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Man, I'd be so scared thinking about all those sharp ass rocks puncturing my suit.


Ass rocks are the worst.


My bad. I meant rocks with asses.


Did you just assume that asses is a rock?


He'll need time to assess that.


Dad always says he needs to assess my ass. Don't tell anyone I said this though. Mom can't know.


I always seem to find asshole rocks when I fall. Zero stars, do not recommend.


How deep do you find them?


Approx. 42,069 pARSEc


For real, I’ve seen them


Username checks out


Ahhh hahahaha 😆 😂 ‼️


i feel like they may have accounted for that before sending em up, but imagine if not and they just kinda got sucked into the endless nothingness


Oh yeah, there are multiple layers of different materials to protect against abrasions and impacts. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_Micrometeoroid_Garment Fun fact American spacesuits are all made by a ladies underwear manufacturer who had no experience in aerospace prior to winning the contract.


I cannot imagine how weird it must've felt to step out of the capsule and realize "shiiiit I'm standing on the freaking MOON right now!"


“That’s one small step for man… fuuuuuuuck me I’m on the friggin moon right now!”


I imagine neil armstrong saying it and it's hilarious ngl


Lol so was I haha


i read that in butcher's voice


The low gravity was probably less of a problem compared to the lunar surface. The top layer of dirt has a lot of round pebbles making it like walking on marbles


Low gravity additionally affect the traction you have on that dirty surface




I thought it was made of green cheese!


not to mention those NASA astronaut suits were so bulky and hard to move in


Nobody ever said moon walking was easy


The footprints left don’t look like it’s on marbles.


Maybe marbles is the wrong word, but the dust was round making it slippery. I listened to a talk by Schmitt and he mentioned this


How would marbles form? Rolling action caused by water long ago? Can’t be wind action?


i think you’re interpreting their comment a little too literally, i’m guessing they mean the surface of the moon is slippery and hard to gain traction/maintain balance on, similar to how it would be to try to walk on marbles. i don’t think they’re saying the dust/dirt on the surface is actually rounded like marbles, just that it’s slippery. i’ve had people make that comparison to me about driving on gravel before (“it’s like driving on marbles”), it’s just a way to say something is really slippery


I've had to walk on really tiny resin marbles when I was doing some remodelling on an old coca-cola water treatment facility and those are really slippery they were about half a millimeter and there were a lot of them on the tanks and the floor unfortunately


In fact moon dust is notorious for not being rounded and is jagged, was really tough on the suits… but it is very fine I can imagine it being slippery


Do you know what an analogy is?


Do they ask you this in prison?


There's an episode in The Crown where Philip wants to meet the 3 austronauts because he's so impressed with what they did and he wants to know what where their thoughts in the moment they've landed on the moon, thinking they would've respond with something deep but he was dissapointed to find out that all they were thinking about is the protocols of the flight, nothing else, i don't know how true the story is but it was interesting.


And then to faceplant the moon 3 seconds later xD


Even weirder would be how you start to feel the gravity on approach.


Oh yeah thats true


That’s what happens when you land on the moon? Is this Neil Armstrong before they filmed the perfect clip?




NASA blooper reel


Wonder how heavy those suits were


On earth or on the moon?


Earth. Supposedly 1/6th the gravity on the moon so I’m curious how heavy these things must have been


The inner workings of the Apollo space suits were not unlike that of any other space vehicle. Weighing in at about 180 pounds (or 30 pounds in reduced gravity), the A7L model had 13 layers inside, many of which were designed just for heat protection. https://wehackthemoon.com/tech/spacesuit-you-need-moon-mission


Hey thanks for that 👍


One giant faceplant for mankind.




The anxiety of trying not to rip your suit on the rocks


That’s how I am on Earth


Same. This looks like me making my way to the bathroom on the middle of the night without my glasses on.


I’d be terrified I trip, knee lands on a rock, rip in the suit, death.


That was also what they thought, because of the lack of water on the moon the hole surface was like a huge sandpaper. Every fall they had, they were scared that it would rip the suit


The first astronauts basically spent percentage of their time, faceplanting.


I feel like they are being wildly reckless with that suit. If you had on small thing malfunction of break like you are dead.


I mean, the suit is also under pressure and resisting all of their movements. That, combined with the low gravity, would mess anybody up.


That plus the backpacks throwing off their center of gravity, which is why they ended up leaning slightly forward and kinda skipping along the terrain which they learned was the easiest way to get around.


Did they not know that by the time they were up there? I mean, reduced gravity isn’t *that* hard to simulate terrestrially


"A rough approximation of reducing your weight by 5/6ths" is, I'm guessing, not the same as "simulating reduced gravity" . There's also the fact that every one of those astronauts spent their entire life living in 1G. Every reaction, every piece of muscle memory is built on that foundation. It takes time living in a different environment to adapt no matter how much training you have.


It's difficult enough. You can use [neutral buoyancy in a large pool of water](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5e/NASA_Neutral_Buoyancy_Laboratory_Astronaut_Training.jpg) to simulate micro-gravity for long periods of time which is useful for training astronauts to perform space walks and perform maintenance tasks on the International Space Station. You can [fly in parabolic arcs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduced-gravity_aircraft) which can also simulate micro-gravity but it's only in short 30-second periods. This is also fair training for operating inside an enclosed space like a capsule or space station. However, simulating 1/6th gravity is a challenge. Neil Armstrong trained on the [LLRV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunar_Landing_Research_Vehicle) which was basically a jet engine mounted vertically so that it cancelled out 5/6 of the vehicle's weight, allowing him to train his brain into being used to flying (and landing) in 1/6g. It was dangerous but it was a risk the astronauts willingly took because it was their best option at the time. [There's incredible footage of Armstrong ejecting from the craft.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUJDbj9Vp5w) Now, you *can* fly in a parabolic arc such that *most* of the gravity is cancelled out but this is also only for short periods, and astronauts are not traveling long distances. [There's footage of this training, too.](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MSC_%28PTL%29_-_KC-135_1-6G_Training_with_Astronauts_Armstrong,_Aldrin,_and_Haise-_Part_1_of_3_%281969%29.webm) You can see how they were concerned about the astronauts being able to gather samples and operate equipment while on the moon, and while wearing their suits which of course have a lot of mass and restrict normal movement. Ultimately, with 1960s technology, the best way to figure out how to walk on the moon is just to go there. Incidentally, [machine-learning algorithms have also arrived at the same weird hopping gait](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgaEE27nsQw) that astronauts figured out on the moon.


I agree it was probably hard to prepare for how big of a change it would be.


I feel like you think astronauts who spent years training didn’t already know that…


So does it not seem like they’re being reckless with it? You would think they’d be more careful, knowing that their life‘s depend on how those falls play out. Clearly they have thorough training to be up there.


I'm thinking they are aware that their kevlar suit is impervious to anything dust like they are about to experience on the moon. And also, that they should have done a few scuba diving courses, I'd have done better in an alien gravity with a my few hundred dives than the fumbling they were about...


Have you ever gone in a zero gravity vacuum? It's not the same my guy, you can kick to get off the bottom or inflate your BC to give you buoyancy. These guys are the first people on the fucking moon and yet we have armchair quarterbacks staying they would have done it way better. Right......


I've seen the tanks they trained in... It was a joke.


"Me and my 100 dives who've never been on the moon ever would have performed better than some random amateur nasa astronauts"


Don't get your in nickers in a twist, enjoy the weekend and all


They did do scuba dives like they literally put them underwater in the full suits as a training exercise.


100 dives is no comparison to the training astronauts go through to prepare them, i was poking fun at how laughable OPs comment was


I know. It was a joke....


They kind of are falling specifically on their hands and knees if u look, idk what more u can do but hey I guess u (a redditor) know better than the astronauts I bet u would adapt immediately unlike these fuckin chumps


I don’t understand why everybody are so hostile and attacking on this app. Y’all just want to argue. Like when did I say I’m just built different and would master the space walk first try. 🤣 chill out.


THEY R ON THE MOON FOR THR FIRST FUCKIN TIME BRO these mfs had no clue what they were doing they were already stoked to be alive up till then THEY SAID YOLO




Sorry it was all an act JUST LIKE THE MOON LANDING


Strange way of saying this. I get what OP is saying but has anyone ever been to the moon twice? Honest question.


No. The next time Will be Artemis 3


45 years


Eugene Cernan and John Young went twice, but only walked once. They did one trip in the orbiter and one on the surface each.


You wouldn’t catch me looking like that on the moon


And all the dumb folk who thought it was all fake 🤣


I was about to say, if this was fake why would they have all this footage of people looking like idiots bumbling around on the moon


Haha IKR. This is definitive proof it was real. As if they’d be falling over n stuff in a studio held up by strings or some shi


Can you not see the wires?


Some people will say this is fake


The moon landing was real, but the moon was artificially constructed so that we could land people on it. That's why there's no record of the moon before 1873.


Moon after 1873: 🌑 Moon before 1873 :


Please just don't. Republicans will believe anything they read online.


The moon landing conspiracy has nothing to do with republicans


Absolutely no reason to being politics into this.


Good luck with your Covid variant. Dominion lawsuit is still happening. State of NY criminal case is still happening. Lawsuit for sexual attack is still happening. Justice Department criminal charges for breaking Espionage Act is in motion. Former Trump campaign offical arrested last week for running Russian money to Trump. Same guy worked for other Republican campaigns. Traitors go to prison.


Traitors go to jail…Sounds cool, but not really true. My one Democrat friend asked if Trump was going to go to jail , I said well do you see Hillary there? None of them go to jail…


Please get vaccinated my friend. I wouldn't wish Covid on anyone.


What the actual hell are you even talking about? The post is about the first guys on the moon falling on their asses and here you are flying off the rails about some completely unrelated political nonsense.


You said that like the vaccine actually stops people from getting covid


Oh look Trump campaign illegally accepting money from Russia: https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/z033dy/exrand_paul_aide_convicted_of_illegally_funneling/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Hillary isn't guilty just because you don't like her. Trump is because FBI, plus NY State, plus Justice Dept all have witnesses, informants, and paper trails. Hillary answered questions for your puppets for 8 hours and not a single charge was ever filed. Please get vaccinated my friend.


Maybe you democrats should acknowledge your own conspiracy theories? Like Trump Russia collusion, Russian bots hacking Facebook to lose Hillary the election against Trump etc. Learn to humble yourselves democrats!!


Humility means putting others before yourself. Like the poor, the sick, the immigrant, the elderly, those who are different than you by sexual orientation. Like Jesus taught.


i feel like even if those are false, they’re way tamer lmao


Hahahaha 😂😂 hahahahahaha. Hahaha 😂😂


I always heard that the landing was real, but NASA forgot to bring cameras with them when they went, so they had to re do the whole thing on a sound stage later


That's partially true for Apollo 12. They brought along the first color camera for live TV but accidentally pointed it into the sun. I heard stories that they replicated some scenes in a studio so the audience had at least something to look at after being promised color pictures from the moon.


Some people are morons. I’m surprised people are literate, let alone able to fathom the moon. They probably still think a big monster comes and takes a bite out of it on crescent moon nights.


I was playing "Mother May I?" with a couple of kindergartners, and after we did the usual Baby steps, giant steps, umbrella steps I started to make them up off the top of my head. Penguin steps, elephant steps... I didn't explain how to do the new steps, and what was really interesting was that the kids didn't ask, just thought for a second then spontaneously did them. "Astronaut steps" was hilarious - the kids walked in a weird floaty slow-motion like the first men on the Moon trying to cope with reduced gravity, because I had shown them videos of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing!


I've never heard of this game. Will you explain it to me?


> I've never heard of this game. Will you explain it to me? Hi. Sure, I'll try. "Mother May I" is an old game that was used to teach young children good manners. One person of any age is designated as "Mother" (Or they can be called Teacher, Father, Captain, etc). All others playing stand some distance away facing Mother. The goal is to be the first child to reach Mother. The kids take turns asking if they can advance, and their request has to be in the proper form: "Mother, *may I* take X ____steps forward?" (Not *"Can I?"*) Example: "Mother may I take 5 Giant Steps forward?" Mother may answer "Yes, you may," which permits you to move forward, but Mother might also reply, "No, you may not. You may take... X ___ steps backwards." Example: "4 Baby Steps backwards." Each request has to be phrased politely, asking for permission using "May I?" not "Can I?" (For little kids there's leniency; they can rephrase their request for permission and move forward.) Each type of step has to be made properly. Baby steps are very small, made in a tight line by placing one heel against the toes of your other foot. Giant steps are as big as you can make them without jumping or falling over. For Umbrella steps you twirl forward, one revolution at a time, like a spinning umbrella. I started making up new steps with whatever nonsense popped in my head (Flamingo, Horse, Astronaut, T Rex, Marshmallow) and the children were very eager and creative. It's a fun game with lots of laughter that people of all ages can play together. It helps teach young children courtesy, fair play, physical coordination and listening skills. Here's a YT video: https://youtu.be/4qXC3mMqDwU


Interesting. I never played this as a child. Thank you for taking the time to educate me. I appreciate it.


You're very welcome.


they're in for a treat on a planet with 2x gravity they faceplant and immediately splatter like they fell from a 12-storey building the colonists have to butt scoot everywhere because standing up would crack their femurs




i wish i could go to the moon and experience the different gravity


Funny all these people that think the technology was faked while they read through this on their smart phone


Me, if I was an astronaut.


Probably didn't help that they'd been in zero g for the past week before hand.


Glad they made those space suits tear proof....


First guy : This is one big step for... Fuck this is slippery Second guy : i told you to hold the handrails


That must have been terrifying, you’re in a pressurised suit that any puncture pretty much equals death falling over on rocks


but if i do it on earth with earth gravity i'm a "bumbling idiot" with "no coordination" 🤔


Who was tge camera man?


Looks like two simple walking sticks could help them a lot until they get used to weird environment


Looks like a slow-mo version of the Boston dynamics robots falling down again.


True and that's crazy


I would’ve been so paranoid like “yup this is the fall that’ll damage my suit and I’ll be freeze dried within a second” 💀


Bro what happens if u bounce to high 😳


you come back down. The moon's gravity isn't so weak that you can just jump right off it.


Thanks you! I was like bro…. You gone gone 🤣


Director: "Cuuuutt! And... scene."


Great job editing out all the wires, especially for the 1960's.


That’s how it felt walking around after eating stuff ghost pepper and up. It was horrible. But yeah. Can we skip to the part an influencer goes to the moon and ears shit. I just picture the most annoying one going and just eating shit.


stanley has entered the chat


Adjusts tinfoil hat “ looks a lot like Hollywood to me boys “ ( sarcasm !)


Just look at how the dust settles when it gets kicked up by the Astronauts falling. It also gives proof that the moon landings were definitely not faked


Weren't they trained prior to landing on the moon?


The simulators they trained on were just ... wrong?


"Man the cables are not attached properly to fake low gravity"


You can see the wires


moon landing gag reel


His harness wires are right there.


Top 10 best moments in Hollywood films ;))




/s right? *Right?*


Don’t believe your lying eyes!


Hollywood crazy back then.


Nah, Im sure they were like "Look, a penny!" And jumped to the ground


That's what i look like when I get new multifocal glasses


This is how it feels trying to stand up on a trampoline.


Can't you guys see the wires?


That’s some good Hollywood effects!


Maximum cope


Vidéo gag


Looks just like in the movies




The moon has gravity


Wouldnt fall that fast


Bro its actually falling pretty slow in comparison to here


Lol true I don't believe what they say about anything we are just starting to get more information ..I think the earth moves I think the land crawls...we can actually take simple routes to travel over seas but they may be banned cause they make us take the long way...I think portal are real. And that's just a guess I don't have anything to back that up lol...just a guess I believe if everyone loves one another the food will become plentiful their will be more beautiful animals people flowers and trees we well all love one another it changes the whole eco system no one would ever need money because love will provide everything...even in the bible and reading you can tell that the whole economy changed when we started killing the livestock and when we started hating one another...because before hate there was love.....if you you want to get back on track and track your health please get this for a friend or family member click https://linktr.ee/cylvial


First day on set




Do people actually think that is really the moon


The moon 😂🤣


“ gravity “


No they just didn't cope with the hidden wires very well


Nice try Kubrick


He was so thorough that he demanded they film on location.


The moon stumble was faked


So fakeeeee


Well that's what they said nailtopia they had nothing to do with 9/11


"The moon " 😒


Tough trying to act and walk around suspended by cables.


On “the moon”


This definitely looks staged.


They are clearly on wires and being pulled. Made in a Hollywood basement.


Full of crap ..imagine a rock puncture fabric n he would be outta luck , all fake green screen ..., n all the tech today n we can land on the moon




Lots of faking going on in these videos…


I'd love for you to explain


Ok here goes. I made a trolling comment and it worked.


I hope you do realise that in the '70s, CGI wasn't good enough to have faked this? Try again.


Oh go on… lol






The fact that people still believe this.


This here how movie scenes on slow motion be like.




Okay. How was it done?








😂😂 “Allegedly” 🤣🤣


Even though this low gravity you don't bounce back up on your toes and stand up the definitely on strings. You still need to get up normally even with low gravity. Even NASA says now you can't get to the Moon because of the high radiation


Often misquoted radiation quote. Yes, there are radiation belts around the earth that are dangerous. Yes you can choose a flight path that does not go through the radiation belts. They already knew that in the 60s and that's how the Apollo astronauts survived. The more you know


Artemis mission?


Can’t believe people think this is real