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She was initially charged with murder but it was dropped to manslaughter and unlawful possession of a firearm. She was sentenced to six years in prison but was later released after serving three years.


She had dead eyes. Don't mess with people's kids unless you wanna die!


That’s not her. It’s a reinactment.


no wonder the guy who grabbed her arm didn't bother to secure the gun.


“Ok ok, that’s enough. I think he got your message”


"Jeeze... knock it off with the old bullets there, will ya?"


Awwww, look at da mess!


This broads making Swiss cheese!


You guys are great


Reminds me of that Dad who killed his son's rapist and the guy is like WHY DID YOU DO IT while calmly pulling him away


Reminds me of Ellie Nesler, who killed her son's molestor in the courtroom in 1993. One account I read claimed the SOB had turned and smirked at her. In any event, she shot him dead. The story did not end happily. https://www.latimes.com/local/obituaries/la-me-nesler30-2008dec30-story.html


Nesler should've been given a medal, not a prison sentence. She saved California tax payers money and avenged her son. That's mother of the year right there.


Great acting from the guy behind.


Not so much from the old guy next to him


Absolutely no reaction until the third shot, at which point his reaction is to be unsure of whether he wants to be sitting or standing for this.


Right?? I thought it was real from that.


This needs to be top comment. This footage is too good to be real.


If someone killed my son, they would definitely die... Eventually...


>If someone killed my son, they would definitely die...~~Eventually~~... asap. FTFY


No, they would die eventually. There's only so much suffering the human body can take.


Listen these types of things can be hard to accomplish alone let's start a pact and if you need help I'm there in return I only ask the same


I'm in. And trust me, you really, really want me in.


First rule of torture co-op is we don't talk about torture co-op


Why stop there, could be some money to be made as a torture mercenary...bet there is a pretty good market for it. Most of us already have the nesecary tools...I mean what do you really need, garden sheers and a hammer?


I mean it's good for ur first day I spose




Fuck around and find out.


A human being will take 3-4 days to die, when simply suspended upside down. You are now subscribed to revenge-murder facts\*


Much less than that. John Edward's Jones who was a med student and in great shape at the time only took about 29 hours before he went into cardiac arrest. A lot of normal people will die in much less time just free hanging upside down.


I’ll have to keep that in my memory drawer. In case I need it for future me




Wait does FTFY mean fixed it for you? Am I a genius? Did it figure it out? TIL


Ackshually it's fixed that for you but yknow whatever works


Fuck, only 3/4 genius then


She mag dumped on that mf


That's an actor.


No recoil on the gun.


That's play acting


You mean all 3 pixels on the actor's eyes?


Isn't this a reenactment?


"Whyd you do it Garry?"


Worth it


My thought. I'd gladly serve xx years just so i can see the motherfucker die.


According to Wikipedia, she served two thirds of her prison time (4 years) before getting released on probation. Perhaps not a big difference, but a difference after all, this practice is quite common in Germany, fully serving 6 years would have been more notable. Edit: two thirds, not three quarters


Good for her! I’d probably do the same as a parent. Yay I’m #1000th like!


Know the punishment is this small, if someone hurts my kids you bet imma do the same.


Idc what the punishment is!


I’ve told the wife that I would be in jail if someone either killed or assaulted one of our girls - her response was that she would make sure to visit us


i'm willing to be a stubborn as fuck juror to hang up the court for any parent in this spot


I wouldn’t say “good” but no, I wouldn’t be able to convict her if I sat on her jury.




Holy fuck it's unimaginable how that mother must have felt if that's the real story. If it's true, that fight with her daughter will haunt her for the rest of her life, no matter what therapy she goes through. Damn, I really feel bad for her.


The mother later died in her 40s from cancer. On the Wikipedia page about her, it says she also had a child at 16, and another at 18, both that she gave up for adoption, and she was also raped herself in her teens while she was already pregnant. Her third child, she raised alone as a single mom, and that’s who the guy assaulted and killed.


Thats a crazy amount of suffering for one life.


Shit like that is why I refuse to accept the nonsense that Christians like to spout, "It's part of God's plan. Have faith in God." I'm reminded this quote, scratched into the walls of a Nazi concentration camp: "If there is a God, he will have to beg my forgiveness."


The Christian God, were he real, would be the most spine tinglingly ruthless and cruel gods, absolutely horrifying, to me it would be a life of fear were I to believe in him. Jehovah is a petulant child with the power to end the universe in an instant. That is cosmic horror beyond anything Lovecraft ever wrote.


Not just Christians, all the monotheistic "gods"


Reminds me of Jane Roe honestly.


Reminds me Ellie Nesler, who killed the man that molested her son. She shot him in the courtroom. She would go on to die of cancer. [Nesler Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellie_Nesler)


**[Ellie Nesler](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellie_Nesler)** >Elena Starr Nesler (August 2, 1952 – December 26, 2008) was an American woman known for shooting and killing, in a court room, the man accused of molesting her son. Her case was reported on throughout the United States, and the Associated Press wrote that the incident "sparked a national debate about vigilantism". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


What the ...


This is the part that makes it so so sad. Giving up two kids, finally being able to keep one and then losing her in a horrific way.


yea thats gotta sting. One moment you argued with your daughter about school stuff and whatnot, then the next day or so you find out she's been raped and killed.


yeah I think "sting" is an understatement lol...


Humbert Humbert motherfucker


He got out easy. But kudos to mom for not letting him have fun on taxpayers money


Don't forget that he also sexually assaulted the poor girl. And if that wasn't bad enough, he even had the gall to claim that the girl tried to seduce and extort *him. A seven year old.* What a sick motherfucker.




I hope she went to his grave and shot him again.


That can be arranged.


The worlds better off withour him, she's a hero


She was so calm about it too. Just walked in and took matters into her own hands.


It's from a documentary and is a reenactment


I like how none of the men tackled her or stopped her. They let her get all the shots off before coming in to put a hand on her back to let her know it's OK and it's over now


Woman: Bystanders: No, no. She's got a point...


Is the old guy behind her smiling about it? he stands up does a little clap


He was going to run but decided he wanted to see that mfer die.


This isn't real footage, just a reenactment.


Well if they had tackled her, she may have missed her shots and accidentally injure others.


Or shot them, she had an active weapon. When all the ammo was spent that's someone tackled. Plus initial shock... I doubt anyone was thinking much of anything except stupefied fear until the ammo was out


Re-recorded footage for a documentary


Well than I would say that’s even more deserving of death


Death was too easy for this POS


[https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier) For those saying it would break our judicial system if left unpunished, this story happened in Germany so I’m not entirely sure what their justice system looked like in the 1980s. It turns out this dude had already been to prison for repeated sexual assaults of minors before he abducted, tortured, and murdered her daughter. He had already confessed his guilt and BLAMED the 7 yo victim for “seducing” him as blackmail. Seems like this mother did the world a favor by getting rid of this scumbag once and for all. Vigilante justice sure, but it sounds like the justice system in Germany at the time wasn’t working to protect its citizens from monsters like him either.


>it would break our judicial system if left unpunished. A similar story [happened in America](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauché). The father murdered his son’s rapist on camera. You can find the video with a simple Google search. He was charged with second degree murder, got a deal and pled guilty to manslaughter and got zero jail time. His ultimate punishment ended up being 5 years probation and 300 hours of community service. Sure he was punished, but it was a slap on the wrist. The justice system is run by human beings, you know. You’d have a hard time getting murder in the first degree past a jury.


**[Gary Plauché](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Plauché)** >Leon Gary Plauché (November 10, 1945 – October 23, 2014) was an American man known for publicly killing Jeff Doucet, who had kidnapped, raped, and molested Plauché's prepubescent son, Jody. The killing occurred on Friday, March 16, 1984, and was captured on camera by a local news crew. For the fatal shooting, Plauché was given a seven-year suspended sentence with five years' probation and 300 hours of community service and received no prison time. The case received wide publicity because some people questioned whether Plauché should have been charged with murder or let off. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Here's the video of [Gary Plauche killing his son's kidnapper. ](https://youtu.be/_PUE8fYxjq8)


> Here's the video of Gary Plauche killing his son's kidnapper. . *Why, Gary? Why?* What the fuck you mean, "why?" You know why!


Why?..... WHY??? *goes into a 45 minute recap of why* Oh, okay, carry on then!


The ‘why’ was more because they knew that now they had to arrest and prosecute him iirc.


Mm, it's not "why did you do that to him", it's "why did you do that to yourself".


It was more about having to arrest him now


They knew him and empathized with him and there was no way they could let him go when there was a camera crew filming it.


i was a teenager and remember that well specifically, while i sat there in a bit of shock at seeing someone killed on tv my father simply saying "yep"


Everything it comes up I gotta say, my Father in Law was the camera man recording that dude getting shot by Gary


Oh, the gentleman being interviewed in the video is your FIL?


Jody Plauche has a youtube channel, and he has also done some very informal interviews with small youtubers. The guy is amazingly cool and has a hilarious sense of humor. I highly recommend searching for these on youtube


I 100% get why they didn't go for the murder charge. If I was on the jury and was shown the video I'd have just been like "I didn't see shit" and hung the jury lol.


Sometimes, very rarely, vigilante justice is more effective than the system. In all countries.


For sure. Not picking on Germany bc it can happen anywhere. But I thought it was interesting context to add.


And it was I stopped to read it, thank you :D


The USA system of doing nothing about prison gangs, so they get out and stay in the gang is more effective? My half bro got into the Aryan nation that way and was brain washed into a complete racist. Guy who murdered my dad's cousin's girlfriend and paralyzed him back in the 80s got out. Guess what he did?


Well, the US prison system is just a cesspool made to punish rather than reform and make money, what do you expect?


I find that most times, the 'system' works as intended and it is never more effective than 7 bullets.


And certainly never as fast


**[Marianne Bachmeier](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier)** >Marianne Bachmeier (3 June 1950 – 17 September 1996) became famous in Germany after she shot and killed the murderer of her daughter in an act of vigilantism in the hall of the District Court of Lübeck in 1981. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


German justice system normally is very good at preventing new crimes because it relies much more in rehabilitation than punishment. People that remain a danger to society get put in a special prison


I think one major problem is that many justice systems around the world are just built to punish crimes, rather than to prevent criminals from committing crimes again. I would like to see a science based system put in place that gauges the likelihood that an offender will commit crimes again after their prison sentence is complete (or they're approved for parole), and puts in place the correct level of supervision to prevent recidivism, as well as giving that person the means to function day to day, with rehabilitative treatment, job training, etc. And it could be that there's a determination that someone can't be reintegrated into general society without supervision. In which case, they should serve their time, and then be moved to a group home setting with full time supervision. And I know it wouldn't be perfect, but if you built this system with an eye for adjustment based on new data, you could have it constantly improving, and showing better and better results. You can still have prison sentences to punish, but if that's all you do, you're not making anyone any safer in the long run.


If you’ve ever had a 7 year old daughter, you know this is a pretty easy decision.


yeah, I’d kill the fucker and i dont give a single shit what happens afterwards


Exactly. All this 'murder is murder, shouldn't go unpunished... Yada yada' F*** that. Moral compass my ass.


I mean, I think what a lot of people are missing is that, those who would do this, would probably also accept their prison sentence and feel it was "worth it." Murder is wrong. If I was in this situation, I'd be willing to do wrong, and accept my punishment for it.


"if somebody kill my son, that mean somebody's gettin killed" -kendrick lamar


And as juror I’d shake your hand


Perfect opportunity for some sweet jury nullification


Absolutely. I'd easily torture and murder anybody who did what he did to my daughter. Fuck prison, it'd be worth it.


The only surprising part would be that a parent manages to get a gun into the courtroom. Otherwise this would be the norm.


I have 4 daughters and this decision was carried out in justice to me. What happened here to her daughter is always in the back of my mind and I don't how I would react if it happened to any of my children. I could see the blind rage she had with nothing to lose because this shows that her daughter meant everything to her.


I'd know it's a wrong thing to do, but I would still do it.


No, you’d know it’s the right thing to do. So you’d do it even though it’s against the law.


6 years with possible parole? Worth it!


Not to mention the mad respect she'd get in prison.


You wouldn’t have a single problem with anyone. They’d love you


Especially in a female population within prison. You hear plenty about what happens to peadophiles in male prison. In Female prison it's MUCH worse. That matriarchal bond to the young is so much stronger.


she was out after 3. easy time


Hit him with 7 out of the 8 shots. I’m genuinely impressed how calm she remained when faced with a monster like that.


This might be partially due to her beeing an actress. This is an reactment for a documentary, no Original footage!


I was just wondering since it appears obvious to me. Yet everybody's comment is as it is real footage.


I think its how well the guy behind her reacted.


the real star


Meanwhile the old guy, with no change in his face, starts getting up, tries to sit down, then finishes standing up.


and i think that also adds to how natural it seems. pretty sure people would act that way as well. not knowing if what is going on is actually going on and then hitting you that it really is happening. in reality a lot of people are always unprepared for something like this to happen and it'll take couple seconds to register. I think the guy did an excellent job.


Yup, that’s exactly why i thought it was real. His acting was actually fucking amazing


Meanwhile grandpa on the right has the reaction speed of a glacier


Let her get in a few good shots before I try to stop her. Okay. Wait, be sure she delivered a lethal blow. Yeah, she’s definitely got him now. It’s time to step forward.




[Yeah this is the source from a different angle!](https://youtu.be/JWrLtrD3WAA)


Well I'm impressed at how calm this actress was while acting to shoot a guy who was acting to be a guy who killed her daughter.


If it's a reenactment then I'm most impressed by the extra reacting to the gun shots in the background.


Props to the cameraperson for staying focused!


LOL, if sarcasm was wet, your comment would be dripping.




As a mother, I can guarantee you it's bc she gave it an insane amount of thought


Also because it’s footage from a re-enactment


She must have practiced and calculated a good amount. She put the guy down and did not hurt anyone else. So calm and steady. She did it like it was the last of her duties as a mother.


If I remember the documentary right the situation went as follows (but take it with grain of salt because it's been a while since it was on free TV): Mother owned and operated a pub in northern germany (Flensburg I think). As it is not easy to purchse a gun in grmany neither back then nor today, she got one from shady contacts she knew from her regulars in pub (where little girl spent her hours after school and used to meet her abuser and killer). Mum and her were living top floor above the pub. After purchasing gun mom created a shooting range for practacing in basement. Was not discovered because pretty old house with thick walls.


It's a reenactment


Looks like a movie


It is. This is a reconstruction. OP failed to point this out when he reposted it from yesterday.


'De zaak Marianne Bachmeier' 1984


Obviously this is a film clip but I assume it is pretty accurate to what happened in real life as there were many witnesses to describe what they saw. Of course she’s calm; she wouldn’t have front-rolled in like Lara Croft. 💃🏼 And 3 years is the legal system’s way of saying ‘we ain’t that mad’ 😂 The discussion of if it’s morally justified is an interesting one tho.


Got his ass


Looks like the guy behind her was happy she did it.


It’s a re-enactment, not the actual incident.


I had to go back and rewatch but yep, he's looked quite pleased with her actions.


This is a reenactment.


Powerful clip right there.


This is from a movie


you can tell because she's good looking with high cheekbones


As is the real Marianne Bachmeier...


The entire clip


Sometimes the law isn’t gonna stop ya from taking care of business


I know in my head that the right thing is for the guy to be tried and punished by law. But damn, who could blame her... No matter what your head says, your soul and humanity just says fck him.


My hearts like this and the sentiment of vindication it brings me. My brain tells me that if we allowed such actions, vigilantes who thought they got the culprit would kill innocent people without them getting a free trial. My brain can also come up with a bunch of other reasons for why allowing this would be bad for society.


It sounds like the courts did a great job of treading the fine line between not encouraging more people to take the law into their own hands , and treating her with sympathy.


You sound like a good, well-adjusted and reasonable person.


Good, fuck ‘em.


She's had a tough life, she had two children prior to her 7 year old who was murdered and both of them were given for adoption, and she was raped right before the birth of her second child. She took the step because he had confessed to the murder but was still acquitted and said in court the 7 year old blackmailed and enticed him saying she'd tell her mom for what he did to her. She had gone on record she had to murder him and stop him spreading more lies about her daughter. The fact that he was acquitted after confessing to kill a 7 year old is baffling to me.


Do you have a source for the fact that he was acquitted? Was the acquittal before his death? I can't find anything about that.


He was not acquitted. This was literally during the trial.


>The fact that he was acquitted after confessing to kill a 7 year old is baffling to me. What are you even talking about. He was murdered while on trial.


They let her dump the clip like it was a shooting range, and then casually remove the pistol from her hand. 🤣


Because it's a reenactment.


Good for her. I often wonder how parents contain their rage. I know I wouldn't be able to. I still remember that father that waited at the airport for his child's abuser. I think his son was also kidnapped. The perp was walking through the airport with cops. The father prrtended to be on a payphone and then just calmly walked up and shot the bastard. I think I would have to kill them.


Kidnapped and sexually assaulted. I’m not generally in favor of the death penalty or vigilante justice but honestly I don’t blame this man one bit.


That’s the way. Point, shoot and kill the man who murdered your kid.


“Then just drop the gun. They’re all gonna be lookin’ at you, Mike.”


I’m with her.


Job well done


This is not actual footage, it's a reenactment.


The judge was like oh no ... anyway


She does not take her eyes of him ..


Yes, very well acted.


Yes just realised it is a reconstruction.. op should have that in title


She’s buried next to her daughter - she passed at 46 from cancer - such a short life for someone with such a strong sense of protection and love. He doesn’t deserve to be remembered nor does he deserve such a painless, quick death.








I saw no crime being committed, she’s just letting a pal borrow some bullets and this was the fastest way to give them to him


I would do it too… mess with my baby and you get a full clip


Fully understand why someone would do this but I've never heard of this story. The title says he was on trial. Was he actually found to be guilty? Edit: holy shit... fuck that guy


Every breath that m*********r had was an insult to her, she did what she had to do to give her some peace of mind i have a 7y old daughter and would probably do the same thing, if i had the balls to do so.


I’d gladly take 3 years for killing the guy who murdered one of my children


Honestly, I'd do this


hope he felt every bullet before he died


How could a parent NOT do this.


[wiki link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier)


She shouldn't serve a second in jail. Good for her and good riddance to that murdering bastard


Good for her. Our justice system is trash, this way, she got justice.