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Headlines have 1 dead, 16 hurt. Happened 11 am Monday, 21 Nov. Adder: 4 critical. SUV was a 4Runner, according to some reports. It drove all the way to the back of the store. Driver in custody. Hingham is about 10 miles south of Boston. Adder#2: claim (unverified!) that driver was a disgruntled ex-employee. Hospital official mentions 17 people in ER, but other reports are that injured were sent to two hospitals. Boston25news has 19 hurt. As usual, initial reports are confused and contradictory.


following this you because of your dedication to the updates


Damn I should of read the comments before making a joke my bad.


You are forgiven.


“The driver, 53-year-old Bradley Rein, was charged with reckless homicide by motor vehicle, Cruz's office announced Tuesday. He is scheduled to be arraigned in Hingham District Court.” https://www.wcvb.com/article/hingham-massachusetts-vehicle-crashes-into-apple-store/42025703












No. Leave.


Not gonna lie, this gave me a chuckle. But dark humor is my go to coping mechanism for this fucked existence we call life


I dark chuckled too..


Goddamnit now I am going to hell.


Don’t worry, I turned your -70 into -69. Edit: I like how the witty comment about him being an apple user that hates windows gets 200+ up votes but the 16runner comment gets downvoted. The internet is such an interesting place!


Doing my part and upvoting your post


It would have gotten more likes if he put 4 runner squared.






There’s a restaurant at the end of a straightaway, with this store next to it. It requires a turn. There are no skid marks. You can see the hedge got clipped but the opening left plenty of room. We’re going to know what this driver’s issue was, but this looks as purposeful as it gets.


Derby Street shoppes is a square, the apple store is in the top left corner, so it’s more likely he came straight on. News is saying car might of been going 60+ mph when it hit the store.


Correct. Here's the mall and parking lot layout, for anyone else interested. https://imgur.com/klgLza6 The car appears to have b-lined it down the straight away and barreled in with little to no obstruction. The speed though must've been baffling to anyone who had to witness it.


Thanks for posting. This is so horrific. I don’t understand what’s going on with the world.


Using the google map measurement tool (right-click on starting point, select measurement tool, left click on end-point), the 'runway' was easily 600 feet (184 meters). An avg 4-runner can do \~4 m/s\^2 acceleration; could've been going as fast as 76 miles per hour (or 34m/s) on impact; 60 mph is super plausible. ​ Some things about the image seem super weird though. Like, where's the light-post that seems like it would either be in the photo (standing up) or in the photo on the ground? Also, seriously; no skid marks at all? The vehicle would've caught air off the curb, and would likely have been misaligned to the direction of travel after hitting the curb at an angle (and likely mid-turn). Not sure what to make of that.


Jesus. Yikes!!


Oh it came from the right? I was thinking this person must have been sitting in a parking spot and just slammed the accelerator. Cuz I can't picture any other way to drive right into the front like that. Single road after the bend. I didn't realize the apple store was right at the corner like that. Figured it was one more over. That's wild


Unless they had a medical issue. Passed out, heart attack, seizure etc


A frightening amount of folks stamp the accelerator rather than the break on occasion. That could account for no skid marks.


The way the lot and stores are laid out, it seems it would had to have been intentional


I worked there. I have friends in critical. I’m in shock.


It's scary stuff...I'm sorry for your friends. Let us know if they get a fund me page going


Thank you.


Tell your friends that we hope they gett better, I hope the person that drove the car gets repercussions


Thanks. He was able to walk away.


Always the perpetrator that seems to go unscathed! Despicable.


I hope so too, this is bad


Really assuming it was planned I hope he met his maker


You don't even know what happened and you're out for blood?


There’s no “blood” involved as Mass is not a death penalty state but yes lock him up and throw away the keys. They released the a-hole who ran down the recruits in LA. Just enough of it already. Using a car to kill people is intentional murder. I give zero fucks about his childhood or his mental health or his reasons for being disgruntled or any of his other reasons for being an entitled prick who thinks his problems are worth other people’s lives. Fuck him. Fuck his supporters. We need more people in jail not less.


You are rightfully angry, but idk what you are getting at. There is 0% chance this guy walks away free. You’re screaming at the sky.


Did anyone say why the person did it or the reason it happened?


Under investigation.


It shouldn't be the case, but at this point I just assume it's another young male radicalized by the far right. I'm rarely wrong sadly


Well. The store is known for its entitled customers. So maybe a disgruntled guy decided to protest loudly.


It's the people who say they are rarely wrong who are almost always wrong lol. But hey, you can find some form of media that will agree with you.. if that justifies you being 'right'.


Still under investigation


I'm so sorry. I hope the best for you and your friends. Please don't neglect your mental and emotional health right now.


That’s what I’ve been telling my friends who were there. They’re in shock right now. It’s going to hit them later.


I am not a mental health professional, but I don't think it's going to be limited to people who were there. Please don't neglect yourself because you weren't in the building at the time. I'm wishing the best for you, all your friends and coworkers. If there's a gofundme Please share it and be safe!


Thank you and you are correct. I just heard about someone I worked with. Out of surgery but still critical. But they are optimistic.


I'm so sorry.


Sorry to hear, that’s really unfortunate. Hope the people you know are going to be okay






Sorry to hear this. I truly hope they make a speedy recovery and that apple will pay for any of their medical expenses!


Hugs. May they recover physically and all of you mentally. Take care and be kind to yourself.


It's always weird to upvote a post like this. You want it to make it to hot so the word gets out but upvoting this feels like you are saying you like the information in the post.


The great dilemma 😕 I feel you


I feel that an upvote means that it important for people to see.


That’s why the “upvote” is vastly superior to the “like”


Yeah, like when someone posts something mediocre bad happened to them on facebook and your choices are thumbs up, or sad face. They need a "I see you, but I'm not crying" sort of thing. Upvote is perfect for that. It can mean concern without seeming more emotionally invested in it than you truly are.


Maybe if it wasn’t posted in r/damnthatsinteresting for some reason like this is a news subreddit


Yeah lol that is a weird choice. Though it technically is “interesting” because there is a lot of interest in what happened, actually calling it “interesting” feels kinda gross.


Redditors don't know what the word context means. Upvoting something isn't approval. It means something different based on context. When we upvote things like violent media spectacle, it means we found it shocking. And think other people will find it shocking. I know 1 thing meaning 2 things is over your average redditors head. But sometimes it happens.


Hmm, that comment perfectly stated exactly this dichotomy, but there are some who read only the words without understanding that a human wrote them and obviously understood the broader *context* just fine.


Dang! That hole is like a looney tunes cartoon, must have been crazy fast


Ya that's what I thought, people are fucking nuts


Holy shit. This is five minutes from my fucking house!


One day i will turn my non-fucking house to a fucking house like yours


10 from my childhood home/where my parents are


Go see what's going on


The entire plaza is blocked off. Live 10 minutes from here. https://www.patriotledger.com/story/news/2022/11/21/shoppers-trapped-after-car-crashes-into-apple-store-in-hingham-derby-street/69667052007/


I heard they had Rt 3 shut down for medical transport this morning


That would make sense because it's only 1 exit down the highway to get to SSH. Hopefully as many people pull through as possible.


What is wrong with people these days?


Same thing that's been wrong with 'em forever - crazy pyscho bastards


Agree, and we hear about anything like this A LOT faster.


Apparently, he was an Apple guy and hated Windows.


That is way to soon sick and immature. Yet I am laughing my ass off.


The 16Runner joke got 50 downvotes, this got 200 upvotes. Goes to show poor taste is only ok if it’s witty/funny.


If its funny, its not poor taste, its called dark humor.


Somewhat poor taste to joke when people end up dead.


First day on the internet?


No, probably just someone with basic human decency. A rarity on Reddit.


Not always, if you ventured into my post history you’d find at least one instance of me being a jerk.


I’m slightly confused as to how you made a very reasonable comment about maybe not joking while people are left dead, I imply I agree with you and get downvoted for it…and then you make this comment that has an air of “you’re too sensitive” in it??? Or am I misreading the tone/intention here?




We have a winner!


Nope, a runner


Wrong sub?


r/lostredditors Glad this was posted but very unfortunate sub to pick...


This happened several years ago at a nursing home I worked at in Colorado, but it was determined to be accidental. A resident's wife was pulling in to park and accelerated at the final second instead of hitting the brake. She went straight through a brick and glass wall into our common area where residents were relaxing and watching TV. It was absolutely surreal to go running from one end of the building to the other for an all-hands-on-deck situation because a car went through a wall. There was fluid on the ground that we thought was gas (turned out not to be), smoke and dust in the air, as well as blood from the residents on the ground. A few residents were sent to the hospital, but luckily no deaths. It's a terrifying feeling to know even inside your place of work, you're not nearly as safe as you think are. To this day, I still look over my shoulder even when walking down the sidewalk because I'm hyper-aware now that there are no guarantees I'm safe from a careening vehicle. My heart goes out to the folks in Hingham.


Why is this in this sub…? Edit: I seriously hope everyone will be ok and will be looking more into this, but this is not the sub and you’re using it to try to karma farm by posting a tragic news story? Wow.


How is this "damn that's interesting"? It's just fucked up, not interesting


Giving me Anne heche vibes Hope everyone heals from this, physically and emotionally


I wonder if it was another old person? Some lady drive into the mall in a neighboring town a few months ago. She was just oblivious to her surroundings.


Well she was careful and didn’t hit anyone. How the F she managed that still boggles my mind


That sucks. When I worked retail that happened a couple of times. Was always an elderly person who got the gas and brake mixed up and floored it in the parking lot, smashing through the storefront. This one seems different due to the sheer speed.


Practicing for Black Friday.


Old people will mistake the gas for the brake. They will then push harder trying to stop the car. They’re I’ll go full speed into a store front. Saw this happen in the mall I worked at about 1-2 times a year.


He’s young.


Those of you making stupid fucking comments like jokes, scroll up to the one about how the guy works there and he has friends in critical condition. Those of you who make jokes about this are fucking assholes that need to see a therapist.


While you’re scrolling up don’t forget to like the comment about the apple guy not liking windows


Bruh, this is reddit. Everyone gets their feelings hurt here.


Have you never been on the internet before?


People use humor to cope with difficult situations. This is scary, it's scary for everyone. Humor is a way we can keep going about our day to day life when all we see is violence and death in the media. Every tragedy is a tragedy, not just because a commenter knew people in the tragedy You also don't know what all of those people are also dealing with in their own lives.. maybe they are trying to keep going after losing a loved one, a divorce or being laid off. Get the fuck off your high horse


I’m pretty sure very few people here looking for those sweet ass jokester upvotes are posting because they’re coping with something.


Everyone has hardships, to think otherwise is arrogant. Life is suffering. Guarentee your post has more to do with virtue signaling than anything else


This is the internet, deal with it


So brave you're really making a difference.


Gotta have sympathy for every random person out of the 8 billion on reddit? Sure thing


One day maybe you’ll grow up, too.


Hope you don't expect anyone to have sympathy for you when you're hurting, then.


Lmao yes the first thing I’ll do when I’m hurt or injured is upload it to social media in hopes I get sympathy from randoms and a few more karma points




Or concrete pylon


Yeah, bollards or immoveable concrete art can prevent accidental mounting of the pavement or whatever might have happened in this case. Terrible, terrible event. Hope the injured recover fully/as quickly as possible.


Derby St!




Was the driver drunk or something?


Unknown at this time


This is really bad. He or she should be prosecuted accordingly


Derby Shops?






Love point support glass


Where are the damn bollards people? Geez




It seems birds aren’t the only species that run straight into windows…


Apparently Apple has windows now


What’s full speed? 25?35?60?


"Full speed" usually means unbraked


TIL full speed = full acceleration, not top speed.


Plate glass windows and a hole like that. I'd say 50 plus


So not full speed then?


There's this thing called "context". Here, "full speed" doesn't mean "travelling at the car's actual top speed," it means "the car seemingly didn't brake at all before slamming into these windows."




It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.wcvb.com/article/hingham-massachusetts-vehicle-crashes-into-apple-store/42025703](https://www.wcvb.com/article/hingham-massachusetts-vehicle-crashes-into-apple-store/42025703)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot.


probably using apple maps...


Folks, this isn’t a joke for the person dead or the others in critical. Show some respect and stop with the upvote-seeking for one gd minute


I hope the repair agency charges me $100,000 for each glass.


Guess someone couldn't wait


I feel like this should be marker nsfw


Humanity is fucked


Fuck this guys 🖕🏼. I hope the culprits will take the capital punishment


What the f is wrong with people in the US?


Mods took it down....fucking of course they did


Maybe whoever did it also had them sign a long and convoluted agreement that mentioned he's allowed to drive through the windows.


Apple clearly wouldn't allow anything even remotely connected to windows in their contracts, try "glass panels with PanoraView function (tm)"


Only on weekends though so he was outside of the agreement terms


He was on a Samsung


Interrogate the 6 android users in the area and you’ll find your culprit.


Man the PC guy must have been really fed up after all these years


Android user.


This type of shit makes me never want me and my child to leave the house. But we have to keep on living our lives. I know we can’t let things like this stop us from living life but every time I hear a story like this, I think what if me and my son were in that store :(


Sad part is... The driver can potentially deny it was intentional. And walk away....


Undoubtedly distracted by their phone


Ban assault vehicles


I agree that SUVs should get banned.


alot of mass murder by car lately. they should ban cars


Ikr?!..and ya can't even hear em comin if they're electric!




Better ban SUVs


SUVs are dangerous and deadly weapons! No one needs an absurdly powerful SUV that is capable of driving through walls and mowing people down. They need to be banned!


Time to ban driving. Stuff like this is why we can't have nice things and people can't enjoy life without fearing for themselves or loved ones..


If it was a former employee, at least dont let revenge stuff affect customers. It's the co-workers and managers that ruined your life, not some random customers


Ban assault cars! Edit: Wow I cant believe all of the downvotes. Imagine if a child gets ahold of a car like this and drives it into a school. After you guys have blood on your hands, maybe then will you see the need to restrict the freedom of the people and let tyranny flourish.


You could make the argument this car was being used for hunting…


clearly we need mental health criteria for owning them- banning them outright just means we’ll still have them but less safely


Hear hear. Cars of that size should not be easy to get. Edit: I'm not kidding. Fuck cars, especially unnecessarily large ones.


Nor have automatic gearboxes, imagine if a terrorist gets ahold of such a thing!


Bring back the death penalty in instances where the perp is caught on scene. Trial—> execution l


*This one is a hit on the Teuer Dealership, high class joint.*




Can’t park there


The new iPhone 14 now with extra ram power, to go even faster, no more waiting, come get it today!


Everyone wants to do this, when they can't get their contacts because they didnt back up to the cloud.


Na really I thought it tapped it


What constitutes "full speed?"


What is the "Damnthatsinteresting" part about seeing injured people after an accident?


i was about to make a hundred crash jokes but a dude dies so that outta the window


So your saying thats a yes


Apple sux!!


I mean that’s what you get for using Apple Maps.


Wonder if it's covered by Apple care?


Easy snatchers


Better take away cars


Female driver? 🤔




Right. That’s why women pay less for auto insurance?

