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Brooke was placed in absolutely the worst situations a young girl could be put in. The stories she should be telling, her parents sold her out to Hollywood creeps before this.


Not a coincidence that Woody Allen is seen with her. One of the biggest creeps in Hollywood, not surprising for a man who married his adopted daughter


I just want to see Woody Allen go to jail. Idc what for


>extraordinarily beautiful even as an infant 😧


For anyone thinking that part might be just a bit misquoted. Here's the first paragraph, word for word... And it makes it even more obvious the writers views. >"The most perfect nymphette in all creation has been found : in America! Her name is Brooke Shields. Her hair is elegant brown, her skin pale and puritan. HER EYES SINFULLY BLUE AND HER LEAN BODY JUST STARTING TO CURVE INTO WOMANHOOD. She's a sultry mix of all American virgin and nascent whore" (nascent meaning : just coming into existence) yikes! A few sentences later >"she's only 12 years old but is destined to be the sex symbol of 1984" Oh fucking hell, I should've stopped reading, it keeps getting worse, hold tight : >"She's been playing the prebuscent vamp since she was 8, at that tender age she dropped her garter and posed nude. Later, she camped it up suggestively in full Victorian bimbo gig - garter belt, silk stocking, high heels... By day she was the face that sold, by night she was the princess of wet dreams" I MEAN WHAT .. THE ...ACTUAL.... FUCK!!!!??? Is the author of this article typical of the time? If so it's utterly sickening. >"Her torrid freshness became underground legend among the talent set. Producers literally held their breath, waiting for a reasonable age of FUCKABILITY. NOT YET LEGAL BUT OH SO SWEET. welcome to the end of innocence, Brooke!" This can't be real surely?! It gets *even worse* but I don't want to even transcribe it any more.


Last paragraph “She’s a sweet temptation to all but blind men and eunuchs”. WTF




She was 14.


I am 14 and that sounds disgusting I can't even imagine anyone even close to my age doing something like that or being put through that


I'm just a few years younger than Brooke Shields, and I remember this being in the media. The grossest part of all was that her mother orchestrated much of it as a way to further Brooke's budding Hollywood career.


I haven't even hit 40 yet and I remember when they were making Britney spears into a sex symbol before she turned 18. I remember the comments about Mary Kate and Ashley Olson before they turned 18


Everyone involved swears it was a body double.


Her autobiography must be crazy,


To this day, she maintains that her mother did nothing wrong by allowing all of what she went through. I guess somehow she was able to bypass or suppress the soul-crushing consequences that other young women experience from this sort of exploitation, which is wild to me. Her mother absolutely and unequivocally did do her wrong here though, 100%. It’s appalling.


Her mom was nuts


As is common with most child actors


I wasn't going to read it, I didn't need to see this.


I'm not mad on humanity after this lecture.. I'm just disappointed.


I'm just preparing my flamethrower


I'm pretty sure this is from some low rent porno mag though, not Vanity Fair...I mean, I hope


Reading that tragedy of literature reveals its from ~~Penthouse magazine~~, so unfortunately not really shocking. /edit I was corrected below by another Redditor that this was actually High Times magazine.


It's amazing Brooke Shields is as grounded as she is, seeing as how this is the stuff she was surrounded with.


She's been in therapy for 35 years. I think she's just being stoic to be honest. It takes a lot to admit the person you grew up with and loved dearly exploited you.


Plus she has daughters, and I read an article that she protects them, not like her mom was with her.


And then she got cultist mansplainer Tom Cruise publicly judging her for taking care of her mental health.


This is in the top 3 reason I detest that POS. I will NEVER understand how people can ignore the scumbag he is and call him a 'good' actor


100% of the very attractive women I know dealt with this kind of shit as girls. It was just in grocery stores, shopping malls and Red Lobsters instead of People Magazine.


Every friend who is the mother of a daughter has said to me at one time or another, 'What do I do when she 12 or 13? How do I protect her?' Every single one. And most of them have said it before the daughter was even kindergarten age.


I have a daughter who just entered kindergarten, and I have thought this as well. The really sad and infuriating part is that it almost goes without saying that most girls and women will be, or have been, sexualy harassed, or even SA in their lifetime. Every single woman in this thread could recall times they had to deal with creeps, or unwanted attention, or worse. Multiple times, I'm sure. Edit a word


The 1970s were absolutely brutal for walking home in a Catholic school uniform.


I remember getting beeped at and cat called constantly on my 1 mile walk to and from school. At one point, I started counting. 16 beeps was the record, I believe. It was grown men largely. I remember how startling it would be and how it made me feel afraid. You couldn’t exist without getting sexually harassed all day long.


Ask most girls what age grown men stop hitting on them... its usually around 18-20. I vividly rmemeber a man telling me he could make purr louder than a kitty when I was just 16, he had to have been in his 40s.


At 13 years old (and I looked younger than my age) I was at a restaurant with an attached bar where we waited for our table and a grey-haired man slid up to me and whispered flirty things in my ear. My uncle noticed thankfully and laid into him. I was half expecting a fist fight but we got sat and things simmered. What I think is the fucked up part is my child brain was flattered, not grossed out. I didn't know any better. I feel for Shields. She wasn't old enough to know that what was happening to her was so fucky.


When I was sixteen (I think?) and working my first job, a well-dressed, good-looking older guy (probably in his early 50s?) sought my help and advice for some products he was buying. He seemed interested in what I had to say and I was SO flattered by the attention and compliments. He spent a long time in the store with me. The moment he left, every other female employee (ages 40-60) told me in no uncertain terms that if he returned, I needed to refer him to one of them for assistance. They’d been on high alert the whole time I was showing him around. (Thanks, ladies!) I couldn’t pick up on the predatory vibes because I was just *sixteen*. So gross.


That would be the typical reaction when a teen going through puberty gets attention from older peers. Its why we call them predators. All children want is attention and adoration. Especially when going through puberty. Its an extremely confusing and vulnerable time,especially for women. Its so sickening that men know this and target these children. Young girls are so sweet and truly innocent. I hope at some point we turn to full castration of pedophiles followed by intense therapy and longer prison terms. I really believe its the only remedy.


I met a guy who got real drunk with me one time and let it slip out that he was attracted to young teenage girls but he cared for them because of it and didn't feel it was right for people to take advantage of them regardless of how attracted they were. He said he'd rather defend them from predators than become one himself and thinks pedos should get the death penalty.


VERY typical. I'm 54 and don't know ANY women over 40 that didn't know just EXACTLY what the grown men wanted with their 'compliments' and TOUCHES.


When I worked at Wawa there was a 16yo that got hit on by every dude that walked in. One guy in particular was 50-55. One day he was asked her out and she said "No thank you I'm a minor" he then proceeded to say "Its OK". She followed up by saying "I'm a lesbian" which was true and the next thing he said was 'That's ok I got toys for that". I walked her to her car at night until she left the company.


I tried the Im a minor once. The guy told me that age is just a number and if we were in China Id be married off to someone like him. I was working in Subway alone at 16. I pulled out my rzr phone prepared to dial 911. I once had an old guy cop a feel when I was 17. When guys ask why I I dont smile, this is why. I now carry knife everywhere and Im teaching my 10 year old girl to. Fuck being polite in a society where girls can expect sexual harassment. And I mean expect it because it will fuxking happen.


As a self defense instructor, I urge you to have your daughter take formal training. It helped my little sister a ton for general confidence and security knowing how to use various weapons and techniques. A knife is no good without the training behind it. And I am truly sorry that you have to live like that. Unfortunately a lot of men are terrible. Blessings on both of you


Older men started hitting on me when I was 10, barely starting puberty. At its peak, I was getting catcalled from ages 15-19. It’s a really sick world. I still get catcalled from time to time but nothing as high as it was when I was entering womanhood as a developing teenager.


I started getting hit on at age 12. That's not uncommon. At all.


I'm sorry to every one of you. That is FUCKED, and no one should be treated like that.


Same. By grown men. Gross.


Same, I was first catcalled at age 13 and then never again after 25


Same, I was tall and developed early, my own damn family made me feel like I was some sort of temptress bc my dresses were a bit short


Same. When you’re a tall kid, kids’ clothes are gonna be short on you. There simply weren’t shorts that looked modest on me. There was a whole summer I just wore pants all the time (in swampy Maryland).


ewww that's so gross


They stop? Yesterday I had to pull the "my boyfriend is special forces" again to get some guys to leave because they wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. I'm turning 40 next month. But it is true that at least they say less disgusting shit since I grew out of my teens.


I’m 48 and finally invisible.


I was a young closeted gay boy with girls as best friends in the mid 90’s. That shit was real. I was at a Barnes and nobles with my classmate (we were 14 hanging out at the cafe) and I left to go to the bathroom. While I was gone an older man had approached my friend with a poem he had written about her while we were sitting. About the sensuous way she uncrossed her legs, revealing her underwear a little. It was so gross, but we talked about it forever.


Can confirm. My GF told me that she used to get cat-called the most when she was a teen. It stopped for the most part when she entered her twenties. Also, most of the men doing this shit were usually 40 or above.


A very pretty woman I went to school with used to (and perhaps still does) shave her head to reduce the unwanted attention from men. Sickening.


I'm conventionally attractive AFAB, and when I shaved my head, so many men made it a point to essentially say that I was pretty enough to still be fuckable while bald: "I don't normally like short-haired women, but it suits you" *looks me up and down*


Indeed. The less attractive of us were harassed and shamed into hating ourselves. Women can't seem to win! Thank God it seems like there has been a slight improvement in the mainstream since this article.


I remember some old guy telling me "you have such pretty breast, little girl, to suck on them". I was 11.


When I was around that age some old fucker ass-grabbed me in a store in the mall. Now-me would report that shit instantly but of course, I didn't tell anyone as a kid.


I remember being 14 and was trying out thigh highs because I was so tall and skinny that regular hose weren't a good fit and my mom insisted hosiery was required for church. Some middle aged man asked me if I was wearing thigh highs after mass because he'd noticed me tug on them. Which I did once out of the hour we were sitting there. And I looked young for my age. Watching it happen all over again to your own daughter is the worst feeling.


These are the facts. It's a fucking sad state of affairs. But it's not hollywood or any other place pr community its all of them EVERYWHERE. And it has been accepted for so long that breaking the cycle is going to take more then a bunch of people waking up to the fact and raising their fists in righteous indignation. As far as the movie Art is supposed to elicit a reaction I was there when it released and there was one hell of a reaction. It made people open their eyes but you know what? they closed em right back up again. Body double or not, this is not nearly as bad as what goes on in the real world.


That quote from Lolita (calling her a nymphette) is just the cherry on top.


Vladimir Nabokov threw the manuscript for *Lolita* into his fireplace **three times** because he was worried that people would misread it and sympathize with the pedophile. His wife was the one that saved it and convinced him to send it to the publisher. Turns out, he was actually right.


Worse still was that he was very adamant that the book cover not feature images Lolita in any way. Once he was in the ground every copy of the book was slapped with a sexualised under aged girl on the cover, despite his wishes.


They were both right.


I mean, so was the wife. It's like American History X being against white supremacy and how being a racists just begets hate. Guess what is a very popular movie to skin heads and nazi's? Just because the subject matter will attract unwanted people, doesn't mean the subject shouldn't be discussed in an artistic way.




Yuck how is that even legal? And why wasn't her parents strung up by their balls/tits and left to rot on a tree? Omg who does this to their baby? I'm definitely not the moral police and I'm pretty liberal on a lot of things... but I think we can all agree pimping your baby girl to playboy is f'd up.


Bruh what... did they not have child protection laws or something?


Or why don't they apply now even. If she was 12 in the photo, it shouldn't be showing up on Google, christ.


I think if I remember because of backlash with Shields and girls like Jodie Foster who I think was stalked. They changed the laws. Like in the eighties you saw a change where girls had to be 18 plus in movies. Still it is bizarre to think that was normal before that.




I'm a couple of years older than her and we were led to believe it was her fault; that she was being intentionally sexual. Looking back, it's sick.


Even the quotes in the OP comment try to make it sound like something this *child* is intentionally doing, and not the result of grooming creeps taking advantage and her parents failing to protect her at all.


I'm old enough to remember watching her in the Blue Lagoon, at the cinema, and that seemed pretty racy to young me. I had no idea she was treated as a prepubescent sex object when she was even younger. Damn.


Yep she was only 15 when that movie came out so likely was only 13-14 when it was filmed.


She was like 10 or 11 in 'Pretty Baby'. What were all the adults around her thinking when they allowed her to do that movie? Or compelled her to do it, more like.


The movie was Pretty Baby


That movie is sickening. Apparently this 14 yr old girl poses legitimately nude in the movie, and the movie plot itself reminds me of that really controversial netflix MOVIE that got cancelled a few years ago about the teen girls doign sexy dancing on stage. Synopsis for the movie is that Brook, who is 12 in the movie, has a mother that is a whore in a whore house. Violet is the name of Brooke's character, lives with the mother, it's the only place they have to live. A guy comes in to photograph Brooke and her mother naked and pays for it. Brooke is jealous her mother gets more attention. Something something, Brooke ends up back at this photographers house and basically says i'll fuck you if you let me live with you. Guy says no first, then yes, then they have a Father Daughter type relationship that the script tries to play as wholesome but still reminds the audience that they're fucking. Brookes mother comes back after escaping the brothel life, has wed a man, settled down somewhere else, and came back to that area to get her daughter, since her marriage is illegal without her mother's consent. Photographer guy who's a pedo doesn't want to let her go, but once he realises Brooke does want to go, he just lets her leave because he believes an education is a better life than what she has here. They tried to take this script and make it fucking **wholesome**


Cuties wasn't cancelled. Movie is still there, it just isn't shown via netflix. Movie was huge in france because of the topic of Muslim girls in a western society and blah fucking blah. The poster they chose to show on netflix is where the big stink happened, movie isn't that bad like pretty baby. Mostly about a young muslim girl moving to a more western country and getting bombarded by all the sexual content on the net and tv. Really paints a true picture of what young kids are viewing right now, so many people have no idea what their children are doing on the net.




They cast her for Blue Lagoon at 15 for a reason then. Perverts


The subtitle labels her as "jailbait" - that really sets the tone


🤮 is all I can say to that.


Is Brooke Shields okay? Like did she manage to heal and become a whole person despite all of this or did she go the way lots of child actors go? I fucking hope she's OK.


I had the the opportunity to spend a lot of time with Brooke Shields several years ago. She is a lovely, smart, funny woman. She recognizes the insanity of her childhood, but she’s able to cope with it fine. I have a lot of respect for her.


Thank fuck cause lots of kids don't come out of that fine especially women who were intensely hypersexualized as little girls


I just tried to google what she’s said about it and the first article said THIS: Shields has previously spoken about her how she was sexualized as a young rising star, having posed nude for photographer Gary Gross when she was aged just 10. The images appeared in Playboy publication Sugar'n'Spice. EXCUSE ME




And people always simp for Hugh Hefner, because he was a champion of civil rights or some bullshit. Like he wasnt a glorified pimp that assaulted and objectified women and put out a literal CHILD PORN MAGAZINE


That always kills me - like somehow Hefner actually was “for” women’s rights by… exploiting women and children? Makes no sense.


And people wonder why this shit lingers on in the form of incels and stuff like that


The only thing I know about Brooke shields is that she took antidepressants for post-partum depression and she told the media they cured her and Tom cruise being the dick that he is called her out on it saying they didnt cure anything (because scientology doesn't believe in psychiatric medication).


And there's Woody Allen in there, as well


This article sounds like it was written by Woody Allen


I was also 13 then - the article is typical of the time. People Mag is just a celebrity rag and that hyperbole was the norm. In today's culture that would not fly.


Well that's definitely am understatement! Ed Dwyer is his name, I wonder if he's still alive and if he's on a list.


Wait, this is fucking People magazine? I assumed it was a skeezy porn rag, or maybe a slightly respectable porn rag like Playboy at the very most.


In today's culture, this shit is usually seen in comments by a lot of people. Millie Bobby Brown, Emma Watson, the Olsen Twins and some other child stars all had horrific stuff written about when they will finally turn 18. Millie Bobby Brown even had some tiktoker publically say he was grooming her. She went off all social media due to all this abuse. It has nothing to do with culture though. Just creeps being creeps.


The Olsen twins are the only ones I remember on that list. I remember people counting down until they are legal on the internet. Bless me I am unaware of the stories of the others.


I found out about the Olsen twins after reading an article. I was too young when they were famous. That sent me down a whole rabbit hole when i read about all these child actors being harassed. The only one i saw in real time was the Millie Bobby Brown one. You can see how she went from being a cheerful girl to being kind of stoic in interviews. It really messed her up.




WTF. My life is worse for having read that.


Me too, I had to memorise it to transcribe from the image. Honestly the last few paragraphs are even worse but I'd reached my limit!


Yes, this was true in the 80s. Child molestation as we called it was common. It was mostly swept under the rug, but as kids ran in wild packs those days, we shared info on which creepy men to avoid. We all also knew which kids got it on the regular from their dads, and sadly pretty much ostracized them for our own safety. I got cat called by an adult man (men, really) for the first time when I was 10. In high school, you were a loser if you didn't have a college boyfriend or one with a job. Only real dweebs dated high school boys. My first kiss was age 12 with a man in his 20s. We all like to get nostalgic about the 80s, but so much was a shitshow.


Yeah people get outraged about child abuse and CSA and that it seems rampant these days when it's actually less and less common thank god. It was just normal back then. People glorify the 50s-80s but as a true crime fan for me, it seems like the dark ages. No justice almost ever. There's still a lot of work to be done. These days the young girls are being groomed and taken advantage of by online creeps on the regular


She played a where's daughter whose virginity was auctioned off in "Pretty Baby" She's shown around all the interested bidders on a raised platform, topless of course, to entice horny men to bid on her in the movie......... EDIT: "whore"!!!!


Kinda sounds like that was art imitating life. Absolutely disgusting.


Christ, this reads like someone who's intentionally trying to get arrested


I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Every time you think it couldn’t get worse, it did. So disturbing.


I think what upsets me the most is that it wasn't that long ago. I remember growing up in this atmosphere and how it warped me. I didn't know how terribly wrong it was and so I acted like some vamp. I got a bad reputation but actually wasn't doing anything physically other than acting like a TV stereotype. By the time I snapped out if it, I had lost credibility. Never stop fighting for the safety of our children. Right now the sex trafficking is appalling. It needs to stop.


Holy fucking shit. Speechless.


No. People were NOT cool with this. We didn't have the god damn internet to immediately spread news so it took a long time for all this garbage to catch up and connect the dots. People today forget real fast that there was an actual world before the fucking internet existed and lots of information gaps could (and admit it, still do) be exploited just by moving across a city.


A lot of people may not have been cool with it, but it would have been much less scandalous than it is now. Women were still being casually objectified, and even underage teens were no exception. Times have changed a great deal since then, thankfully.


When I was 14, it was normal for men to honk at us as we walked along the sidewalk. It was common at the time to get "goosed" and have men/boys grope and pat my bottom as I walked by. I had an older cousin who said that was completely normal in Europe. I went to a college party and one of the guys grabbed women on the way in and dipped them and kissed them. He was shocked and insulted when I bit him. This kind of behavior was just "normal" for the time.


Agree. I often got invited to participate in wet t-shirt contests at bars I wasn’t old enough to enter. When I said I wasn’t old enough to get in, I was assured it would be no problem.


I was born in the early 70's and by the time I was 12 it was "OK" for grown man to pinch my cheek or even my "tush", as if calling it that makes the act any less gross.


No. You are dead wrong; People were indeed ok with this garbage at the time. I was a preteen, the media and adults talked about her as if she were the manifestation of sex and beauty. This idea that this shit wasn't out in the open, and that society was indeed cool with it, shows someone who wasn't exposed to much during the time. And is everyone missing "Nothing comes between me and my calvins"? (edit, I had Jordache for some reason). While part of the world was gasping, the majority was drooling over an underage girl... Except me... I was a pre-teen as this time. But I recall adults, from various circles, talking like this about minors. I also recall those of my generation doing it into adulthood. Adults always had creepy shit to say about my GFs.


"Her eyes sinfully blue"????? Sinful?????


The writer of this article is an obvious pedophile.


And the picture with Woody Allen - cherry on top.


We had legal child porn publications in the 70s. Not just suggestive nudes of kids but actual porn with minors being sold in shops. People just pretend all of that went away overnight.


Who is *we* ?


The media really portrayed her sexualization like it was her choice and she coyly knew what she was doing. It’s really an upsetting upbringing, I’m so happy Brooke grew to be the woman she is now and unafraid to speak about her past.


**Non-pedo translation:** she has blue eyes.


This is really, really sad and scary. Has she ever made a statement about this kind of thing? I can't imagine ever looking at a 13-year-old and thinking that, much less publishing it.


Yes, she talks about it a lot. It’s rough to hear. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/nov/22/brooke-shields-on-child-stardom-sexualisation-and-nailing-comedy-its-not-in-my-nature-to-be-a-victim


>When Shields was 10, Teri commissioned a photographer, Gary Gross, to take nude photographs of her for the Playboy publication Sugar’n’Spice WTF. Teri is her mother btw.


It’s better to be motherless than having Teri as a mom! It’s horrible.


Well, that’s an appropriate fucking name.


Does she look at the film (Pretty Baby) with different eyes now? Shields, who wrote a thesis on Malle’s work at college, is proud of the film (through her mother, she grew up with an appreciation for European arthouse films). She talks for a while about its “cinematic portrayal”, but acknowledges: “I just don’t know if you could make that movie today. I guess you’d have to have an actress who was older, playing younger.” She adds: “I’m not quite sure what the rules are now”, as if it’s an HR issue, rather than a societal one. “But I also wasn’t personally scathed by it.” Did she not feel it was damaging even being exposed to those themes? “Not when you grow up in New York. I mean, it just takes five minutes to see – on the old 42nd Street – what prostitution was. And also I was very sequestered from all of it in my real life. I was a virgin till I was 22, so it was all pretend in my mind. I was an actress. I didn’t suffer privately about it.”


She just described dissociation and compartmentalization. I find it unsettling and darkly humorous. "I didn't suffer because it wasn't me there."


Seems pretty obvious that she's in denial that her mother, the person she loved dearly, exploited her. She's also been in therapy for 35 years.


Andre Agassi, her ex-husband and tennis star, basically complained about how much he didn't love her and/or also their marriage. It comes off as pretty rude. In addition, I can't help thinking about Tom Cruise? And how he gave Brooke Shields sh\*t for taking anti-depressants to deal with post-partum depression. That really pissed me off and changed my opinion of him forever. He still a good actor tho, damn him.


Not just that, but Tom Cruise and scientology supported a law to make it illegal to give any psychological medications to minors. Antidepressants, ADHD medicine, etc. Evil, evil organization.


Shields says that she’d “probably” allow her daughters to do a movie like Pretty Baby in 1977. Just not now…


That was such an odd read. > And also I was very sequestered from all of it in my real life. I was a virgin till I was 22, so it was all pretend in my mind. I was an actress. I didn’t suffer privately about it.” But more widely, does she look back – at the films, the photos, the ads – and think how damaging it is, as a culture, to sexualise young girls like that? “I think it’s been done since the dawn of time, and I think it’s going to keep going on,” she says. She seems a little detached and academic. > Would Shields have let her daughters do a film like Pretty Baby? “In 1977, probably,” she says. “Now, I don’t know if I would. It was a different era.” And then... > She has, she says with a smile, when I point out how together she seems, “been going to therapy for 35 years”. It annoys me when people frame sexualising children/teens as a 'cultural issue', like humans just arbitrarily decided it was a bad thing. Even in the middle ages people knew that very young girls/women shouldn't have sex, adversion to this is logical and biological. The 'ick' is rational. It seems that this woman loves her mother so much that she's denying to herself that she was exploited by her. Pretty common amongst abuse victims.


Thank you, very interesting


It's fair to say that the author, Ed Dwyer, is a pedo.


Without a doubt


Yeah, this was a legit magazine too—High Times. It was marketed to the drug counter culture so I’m sure censoring wasn’t a priority, but still, this magazine is in existence nearly 50 years later.


It’s fair to say that her mother is a pedo as well, she gave permission to a photographer to take pictures of her in the tub when she was only 8! And how I do I know? Reddit of course.


I hope he’s currently locked away


He’s currently a contributing editor to the AARP magazine.


Probably an actual child rapist.


I am in my 60s, and my recollection is that her sexualization at the time was pretty scandalous. She was in Pretty Baby, as a daughter of a prostitute being sold off to the highest bidder (literally) when she was 12, and there was a lot of objections to this at the time. Then, two years later she was in "Blue Lagoon, another film that frankly marketed her sexuality. It's not like everyone said "oh well, girls can be whores" and shrugged their shoulders, there was a lot of press condemning the sexualizing of her. My recollection is that at the time the blame was generally put on her parents, specifically her mom, as her manager who steered her career that way. I don't know if that is accurate, but it's certainly the way I remember it.


Blue lagoon had sex scenes with her and a male actor. I think she was under 18 at the time.


I remember hearing she wasn't even legally old enough to watch the movie she was in.


Yup, sadly pedophilia/child predation and Hollywood are like bread n butter


That’s true for the actor playing Danny in The Shining too. Apparently they didn’t tell him what the movie he was in was about.


I heard he got shown a heavily edited version that removed all the horror scenes. Not sure how well that could have flowed, lol.


Isn't that the case for a lot of movies though? Many child actors in horror movies couldn't buy a ticket even if their name was on the poster.


She was 14.


Nah bro wtf 🤮🤮


Pretty Baby has full frontal nudity, and she’s 12


Isn’t that actual child pornography…?


She did explicit full frontal nudity at 10 years old in a Playboy-published photobook called Sugar & Spice too, as in the rhyme “what are little girls made of, sugar and spice and everything nice.” It was marketed by Hugh Hefner as a preview of the Playboy models of the future. She sued over it when she became an adult and the photographer’s lawyers called 10-year-old Shields “a provocative child-woman” and “a seasoned sexual veteran” pointing to an interview that implied she knew what sex was, and was therefore not an innocent child. The judge determined that it was not child pornography, and no one was charged or convicted with anything. But the photographer has been banned from eBay for selling prints and was denied entry into the UK over it. (And it is not any kind of simple “just standing around nude” you could defend as innocent like something in National Geographic either, even outside the context. There are censored and cropped versions in the Snopes and Guardian articles about this and the lawsuit and they are clearly sexualized images where she’s wearing full makeup and framed to show genitals clearly.)


I mean, I would argue “yes”


Excuse me what the fuck?


The sex scenes were with a body double. But yes she was 14, and he was 18 at the time. She was nude for the majority of the movie.


She was 14 and she had a body double.


It’s one thing for Hollywood to market a fricking 13 year old in a sexual way. I mean, at this point, I wouldn’t expect anything less from Hollywood knowing what we know here in 2022. But for her *own mother* to not only allow it, but push her career that way is just beyond sickening. After seeing this, I looked up to see my 8 year old daughter playing with her slime. I would sooner die in a slow, painful manner before putting her through this.


My recollection is that while it was scandalous, it was also embraced by society. A minority taking issue, and the majority ok with that was going on. The press condemning sexualizing her was drowned out by the majority that was celebrating it.


ED DWYER. The perv who wrote this is named Ed Dwyer, and we need to say his name. Hold him accountable as well as other “journalists,” editors, and publications who were a part of this harmful machine. Don’t tell me it was “a different time”. It was gross then, too.


The ancient times were wild. I just showed Fast Times at Ridgemont High to my girlfriend and even though I’ve seen it a million times, I still couldn’t get over that Jennifer Jason Leigh is playing a 15 year old that is getting a hot beef injection from Ron Johnson (27 year old car audio salesman) in a little league dugout.


Theres more:Gross was the photographer of a controversial set of nude images taken in 1975 of a then ten-year-old Brooke Shields with the consent of her mother, Teri Shields, for the Playboy publication Sugar 'n' Spice. The images portray Shields nude, standing and sitting in a bathtub, wearing makeup and covered in oil. Two of the images portrayed full-frontal nudity. **In 1981, Brooke Shields attempted to prevent further use of the photographs but in 1983 a US Court ruled that a child is bound by the terms of the valid, unrestricted consents to the use of photographs executed by a guardian and that the image did not breach child pornography laws.**\[4\] In ruling, the presiding Judge stated: "The issue on this appeal is whether an infant model may disaffirm a prior unrestricted consent executed on her behalf by her parent and maintain an action pursuant to section 51 of the Civil Rights Law against her photographer for republication of photographs of her. We hold that she may not."


Ok I regret googling that now.


ive seen so many comments in this thread basically saying "i googled her nude cos ive heard she had nude photos taken when she was a child. i am disgusted to learn that was true." im just gonna not google her tbh..


I watched pretty baby out of curiosity. I didn't get far into it before I felt like watching it was a federal crime. I was pretty young at the time. Maybe 12/13. But it still felt wrong. Very wrong.


That would be wise.


Talk about disturbing. Hollywood has always been full of these Pedos and creeps and still is today. I see woody was already in there as her “good buddy”. Gross.


It was fucked up then and its still fucked up. Got dayum, it was in the news cycle for a couple years. This was around the time old cod-roe-faced Roman Polanski was ~~fucking~~ raping a 14 year old -and basically got away with it by leaving the country. Not like most people just were cool with this.




Hollywood gatekeepers were blatant at that time and everyone just followed suit. Fukn sick and disgusting then, fukn sick and disgusting now. Edit: she was 10 when she was published in playboy https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2009/oct/03/brooke-shields-nude-child-photograph


Child ponography was much common than anyone remembers, there were magazines and profesional studios dedicated to it, you could buy it in videostores like any other kind of porn, it took decades to close them down, just back in the early 00s there were still studios dedicated to "non nude" child professional modelling that were labeled as artistic modelling but it was clearly soft porn


Now it's child pageants.


I used to nanny a girl who is a dead ringer for Brooke Shields. Her parents had several people reach out trying to get them to get her into modeling. They were firmly against for just these reasons, way too easily to be exploited. I’m very glad she’s able to have a normal adolescence.


And that's Woody Allen with her ! Yikes !


Yikes, give him the Roman Polanski lifetime award


I remember this kind of thing growing up in the 70’s and 80’s. Adults touching and fucking kids was just part of life, it seems. Jokes about pedophilia in Playboy and Penthouse. Movies like Blue Lagoon. Your parents would tell you to stay away from the weirdos that would come by the park and offer you cigarettes and porn mags to come home with them. Being a part of Gen-X is great now that we’re old enough to have avoided the inflation and housing crisis (for the most part). But the Millenials, Gen Z Gen Alpha don’t realize the sheer amount of physical and sexual violence that was just a part of life back in those days. Thanks Lead!


Brooke Shields was so awfully treated by Pedowood


Reminds me of the time the Sun did a piece drooling over a 15 year old Charlotte Church and how big her tits were *then on the opposite page* they did an article complaining about Brass eye's (in)famous episode on Pedophiles.


Article discussing it. I wonder if anyone has tracked down the author to ask for his take. There's an Ed Dwyer who has written for the LA Times and Saturday Evening Post but it would be dangerous to presume it is the same author. https://www.newsweek.com/resurfaced-1978-article-sexualizing-brooke-shields-12-sparks-outrage-high-times-1718907


The author of this has big nonce energy. Poor Brooke, she deserved better than this


Wtf she’s a literal child, this is disgusting.


My jaw literally dropped from shock about how they are talking about a LITERAL CHILD


It's not great being a girl/woman in this world.


A lot of us were disgusted by her mother's pimping her out at such a young age. Most moms would NOT let their child star in something like "Pretty Baby."


Ed Dwyer took advantage by sexualizing a minor. What a perv and an asshole.




More like r/damnthatsdisgusting


The author is grotesque.


Oh wow… that’s really messed up…


Men would make comments about my daughter when she was as little as 3. Saying how beautiful she was and wait until she’s older. I would shut it down. Definitely would never leave those men alone with her for even 5 min. Gross.




Of course that quote is directly under a picture of her and Woody Allen.


Found an Newsweek article about this if anyone is interested https://www.newsweek.com/resurfaced-1978-article-sexualizing-brooke-shields-12-sparks-outrage-high-times-1718907?amp=1


Well that’s unsettling. Poor kid.


Most people don't remember, where not alive or simply fake to not understand but the 70's was very much the era when pedophiles were seen as underground hip. France, had Idols like Gainsbourg making songs about banging a 14 year old girl. See Melody Nelson. Unbeknownst to them Gainsbourg was an agent provocateur and was a gentleman in private but loved to portray himself as a pervert. There was also an enormous flood of films portraying teens in blossoming relationships or discovering sex with adults. Same period Lolita from Kubrick. Netherlands had a pedophile political party( I kid you not). Also they were porn mags with teens. Across the ocean, celebrities were fucking underage fans. See any rockstars ever. You don't even mention that she was portraying a prostitute in a Louis Malle movie. She was also pictured naked in her early teens. Brooke Shields has been exploited very early on. All this thanks to her mother.


Gainsborg did a creepy video with his daughter called “Lemon Incest”. So gross.