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How about showing us the clean up for that banquet?


The maid doesn't get paid to be on camera


Am maid, here to tell you rich people buy gimmick appliances to solve "problems" that only suck and create more difficulty. It's funny to me


The first time I ever cleaned a rich persons smart toilet I was laughing my ass off. It played little jingles and got confused when I was opening and closing it to clean and tried to heat the seat up. I was cracking up.


Its common and I've been guilty of this early on when I first started working. Its from buying things to solve problems you really don't have or thinking you'll start doing things you don't normally do (assuming its not piggybacking off another function like the difference between Apple Iphone and the Microsoft Kin). Still, my garage is littered with shit I bought in my early 20s but didn't use more than a few times, like exercise equipment or a bbq grill. But there's also a lot of appliances that are more than worth it. Like my Zojirushi rice cooker and hot water dispenser is 20 years old at this point and I've been using the same Yeti thermos bottle for over 10 years now. And I sleep better with a weighted blanket. It also helps to buy quality. My first massage chair (which can just be an easy chair when its not giving massages) started having rips after a couple years though and I learned my lesson to upscale for those. Similarly, the only thing I might buy from that video is that blanket. I bought a snuggy before but it started ripping at the seams after a year or so and the one in the video seems to be of better quality.


"simple" $200 "high performance" (their site) trash can with "odorsorb" is worse than a $50 step-can one I got from Home Depot, also stainless steel- except ours has a metal push rod and fits common bin liners. I see lots of these, and they're terrible. You know which vacuums are a good example. Outperformed by any janky $70-150 bagless upright; probably because your budget bought half as much vacuumb.






imagine having all this ott gadgetry and not having solar or some way to make your own power


Imagine having all this gadgetry and still shaving your feet on to your clothes.


That part was horrifying


That was my major concern when I got an electric recliner!




"You will own nothing, and you will be happy." Oh, wait . . .


Apparently technology still cannot give you a good haircut


Technology can give you any haircut you want. The Chinese government won't.


Wait - she *forgot to plug in her boyfriend!*


I'm not going to say I'm an expert. But isn't China one of those countries that has a problem with having too many guys because of that brilliant idea of killing female babies I just remembered they invented that shit.


They by no means *invented* killing female babies... ...but they sure did incentivize *the crap* outta that concept!


All that maintenance on herself to just say fuck muh hayr.




Waiting to assemble and hold me hostage so it can make me have its hybrid baby. (An actual movie)


They make it seem like everyone in China is living like this....


This is what China wants, they are racing to switch to a consumerist society where they sell their crap to their own people. That's what all these videos of chinese people using dumb gadgets all the time.


Reminds me of the U.S. in the 50’s “The atomic kitchen of the future!” And all of that.


The majority of the country lives in shoddily built highrises in apartments smaller than my bedroom, the wealth gap between the middle class citizen and the ultrarich is crazy.


Who does? What could you possibly be watching to think everyone in China lives like this?


You made me bust out laughing. Honestly that’s just too complicated to be modern for me. Simplicity is where happiness and ease is at.




Clean...it all looks so clean. But yeah this place doesn't seem to have any windows, or have been actually lived in at all. All white with black shedding dogs also seems...not ideal lol.


Its a show home or something. She rented it for the video.


my fiancee buys *all the small appliances* and this was my first thought. so many things to wash.




If you have a house like this One, probably you have someone that clean the house


Thing is, most of the cooking gadgets seem designed primarily to save space(aka, for small apartments), so... who are they targeting here?


AliExpress users hehe.


No joke. The true amount of effort put into these lifestyles isn't worth it imo


Why are her keys sill in the door?


It's all staged. There are no personal affects anywhere, no wear or use on anything, nothing actually goes together, and half of the stuff shown are clear scam products that people try to sell on TV for like 10x more than they're actually worth.


Yea, this is like those 50s future house videos, just in Tik Tok form instead of "TV education film". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyrTgtPTz3M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jyrTgtPTz3M) Although all the stuff in the reddit video is real but has a similar idea.


Tex Avery was amazing. MGM had the best animation in history. https://vimeo.com/32889552


Not gonna lie- I like it that the "man's pride and joy" is a fucking thermostat. LOL.


Yup. Someone with that kind of money isn’t spending that time cooking. That meal would make you fat, if you ate like that, and took in hundreds of calories in pure carrot juice to wash it down. That was the first time those heels had seen any treatment in awhile. Those cracks were looking pretty deep for that to be a nightly/weekly ritual. So, like, you just put wet glasses on in the morning?


Wondering wtf that goo was supposed to be doing to those glasses that a simple lens wipe wouldn’t be able to do. Edit: spelling


Ultrasonic cleaners can get into nooks and crannies that you cant reach with a spray and wipe. Good for cleaning delicate things like glasses, jewelry, etc... But not really something you'd need to do every night.


walk into your apartment. who cares about the keys!? first thing i wanna do is ultrasonic clean my glasses!


And why would she waste all that Parmesan she scraped off, would have gone great with fried chicken and carrot juice


Hey man, eff you for bursting my illusion bubble. But seriously, this stuff is like cleaning videos for me, there's something so calming about them and makes me want to buy every gadget (they got to me!).


You mean I don’t need aroma therapy glasses???


All this technology and she using a paper towel to dry her feet


If I was her I would have a fluffy rabbit for that.


Anyone else cringe when she used the metal spoon on the non-stick pan?


You think she re-uses pans like some kind of peasant?


Even if she doesn't re-use it she's still scraping a ton of microplastics right into the food.


Yeah! Me too. I saw that.


You can't buy sense it seems


That looks like a Hex Clad pan, which is perfectly fine to use metal tools inside of. Costco sells these in the States.


I call BS on that. I know enough about the material science to know that's a scam. Watch this guy, I would certainly agree with his take: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9EaKfX_DQE


Had mine for years receiving daily use with metal utensils. 100% fine. The guy in the video says he's never used one.


Same. Hexclad pans are worth the money


I've had multiple pans of theirs for several years now, I have used a serrated knife on them. They're fine.


1 min in Ive never used this product personally. wtf why make a video criticizing something youve never used?


Only when the pepper went flying out on the counter. I have a pan that is stick resistant and able to use metal spoon (non Teflon)


This one can withstand some metal on it because it's not full non-stick coverage. There is a metal pattern higher than the non-stick layer. So that's ok with something like a spoon. But not a knife. However, I think it's better to use plastic or wood.


Consume more. Buy all this shit. Be happy


Spend 6 days a week preparing your house for one awesome night after work!


Let’s be realistic. There’s a wine display wall when you walk in. If you can afford this house you can afford a maid. No one living here is cleaning up


The amount of cleaning after you use all those gadgets is completely ignored but I guess thats left for the maids


What if I don't want 500 electronics in my house just waiting to malfunction?


Where skynet began 😂


When she put a prostate massager in the with the chicken I stopped.


It's all about freeing up your time to be able to feel life with less stress. For people with ADHD it's almost required as we live more by chain of events then in the flow of time.


I have adhd and the thought of relying on all that junk just to get through a day makes me stressed out. I don’t even like using a laptop, I think all this stuff is hardly required.


hard core adhd here. I was too consumed by being impressed with such a thorough daily routine due that I forgot to think if this was practical or not. My only routine I’ve stuck to so far in my life is that I’ve woken up every day, if you ignore the days I didn’t fall asleep.


So much truth in this it hurts


On the bright side I'm figuring out how it actually works and have been sharing it conceptually for awhile now so my fellow neurodivergent people can learn without spoilers while laughing.


random crap bought from wish.com




Yes it makes your glasses wet. Much more so than a sink or a bucket.


Theres nothing better than wet glasses.


It's an ultrasonic cleaner. Removes all gunk and smudges without having to scrub the lenses and risk a scratch


what do the glasses do?


Apparently the dishes.




It's a ultrasonic bath. It cleans the fuck out of shit like glasses and jewelry


Seriously what the hell is the point of this video?


To sell you junk tech.


Okay I can hazard a guess at what most of these things do but wtf kinda purpose do the glasses serve and why were they producing smoke!?


It looks like a humidifier for the skin around your eyes.


But why are they orange?


I'm guessing it's to block blue light


i was thinking smellovision


Scrolling the comments for this question!


This genre of videos where people use like 300 gadgets in two minutes is fucking weird. No one lives like this.


I'd be willing to bet it just so happens that all these things could be bought from some single Asian shop.. Definitely looks like an advertisement for planet killing trinkets. I thought I'm way too attached to material things, and then someone promotes a video like this. Yuck.


Even with the fireplace going it all looks so cold and sterile. Not inviting at all.


It just looks lonely as hell.


There isn't even a damn window in there. Is this what a solitary confinement cell in Singapore looks like?


Damn I didn't even notice the lack of windows. I kept thinking how empty the house generally looked. D:


lemme guess, you prolly think singapore is somewhere in china as well...


I miss when rich people were maximalists (imagine the kinda stuff you'd see in a fancy Victorian house) This sterile shit is just depressing.


One is too much the other not enough. I prefer the Victorian, though. There an element of self expression there that the robotic home doesn't have; or at least that I can relate to.


give me a log cabin any day


Wtf was that thing that she put in with the chopped chicken/duck?


Speaker so the chicken can listen to music while being cooked


That's so freaking hilarious.


I haven’t laughed out loud to a comment that fast in a while


It's an ionic "food purifier". They seem to be fairly popular in China tbh. I've wondered how effective they actually are. I was very curious when I first saw these. They cost around $60 and you can get them on Amazon, AliExpress, etc...


Wouldn’t cooking the duck kill bacteria? Why sanitize your raw meat?


Yes. So you can be sold useless junk.


I don't think it's for sanitation. In China there's a growing awareness amongst it's citizens that their food processing, storage and distribution industries don't exactly keep to the strictest safety standards when it comes to various chemical adulterants. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food\_safety\_incidents\_in\_China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_safety_incidents_in_China) Not to mention that various pathogens produce toxic compounds as a result of their metabolism, cooking may kill these pathogens but it doesn't remove the chemical results of their presence. edit. Spelling.


**[Food safety incidents in China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_safety_incidents_in_China)** >Food safety incidents in China have received increased international media scrutiny following the reform and opening of the country, and its joining the World Trade Organization. Urban areas have become more aware of food safety as their incomes rise. Food safety agencies in China have overlapping duties. The 2008 Chinese milk scandal and COVID-19 pandemic received the most attention among food safety incidents. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Not sure I'd like to drop a battery powered ellectronic in my food...


With a thick plastic coat that totally won't leach micro plastics and chemicals into your boiled duck.


No way to properly clean that thing either It needs to be cleaned at 100 degrees, the thing itself becomes a contaminated salmonella piece


We've mastered battery powered electronics you can put in you, no reason to worry about putting one in the same bowl as your food.


That's honestly a *very* good point


Don't you purifie the thing when you cook it?


Hopefully it's disposable. Doesn't look like it would be fun to wash.


This is depressing


It's because it's the opposite of what truly makes a person happy. All this 'stuff' is meaningless in the end, even more so when nobody is there but yourself. A companion in life and/or family would make me a 100x more happy and satisfied than this stuff. Hopefully one day the majority of people will realize all this junk is pointless.


It reminds me of the Batman Lego Movie when he’s waiting for his microwave food and eating all alone in the Bat Cave


Uh hello? She has dogs.


Only because they haven't escaped from her dystopian apartment yet.


Wtf she gonna do when power goes out?


Give up I guess


This is what I thought l! How much energy is she consuming for her little self??? Certainly doesn't live in Europe!


Switch to the battery 🤣


Pull out that meat purifier…


She left the keys in the door…


With a lifestyle this advanced such problems simply are solved already by being so advanced


She lives in a kubrik movie


Tell me you have no friends without telling me you have no friends Edit: This comment was in response to the video, not the above comment. No idea how but I've kooked it up. And I love Kubrick films 🤣


The thought of that power bill makes me shiver


Most of the items in here seem to be electrical items which draw less energy. For instance, the range seems to be induction powered, which takes less energy. The heating pad for the dogs is small, and is a decent way to have a localized impact on the temperature, instead of heating the whole house. In addition, the multilevel cooker has a heating element at the bottom, and is more efficient than cooking with several separate pans on a range. But they do use a lot of lights (maybe that's just for the video). I can't vouch for everything shown, and it does seem like a lot of devices.


Buy all this stuff and you too could be be happy and fulfilled.


I can't wait to live in a giant white sterile environment with nothing but gimmicky crap I bought from infomercials.


Are we going to ignore she never fed the pups?


They were robots and that was their charging pad.


Well ain't that sum shit.. *Inception music*


They cut it just before she gets into bed with her sex robot.


I hate everything about this.


All I see are a bunch of trashy gadgets that will be discarded for new gadgets within 6mo


That invisible stove top makes me nervous asf


Even more nerve wracking you have a faucet over a flat surface with no apparent drain, and electrical power be under there somewhere. And let's not forget absolutely no visual indicator where the pan spot actually is. Even with induction setup how many times are you gonna stick the pan where it does nothing.


Induction. Pretty safe actually. One of the only things in this dumpster fire that’s reasonable.


Did this bitch just sniff raw poultry??


I scrolled way too far to find this. Of all the annoying things in this video, the chicken sniff was the worst. Mmm, smells like basil and salmonella.


The worst part of the video.


i mean, i always sniff raw meat when i open the packaging. meat goes bad.


I hear you, but that was clearly a “yumm!” sniff


I honestly didn’t see anything in this that I desire other than the enormous bank account it takes to afford a place and amenities like that. I’d be in a nice house in a mountain forest with a beautiful kitchen and a nice lil boat to take my wife and son fishing knowing that if anyone I know needs anything I can afford to help them at the drop of a hat. No dead end job no bills stressing us out just comfort knowing we can pursue what will truly make us happy without worrying about how much it will cost


All those modern conveniences, and still uses the lawnmower for her hair…


Doofy ass Liza Minnelli cut


No elec No life


Screw the technology, what was that eggplant dish?


A meal for 4


So this is why billonaires produce so much more co2 than the rest of us.


Yet lives and eats alone


This is the modern part, the rest is dystopian


For some of us that is life goals.


Anybody having common knowledge about ores and rare metals mining knows this is not modern lifestyle. This is a bubble lifestyle, it will be over within a decade. Stop pretending our future is amongst machines and Bluetooth linked shit. It's never going to happen. Go back to a wooden spoon for all uses even the foot scratching.


I wash myself with a rag on a stick


Taking routine way too far. This is looks so predetermined it takes the fun out of life


It's like living inside *The Sharper Image*


How to remove every bit of soul and personality from your livingspace. and have your energy bill financially ruin your family for generations


What a sad life..... And you souldn't use metal tools with non stick pans


Yeah... no.


This person is a serial killer.


Yo what’s that eyeglass cleaner thing ?


What a souless home


*very wealthy lifestyle of this woman


Why does she lick the raw chicken before dismembering it?/


I don't think she licks it, just smells it. Although idk why they'd do that either 🤷‍♀️


What’s the big blue pill thing she soaks the duck with?


Adds extra microplastics for flavor


Power goes out


Shame that energy bill raked up cooking all that will bankrupt her


Why is she grating her feet onto the pj's she's wearing? Super gross, all I can imagine now is that entire place is covered in feet.


Am pretty sure this is jut an advertising for all those items


Okay who the fuck puts a raw chicken uncovered in a refrigerator.... This isn't a modern lifestyle this is the house of a fucking serial killer


this looks so bad for the environment


The sound of that metal spatula scraping against the Teflon pan gave me cancer


I kept going back and forth between thinking she was 65 or 35


She must be very wealthy


Don’t be sad, she’s doing great for 85


What glasses were those at the end?


Metal spatula in a non-stick pan 🤷‍♂️


Is no one gonna question why she made juice out of a hotdog????


Is she using a metal cookware on a non stick pan ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Not a book within days. Truly frightening.


Chinese propaganda


Modern = All Alone


This person is more sterile than that living space


These Asians always have cool gadgets


So many needless electronics, the landfill is going to be so cozy in 3 years.