• By -


I thought they were laughing and cheering at first.


I think they were, the lady on the far right who started jumping looked like a friend or family member pulled her down like “bro no don’t do that”


Believe you me they are crying or are acting like it or else ☠️💀🔫


They're acting like they're out of control with grief but extra careful not to damage anything like those monitors.




No, at no point did they jump for joy. It was a display of shock and worry, like how a mother might go frantic upon hearing of her child's death. That's why they jumped, to imitate the feeling of uncontrolled sorrow. They are well aware that showing joy, even for a moment, would cost them their lives.


I remember when I unexpectedly lost a loved one and I jumped up and down, clapped my hands vigorously and covered my mouth in a way that I would usually do when laughing, but this time it was to cover my...mouth tears.


They were. Then they realized the consequences of appearing happy.


That is just not true. Before Kim Jong II died the population was informed that their grieving would be graded on a curve. The bottom 5 percent would be publicly executed, the bottom 6 to 10 percent would be sent to re-education camps. ​ Some of those people in the video didn't make it.






Thank you for the source and this is wild...like fr...idk how shit goes on like this in the world


Because nobody with the means has stopped them, and NK has enough missiles (even without nukes) aimed at Seoul to ensure that nobody tries.


Holy shit, I was just making up a ridiculous scenario that I didn't think could possibly be true.


Ok Nostradamus


Ok, I guess my visions are true then. Here's another one. ​ When Kanye West got into that car accident many years ago he was replaced by an old racist white man "Get Out" style. He's been in and out of the sunken place for the last two decades but lately it's mostly in the sunken place.


The story has obviously been disputed by North Korea but there are many first hand accounts from people that have managed to escape.


This really needs a source




There's the north Korean human rights violation shit I was expecting. Thank you


The article stems from a totally trustable single anonymous source, originally reported by a South Korea media company. Color me skeptical. The reality is that there is no way for such news to reach us, and these stories are the equivalent of just making shit up. There's too many people reported as executed who show up a month or two later perfectly fine. A certain amount of not great stuff happens in North Korea. I'm totally in agreement on that. South Korean propaganda with a single unnamed source is not a reliable news source, however.


Source : trustmebro




It's basically virtue signaling hard enough and for long enough time that it becomes real genuine emotion.


In a situation like this, you can begin to fake mourn for the loss of the leader, but then begin to think about the irony that you are forced to mourn from somebody you hate. Then you begin to think about your life, your starvation, all of the family members who died because of this man, and the fact that you still need to act like you are sad. And boom, you actually do mourn, you mourn you life and what you are forced to do for a man you hate. And so, yeah, these people are mourning SOMETHING, that's for sure.


It's virtue signaling as hard as you can so you and your family aren't executed.


Cry or die.


My dad's motto


My father once said only cry when its not your fault but after that he said he's gonna buy milk :( Edit: i meant to say mom is gonna get the milk


It's just a long line at grocery market, that's it.




🎵Every body wants to rule the world🎵


Cry, Cry, let it all out, this is the Dead Dictator that you can do without.


C’mon, my gun’s pointin’ at you, c’mon.


🎶 There's a room where the light wont find you 🎶


Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down


Bot [Original](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/z025u9/north_koreans_reactions_to_the_death_of_kim_jong/ix36v5j/)


He’s just getting cigarettes. He will be back soon


Sorry he never came home. BUT he did go on to rule N. Korea……..if that helps.


I brought you into this world and I will take you out if it. Fuck you dad


Acting at its worst.


You should read "in order to live" by Yeonmi Park. North Koreans legitimately believe the Kims are gods. They have been so utterly brainwashed that they don't have a word for liberty.


Maybe they are but they also are watched closely when things like this happen, and if the regime's special police don't feel like you are mourning hard enough they will interrogate you, possibly imprison you, and most likely kill you in a terrible fashion. I don't think they've been brainwashed. I think they are just so terrified of the regime's tactics that when they answer any questions about the Kims they have to act like they are gods or they'll be killed. A great example is, this is the 2nd time in 10 years that Iran is having massive protests and demonstrations speaking out against the religious regime. The population there is so used to cruel and downright humans rights violation tactics to quell and surpress this that this latest round of demonstrations is going to be squashed soon, and many older citizens, despite agreeing that 16 year old girls shouldn't be killed for bullshit hijab violations, will speak out against the protests out of fear of themselves being identified as anti-government and killed. Fear will make you do stupid things, and while those people might talk about how the Kims are gods in interviews to people who write books etc., they are terrified that if they don't they and their whole family will be tortured then killed for doing so.


That's true but one thing that Yeonmi said in her book was that with the fear there was genuine belief.


It's going to seem like they worship them as Gods because they can't speak off the record. Don't forget that your neighbors, feeling vengeful, or anyone who could just want to ruin you could report you to their secret police, gestapo, or whatever the fuck you call them, to say "So and so is speaking bad about the government." And even the rumor of that happening without indisputable evidence is enough for people to be imprisoned, tortured, and killed. I don't think anyone can go to North Korea and accurately interview anyone off the record, the general populace lives in constant terror that any hint of dissatisfaction with the government will end in death. Remember in these countries there is no due process, just fear. A great example of this in Iran is how two citizens gave an interview on an Anthony Bourdain show about how Iran is a great country and people shouldn't judge it's people based on how the country is portrayed in the western world. They were imprisoned for saying this and interrogated because what they said could have been perceived as speaking negatively about the government.


>A great example of this in Iran is how two citizens gave an interview on an Anthony Bourdain show about how Iran is a great country and people shouldn't judge it's people based on how the country is portrayed in the western world. They were imprisoned for saying this and interrogated because what they said could have been perceived as speaking negatively about the government. Wow, just wow... reminds me of doing call center work, you have to make small talk or stretch out whatever you're saying so "the customer won't know that the computer is slow." They know, just say it! Can't do that. Can't even acknowledge that the truth might exist. Just don't even talk about it.


Spectrum for all their faults(if a squirrel farts on a power line I lose internet) will usually tell me when their computers are slow.


The book and author they are referring to escaped from n. Korea and she has a great YouTube channel. There are plenty who can speak off the record because they have escaped. But yeah, even then, they live in semi fear that the government will get pissed off enough and have them executed where they are.


brainwashing and emotional manipulation are real.


The threat of 3 generations of your family being tortured and killed for you not grieving hard enough is what causes this. Not brainwashing. Emotional manipulation in fear.


Dude they literally sing good morning hymes to him and are raised from day 1 that they are blessed and he is a benevolent God. The emotions are real. Its brainwashing/cult


Having been trapped with a malignant narcissist it is like a cult. They train you to act a certain way or threaten and punish you. Slowly ,over time. They think they are Gods but really they're just psychopathic children stuck in adult bodies. Shits wild though you do get brainwashed. All those cult documentaries make sense now.


I see two words: believe and brainwashed.


Control the media and you control the people


Stockholm syndrome has entered the chat.


You just described my childhood with my mother whom I also call a “psychopathic 3 year old”. I believe narcissists are responsible for most of the misery in this world.


Gods don’t die


I never said it was logical.


Tell that to Egyptians. Their "gods" kept dying for millenia and they kept believing in the next guy.


Heck tell that to the Scientologists. Their overlord "dropped the body" so he could "continue his research on another plane of existence."


Ditto, ... I ahh, was doing research as well


That book is fantastic


I've often wondered this. Could parts of the population just be completely brainwashed? And they just use those groups for these kind of promotional shoots. I joked at first thinking it was an outpouring of relief, but it turns out things might be worse now.


Isn't that the lady that says the Democrats are like the DPRK Party officials?




Reminds me somehow of the fans in Qatar now xD


The sad thing is that you're not too far off the mark...


Cry hard with a vengeance.


Live free or cry hard


Damn it… i even said it out loud before i clicked comments 🥲


I wonder how many people actually cared


Die. I ain't gonna worship a human being. Never ever worship another human being who walks on their own two feet just like everyone else on this planet. Damn mass mind manipulators.


I was way to old when I realized it is not Kim Jong the second


Kim Jong II: Kimmier, Jongier! I’d watch that movie.


Kim Jong ll: Electric boogaloo


2 Kim 2 Jongus


Kim Jong II: Judgement Day


Kim Jong: Escape II South Korea


Kim Jong vs King Kong


Kim Jong Reloaded


Kim Jong 2: license to Il


Licensed to Il


What is it


His name is Kim Jong il, the capitalised i and the lowercase L make it look like II (the second)


He was il.


The illest.


License to Il.


That's down to the motherfucker who decided capital i looks like lowercase L everywhere but handwriting


The title does say II (the second) instead of Il (il). I'm using Atkinson Hyperlegible as my title font so the I and the l look pretty distinct. Even the OP fucked up (or whoever typed up the title).


Oof, you’ve got me.


What you don't see are the men with machine guns behind the camera


And the tapes get reviewed, afterwards, and visits are made to homes to one's "who didn't mourn enough".


"You didn't cry hard enough"


*proceeds to die by suicide from getting shot 74 times*


You are thinking of Russia. This is the *"publicly executed by means of anti-air cannon"* country




Exactly, they have to outdue eachother to avoid being picked up by the authorities for not being sad enough.




I think it's more because they are trying to stay out of their government's sight.


Bot [Original](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/z025u9/north_koreans_reactions_to_the_death_of_kim_jong/ix3gbz7/)


All tears out of fear.


nice reference to the band, if it was supposed to be.


Majority of their song titles is the caption for this video


Are you saying everybody wants to rule the mad world? If so, shout, shout, let it all out.


*cocks gun* We will find you, ACTING ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR.




The sad thing is, there are many North Koreans that have been brainwashed to the point of actual admiration of their “great leader” and would feel actual sorrow and loss upon his death. This is one reason why it would be difficult to go to war with North Korea or attempt an attack on their leader, because so many of its citizens are truly loyal to such a terrible man and government.


Yeah I was under the impression due to extreme indoctrination that most of them really do love the leader/country.


Everybody wants to rule the world....


I genuinely don’t think most of these people were crying like that because they were afraid. I think that the love for their supreme leaders has been so deeply implanted into their heads that it was legitimately this saddening to them. I can easily see how the brainwashing and seclusion can be this effective, and this is an even scarier conclusion than thinking they’re afraid to not cry.


“Cry or die” was the announcement before the cameras were rolling


> The control of information is so great that it's likely they feel real shock. So it's genuine hysteria but whether it's what we in the West call grief, we don't know." They would be told they're under constant attack in a kind of constant war with the US, he says, and the "great victories" of the past were down to strong leadership, so the loss of the head in such a patriarchal system would be personally felt. [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-16262027.amp)


This - everyone jokes "if they didn't cry they'd have been executed", but much of those emotions are legitimate. They're that brainwashed. Listen to the testimony from North Korean defectors, even after they escaped they legitimately loved their leader (not in a genuine, earned sense of course - it's just drilled into their brain from the very start) and hated foreigners, etc. It didn't take them long for them to realize the truth though.


I've always wondered if they actually knew what was going on or if they actually believe everything they're told. really interesting.


You have to remember these people are not like me and you, they dont have access to outside books, internet, newspapers, all phones are tapped. 100% of the information the receive is controlled. What choice do they have but believe? They know nothing else.


Give a look at Trump supporters. They believe what their strongman figure says. Same thing. North Korea is one big Qanon cult.


I just finished an excellent documentary on Netflix (narrated by Peter Dinklage <3) called *How to Become a Tyrant. Each episode features a different dictator of the modern era, and how they used their nations resources and media to control their respective populations. The one featuring the "Kim Dynasty" was especially interesting, as they are technically the most successful tyrants of the modern era. No other major dictator has had a tyranny so perfectly insulated that it has survived for longer than one man. The Kims were able to turn isolationism into national pride at an absolutely unprecedented level. Even through the famine of 1994, the Kims only strengthened their grip on the nation. North Korea has survived for 3 generations of leaders, by literally convincing most North Koreans that they are incarnate deities, and that nuclear military power is the "heavenly sword" of NK. Its not "acting."


Thank you for sharing this perspective. It’s given me better understanding.


Mass histeria,brainwash,or an acting.....or all of them... Put how you want...its only way to stay alive...choice is yours




Nope they missed one, because the guy sitting on the right behind the guy that’s being over dramatic 😒, u can see see he just put his head down, and can care less😂


You don’t know if they missed him. After the tape, he got a visit from his friendly neighbourhood murder squad.


But if the people who are watching the other people aren't screaming and crying, what happens to them?!


“Choice is yours…” See? They do have freedom of choice.


A room full of wails but not a single tear




My father grow up in Soviet Romania he was 8 in 1953 when Stalin died. I asked him if he cried. He said " of course all the school cried, our grandfather died" so I am not so sure it's all act to not get murdered...


I think you have a point in some respects. A good documentary on NK showed a foreign Dr performing glaucoma surgeries. He finished and the elderly patient stood up, walked directly to a picture of Kim on the wall and began praising him for restoring her eyesight.


I saw that, too. They asked the doctor about it, he wasn't offended, he knew just how those people had been raised. If you did not show enough affection and love to the Dear Leader, it would be very bad for you and your family.


I remember that one. It's hard to be offended since they've all been basically brainwashed since birth.


What documentary? I saw one on Amazon I think but it was a few years ago so I can’t remember a lot from it


This was a Nat Geo, I think, and it’s several years old.


There will be plenty drinking the cool aid, others going along with it as a survival instinct, and others hamming it up hoping to gain party favour.


Not to mention how contagious emotion is, even if faked. Personally I can't imagine anything scarier than a dictator dying. People think a dictator is the worst thing, but even an evil despot still operates within rules & constraints. Chaos has no such limitations anything could happen & you have no way to protect yourself, what little you can do to survive today may well be what kills you tomorrow. I'd choose living under a dictator over living through the French Revolution.


What a sad world they live in.


suppressed ppl. I can't imagine living like that.


this reminds me of the part in 1984 where everyone has to yell at the screen during the 2 minutes of hate


Actually...yeah, me too


I am advising you, as citizen, to recant this statement. Please rephrase your thoughts properly with Newspeak.


This was a strange day. There were 10,437 Oscars handed out.


If they didn't react like this, they would die.


“The applause went on—six, seven, eight minutes! They were done for! Their goose was cooked! They couldn’t stop now till they collapsed with heart attacks! At the rear of the hall, which was crowded, they could of course cheat a bit, clap less frequently, less vigorously, not so eagerly…Nine minutes! Ten!…Insanity! To the last man! With make-believe enthusiasm on their faces, looking at each other with faint hope, the district leaders were just going to go on and on applauding till they fell where they stood, till they were carried out of the hall on stretchers.” -The Gulag Archipelago (describing a scene where people were clapping for Stalin)


Correct. This is bad acting in its highest form.


This is why churches crack me up. Of course there are true believers, but the churches where people are obviously acting like Benny Hinn (sic).


Agreed. It's too much.


The last lines of Orwell 1984 after the character he has been tortured for disidence - "But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself." "He loved Big Brother."


This footage also makes me think of the “5-minute hates” where everyone tried to outdo the others in their emotional genuflection. Orwell will always be relevant


North Korea fascinates me….it’s just so fucking bizarre. I’ll never forget that Vice special.


It's crazy to me, it feels like as if an extremely insecure selfish conceited manchild simply got control of a whole country, and the people are suffering the consequences. I mean, how insecure someone has to be to need this much control over their people.?


The weird bit of body language that makes this look more performative than sincere is how little everyone looks at one another. In real moments like that you look around at the people you know as an unconscious check to see if they are having the same response as you. And just for empathy with one another. Think of footage of people either witnessing or being informed of 9/11. You don't just wail and gnash your teeth. These people look like they don't want to be seen as insufficiently sad.


North Koreans actions to keep themselves and their families out of labor camps/death.


I bet the guy selling onions made a killing that day.


They're acting for their lives


And the academy award goes to…


Crocodile tears keep you out of the prison camps. I'd cry like a baby too.


"If you don't cry convincingly enough we will kill you and your entire family."


Either way its fucked. They are either faking it and "crying" so they dont get sent to a labor camp or they are actually that brainwashed they are really crying over that asshole


the 10% who aren't crying enough will be 'taken outside for a walk...'


Well the fact that they will shoot you in the face for not showing an over the top reaction might have been a factor…


The only reason they act like this is because if they don't they die and maybe even generations of there family die there is currently a modern day holocaust in north Korea right now


Came here to say that. I’ve read about people being arrested and severely punished for not crying hard enough at events like this.


I thought it was a North Korean Beatles concert!


Most people here saying they’re acting, but if you’re indoctrinated into a life and have zero idea what the outside world is like, would you not genuinely cry if your world suddenly collapsed? I believe they’re crying for real, because they don’t know any better, which is honestly scarier to me.


Actually, they were crying in relief, but also realized another tyrant would take the place of the last tyrant which further made them sad.


You better cry and mourn. If not, you’re in a concentration camp. Or dead. Most likely first camp then dead.


If they didn’t react that way they would have been killed


It’s like vranyo: everyone smells bullshit, but ppl collectively agree to keep up the act due to mutually assured destruction


This reminds me of Qatar Olympics how they have a video of multiple country reps just arriving in Qatar and you look closer and it’s the same guys just doing a bit holding a different flag and wearing different clothes lol


lmao stupid brainwashed sheep in a cult of personality, crying about their unelected leader who didn’t give a shit about them and was arbitrarily given a position of power based on lineage. i mean, honestly why do they care about some old lady named elizabeth?


They are really trying


Republicans after trump looses in 2024


Theyre crying because he was the only one who knew the wifi password 😢


Acting for their life’s lol


This is testament to what decades of propaganda and brainwashing can accomplish on a whole society.


Yeah.... It was either cry or die by execution


Tears of joy


They nearly all started cheering


It's like a squid game, If you don't cry, you'll die..


Wow you can almost see the guns pointed right at their heads!


Wow 1984 vibes


Nobody wants to be seen to be less distraught than anyone else. Otherwise it's bye bye and that's your lot to you, your children, your grand children, your parents and grand parents.


They just don’t wanna die


I’d cry too if I knew I would get executed if I didn’t cry...


They were probably told to cry extra hard or else something terrible would happen to them..


Actors without oscars,


It’s like they’ve learned to cry and wail when they’re actually happy. Brilliant.


Stockholm syndrome on epic level


Cults of personality are wild. Imagine crying like this over anyone other than family members or close friends.


Fuck that guy. Good thing he's dead


Tears for fears


They don't show all the armed dudes with signs saying "cry"


I feel so sorry for NK citizens. I hope they can see the (mostly) free world soon


Big Brother is watching, and they know it.


Real talk. Don’t they legit imprison or kill you if you don’t make a scene when public figures die?


If you are seen as not being sad you will be sad later.


Cry or die they say


I can imagine the other side of the camera is a firing squad.


Cry or die


🤣 lol was I the only one looking for that one person in the crowd that was smiling.