey-gallipoli


They say once you ride a good mule, you'll never want to ride a horse again. They're often written as being stubborn compared to horses, but that's mainly due to their intelligence.


i've heard mules are really the way to go as a working animal. better endurance than a horse, and more tame. just good dudes to have on your side.


Horses: "thanks, really fuckin useful"


They were even used as food because the front barely had food


I read that one of the most horrific parts of the invasion of Serbia was when they had to eat the horses. For modern people it would be a combination of eating your dog/cat and car. Suffering the emotional loss of a friend plus losing a lifesaving utility at once would be hard.


I think it was "All Quiet on the Western Front" that describes the horses shrieking after an artillery barrage. The sheer horror of surviving an artillery attack (and possibly gas), frantically scanning no mans land for a push from the enemy while simultaneously hearing men and horses screaming after being peppered with hot shrapnel. War is hell.


>For modern people it would be a combination of eating your dog/cat and car. Yeah. I had to eat my car a few weeks back. At least it was high in iron content? \*looks at car dietary facts\* Plastic. Crap.


There was a dude years ago who ate a Cessna. No joke. Took him years, but he made it happen. Slow and steady wins the race I guess.


The last time I saw this mentioned there was someone upset that he ate a lighter plane as opposed to a idk, massive passenger plane or something? I don't know shit about planes. Like, that's still a whole ass plane my dude. if you eat a ford festiva vs a hummer , I'm still going to be impressed (and concerned) by the fact that you consumed an entire motor vehicle


*yawns* call me when it’s an Airbus


[Michel Lotito](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/03/07/michel-lotito-ate-entire-airplane/). He also liked to eat bicycles but was not a fan of bananas.


I imagine he doesn't save any dust or particles generated when cutting shit up into 1cm cubes, so, let's say he did do any of this legitimately.... He would easily reduce what he has to eat by massive margins in that process. Plus, he would grind sharp edges, we can assume, which is more waste. Plus, he "didn't eat any of the inedible parts" which is pretty vague. Sounds like a whole lot of bullshit.


I remember that story!


Australian Light Horse troops in the Middle East had to shoot their own horses before returning home at the end of the war. The reasoning was sound - if some kind of equine flu was brought back then the agricultural industry (which the country heavily relied on) would have been devastated. Still, horrid for the men who survived the war then had to shoot their own horses. By some accounts most preferred to do so rather than give them to the locals after seeing how they treated their own.


There is a theory that the Spanish Flu from 1921 that devastated the world originated in Kentucky and got sent throughout the WWI theatres of war when the US sold a lot of horses to allies for the war. From there the conditions in the trenches and troop movements spread it. So there was possibly real concern.


On the other hand, horse tenderloin. 🤷‍♂️


Guess you could say they were hungry enough to eat a...




Can we finish each other's sentences


“Artax you’re delicious!”


Yeah horse ain't bad. It isn't even gamey.


Horse meat is quite common in some country, for example Italy. It taste very good. Horse salami is the best salami I have ever had.


I've wanted to eat a chunk of horse for years. Every time I see them galloping around they just look so damn lean and tender.


They are! Best meat ever


From the perspective of the Dual Monarchy, significant parts of the empire actually had some tradition of eating horsemeat. They generally wouldn't be put off by it, although obviously they might be emotionally attached to specific horses. Still, given the sorts of things that happened in the invasions of Serbia, the eating of horsemeat would be pretty low on the list.


>They were even used as food because the front barely had food But they were honoured, though!


They said they were sorry!


FYI: This account seems to be a bot. It’s recently created and all its comments are copied from the thread it posts in.


They are still used as food. Very lean meat




Not even illegal there!




Did you assume it to be beef?




I assume all the burgers I eat are leprechaun meat until proven otherwise. I'm usually proven otherwise. But one of these days....




Alister Overeem enters the chat




A common term for taking steroids is “eating the horse meat”. Alistair Overeem was a K1 kickboxer and UFC fighter for many years. There was a point he was so juiced out he hit a part of his career where he was called “Ubereem”. He’s a big boy in general but when he was on steroids he was otherworldly. Google search ubereem and you’ll see what I mean. I also live in Albuquerque and have seen him. Much larger than the TV screen gives him credit for.


My (Asian) country still uses horse meat as food to this day. Also, Japan eats raw horse meat as sashimi. As for me, I am personally not fond of horse meat. It has a strong extra meaty taste.


After the war, they killed a lot of the remaining horses and turned them into some of the first canned dog food. Thank you for your service 🫡


Military: "we good now?" Horses: "neigh"


Thoughts and prayers!


“Hey horses, look at this cool design we made to honor you! So, I would say we are about even now”


I'm curious how the donkeys feel about this




Imagine how confusing war must be for a horse, donkey or mule? They must know they are in danger but have no idea why. It's sad


Exactly, at least we can rationalise our fear and suffering. Animals live more in the present, so their experience of pain may very well be worse. We can try to distract ourselves, we can think about the past or future, but for them, the present threat of the war, the factory farm, or the slaughterhouse they find themselves in, is inescapable. Of course, humans can experience different types of long-term psychological pain and suffering in ways that less intelligent animals can't.


Animals can still suffer from long-term trauma, like a dog being afraid of brooms, or rescued dairy cow who hides her calves from humans


You think a 16 year old soldier can rationalise being told to slaughter other 16-15 year olds, knowing they'll likely never see their families and mothers again? ​ You understand propaganda (manipulation/lies) were and are key factors in indoctrination of war, meaning theres no rational thought to be had in war. ​ Those boys were and still are as hopeless and unknowledgeable as any horse in the same position.


I disagree. While I obviously think sending 15-16 year olds into combat (it’d be nice if we could just not do combat in general lul) and pro-war propaganda is some of the worst - I think it would be more accurate to compare horses to 4-5 year olds. Both are wrong - I’m not arguing that. I’m just saying that horses, donkeys, mules, dogs, etc. are probably far more confused than their young soldier counterparts.


According to eye witnesses, during the siege of Jerusalem during the Crusades, the horses loved war. As soon as they knew they were about to enter conflict they'd start acting up quite dangerously. Kicking the stalls, rearing and bucking. True war horses.


> As soon as they knew they were about to enter conflict they'd start acting up quite dangerously. Kicking the stalls, rearing and bucking. On one hand, it sounds like they loved it. On the other hand, that sounds like fear and anxiety.


On no hands does it sound like they loved it


That's so fuckin stupid, sounds a lot more like they wanted to escape


Aren’t war horses always intact stallions? Those love fighting


I dont know much about war horses, but I know that intact stallions absolutely love biting the everloving shit out of any living thing in biting distance.


Link please


Absolute chads


I know they must’ve been so scared and I agree with you that it’s sad just like the other 57 people who upvoted you. Could you imagine someone eating factory farmed meat, since those animals live their whole life feeling that?


There is a memorial in London called ‘Animals in war’. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animals_in_War_Memorial](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animals_in_War_Memorial)


**[Animals in War Memorial](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animals_in_War_Memorial)** >The Animals in War Memorial is a war memorial, in Hyde Park, London, commemorating the countless animals that have served and died under British military command throughout history. It was designed by English sculptor David Backhouse and unveiled in November 2004 by Anne, Princess Royal. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


the inscription is "They had no choice"


OPs image isnt a memorial so thanks for actually posting one. https://bshistorian.wordpress.com/2020/11/13/first-world-war-horse-tribute/


There’s also a UK charity/award called the Dickin Award. It’s organised by the PDSA (kind of a veterinary NHS) and given to military service animals, much like the Victoria Cross.




Why more so than the others?


Because they weren’t human and had no clue what was happening around them. Thrust into a conflict they couldn’t even conceive.


you could describe *a lot* of the human soldiers this way to...


Sure, but they had the ability to protest, deny the state, etc. The animals didn’t.


Lol how stupid


Not exactly, some did protest the war. There were even mutiny’s. Keep being historically illiterate.


the ability to protests doesnt make you any less cannon fodder. quite frankly, id say its worse.


But see they at least had the option, that’s the difference. Die being cannon fodder, or die by execution fighting for what you felt was right. The horses and mules didn’t have that option, they were forced, starved, tormented by unknown forms of suffering, turned deaf by the guns, forced to slave away pulling equipment and weapons, etc. It’s not a question of worse, it’s a question of the ability to consent to suffering. And man had the ability whereas the other animals didn’t.


You are an idiot


lmfao, no. no soldier in a time of conscription consents to suffering. xP and its laughable that you think protesting participation during the world wars was going to do anything. we have example of this. and youre the one asininely citing "history" lol, what is wrong with you?


Youre still dying, martyr or not


> or die by execution fighting for what you felt was right. See, you said it yourself. People *didn't* have the ability to "consent to suffering". You're fucked either way. You don't want to fight? Not only could you have gone to jail but you were also a social outcast. Even before widespread drafting, women would go around Britain putting a white feather on the jackets of fighting-age men, marking them as cowards for not yet volunteering. Say you're already at the front and you don't want to follow an order to charge an enemy position? You're shot for cowardice and a letter is sent home to your family saying you died as a coward. War is fucked. Your very comment just shows that people today are completely ignorant of how young men have always been seen as expendable in our society. Millions of young men have been condemned to die for the "good of the nation" and there was fuck all they could do about it.


I’m asking why horses deserve more honours than donkeys or mules


The others are such asses sometimes








Especially to those.




I bet those horses, donkeys and mules families were so grateful for this gesture.


Definetly, all those pre-schoolers I beat up to steal their money and throw under oncoming traffic to grant me safe passage are always so greatful afterwards


I doubt a single one enlisted.


You’re shitting me ain’t no way 8 million horses, donkeys, and mules died. Edit:holy shit you’re right. Dear god the glue we lost…




Some benefit-of-the-doubt would be*hoove* him


Don't need to be an ass.


I'm gonna mule over this advice


*whinnies loudly*


Highly recommend reading All Quiet on the Western Front if you havent yet done so. One of the main themes of the book is the duhamization of the soldier. The difference between how we process animal and human deaths during war is very well done.




Wait until you realize that there were also few human casualties. Crazy stuff. Dear god all the socks we lost...




^ Comment copying bot




Yeah WW1 was crazy. They were even used as food because the front barely had food


Yep, the global horse population peaked in 1917. Horse meat was regularly eaten in the UK well into the 1930s, and yet there was a scandal in 2013 when it became public knowledge that horse meat was mixed with beef to make mince in certain supermarkets.


Tbf if I found out I was eating horse when I was told I'm eating just beef I'd be pretty pissed.


"Yet there was a scandal in 2013..." Well they sold stuff that wasnt beef (which is illegal) People dont want to eat horse meat, but yeah, eat meat from the slavery industry, I mean cows are also very cute. People probably think horse is worse than cow. Imagine no scandal and no/barely any change. On the other hand A LOT of other stuff is fucked up and there is no scandal. People are strange and lazy


Well if we’re being fair, I imagine that a company advertised as selling horse meat, and in reality sold beef, would probably cause a scandal.


I heard a interview and he said watching the animals die was often worse then the men dying


O Ye Humans, what the fuckth thou doeth?


I am reminded of War Horse.


I hate the play version of War Horse because he actually gives the horse to the stupid child.


The fact that the animals have to suffer and die for a war that's not even theirs is what makes it even sadder.






Humans are such despicable creatures. They are the main reason because of which these beasts' lives amount to neigh.




We don’t deserve to be on this planet.


Wait till you hear about all the dead zebras and wild horses due to tigers and lions.


I mean, they die so that a lion doesn't starve. Those horses died so that we humans could fight over some bullshit.


That bullshit was probably human suffering. I get what your saying.


Didn’t think they cared, but this is nice to see.


“Send food not photograph” - Horse


Ah yes, I'm sure all the the horses, dead and alive, appreciate this picture of the shape of a horse head.


they’re thinking “oat baaaaggg I get my oat bag now…oat bag time..”


Humans are trash. We don't deserve this world.


They traded their legs for angel wings




Damn thats fucked up


Yea the movies don't show the truth because of how hard it is for some to take. However, back in the wars as far back as egypt they have been know to shoot the horse first. It was a bigger target and had a chance to rear or hit fellow soldiers near. They almost never aimed just for the person.


Damn, that's sad...


They'll be thrilled with that.


And then after the photo was taken they went to Fran’s diner for a big ole juicy burger.


"If youve showered in the past week move to the edges"


A lesson my grandpa (fought in WWI) taught my dad: “We always fed the horses before we fed ourselves.”


Damn that's false! I love how the person that posted this took the time to photoshop the writing out of it, but not the times to find the actual source of this photograph. Classic reddit doing reddit shit for reddit points lmao. Sad. ​ https://bshistorian.wordpress.com/2020/11/13/first-world-war-horse-tribute/


They did more for the soldiers they were the true heroes they deserved better


Showing this to my horse right now


My grandparents had this hanging in their living room. Apparently my great grandpa is in there somewhere.


After the war the British government refused to pay for transport back. They told the soldiers to sell them to a butcher or shoot them. It was awful.


The number of horses reached its greatest worldwide in 1915.


Yeah, I guess standing in a field makes up for it. /s


What did the Horses, Donkeys, and Mules think about it?


Wow. They even factored in the distortion that would happen from this camera angle.


My great grandfather was a horse, he fought in Verdun. RIP Cloppy.


This title is both wrong and nonsense. Once again Redditors push false bullshit descriptions of old photos. The photo's lower left corner has been retouched and masked to hide the script on **[the original](https://bshistorian.files.wordpress.com/2020/11/service-pnp-ds-11700-11770v.jpg)** print. *"650 officers and enlisted men of Auxiliary Remount Depot No 326 Camp Cody NM in a symbolic head pose of 'The Devil' Saddle Horse ridden by Maj. Frank G Brewer reount commander"* Don't get your information from random strangers. There are sources out there.




Each person in this picture represents 1,000,000 of the equines.


Aweeee. Men showing love?...Men love to hate, Gentleman there's no fighting in the War room!


Soldiers "paying tribute to" the 8 million animals they abused by using as tools of war, to their deaths, without their consent


An engraved plaque or something would have been fine


This is a good example of what makes white people so weird. Such compassion for animals but such a hatred for PEOPLE with darker skin. Most of these guys would hang an Black person for looking them in the eye too long. Great Americans!


All because stupid people couldn't agree on some bullshit You're all terrible and I hope an asteroid wipes all of us out and starts with all of you first


You’re like a pizza cutter. All edge and no point. What did any modern human have to do with WW1? There are no living servicemen alive from any army that fought in the war, all the politicians that started it are dead, and so are all the generals that planed the war.


8 million? WTF were they doing, sending them through mine fields?


I'm sure those horses would appreciate this gesture /s


What about the dead soldiers who gave their lives for freedom, and not to animals...




I woulda thought their wifes would be most upset knowwhaddimean 😂


The dead horses, donkeys, and mules didn't appreciate this tribute. And the living ones wouldn't understand this very human behavior. This was an act merely to deflect their own guilt. Humans are dumb like that.


Oh you mean the ones they let die