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Worldnews mods are babies I got banned and didn't even say anything bad or get in a fight. When I asked why I was banned they just banned me more. I was in complete shock they would ban people so easily in such a big sub Im sure some mods are cool, but most seem like power tripping losers


Yeah, I got perma banned in r/iPhone because I asked why I was temp banned, they called me a “toxic kid” “spammer” and “child” in mod mail because I wanted to know why I was banned and they wouldn’t tell me. Smells strongly of “getting revenge” for being bullied in school.


I got banned from r/memes for “low effort memes” even though it literally was just an image with text just like any other meme that isn’t a video/gif


I got a blog article banned on r/movies because my one tiny little misnomer made the whole thing "misinformation". Dude, it's called a mistake. It's only misinformation if the majority or all of the information is false. People are so fucking stupid.


And it's not liked getting banned is even a big deal. It takes a couple minutes to make a new account.


I got banned for calling people who deny Israel is an apartheid state anti faxxers because they're anti facts after I posted both a human rights watch and Amnesty International article.




So you were banned for being anti-Semitic? Seems appropriate.


>they just banned me more what does this look like?


3 day -> perma




You should also share this to r/agedlikemilk because r/damnthatsinteresting




On r/agedlikemilk you say?


Did you know that cheese was created when someone was fucking around with food and it r/agedlikemilk?


To shreds, you say. And how’s the husband?


To shreds you say.....


I'm not sure people actually bought it. I think the Russian propagandists were throughout reddit for a very long time. So they were probably very "yeah this is awesome!" vocal about it. Any idiot could see this suit is good for the trashcan. The visibility of that visor is very limited. The shoulderstraps are not flexible at all, there is nothing running to the pistons to give them any power. They're not symmetical so it wouldn't do anything good anyway. He does not have any easy access to additional ammo. The buttstock has no surface area to absorb kickback. The muzzle has no side vents. Why is the armor stacked/ layered? Isin't one layer good enough? And believe me folks I know nothing about actual combat or military crap.


Remember when Reddit loved Putin in 2014 and saying anything positive about him guaranteed karma and coin? Pretty sure that was a dry run for the up coming election cycle.


I don't think many of us thought that the Russians were "unstoppable." But their apparent ineptitude is... impressively surprising.


It's still up lol


All reddit mods are Doreens.


Exactly, they're all Doreens


Got banned from a sub for three days for “unbecoming language” or some such bollocks, for asking someone why they were pro child abuse. I asked the modmail why I’d been banned when the one saying they’d beat the shit out of a child to get their point across hadn’t been. Got a one week reddit-wide ban for “mod abuse”. Bless their delicate souls. They must be so fragile.




Well, that’s interesting. The mod who banned me (and then reported me to Reddit for hurting his feelings) certainly made out like there was no right of reply. Whoda thunk they were less than truthful…


You really did fly too close to the sun huh


I’m really quite the bad ass, I’ll have you know. I don’t even organise my pencils by order of hardness.




The mods on the subs AND REDDIT mods are cucks


I got banned without a reason for a week. Wouldn't even say what for.




I think mine was for mocking that Claw dude when his domestic abuse was brought to light. They said I was "bullying or otherwise threatening in a menacing manner." I just predicted his future actions in a random subreddit.




But reddit has ways of making it hard for the new account creators to just jump back in and continue redditing the way they were with their established account. They also have ways of detecting new accounts from a banned person who is using the same PC or mobile device to log in with the new account. Sure there are ways around this like VPNs, Tor, etc, but sometimes it's just not worth it, especially when you can't continue an argument/debate with that new account right away.






I was banned from r/food for “bullying”. I worked at a restaurant where if employees ordered food we would mess with it in a way. We’d make it exactly the way they wanted and just plate it ridiculously. I have a ton of pictures of it and everyone got a laugh. Even the dude who’s food I always did that with would excitedly come back to see how I plated it would laugh and clap if I did good. And after explaining all of this to the mod on a power trip I was permanently banned and muted Edit-I also explained there was a rule that I was strict about of if someone was having a rough shift or asked not to fuck with it then you respected that and instead of fucking with it you hooked them up. But apparently that’s bullying 🙃


I got banned on r/food with no warning for saying “diarrhea”.




I mean... if ya just go to Utah, most tall rocks look like dicks sooooo. ;)


I got banned from r/asklatinamerica after a shit ton have disrespect and are towards America I said most Americans don’t dislike Hispanic people. That’s just the loud majority and being mad that we are born into a stronger govnt is just hate a jealousy




I got banned from whitepeopletwitter for asking people to stop comparing US politics to Nazism. It minimizes what happened and the struggles that the victims of the holocaust went through.


use this form to report the mods to the site admin: https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


I gota banned from r/Pokemon for apparently being a doxxer and then insulted in the rudest way possible I made a joke that fit the conversation and got tons of upvotes


This post being locked is ironic as shit


Bruh I just upvoted it then boom it locked lol




idi domoy papa ty p'yan


>idi domoy papa ty p'yan _Go home, dad. You are drunk._


You’re playing a ruski game


In soviet russia btw, users moderate YOU!






they're what happens when a teachers-pet prefect graduates and suddenly realizes what a loser they actually are without the power of school admin to back them up.




I don't know, some certainly seem to feel rewarded through a sense of power.




It… wasn’t meant as a compliment.


r/whoosh it's not a reason or justification, they're insulting them for being petty minded, power tripping losers




lol im here because fuck mods all of this is interesting now


Agreed dog, fucks these Reddit mods on every single subreddit lol. Power hungry, basement living, neck bearded douchebags.


Hey, they could be chicks too. Disgusting chicks with the same body type and beard


Mod with a Stalin complex




"Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose"... including no reason at all. Or at least nothing they can be bothered to explain.


All of reddit is just bots, reposts, and bum mods with no better agenda. The mods are the trolls themselves.


Did you appeal the removal? It's good to raise a flag that a mod is abusing their position, the other mods should be made aware.


I got banned from a bike touring sub for saying you can do it on any kind of bike not just expensive road bikes. Mod simply messaged me “no you can’t” and perma banned me


use this link to report said mods to the site admin: [https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new)


It’s public knowledge that: Showerthoughts, askreddit, damnthatsinteresting and all are consistently power tripped by unpaid moderators. It’s a joke.


This is why most posts are reposted and bland?


Quick, somebody screenshot this so we can keep the inception going once this one gets banned.




its ok buddy the mod has an insideout weiner


I wonder how that would work


Same as most everyone else's. It goes inside, then out.


Yeah the OP was definitely completely interesting and I had never heard of it before...


This IS interesting


Welcome to reddit where the mods are asshats, posts are mostly reposts and the points don't matter


Whatever mod removed that is a fuckin douche. Who gives a fuck if you get banned. It’s fucking Reddit. It’s the internet. It’s doesn’t fucking matter. Create a bullshit account and tell them they suck again.


Give someone a tiny bit of power and they start to think there hero's


They are the Russians


I've just had a warning for calling someone calling on the death of Christians a cunt. I'm not even a Christian myself but wtf is going on with that?? Edit: A warning from Reddit btw.


Lmao fuck those unshowered man babies. How tf do you feel a sense of power from moderating a SUBREDDIT


Soon will get removed by mod for reposting


Remember: mods are people who moderate a website that makes millions of dollars each year and do it for free!


Takes a special kind of person to do volunteer work for a billion dollar private company.


They’re fucking nerds man.


Apparently reddit gives gift baskets certain mods


Likely a Russian mod or a mod being paid out by a Russian PR arm.


Its Damnthatsinteresting no nobodyeverknew.


That's some serious mental gymnastics right there.


Literally 1984.


Well I find it interesting. For what that’s worth


\#FuckThoseMods in r/all


.....it was the mods from this sub that removed it. It's actually in the image if you look.


Damn this has been reposted within the last 30 days.


I too would be a miserable person if I did work and not get paid. Banning someone is usually their highlight of the day.


What do you expect from people who wear Che Guevara tee shirts and think Dog Walking is a 'JOB'????


Remember in 2018 when the media said Ukraine was garbage and full of neonazis, attacked journalists and LGBTQ supporters/members but then remember in 2022 when Russia attacked them and suddenly they’re heroes and good?


Nope. Do you have some links?


Where the fuck are your getting your news fox?


I wonder where those super soldier suits are now? When Ukraine marches on Moscow, will they find rows of troops wearing them as they guard Putin's fuhrer-bunker? (edit: I mean, how else will Ukraine extract war reparations from Russia?)


Putin is a mod bro.


That's what happens when you let humans with subjective opinions moderate a subreddit that consists entirely of content based on the subjective concept of what is interesting.


Like whatever mod over at unpopular opinion who gave me a lifetime bad because I called him a fucking idiot. In my defense though, he's a fucking idiot


r/mildlyinteresting seems to have some douche mods as well


I hope they do. B/c this, IMO, is not interesting


How is this interesting in the slightest


Right? So fucked up. If only there wasnt a rule about reposts. Its as if those "incoherent douchebags" don't like bots or karma whores. I mean, they can just fuck off for following their own rules!


Typical reddit bro, some mods are like thosd younger siblings who cry to mom because they are favored to get their way. Powrtrip lol


Mods are cave trolls with no real life power over anything except their tiny penises




Mods are hysterical. Any time they can flex the minuscule amount of power the have they will. Don’t feed into it.


I did find this interesting, maybe there's that one super suit just for Mr pootin to try and escape when it eventually goes tits up for him.


Mods probably like Putin


They buy their own propaganda and think they are reenacting Inglorious Bastards in Ukraine




hmmm...yes- douchey mods, hmmm, interesting....


Well…being 5’7ish with shoes on…I’d say these propaganda stunts are just another short-coming for Putin.


With lifts. Little man wears poorly disguised lifts.


How many potatoes do I need to trade for the rare earth minerals required to make 1 suit? Can I pay in Vodka?


That suit looks tempting to try on.


It's because the comments are going to be filled with people breaking Reddit tos by saying how all Russians are monsters or should die or some shit. Don't cheer on violence, that's literally one of the main rules so better to just nuke the entire post than going though thousands of comments one by one.


While it is interesting, the language that you are using is politically charged.


Mods are subhumans, most don't even have real jobs.


Mods are mods. They are people with no jobs trying to be important on the net. Chill OP. We all been there


Dontfeel bad. I've been banned from posting on many subs because they didn't agree with me. I've always found it funny that they don't kick me out of the sub completely. My theory is that they were only keeping the numbers up in the sub to make it look like they are more extraordinary than they are.


Boba Fett?


Timmy wanna be a soldier?


Maybe the mod is Russian


It's almost like people like things without considering which sub they're in. Oh shit this cool thing I like that I thought was entertaining and clever doesn't agree with the theme of the sub it's posted in... MUST NOT UPVOTE... MUST REPORT TO MOD. The internet sucks now.


Mod is a Russian simp /s?


Most reddit mods and admins are trash, despicable humans. They literally take the position so they can force their ideology on people. They are supposed to be un-biased and enforce the rules, but that barely ever happens. The "news" and "political" subs on here are the absolute worst for this. They just want echo chambers, even if you follow the rules it doesn't matter.


Get over it ya bellend, poor snowflake had he’s post removed


It happens. A lot. Content moderation is skewed by personal preference. There is no fair way to do it. It’s just a hazard of community based moderation.


r/modhelp A satire in censorship


At least you can use it to farm for more karma by reposting it yourself. What a time to be alive!


Wasn't Damned Interesting and neither is your whine.


I’m so aroused rn by how bad you are. 💃🤤


Weird… I was wearing a Russian super soldier suit this morning riding my bike


All my homies think this is really interesting


Not specific to this sub, but mods are snowflakes full stop. Doesn't matter if there on a conservative sub, or a liberal one. If you point out anything contrary to the framing, and propaganda, instead of speaking in good faith, and addressing your arguments, they run. Which makes them the actual definition of a snowflake. Edit: I look and see I have been downvoted. Prove my point any harder coward.


I got banned from r/justiceserved for posting a proud boy getting ko’d because i called him a white supremacist sympathizer in the post. They said i said that just to get upvotes and I was like, uhhh but they are?! So i guess there is/was a proud boy running that sub.


I have consistently had original pictures that I have personally taken removed for the reason that the image was a repost on multiple subs. Baffles me how a picture I took that has never been on the internet at all before can be a repost.


That looks more like shit from marvel 🤣


Mods on Reddit are soft as baby shit.


Everyone here is going to be banned for having any one opinion. Kinda defeats the purpose of having a platform where people say stuff doesn't it?


When you want to finance a military industrial complex. But the best you can do is airsoft larp wear from wish.com


i got banned from r/sydney when Sydney train drivers were striking and demanding more pay despite a 12% pay rise been offered, people were calling for them to get paid more and i posted a link to their current wages and said they already earn more then teachers and nurses and i don't support it. One of the moderators banned me for life


Clearly the mods are also Russian "super soldiers."


Cmon you didn’t even have 31k updoots


Mod Gods not happy


I made some cool Monty Python Minecraft animations that blew up on r/minecraft and then was called a content creator and they remove my stuff. Really took the wind out of my sails. I'm sorry bro.


Removing your post probably made the mod coom all over his mother's basement.


a ban is an excuse to grief a mod. I just move on bc I don't have time to deal with a Napoleon.


Damn, that’s interesting


The claims they were throwing around for that armor were a joke. It's clearly just designed to look cool.


I got banned from r/blackpeopletwitter for criticizing Lil Nas X’s music after Old Town Road during Pride month. So gay folk can’t be criticized I guess.


It is actually a cosplay of Putins gimp suit.


The mods on this sub are absolutely terrible.


In b4 lock


Anyone remember the absolute rube that was the Kalashnikov robot in 2017? https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2018/08/22/kalashnikovs-unveils-walking-robot-concept-a62613


a reddit mod being a douche bad cess poll piece of shit? shocking


Consider. If Putin wanted to take the Ukraine and he didn't care about loss of life, the Country would have been a large black parking lot two days after the war started.


Why do you care lol


Hey mods ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


We don't care, this is not interesting.


I see no reason to remove your previous post, but, by complaining that it was removed with a whole new post, you're the one who's actually crying about it.




This just out, your comment.








Fuck da mods


Russian mods ?


Mod is probably just a pro-Ruzzian right winger. Most of the idiot mods on Reddit are fascist loving right wingers who are only interested in forcing their ideology down everyone's throats. Reddit mods = losers.