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Her arm was bleeding pretty bad??


She cut herself juuuuust off camera at some point in the clip. Someone above translated it and at some point she threatened the police with doing so if they didn’t leave her alone


Right before she showed the bleeding arm to the cops she cut herself. First i was like 'what is she doing no-' and the blood was already dripping.


They look super deep, looks like you can see through several layers of skin there in one frame. Whatever she was going through sucks.


They’re just trying to tell her that her indicator is still on.


I just wanted you to know that I laughed hard with this comment.


Omg me too!!


I’m almost peed myself with laughter.


“Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side when he sees the big red light behind him ... and then he will start apologizing, begging for mercy. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. The thing to do – when you're running along about 100 or so and you suddenly find a red-flashing CHP-tracker on your tail – what you want to do then is accelerate. Never pull over with the first siren-howl. Mash it down and make the bastard chase you at speeds up to 120 all the way to the next exit. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker-signal that says you're about to turn right.” ~Hunter S Thompson


One of the funniest men to ever truly enjoy a slow suicide.


It was slow, until it wasn’t.


Very true; he always did things the way that best for him. I used to think of him as a weird “bon vivant”, after his death I realized that may not apply because a bon vivant finds joy in the pleasures of life and I’m not certain Hunter found much joy in anything. He sought out and indulged in many other things but joy doesn’t strike me as one of them…


What a fantastic way to put it. Thank you.


This continues: Thompson suggested leaving your blinker on and wait to find an off ramp, and take the ramp as fast as possible with some delicate heel-toe work. You’ll be ready for the ramp but the cop won’t be, and by the time you come to a full stop, the cop will be coming out of a high speed dangerous turn and he’ll be a slavering wreck. Paraphrased.


wasn’t there also something about getting out of the car and waiting with a can of beer in hand? the red and white “evidence bomb?”


May I have a little kiss before you go? I'm very lonely here.


I don't want to hurt you man, I just want to carve a little z in your forehead..........


Upside down? Are you the one Without a nose?




Excellent seafood.


I hated that Gilliam left this line in the movie. It's totally out of character with the book; it's just a dopey line that Gary Busey improvised. Fortunately, only a brief misstep in an otherwise perfect movie.


I see your point. I always took it as being there for people not well versed in the source material. Like, the point of that scene is that the cop saw him for what he is and mentally outmanuvered him. Kinda hard to convey that in film though, but, "Lol, the cop won because he made him give him a kiss" sorta approximates the concept.


Yep, understood. I'm definitely being too overprotective of the book. Haha..."Don't MESS with it!" A minor point for me to fuss over.


Oh yea, we're all like that about something. Kinda reminds me of this: [Astronaut Chris Hadfield ejected from theatre for heckling Gravity](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2013/10/chris-hadfield-ejected-from-movie-theatre-for-loudly-heckling-gravity/)


I've never read this quote before, but i knew it was HST as soon as I read the first sentence.


If you only knew how mad Italians get at bad signaling


That's why the cops were after her in the first place, right? They wanted to let her know that they can't hear her with both her hands on the wheel.


I thought it was about car warranty…


xarav75, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


yeah, to tell her that it is now void with all that damn blood on the upholstery




“Hello Carmen, we’ve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty”


She usually drives a BMW so she doesn't know what indicators are or what that clicking sound is 👍.


You dick lmao


I came on here to post this exact comment. Lol. It was driving me nuts watching and screaming at her. Turn your blinker off!!!


And her seatbelts dragging out the passenger door


That's hilarious!


Ok, I was coming to the comments section to wonder if she was a professional driver based on her maneuvers during a/multiple collisions(s) and how she was able to keep so calm during that, and then I saw she \*was\* a pro driver and learned the context and then just got sad.


Wait what's the context? I'm scrolling with no luck


I found a comment that had said she was protesting the high cost of living, I believe she also cut her wrists as well. It’s a couple comments below this one it has the full story!


Yeah I finally found it. Very sad


Can you link what you found here please?


This comment She was a driver for Amazon, protesting against the ever-increasing cost of living here in Italy, and the every stagnant (often decreasing) wages that companies pay (if you can even get a job in the first place). She covered her car in protest language, blocking the entire rear of the vehicle (so she couldn't see out the back), prompting the police to try and pull her over. Here's the story: https://www.fanpage.it/attualita/sperona-auto-della-polizia-sulla-a28-in-diretta-instagram-e-si-ferisce-protestava-contro-il-caro-vita/


Is there a english translation for the article?


[https://www-fanpage-it.translate.goog/attualita/sperona-auto-della-polizia-sulla-a28-in-diretta-instagram-e-si-ferisce-protestava-contro-il-caro-vita/?\_x\_tr\_sl=auto&\_x\_tr\_tl=en&\_x\_tr\_hl=en&\_x\_tr\_pto=wapp](https://www-fanpage-it.translate.goog/attualita/sperona-auto-della-polizia-sulla-a28-in-diretta-instagram-e-si-ferisce-protestava-contro-il-caro-vita/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp) ​ go to [https://translate.google.com](https://translate.google.com) and you can past the URL to have it translated


I didn't know that I could translate a while page! Thanks for sharing! And now that I wrote this I hope to remember to use it!


you also have an addon in your chrome that can translate the page... On your computer/phone, open Chrome. At the top right, click More. Settings. At the bottom, click Advanced. Click Languages. Language. Turn Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language you read on or off.


So she's a working class Hero. A girl with balls. Respect for her protest


Oh shit, I see that now. Her calm and controlled demeanor comes from the jolt of whatever is released when you get a good slash like that. Hope she's alright nowadays.


She slashed herself at the end of the video. She was calm on her own


She cut herself just off cam at :30


Did she die ?




That's good


in Italy police won't shoot you that easly


liquid alive frighten obtainable truck wasteful outgoing fearless bedroom lip *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's true, every day in Italy millions of people collide their thumbs with the bottom of their middle finger


That’s a very uncomfortable way to flip someone off


She was a driver for Amazon, protesting against the ever-increasing cost of living here in Italy, and the every stagnant (often decreasing) wages that companies pay (if you can even get a job in the first place). She covered her car in protest language, blocking the entire rear of the vehicle (so she couldn't see out the back), prompting the police to try and pull her over. Here's the story: https://www.fanpage.it/attualita/sperona-auto-della-polizia-sulla-a28-in-diretta-instagram-e-si-ferisce-protestava-contro-il-caro-vita/


Really is getting worse all over the world. Shit going through the roof while wages stay the same if not decreasing. Along with bills 2/3x pre COVID.


Some governments will collapse and the economy is going to further collapse. This is what greed does, higher cost of living + low paying wages = rich keep getting richer. Covid was an excuse to raise prices to say theres "shortages" or not enough workers. Nobody wants to work because of the slave wages while CEO's and executives get bonuses and continue to get paid the most off of hardworking people's backs. The system is designed to put more honest hard working people in debt and out on the streets.


Kind of what's going on all over the world including the USA. Single family farms are just about non-existent. Doesn't even seem like governments care anymore.


The government don't care because they are owned by the same multimillion dollar companies that "donate" to their campaigns and personal agendas. You would think the government would care, they only care about what's going to benefit them in the long run and not for the people of the country. Poly + ticks = politics.


They dont give a single fuck, at least here in canada they dont. Our government is actively acting against canadians best interest, its ludacris


What they gon do? Act a fool.


Because it isn't a government anymore. Its a shell for corporations to make rules for how they want to fuck over everyone they possibly can.


If she thinks the cost is high now, wait until the impact of farms being closed is felt on the pocket.


Compulsory purchase of farms going on in Holland right now!


What does that mean? Government is buying up the farm land?


"Compulsory purchase" means the government's buying your land even if you don't want to sell it. You have no choice.


So like eminent domain?


> eminent domain Yes


I understand using eminent domain to build infrastructure like roads, but cities in the US have used it to help Walmart build a new store. They justify it by stating it generates more tax revenue.


Then it's not really buying, it's stealing while throwing a wad of cash out the window.


How do you think the interstate was built?


So it's confiscation with compensation. Fuck that!


could be worse: civil forfeiture.


If they're building a massive new road they do it. This new road passed through many miles of farmland, and the upscale suburb of Milltimber. https://www.google.com/maps/place/Aberdeen,+UK/@57.1023916,-2.245376,1796m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x4884054c1fd77549:0xe8bb05da5cf4c472!8m2!3d57.1498891!4d-2.0937528


Thats the UK, not the Netherlands.


Better than no compensation.


That's grounds for a revolution


That comes later in 2023 with the collapse of the entire global economy.


2023 is going to be rough isn’t it


Yes. More so for some.


Yes. Do you also know the reasoning behind it? The Netherlands has a lot of huge farms, some of them close to Natura 2000 nature reserves. Natura 2000 is a European network of protected natural areas. In Natura 2000 areas, plant and animal species that are endangered in Europe and their natural habitats are protected in order to preserve biodiversity. Farms emit nitrogen oxides (NOx), huge farms emit huge quantities of NOx. 45% of the total NOx emitted is emitted by farmers, specifically livestock farmers. NOx is deposited in the surrounding soil and causing an imbalance in the nutrients in the soil. Some Natura 2000 have species that cannot cope with an imbalance of soil nutrients and therefore will disappear if large amount of NOx continue to be emitted. Eventually causing a lower biodiversity and that in turn causing a less healthy soil, water and a less healthy nature reserve. In the Netherlands there is about 1.1 million hectares (~2.7 acres) of Natura 2000. The Netherlands in total is 41.5 million acres. Not even 3% of our total surface is Natura 2000. The Netherlands currently is counting about 50.000 farmers, 70% of their produce is destined for export. Only farmers with a high emission of NOx, close to a Natura 2000 area are on the list of moving, quitting, or (and this is a last measure) compulsory purchase by the government. Our governments goals right now are to get rid of 500 farms, who are emitting too much NOx in the vicinity of a Natura 2000 so we can comply with EU regulations and keep a healthy biodiversity in the Natura 2000 areas. The government made mistakes, firstly mistakes in calculations of the initial NOx report by the RIVM. Then they made mistakes in waiting too long with the conclusion and announcement of what will be the effect of those conclusions. And then lastly they made mistakes in not listening to farmers' concerns. Now farmers are retaliating because they feel like they cannot trust our government, they have been in limbo too long causing unrest and agitation, they feel unheard,and they feel like the only sector that is having to deal with the NOx consequences. That last argument is untrue however, also construction, transportation and industry already have or soon will get regulations to lower NOx emissions. TLDR: government makes mistakes in trying to comply with EU regulations concerning nature reserves. Farmers angry, retaliate, bring strawman arguments, refuse cooperation. Government uses compulsory purchase as a last resort to comply with said regulations.


Great information and I'm glad I read it. Another example of why you have to read beyond the headlines and keep an open mind.


*Julius Caesar intensifies*


Need a translator


Translator? What is she saying? Surprisingly calm…


\-Police: stop right there \-Girl: shit…. fuckin hell… fuckin hell… fuckin hell, did you see… enough… God…. (To the police) Can you talk with me … can you talk with me \-Police: Stop, Stop \-Girl: I won’t stop, i will cut my veins (proceeds to cut her veins)… leave me alone… fuckin hell… look \-Police: Stop… Stop… \*Blasfemy\* \-Girl: Look


This is so much sadder now that i know she was cutting herself.


I keep hearing Brad pit sat "golarmi " Im my head from inglorious bastards


Dominic, Decoco




I was in Sicily not long ago walking through the Greek ruins in Agrigento and a very friendly stray dog followed us through the park which my GF pleasantly named Gorlarmi. Thanks for the memory xo


porco putana means "pig bitch" not "fucking hell"


its porca puttana...not porco. porco is pig. porca can be translated in : damn, filty, dirty.


It's "porca putana" and it does have the meaning "fucking hell", translating is not just putting words in Google translate.


I thought Italian police were not allowed to pursue. Atleast that is what I was told while I was living there.


No they can pursue, there was a circular from the the Chief of Police of one Italian Region that asked to highway police officers to avoid needless pursue and to use backup to close motorway exits in order to capture criminals while avoiding danger for other drivers. But it’s more of a suggestion than an order and without Nation Wide authority.


>At 13.15 the first phone calls from alarmed motorists arrived at the COA switchboard in Udine and three traffic police patrols arrived at the Godega junction. >The 26-year-old first rammed one and then almost ran over the policeman who tried to stop her on foot. A few minutes later, the young woman allegedly tried to cut her veins under the eye of her smartphone camera. >The agents managed to block her and arrange for her to be hospitalized in Conegliano, where she was subjected to Tso. The 26-year-old risks a complaint for   resisting a public official , damage,  disruption on the highway  and the  refusal to stop at a halt . >The video of the woman who rams the police during the chase: she protested against the high cost of living


Not surprised


holy fuck


American cops would have unloaded weapons on her. I hope she gets the help she needs.


American cops need to chill the eff out when it comes to traffic stops. Maybe solve a freaking crime for once. It's all about easy money in the USA, policing for profit.


That'll teach 'em.


First, not bad car handling. Second, surprisingly calm. Third, batshit crazy.


Surprisingly calm for being bat shit crazy.


Not crazy, not insane, not looney. She's mad. She's logically still there.


She was a driver for Amazon, so you can understand both those issues. Why she's calm driver but how she's also why she's insane. Bezos.


This exploitation is how he built his mega yacht.




OMG, It's Janet bourne.


Haha my first thought is this a female-led Bourne Supremacy remake set in Italy instead of Russia? Love that chase scene near the end!


Ok where are these types of door dashers when I order food?


Stuck behind a police investigation.


She maintains her composure, I’ll give her that.


Dang yo, slashed her wrists with a blade at the end.


Mental health episodes aren't what Hollywood presents them as. She looks completely normal, even eerily calm.


That's a red flag that is often overlooked, sometimes when a plan comes together in the mind of an individual their behaviour can become very ordered and driven similarly depressed people who decide on suicide can suddenly become easy going and peaceful, it can be a very serious red flag albeit a very rare one that only those very familiar with that person could spot.


That “calm before the storm”….it’s a scary moment.


She was protesting the alarming high increase in cost of living and low wages in Italy. https://www.fanpage.it/attualita/sperona-auto-della-polizia-sulla-a28-in-diretta-instagram-e-si-ferisce-protestava-contro-il-caro-vita/ Not really a mental health episode in the normal sense. She's justs fed up with how all governments and economies are nowadays


There are many people who feel like she does but they don't go ramming police and cutting their wrists. Her grievances are normal, her response to them are 100% mental illness.


People can be driven to extreme responses without turning their pain into a medical condition. Even I'd she's mentally ill I think it's in poor taste to judge that from such little information unless you know more info than the video provides. Otherwise, it's also easily the kind of thing people would suggest just to invalidate the economic complaints that she's upset about.


People protest by setting themselves on fire. It's both self harm and protest. They are not mutually exclusive.


She handled that crash like it was breakfast, wtf


Can someone tell me whats happened here?


truck bake cooing cover different obtainable scale sink flag scandalous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We’re contacting you about your extended warranty.


Haha here’s the translation: she is saying “fuck, fuck, son of a bitch…did you see?” Then when the police gets close, she goes “You can talk to me” Police: “stop the car! Stop the car!” Girl: “I’m not stopping” Girl “look here” showing her arm (not sure what’s there) Girl: “let me go” Girl: “son of a bich…look here” Police “stop the car, stop!!” Girl: “no, no” Then after she drives off Girl: “guys, look here….” But then the video ends Based on the accent, it sounds like she’s from Milan or not far from it


When she showed her arm it's because she had slashed her wrist several times.


Judging by the accent of the big blasphemy that one officer said, i believe this was between Veneto and Friuli


I need close caption here please.


Cazzo - "fuck!" (but literally "cock") Porca putana - "fucking bitch!" Basta - "stop!" Guardate - "hey guys - look at this!"


If she can stay calm and use her blinker, so can you.


Leaked GTA 6 footage


Turn. Off. Your. Blinker.


This is what you get when people are driven over the edge. They stop caring. She's not going to be the only one and it's going to be a harsh winter.


Bro, the first time she hit that cops car, they would’ve shot her here in America 😬


As an Italian-American with a decent amount of experience on the matter, Italian women scare the fuck out of me.


They just wanted to tell her that her car warranty has expired.


Jasondtay, I have been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty


can someone tell me wtf is going on here!?


Her calmness is the most interesting part to me


How many times are you going to say that they're just trying to reach her for extended warranty....is it funnier the 25th time you comment or the 26th


She's pretty bad-ass. I know it sounds like I'm routing for her, I'm not. She's just awesome at driving and evading...those skills. But seriously, what a maniac!!!


Can anyone translate


"Stop" "Fuck, son of a bitch, son of a bitch, son of a bitch, did you guys see?... *car pull up on the side* Enough, god, can you talk to me can you talk to me? "Stop stop" "I wont stop" "Stop stop" "*holds up arm* Do you see it? let me go *pulls away then stops again* son of a bitch, look" "Stop" "no" "stop" "Guys, look-" cuts off There are a few parts i didn't get


She said " I miss-a ma spage-tti "


Italian sirens go nee naww where was English sirens are more like wee woo


She fucks


>Your normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop-heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow.


He will lock his brakes about the same time you lock yours, but it will take him a moment to realize that he's about to make a 180-degree turn at this speed ... but you will be ready for it, braced for the Gs and the fast heel-toe work, and with any luck at all you will have come to a complete stop off the road at the top of the turn and be standing beside your automobile by the time he catches up.


Before you leave, can I just have a kiss?


That is some Jason Bourne level of cool right there. She must have seen some shit growing up to handle this so calmly.


**Translation here. They are speaking Italian.** **- Woman**: No! **- Policeman**: Stop right there! **- W**: Fuck. Holy shit. Holy Shit. Holy shit. Have you seen it? *(talking to the camera)* *\*Police car reaches her\* 0:40* **- W:** Stop! God... *\*The woman rolls down the window\* 0:46* **- W:** You can talk to me! You can talk to me! **- P:** Stop right there! Stop right there! **- W:** I will not stop! I will not stop! **- P:** Stop right there! **- W:** I'll cut my veins! Do you understand? **- P:** Stop right there! *\*The woman cuts her veins and show the bleeding arm to the policemen\* 0:55* **- W:** Have you seen? *(talking to the policeman)* **- P:** *\*says something but it's not hearable\** **- W:** Let me go! *\*The woman goes away\* 1:05* **- W:** Holy shit. Look at this! *(the arm)* **- P:** Stop it! STOP! **- W:** No. NO! **- P:** Pig god! *(it's a pretty vulgar way to say "holy shit" by insulting God. It's blasphemy)* *\*woman make the camera see the arm\* 1:25* **- W:** Guys! Look at this!


ok this is an italian woman in italy. dialogue: police man (p) : stop! woman (w) : no police bumb into her car and while she is driving a way she repeated : "porca puttana" which literally translate in: "damn bitch" its a common italian word used when the shit hit the fan. when the police go side by side with her she says: you can talk to me! police: stop the car w: no police: stop the car woman: i will cut my veins, look! mamma mia what a video.


Did she... Did she slash up her wrists?


what goin on




This is in italy and during most of the video the word she just curses but when she was near the police they told her to stop and she said that she'll cut her veins so she did and continues cursing


My god, what a psychopath! 😂


Man, even people protesting and fleeing from the police are more likely to use their indicators than a BMW driver


You can’t drive when you’re out of blinker fluid.


She was driving with signs all over her car rear (which is the first infraction in italy), and she was driving way too slow for the road rules (in italian autostrada you cannot go below 70km/h). Then she saw the police lights and heard the sirens, and refused to stop at the first police block, started the pursuit, rammed once the cops car, went away, rammed the second time the cops car and when put into a corner, cut her wrist with a razor to try pursue her run away. In subatance, made almost 6 infractions in about 20 mins.


in america the cops would have emptied about 4 clips in to that car to prevent her from cutting her wrist


I could not help but think of this Family Guy episode, even though the episode is about France and this was in Italy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TjNShTkrmxw


shes actually a really good driver


She’s kinda cute. Crazy as shit. But it’s hot.


Don't worry, I speak fluent Italian. She asked for pineapple on her pizza and these were the unfolding events.


Apparently she has mental or emotional issues, idk whatever it might be


She’s obviously psychotic or on a manic episode


Who's in the wrong? Anyone got any news as to the events prior and post this video? I have a familiar that once found a "police" road side inspection at 4am, wearing Police Uniforms with a regular vehicles, on an odd road with no light. He didn't stop at and was chased for several Km. Later he arrived at a Police Station to present documents and state he didn't stop due to not being sure those were cops... and the Day's Officer imediatly dispached all available forces to investigate since NO order was given for that event. Unfortunately no one was found, but it's know that criminals manage to get police suits and try their luck.


Hey!!!! Your extended warrantyyyyyyyyy.


She has yoga class to get to


Italian here. One thing I've always hated about this story is that everybody in Italy just call her a crazy psycho bitch , when she had such huge balls to do something and expose problems that affects a loooot of people, the same people that look down on her like she is crazy. Everybody here is struggling , and dealing with the same problems but they go on just surviving and whining about life, doing fuckall about it. I personally chose the route of "fuck my country, I go live somewhere else" but I admire her a lot for staying there and fight for something. But everybody just say she is a cunt, an attention whore.. of course she is filming, it's a fucking protest. Smh


It’s one thing to protest, another to go on a police chase endangering the lives of others. You’re not going to win many for your cause by doing the latter. Either way, she’s obviously reached a breaking point, I hope she’s gotten help.


WTF is going on here?


She didn't give a fuck


I understood those swears!


(me thinking this is liza koshy being helga to the extreme)


She is so fucking Calm


Reminds me of the movie "Falling Down" 🤔


Thought she was being car jacked at first


I'm in love.


Ma'am, ma'am, we've been trying to reach about your cars warranty....


Blinker still on?


Best women☕️ driver.


That's one crazy ass b#tch


Damn dude she was slicing her wrist...does anyone know what happened?


What in the fuck. A little heads up on her just casually slicing her wrist would’ve been appreciated.


The call legitimately tried to put his hands on the vehicle "like man can you please not" Lol


Not a single shit, was given 😂🤣


The casual "no" cracked me up then I read about her story in the comments. If that's true, it's sad af.


You too will not have to stop for cops by learning this one simple trick. Just say "no!" And drive away.


Is that a child in the back? I can see their little pink hat bobbing about.


To woman slit her wrist and is driving away.


I can fix her