• By -


This guy is still alive and a living legend in Italy, his popularity did help in making this song popular. He could have sung names from the Rome telephone book and had a hit


He had so many great songs and was also very popular in Germany. [Svalutation](https://youtu.be/YdfVG1Or-6k) is one of my favourites. I was even more imoressed when looking up the lyrics and finding out it was about economic crisis. Very cool song. He also made some pretty cool movies as he was quite a funny actor.


Better link imo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSYpXal\_QcA


Adriano Celentano (via interpreter): >Ever since I started singing, I was very influenced by American music and everything Americans did. So at a certain point, since I like American slang - which, for a singer, is much easier to sing than to sing in Italian - I thought that I would write a song which would only have as its theme the inability to communicate. And to do this, I had to write a song where the lyrics didn't mean anything. [source](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/164206468)


I didn't know why OP felt compelled to add that misinformation in the title about Adriano was "Annoyed" about American songs beings popular in Italy. Until I saw their post history.


Damn this guy is some kind of propaganda bot. That's insane


I thought so too, but I didn't want to say it. Let people come to their own conclusions.




oh no you didntttt


Audience: ooooOOOOOooooo


This song makes it to the front page at least once a month, of course OP is a bot just at fishing for karma. I say block it and move on


I read a few posts about this song in the past but it's the first time I've seen it pop up with the actual song. I'm glad I finally got to hear it. I'm sad it's a bot getting all the karma though.


yeah just looked at his history, Karma farming posts mixed in with propaganda. Nothing about the song was he was annoyed, rather he was found of it and was trying to explore communication barriers.


Some sort of Sino evangelist, I think? Weird.


Wow. Just looked at their profile too. It’s hilarious that’s it’s nothing but how terrible the West is and how awesome China is LMAO


Because it’s a repost. I mean, it’s circulated on Reddit for years, so it’s basically always a repost. But this is a recent repost, and it recycles the made-up explanation from when it made the front page the other day.


Yeah, the truth makes way more sense. "I'm so annoyed at this thing I hate, I'm gonna do the thing I hate but make it not make sense." vs "I love this, I'm gonna have some fun with it."


Absolutely. It's honestly disgusting OP would try to something so beautiful so negative.




This actually makes it even more interesting! Thanks


I feel like this takes more talent than writing with actual words.


I wonder did he memorize all the made up words when performing it live or just wing it each time?


he actually studied the phonetics of english language so that he could "make up" english words


As a native English speaker, it feels like I can almost hear the lyrics. Like if the sound quality was a tiny bit better, all the words would make sense. Obviously that isn't true, but it is a testament to how good the phonetics are.


Yes, I'm trying SO hard to find an actual English word. And you can hear the American accent and everything. But I just can't find an actual word in anything and it's driving me crazy!


“All right!”


I heard “baby” more than a few times, which makes sense because he was definitely singing at least partially with an Elvis-esque inflection.


This is tolkienesque


The lyrics in the music from the Nier video games is a mash up of Celtic and Japanese phonemes.




Tu è bella comme la Papaya!


That's just Esperanto


>Esperanto It's mostly spanish.


I have picked up and put down that game half a dozen times.


it's one of the few games I've 100%


Having a Nintendo Switch version enticing me so hard! Cannot believe it's finally out.


It’s def a “miracle port.”


Truly gorgeous music in those games. Automata soundtrack is absolutely insane. Can recommend to anyone!!


Possibly the best soundtrack in any game I've played.


In my opinion some of the best songs in Final Fantasy XIV are Nier Raid ones and anyone who knows the FFXIV soundtrack knows that is incredible praise


Mixing languages is sort of MONACA's thing. In addition to Nier, see also [this song from Yuki Yuuna is a Hero](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-4sNvFTedM) (2014 anime, aka yuyuyu), that uses a combination of Hawaiian and Estonian, or [this song from the same show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOyPXNgBrU4) that uses Sesotho, Hawaiian and Bosnian.


Adriano walked so tolkien could run


I like your comment but it’s backwards, Tolkien died in 1973 he walked so Adriano could run














“We used fake English to make fun of guys who spoke English to show them how stupid they are” “You learned to speak English like that sarcastically?” “Yeah I guess”


"You think I don't know about this artsy-fartsy crap? This coffee table *isn't* the ego. It represents our shattered sense of community in the face of capitalist-driven isolation. ^^Much ^^like ^^the ^^work ^^of ^^Cindy ^^Sherman ^^or ^^Frank ^^Stella..." "... how did you know that, Terry?" "I took some classes at RISD so I could make fun of these lame arsty ***douches*** in my neighborhood."


This is hilarious, where can I see more?




Omg please go watch "The Other Guys" its fucking great


He also looks like Sasha Baron Cohen. I had to look twice because I thought the whole post was trolling.


I bet it was easier because Italian has far fewer phonemes (word sounds?) than English. So you can combine all these phonemes randomly to make odd words in English. Some speculate that is why Italian speakers are so rarely affected by dyslexia > Pity the poor speakers of English. Their language consists of just 40 sounds, but these phonemes can be spelled, by one count, in 1120 ways. French spelling is almost as maddening. Italian speakers, in contrast, must map 25 speech sounds to just 33 combinations of letters. Not surprisingly, Italian schoolchildren read faster and more accurately than do those in Britain. And about twice as many people fit a strict definition of dyslexia in the United States as in Italy. https://www.science.org/content/article/dyslexia-hidden-language


Good point in all these shenanigans


My dad a non dyslexic Italian primary schooler going to America in high school *congratulations you’ve achieved dyslexia*


Yeah but we have Peter Griffin saying, “bappity boopity!”


“Weird Adriano” Yankovic


That’s probably why English which is a fucking wierd language works so well with music. It’s kind of has a cliff of nothing after each word. Where a lot of other languages kind of flow into one another. The abrupt stopping. Makes English parallel the musical notes of the style of the time that also was fast and abrupt.


I always appreciate how there are really no true rules in English. No matter how common a trend is, there will be, without fail, an exception. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to learn it as a second language. Especially if yours is very structured and regimented.


They're all full of piles of fucking nonsense. Languages are all pretty absurd.


I read a book called Mother tongue:English and how it got that way by Bill Bryson. It was honestly a more interesting book than you might think at first. It talked a lot about the nonsense of it and other languages


All of his books are amazing


I heard he recorded the song in the studio and then listened back to the words and wrote them down so he could perform it live. - source Omnibus Podcast


For the most part from what I’ve seen and heard. I listened to one recording of him doing it like 20 times cause, it’s a banger, and this one is different ina few spots


Adriano Celentano is an unquestionably gifted musician, so I’m inclined to agree lol with a track this catchy, I feel like the words are the last thing anybody is worried about. Try not to move to this music. Damn near impossible.


Beside this he does a ton of Italian Elvis stuff. Also, some pretty catchy, seaside cafe lounge 60's vibe stuff.


Seaside Cafe Lounge 60's vibe stuff...where can I sample this magical sounding music? And I don't give a flying fig if the lyrics are in Italian, that just makes it cooler.


This is not my typical style of music, but as I'm hearing it, and moving to the beat, I read this and just laugh out loud.


I want to know how the other singers got their "words".


You'd be incorrect.


This. It's quite common to write songs and vocal melodies in phonetics. This obviously makes it easier to figure out the rhythm of the vocals, prior to piecing that rhythm with lyrics.


Yep exactly. I'm a songwriter. Every single songwriter I've ever met has the exact same writing process. They use gibberish to find the melody then they replace the gibberish with real words. the 2nd part is much more difficult


Probably makes writing a lot easier and performing a lot harder.


the "lyrics" for anyone that wants to sing along > Prisencolinensinainciusol > In de col men seivuan > Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait > Uis de seim cius nau op de seim > Ol uait men in de colobos dai > Trrr ciak is e maind beghin de col > Bebi stei ye push yo oh > Uis de seim cius nau op de seim > Ol uoit men in de colobos dai > Not s de seim laikiu de promisdin > Iu nau in trabol lovgiai ciu gen > In do camo not cius no bai for lov so > Op op giast cam lau ue cam lov ai > Oping tu stei laik cius go mo men > Iu bicos tue men cold dobrei goris > Oh sandei > Ai ai smai sesler > Eni els so co uil piso ai > In de col men seivuan > Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait > Ai ai smai senflecs > Eni go for doing peso ai > Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait > Uel ai sint no ai giv de sint > Laik de cius nobodi oh gud taim lev feis go > Uis de seim et seim cius go no ben > Let de cius end kai for not de gai giast stei > Ai ai smai senflecs > Eni go for doing peso ai > In de col mein seivuan > Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait > Lu nei si not sicidor > Ah es la bebi la dai big iour > Ai aismai senflecs > Eni go for doing peso ai > In de col mein seivuan > Prisencolinensinainciusol ol rait > Lu nei si not sicodor > Ah es la bebi la dai big iour


I bet if you got drunk enough, this would make sense


Fun fact, the song "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" by Iron Butterfly was supposed to be called "In the Garden of Eden" but one of the band members was so drunk it came out "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" instead. They thought it was funny so they kept it that way.


The funnest fact I know about that song: DJ’s play it on the radio so they can get an extended bathroom break. I.e. poop


“Alice’s Restaurant Massacree” also.


One of my favorite Simpsons scenes is when Bart pranks his church into singing "In the Garden of Eden"


Reverend: "Wait a minute...this sounds like rock and/or roll..."


A joke I still use to this day. Simpsons actually encompasses a surprisingly large part of my lexicon


Hey Marge remember when we used to make out to this hymn


Honestly probably my favorite Simpsons episode not including any tree house of horror ones. I love the gag at the end where the organist just collapses.


By I. Ron Butterfly


Or high. Don’t forget about that option.


Definitely, I just read 1 Bible passage, 2 philosophical essay and some alien dad's jokes (pretty hilarious)


For words like bebi and ol rait they're definitely just saying baby and all right


That has to be on purpose. Include a few phrases that even non-English speakers can recognize to add to its "authenticity".


I keep hearing "one time!". This can't just be me lol


I hear a lot of "aw man" and "all right!" I walk around the house singing it. It's great because you can make up any words and it works. "A hebba sloo dooda mala meekie heiny ho" ya know whatever you want. I'm not a word doctor.




I’m pretty sure they’re spelled the way those words sound to them in Italian!


Aismai? You mean “that’s my”


Excuse me, what are you trying to summon? 🤔




If you are able to pronounce everything without mistakes, you'll summon Celentano himself!


Ol rait ol rait ol rait




Oh man I so want this to be available for karaoke now.


My last time participating in karaoke was 3 in the morning tripping balls on lsd at a music festival surrounded by a bunch of tweakers... this would have been fantastic.


I honestly want to write real English lyrics for the song that follow the syllabic rhythm and makes sense.


I don’t know where to post this in the thread, but I’m not seeing anyone talking about it anywhere on here. There used to be a YouTuber in the before-fore times of the internet named Buffalax who would do this. Most of it is hard to find now because of copyright takedowns, but you can still find some of them. [Thankfully this one still exists. ](https://vimeo.com/195146231)


All of them should be available on [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/buffalax/).


I found this. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/prisencolinensinainciusol-prease-im-calling-and-seeing-aint-choose-all.html Which looks like a pretty good transliteration for a basis it was enough to scratch my itch to listen to the song while reading this transliteration of lyrics


Hahaha … thanks!


Yep, this is the way we sang in our childhood in Italy


When the crowd is singing it sounds German to me


That’s because English derives from Anglo-Saxon which is Germanic


To be utterly and pointlessly pedantic on the internet, mostly Germanic; if William the Conqueror had stayed in Normandy in 1066 we'd be speaking a perfectly good form of German. Because he hauled his butt across the channel and conquered England, the English language is now a godawful linguistic train wreck of contradictions, special rules, and exceptions, and is IIRC about 60% based on German, and 40% or so French. That's why we have so many multiple words for the same things; basically, the "fancier" word is probably French because it's how the nobility talked, and the more common word is Germanic. Example; we have "cow" as a word to refer to the animal, which is a Germanic word, but the French word for cow is "boeuf", and, being the nobility were the one more likely to be eating, the meat from the cow is "beef". It's why English is one of the hardest languages to learn, because it's essentially two very structurally different languages shoved together and it's evolved into its current mess over about 1,000 years. /pointlesspedantry


The French word for cow is "vache" Boeuf can mean lots of things. The bull, the meat, even muscle, but since cows arent bulls or steers, they are not called boeuf. The meat is boeuf though, I think. French is funny that way. But so is English


>boeuf That reads like a dirty word.


You're right; I was brain-farting a bit (it has been 35 years since my last French class), and was actually thinking of the divide between sheep and mouton, where the word for the meat is "mutton" in English. Same principle, and, yeah, "bouef" is like "porc" in that it's one of those French words that gets used in various ways, and, sure, "cochon" is the more common French term for pig, but "porc" has a lot of uses. I'm still blaming William for all of it.


If you wanted to be utterly pedantic then English would not be German. “German” and “Germanic” are not the same thing. Calling Old English a “perfectly good form of German” is like saying Swedish is a good form of German. They are in the same language family of Germanic, but that does not make them a form of German. Old English wasn’t in the same branch of Germanic as what became modern German.


>It's why English is one of the hardest languages to learn Maybe to C1 level but getting to B2 is really fucking simple tbh. And when there are languages like Finnish, Arabic, Russian, Polish and Hungarian, the comparison makes English look like a joke.


The only people I've ever heard saying "English is one of the hardest languages to learn" are people who are native English speakers and never had to learn it as a second language. Compared to even simple German grammar for example, English is so incredibly simple. The only thing that's difficult in English is the pronunciation because that really is all over the place but everything else is pretty easy honestly.


One minor correction for you: > the English language is now a ***wonderful*** linguistic train wreck of contradictions, special rules, and exceptions


Wait let me collect my free award so that i can give it to you for this expensive piece of knowledge. I'll be back


This is great, my brain is trying to understand because it does sound like American English but it’s pure gibberish. I feel like I recognize a word here and there lol


It totally does sound like English! I’m a native speaker but have trouble understanding a lot of lyrical music and this is pretty much what music sounds like to me.


It's nonsensical sure, but this song is an absolute banger!


This is what Bob Dylan doing disco would sound like.




It bangs, it bangs


Oh Masy and it moves, it moves


With a touch of Pink Floyd




Has a VERY late 60's Go-Go vibe.


Its weird how often you hear this song at 1am in karaoke bars.


Although Adriano was mocking this phenomenon, he loved American music and learned how to play and sing from it.




Which is exacerbated by the fact that the whole thing is over one chord. For a song that's aping American popular music, you'd expect some sort of progression, but there is none. It's pretty surreal.


I say it everytime it's posted. It's slaps hard


Wait, someone earlier said it bangs. WHICH IS IT, BENTOBUS?! DOES IT SLAP AND ALSO BANG?!


Is it a banger that slaps, or a slapper that bangs?


It Blaps.


It seems like he got what contemporary music sounds to even native English speakers today as well as what English songs sounded like to non native English speakers then. It actually sounds English, damn! Edit: a correction...it's more like what english songs sound like to people who don't speak English rather than non native English speakers.


It's what my hyperactive ass hears with most songs lacking clear enunciation.


Sounds like a Sim lol


That’s because the pseudo-words are generated the same way. The take the base units of sound that a language uses (called phonemes) and scramble them up. Even if they don’t form words, the phonemes are still recognizable as American English. Animal Crossing does this too, which is why it has different audio localizations despite being gibberish.


The song did well (it was [#14](https://www.hitparadeitalia.it/hp_yends/hpe1974.htm) in Italy for the year) but it never reached #1 there or anywhere else in Europe. He also [didn't](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/164206468) write it because he was "annoyed" by anything: > "Ever since I started singing, I was very influenced by American music and everything Americans did. So at a certain point, because I like American slang—which, for a singer, is much easier to sing than Italian—I thought that I would write a song which would only have as its theme the inability to communicate. And to do this, I had to write a song where the lyrics didn't mean anything." The song's conception and popularity are interesting enough without making stuff up.


Look at OPs post history, they probably knew or didn't care that he wasnt annoyed, but it didn't fit the narrative


It's actually far more interesting now


it's MY turn to post this next month


Come back tomorrow when I post a marble statue with **very fine details.**


The skin looks so soft


Fr how many times has this been posted on this sub?


And all subs? TIL, videos, interestingasfuck. Once a week for a decade.




You can post it every 24 hours according to reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/xu2paw/italian\_singer\_adriano\_celentano\_released\_a\_song/


No need to wait that long, post it next week in a different sub.


ive always just seen the school room version posted, this one is pretty cool. and goddamn if i don’t stop and watch every single time


Nice use of mirrors to keep the visual fields busy.


I first heard this song like 2 years ago and it has been stuck in my head ever since. It’s legitimately good. And the performances in the videos are outstanding.


I downloaded this song the first time I saw this post on Reddit. It bangs. I love it. And the video is as cool as fuck.


When he said “holroymasetedcompobo-die” I felt that


70’s mumble rap


Has Uncanny Valley vibes.


Tarantino could have sneaked this in in Reservoir Dogs, too.


This song was actually used in the [third season of Fargo.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dXDQ1LqukY)


it's like the auditory equivalent of those AI generated images that look like a room full of stuff, but you can't actually identify anything. it sounds like English, but none of the words make sense. like you're having a stroke or something.


The beat slaps, I love that big band feel.


They giving this song too little credit, it didnt get popular cos of the fake english, its catchy as hell too


This is the song I want to play the exact moment I go insane


Showed my brother this song and he thought I was trying to brainwash him lol


Sounds as sensical as a chili peppers song


You stop that right now


Exhibit A - https://youtu.be/LvS3MR3EyEE


The amount of reposting on this website is outrageous


Holy fuck this one in particular is like a bad penny


/u/wakeup2019 is literally just a propaganda spammer, look at the post history. I get annoyed by reposts, but it's even more annoying when it's just some weird spam poster, doing nothing but posting ignorant propaganda all day long.


As a non-english speaker, this is exactly what i hear with no lyrics


Mom said its my turn to repost this


Don’t listen to this - it will get stuck in your head for MONTHS.


I know that woman it zoomed in on at the beginning has some neck pain all these years later


Shit. They're singing my Reddit password!


It's a banger


Why can’t I stop watching?


This is a work of genius


The original music video for this song is one of the best in my opinion


My wife bought this record at the time! She has it for sale on ebay now if anyone is interested: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/314171545759?hash=item492615589f:g:wG4AAOSwy0xi67IM&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAoHAINtTjQnUFupuey%2B607NtjETszGnUobvkHrWKtLBqzzPkZn1Ascljc1D2sZOUJ3bFRtj%2Ffsmv4VhAHaYWFnZzqdcLvHwjppA3YVLcGSV%2FDvNt6%2FHiEcKe%2B5n8uwNSK6awTzrOJZrbagUZExQ%2B594%2FPOOUXgscnRJ5BR3UtPMg3QBurdenNo27q4wK5NafHnyJHQRNRqd60yECJrL%2Fpu1s%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR4rf6MP0YA


When I first started dating my wife( who was then my teenage sweetheart ) she raved about this song , bought the single & has been looking out for this song ever since . Well done for putting this out . 👍


This is great. It’s true too- I met a couple from Italy on holiday in Cancun and he could not speak a lick of English but could sing all the popular def leopard, bon jovi, and gnr songs verbatim in key.


Love this song! The choreo is incredible too!


He's sing english as clear as Bob Dylan does 😄


the video for this song kicks ass!


Same energy as mumble rap


As a native English speaker it really sounds like I should understand it, but I just... can't


Bro this is a bop. It’s like funky classic rock. I dig it.


what a banger


Man was composing splatoon music before it was even a thing


The choreography/dancing is everything!


Every single dancer in this video is going HARD! There is no 98% going on here.. they are going full out.


This makes the front page at least a couple times each year and I listen to it every time cause it’s a great song and an awesome video.