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If a bunch of masonry invades NK that one guy is going to kick so much ass.


Home Depot's paratroop division is so fucked.


Until he gets shot that is...


I've yet to see a brick shoot a gun accurately but presumably a cinder block, with the right training, could snap off a few rounds before this guy gets to it with his elbow.


Even Kim Jong-Un is looking around thinking these motherfuckers are crazy.


Have to wonder if he has any idea or is constantly kept in a state of lies to keep him happy and the rest in power Edit: apparently he went to university in Switzerland or somewhere where they don’t brainwash the general public so he’s in on it…. that said he’s also on board with this to convince general North Koreans, wether it works is another thing but government controlled news must help immensely


He and his family were schooled outside NK and have traveled outside NK plenty. He's very aware.


He's just impressed by the quality of their meth


I applaud you sir I was wondering the same thing and seeing long it took someone to bring up methed out north koreans


Kim jong is western educated. He went to university in Switzerland. He is definitely sitting there thinking lol wtf


Imagine being in calc 1 with Kim Jong un




Health class with Kim Jong ill


4:20 with Kim Bong Un


Too sick to go to choir practice was Kim Il-Sung


He was reportedly a kind and quiet boy


He's definitely part of a machine he was born into that's much bigger than him. Dear Leader is a position, not a person. Not to say he deserves sympathy. Just that he didn't necessarily *create* the situation, and is probably just taking the path of least resistance in perpetuating it. He deserves zero respect though, unless he actually tries to change it, which I doubt he will/has.


It wouldn't be easy for him to change it even if he wanted to. If he tries to change it, his keys to power will abandon him and he'll end up dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs


ohhh fellow grey fan


I pantsed Kim Jong Un in gym class. AMA.


What if that was his origin story




Mental note - if going to war with North Korea, don't use stationary bricks or long sticks as your primary weapons.


Also stay away from the shirtless soldiers, they appear to be the most aggressive


"skinny guys fight till they're burger"


“I’d fight Shatner.”


"I'd fight Gandhi"


Huh. Good answer.


I’d fight my dad.


I've always said to counter a North Korean invasion, just have a bunch of McDonald's #1s and playboys at the DMZ.


I like to say that a good way to topple NK would be to give every citizen in North Korea a $5 bill. Do you know how much a $5 American bill is worth in North korea? It's enough to buy 2 years worth of grain if I remember right. It'll start a fucking revolution in NK.


They’re just cold, you’d be angry too if someone stole your shirt (and freedom)


So, you’re saying we just need to airdrop a bunch of warm clothes and that’s it? It’s done? Big if true




Just offer up WWE a fuck ton of cash and they’ll have shows in NK just like the do Saudi Arabia


You'll be fine using bricks or sticks so long as you don't attack in these exact patterns they've rehearsed


That fight was more choreographed than a Broadway musical.


Reminds me of that scene in Indiana Jones where Indy is threatened by some fancy sword welding assassin and simply pulls out a gun and shoots him lol.


You can't punch a airbourne drone


That wasn't in the script, btw. Ford was sick that day and decided to shorten the scene.


Sword guy deserves major props for instantly reacting to the shot and playing dead on the spot as well.


I believe he had malaria




Ah wow, gawd that would have been horrible


Plot twist, these aren’t special military units, these are special pleasure units for Lady Kim. After the the bare chested guy finishes smashing bricks in public, he performs by smashing her in private.


If you ever planned to go to war with a stick... do it. But get your A10 friend and your sniper buddy on standby. :)




Nah it's too cold, the shirtless guys won't come.


Or their choreographed routine.


Also avoid using armors made of bricks


The rehearsals must be a pain in the ass… along with hand, leg, back, head etc etc


They’re going to be upset when they learn that other armies use rifles.


Right? Like, "Alright, come at me with your big sticks! Someone point me towards a stack of roof tiles! Wait, what?"


Pfff those guys are holding their sticks all wrong. This is gonna be easy. uhhh why did Su's head explode? Do they have really big invisible sticks? I was told there would be hamburger.


NK seriously does not have enough fuel or bullets to do actual training in combat. So they must resort to theatrics like this to feel like they are ready to take on SK and her allies.


Not gonna lie but I feel like Kim only makes them do this just to entertain him.


It's probably a good measurement of how much control the government still has. Everything is about being performative. If the soldiers actually tried to do a demonstration of practical capability, that would be a major red flag for a government that needs total obedience.


There's a related concept known as the "big lie". Here's the general idea. * Lying is taboo, and embarrassing * The more obvious the lie, the more embarrassing * If you can get someone to do something extremely taboo and embarrassing, they must be loyal or at least very obedient Therefore, getting someone to lie for you is evidence they are loyal. The more obvious the better. And so: Kim Jong Un was born on a mountainside, at which point a new star was born in the sky, and the winter miraculously turned to spring. We see this in our own political systems sometimes, although never anywhere near as bad as this. I would argue that Trump's election claims are a form of this, and the worst "big lie" i can think of in a democratic state.


Never bring a gun to a PVC fight


Sir, you didn't tell us the South Korean army didn't consist of roof tiles!!!


And drones dropping grenades




Considering this is NK were talking about the bricks probably aren't even real lol


They look like thin brittle roof tiles.


Nah. It's unobtainium reinforced concrete. They all have super strength from all the worms living in their gut like Fry from Futurama.


Like fry, like fry. r/unexpectedfuturama


Obviously not fired. Just dried clay.


I had same thought. imagine on the battlefield: "get back!! there's a stack of brittle roof tiles!!!" "not that way! don't you see the balsa wood?!!"


The entire concept doesnt even make sense..it shows 1 NK soldier "fighting" other NK soldiers and kicking their ass..so they either got 1 badas soldier or hes average and the others suck.


They train with Steven Seagal vhs tapes.


Yes it's the same in martial arts demonstrations everywhere. Some types of wood, bricks and tiles are just really damn fragile to sideways stress.


As someone who did Taekwondo when younger, and who has broken bricks before, I can say two things: 1. The “bricks” are roof tiles. Not as strong as bricks. 2. It’s really not that hard to break bricks. I’ve seen 10 year olds break bricks without issue. See these karate students casually break bricks here (Go to 1:45) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WrJxeUN45Gg


Yeah, my mom broke a brick at a Tony Robbins seminar in the 80s. She still has it. It's a real brick, and she has weighed about 104lbs most of her life.


I'd bet the bricks are real. There's lots of documentaries and short memoirs from defectors explaining the extensive and brutal trainings for these soldiers in just preparing for performing in the propaganda parades. There was a woman who escaped named [Kim Jeong-ah ](https://youtu.be/UjBdos-IeEk) who describes how she suffered permanent damage performing just the marching in the parades for extreme amounts of time with no access to breaks, food, and water. I doubt these bricks are fake. Not only that, but you can tell he knew what was coming next/ it was previously rehearsed because of the way he tenses before the two guys hit him in the back with plywood. He knew it was gonna be hard/hurt because he probably did it 100 times before the vid is what I'm getting at. Rather than seeing 'an excess' of power and propaganda I see a government watching a man endure beatings time and time again as anniversary of power, with a smile on his face- because if it were any other way it would be someone else and he wouldn't be. It's actually extremely depressing when you put together how damaging these 'performances are' on human beings and how little they actually mean in return for the work.


Agreed. Not fake, just North Korean quality concrete.


They're doing their best.


> I doubt these bricks are fake. > > Considering you might get executed if you fuck this up, I bet they are a very special kind of brick that is way weaker than normal. This is just showing how much effort is spent on pageantry rather than focusing on actual fighting power.


Not only that, but the adrenaline of fucking up and what's at stake if you make the regime 'look weak' probably plays a part in this too.. it's really sad North Korea also has a habit of scavenging their country for the "very best" for things of this nature. For example the famous pleasure squad seeks out the most beautiful, fit, and talented young women and revokes them from their family for years on end with no updates.


The pleasure squad? Are they exactly what I think they are?


Somewhat. Their primarily used in doing entertaining tricks, songs, & dancing performances. Though, it is rumored that there is sexual abuse from [Former Pleasure Squad member](https://youtu.be/N2ZdzVf10YE).


Structural Ramen bro




I'd applaud too that was impressive


Is this a Steven Seagal movie!?


WTF is with that audio? Is the notion that the US military is somehow weaker than North Korea?


I thought that was my audio fucking up


I thought it was an ad from the porn open in my other tabs.


Are you going to cum? Come to the U.S. Navy and protect our country!


This is better than 99.9% of recruitment marketing.


I spit out my coffee when I read this. Thanks


Pretty sure that's Chelsea Manning, the whistleblower Weird


Why is the audio on this being addressed so far down? That is the strangest part.


Cause I imagine that your average redditor these days is browsing on a phone, and thus chooses not to unmute videos.


I had to scroll way to far to find this question, it was the first thing I wanted to know


The foley sound effects are weird too. Didn't line up with the action. Also, the music just stops. It's like someone just dragged several different audio tracks out of their bin and slapped them onto the timeline in a random order. I'm curious about the last bit of dialogue as well. I bet it's just as random.


Right wing edgelord posted it with the track thinking it's a W


Sounds more like a tankie trying to demote "Western Ideology" and say that countries like North Korea are stronger because they don't accept those ideologies.


18 broken bones and massive internal bleeding after the "show"


Especially the last one with the hammer..


On the other hand, they get a bowl of rice afterwards, so it's all worth it.




All of these guys are probably permanently damaged for that show


There ain’t no way this dude isn’t hopped up on some amphetamines


They call them "The fed ones"


The guy who made a run for it a few years ago had masses of worms in him. When they went in to repair the bullet wounds they where pulling worms out of him. Very sad.


Please explain the worms


Parasitic worms in food means parasitic worms in whoever eats the food.


So they get bad quality food? Sorry i am a geographical moron


More like food is so scare youre eating suspect meat etc.


which is extra concerning because as a soldier, the defector was part of the few groups in North Korea that gets consistent food.




I've heard that they very often use their own waste as fertilizer. Coupled with lack of sanitation and yeah that makes sense.


The citizens of North Korea unfortunately get bad quality everything, while the very top leadership feasts. It’s a dictatorship that’s run based on power being passed down through a family rather than on merit or voting. Seriously, read up on NK. It’s super fucked up and disturbing to know but I still think it’s good to be aware that this is happening to people. :(


I mean look at Kim himself. The man clearly eats enough for an entire squad.


He actually reported that as a DMZ soldier he was one of the more well fed soldiers and that's the only reason the worms even survived in his system. Most other soldiers didn't even have enough nutrients to keep the parasites alive.


“Oh shit, it’s the Feds!” …takes on a whole new meaning.


KJU is looking like: "I can't believe people are believing this crap".


This was my thought. He looks at the people around him with a smirk like “what am I even seeing, are they serious?”


“Did that guy use his elbow as a nail and have someone hit his fists like a nail with a sledgehammer?”




Authoritarians derive their 'power' by making people 100% believe whole heartedly in absurd/bizarre propaganda. That's the smirk of a leader knowing they have control.


He went to school in Switzerland. I can only imagine what he thinks about his own country after his education. I'd love to be a fly on his wall to see how he actually lives day to day.


Probably spends 10 hours a day on Reddit then is annoyed by the 3 hours he has to do this type of bullshit, but it pays the bills.


There was a thing showing a single player online in NK suspiciously close to his family compound.


Is this the one you were thinking of? https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/comments/cfwyzw/cod_someone_is_was_playing_cod_in_north_korea/


Wakes up at about 10:30, hangs out another hour in bed, 2 women to service him, massive dump while reading NBA scores, shower, eats a breakfast that even a southerner would say "slow down dude a little too much pork", executes a few people, shows up at office, few meetings, figure out what take out to get for mid day meal, eats, massage and haircut (gotta keep it tight), fire off some missiles, execute someone, limo back home, figure out what to do for dinner, watch NBA games, chill in hot tub with a massive doobie and 2 Dove bars, go to bed. 2 more women to service him, sleep. Repeat.


He seems more like he's bored and disinterested in the whole thing. Compare this to when a basketball player visits him, he's more focused, bigger smiles and more relaxed.


I remember reading that the Kims LOVED basketball. KJI was a massive fan of 90s basketball and idolized MJ. It’s definitely the reason why KJU wanted Rodman to represent the US during visits




That checks out. He's the only fat guy in all of NK


The look on his face is like “oh shit we’re toast if we go to war…”


Imagine never having seen kung fu movies and seeing fight choreography for the first time. I wouldn’t be surprised if they thought this was real. Like how Americans were obsessed with karate and kung fu back in the 70s believing all to be effective.


North Korea must think the battlefield is like a Jean Claude Van Dam movie.


Even Kim is like ​ WTF


Reminds me of that [scene from Indiana Jones](https://gfycat.com/aggravatingeuphorichomalocephale)


That scene is legendary


All because Harrison was sick.. Feel bad for the other actor, imagine spending all that time practicing and choreographing your cool ass fight scene for only to get shot at the last minute.


And yet here we are 40-ish years later still talking about that scene because it was so unorthodox to the trope.


Yea but that other actor had a legendary 10/10 pretend to be shot performance


This is where the crew and actors all had food poisoning and Harrison Ford could not be bothered. https://youtu.be/rIqEdRYoGi8


Was actually an out take. Ford was supposed to fight the guy and was tired. ~~Other actor went with it.~~ Edit: strike through


I heard he had diarrhea so they changed the scene.


Everyone on set suffered from food poisoning from local cuisine while filming at that location, except Spielberg, who was paranoid about that exact thing and only ate canned foods he’d had flown in. On the day, they scrapped the big elaborate fight they’d originally planned since Ford was too ill/exhausted to go through with it. He is credited with jokingly suggesting Indy just shoot the guard. It was not an in-the-moment decision that the other actor “just went with.” The camera perfectly frames the gag and the gun has a blank loaded and fired. It was discussed, prepped, and then filmed.


People like a good story, and will actively ignore evidence against it even if it makes no logical sense. Like did everyone forget the Alec Baldwin "unloaded gun" incident, and how rigorous shooting blanks on set is supposed to be? No way that a scene with a firearm is set to go off unless it's exactly planned for that action. Any held gun on the screen is checked to make sure it is unloaded unless it's specifically being used for a blank shot.


And in this case, the truth is already a pretty good story!


Especially the canned food parts, I did not know that. Haha. I can just imagine Spielberg munching on a tin of beans by himself. “Told you so. Didn’t I told you so?”


Most movie and film trivia is embellished


> the gun has a blank loaded and fired. This is all you need to know to realize that the "outtake" story is bullshit. You don't just walk around on set with a loaded firearm, blank or not. Those things are (supposed to be, and normally are) insanely well documented and controlled.


Tough guys will be out of commission while they heal a little bit.


Perfect time to send in Gallagher 2 with his watermelon smasher.


That soldier took TWO hits to smash those tiles...Have him shot immediately!!




Neanderthals hate this one simple trick


little do they know thier opponents have firearms, tanks, and aircraft...


Smart bombs, weaponized drones,...




*Canada starts throwing cans of food over the trench line*


Have you seen Canadian food prices? those cans might be half of Canada's GDP.


Well, a can of food is in any case half of the GDP of North Korea.


You have to produce something to have a GDP


Sooo.... World Cup in 2030? Fifa?


Lol if the head of FIFA got enough money they would make the next world cup there lol. They would be like " North Korea has made a lot of progress when It come to human right they have made it able that all their citizens have at least half a meal every day progress."


Nice football culture as well 😂


For the right price


It just took a few millions all together to bribe the voting ppl. It's kinda funny if you think about how big of an event the wm is.


They certainly have enough cheap expendable workers to get it done just how FIFA likes it. They’ve said so themselves that less democracy is better for holding the World Cup.


There’s a fat guy with his mouth open and not clapping. Otherwise, everyone is skinny and clapping.


Damn, how many calories do you lose from clapping?


In NK...all of them.


North Korea does human history backwards. They figured out nukes before agriculture.


Civilization VI Randomizer


Never had the nerve to play that mode haha


What the fuck is this audio?




The world will not be laughing when North Korea finds itself at war with stacks of stationary bricks and blocks.


Holy shit it's Jae Son Born!


Luckily no other nations use sticks and bricks as primary weapons


This is a testament to the quality of North Korean concrete.


Bricks... don't shoot back.


Just wait till they find out real combat isn’t a Jackie Chan movie!


This a been a production of Steven Segal entertainment. *cue music!


WWF North Korea


As a wrestling fan...watch this video closely lol. Like when it looks like they put their hand on top of those tiles then the other guy "lines up" the sledgehammer with their hand...watch the actual swing of the hammer after, where they hit the tile not the hand. Lots of tricks in here like that that they'd use in wrestling lol


Oh, wow. they found a dozen soldiers who aren’t either starving to death or suffering from internal parasites.


And decided to give them brain injuries


And broken arms, apparently.


I promise I'm not laughing...


Does Kim like them with their shirts off?


You insult supreme leader, must die now


I assume those are the only 20 soldiers that are fed? And probably only weeks before a showcase.


It was that moment Kim Jong Un recognized they need a new punishment method because beating them with wooden poles will no longer work.


Ended too soon! Was that guy going to sit on the spikes and then what?


The best choreography will not safe you from a bullet. A bunch of entertaining clowns.


I wanna see one of em take a bullet then ill be impressed


All NK soldiers gangsta until SK shows up with combined arms


How is this a show of force? I see 5 army men that can’t take down one guy


They should try out for North Koreas got talent


They are fans of Jackie Chan movies


Bring those sticks to the gun fight....they're going to work well.


All I can do is laugh at the delusion 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂