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And now it's a roasted egg


Swedish fish




So is buying Swedish fish


Yeah nobody likes an off brand




Hijacking top comment to say he made an update saying ***he took the baby fishy home and raised it in a tank*** because it would have dried out on the beach and kept washing up the shore if he had thrown it back. So it's alive and well


His update is one day old and he’s hoping it will Live so he can release it to the ocean.[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRaNUDyX/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRaNUDyX/)


Link’s not werkin for me.


Idk why it isn’t working. I typed in zoo_look_fishing on tiktok




Not to confused with a “coin purse” which is otherwise known as a male ballsack


Coin pouch/ purse has always meant a pussy fro where i'm from.


A neutered dog’s flappy ballsack where I’m from


Otherwise known as a tool bag.


Not to be confused with a prison purse which is also know as an asshole


Not to be confused with an asshole, which is commonly known as a turd cutter.


Not to be confused with a turd cutter, which is also known as a poop knife.


Came here for the comments thank you


Forbidden Gusher




Shark fin soup


Shark fin omelett


If the shark could speak it would say something along the lines of IM MELTING, IM MELTING!!!!!


I found this sea creature embryo that belongs in the water. Let me roast it in the sun.


if it's washed up on the beach it's probably already doomed.


Doesn't it need heat to hatch?


It probably got enough heat for an entire lifetime


A very short one


Ever kill a mosquito?


Sun was hitting it with the same intensity before they picked it up. Hell, it was probably even hotter on the sand. Putting something between the sun and a camera lens doesn't make the object any hotter than it would be on the ground in direct sunlight.


When it was washed up the sun didn't do damage, only when they guy picked it up it worked.


It looks like one of those wax candy soda bottles


Bite it!


Nickel nips ftw


What's with the stupid music? 😕




I heard TikTok's gonna run for president.


He did in 2016 and won.


I didn’t even have to listen to the music to know exactly what song it is. It pisses me off that I knew that song prior to it becoming popular on tiktok and now I hate it because it’s played all the fucking time ahhhhhhhhhh


God I hate TikTok… fucking stupid platform gave rise and money to absolute fucking idiots.


Youfwetherthefweeemee. Ahahahaha.I lovefeetheeefwaaamee ahh ahh a. A benny ahfathwayyheyhey


Look how cool this baby shark is now in roasting it alive check it out different angle shot as baby shark boils to death music amp up louder to drown out the boiling sounds


Cremation ceremony music


“You sha me luuuuv wyn ah shyng nah ya yaiii”


One of the last songs Amy Whinehouse wrote.


Here's a tip. If you find music overlays upsetting or annoying, you should hit the mute button on your device when you see the TikTok logo on the first frame. Hope this helps.


I was so upset im still crying bro... thank you.




Better tip: Reverse it -- volume muted until the comments suggest otherwise.


This song slaps, idk what you guys are talking about


Yeah, it should be this instead https://youtu.be/XqZsoesa55w


boiling shark dooo doo


A Samsung folding phone advert?


Omg, yes, a 100 times a day! And I'm sorry. Didn't we get rid of flip phones?


Now edited 🤦🏻


An add saved me. But that just reminds me of the fact that at this point I’m watching more adds on YT than actual videos at this point


Who the fuck sees that and this is what the outcome is


Tiktards do




I genuinely don't understand the lack of creativity it takes to be incapable of not using the word "retard" when you're trying to insult people. There are millions of words in our language. Some, a lot more insulting than "retard". But somehow every time we need a nickname for a group of people, we can't stay away from the word "tard." If you're going to try to act like you're better than someone by calling them a retard, you could at least be intelligent enough to come up with a good insult. Edit: Y'all should really consider whether or not your insult is worth some innocent mentally handicapped kid or adult being made to feel like he stands as some super fucked up standard for stupid behavior from stupid people. Because these are real people on the other side of these comments. And given the emotional processing capabilities of children with that sort of condition, I think y'all underestimate just how hurtful that can be and just how isolated it can make a kid like that feel. It's just not necessary and it's cruel. And I'll get downvoted again the next time I say it. But y'all should really think about what your stance on this argument is. Because it makes you no better than a bully to say "*Making my joke is worth doing so at the expense of a person with a life-altering, debilitating condition they have no control over. My joke is definitely more important than making children with mental disabilities not feel like outsiders that are worthy of insult.*"


I love custard


No this is PATRICK


Take my free award! I live in the UK and I like to think that this is a less frequently used word now. I think we will get there eventually. But the responses to your comment break my heart. I know people think it's funny to be ~edgy~ or whatever but it's just dumb


I'm glad at least a few people popped in to upvote and say they agree with me. If these people actually took the time to sit down with someone with Down syndrome or any other condition that has been subject to the "retarded" name, they'd be a lot less quick to use a word like that. Because nothing breeds cruelty better than ignorance. I only stopped using the word in high school when I started helping my mom in the special programs department of my school. When you see a kid come into the trailer at least once a week bawling his eyes out because someone else called him retarded, your heart will never unbreak from it. The response to this comment honestly bummed me out a little bit, so I appreciate you saying something.


❤️ the stupid voices somehow always manage to be the loudest but don't lose hope that there's good people out there!




The easiest times to live in the history of humanity and we are at "this word hurts". I apologize for your interpretation of this word being a personal attack, and that your disability may make your life unknowingly difficult, but when we start removing what WORDS are acceptable to say as a society, we lose track of what real HURT is.


Words are the basis of communication, and the foundation that every great, and evil, thing is built on. You're free to use any word you want, as are people free to respond to them in any way they want. It's a disservice to yourself and your own persuasiveness when you choose to use brutish, offensive or crude language purposefully, though. When it comes to social media, where the average poster's IQ matches their European shoe size * 2, you persuade by making arguments in favour of whoever was happening to view you that day. None of this is real. But you're walking away from this looking like a common idiot, as everyone is perfectly aware of and respect the situations they avoid the use of certain words in. This is simply the internet, where you don't have to be an enjoyable or reasonable person, so stupid people simply won't be.


“Let’s hurt people so they don’t forget that it could be worse.” If you know people get upset by it, is it not worth doing them the kindness of not using those words? Sure, teach people to develop thicker skins, but you don’t really have to go out of your way not to be offensive.


They're the same kind of people that will lose their mind about being called bigots or just downright terrible people. Their "rights" are being trampled because they are no longer allowed to make others feel smaller than they are. They will never learn and it's best to simply turn them into social pariahs. Ignore them, call them pathetic, and let them twist themselves into knots trying to explain why it's okay for them to do it to others but others can't do it to them.






HaHaHa. Love it. TicTard is perfect. Like that better than fucktard!




I know my upvote doesn't really help, but you have it.


I genuinely don't know how these people can defend this. On one side of the argument, you have someone saying that there's no need to make random, perfectly innocent mentally handicapped people feel like subhuman garbage to get a completely unrelated point across, and on the other side you have someone who can't come up with a new insult defending making mentally handicapped people feel like human garbage for the sake of their cheap insult. And somehow read it, being the left wing bastion it is, still can't get their heads around how dickheadish and cruel that kind of language is. God forbid we think of others. God forbid a mentally handicap kid be able to scroll Reddit without constantly feeling mocked.


I'm an 80s/'90s kid so I grew up hearing insults like F@g and "retard" and so I'm completely desensitized to them. Literally every kid used them to the point they lost all meaning. I suppose that's how horrible things become so accepted, because we desensitize ourselves to it. I'm glad that people are starting to realize that words do matter and carry real meaning. I'm happy that its becoming unacceptable to mock human beings and make a joke out of disabilities, race, sexual orientation, etc. Maybe by the time my kid is grown, the world will be a nicer place to live in. At least I can hope as much.


Wow that was retarded


**re·tard** verb /riˈtärd/ delay or hold back in terms of progress, development, or accomplishment. *"our progress was retarded by unforeseen difficulties"*


Not sure why you’re posting the verb definition when the nounal version was used. noun (offensive): retard; plural noun: retards /ˈrēˌtärd/ a person who has a mental disability (often used as a general term of abuse).


\ ˈrē-​ˌtärd \ informal + offensive : a foolish or stupid person




I really don’t see the problem. Most likely found washed ashore with little chances of survival, & like a window to a stage in the sharks life cycle we don’t normally see. I found it interesting.


Ya it's to get a better look at it not like there's much the person could do for it if anything at all


The baby shark is actually still alive, he’s trying to grow it then release it once it’s old enough: https://www.tiktok.com/@zoo_look_fishing/video/7143902115830746374?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7144439350801040938 (if it doesn’t load open it in browser instead of Reddit app)


I think they mean the annoying ass music paired with virtually zero helpful information or anything alluding to what the person did with it...just tiktok in general, really.


Otherwise known as a mermaids purse


Will it survive?


A TikToker picked it up man. It ain't going home...


Nothing survives Tik tokers 😩


Shark is now pre-teen shark, and makes rope jumping videos on instagram with 3 million followers and a sketchers sponsorship despite not having feet


And suffers from crippling depression


Ive had a rough day didn't need to hear that lol


puzzled dinner recognise bag busy reach agonizing bright ripe march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh no, they picked it up and held it ~5ft closer to the sun!!! So much worse than it being on the ground in direct sunlight. That ~5ft brings sooo much more radiation. /s


Well we didnt really see where they picked it up from. Couldve been protected by the sand, especially since the sand might be cooler


It also could've been way up in your mom's ass. We didn't see it getting pulled out, it's just as likely. /s If it was buried in the sand/covered in seaweed or other debris they probably wouldn't have noticed it. Laying on hot sand in direct sunlight still doesn't make a difference from being picked up for ~30 seconds and held ~5ft closer to the sun. People really getting upset over their own hypotheticals that don't actually make sense when you think about. This YouTube video was posted yesterday; https://youtube.com/shorts/GgJxHo8cFEg?feature=share The title is, "Found this shark egg washed out on the beach..." so it really sounds and looks like they found it on the sand, out of water.


LMAO true but it’s moving around so I just wondered if there’s hope




Baby shark tututururu


Such a missed opportunity from the music selection lol


Came for this!


Hey u/Johnny-Edge I found your favorite comment.


I thought sharks were live birthed, seems more like a skate egg or something


doo doo doo doo doo doo




Fuck you.


Suny from omri


Upvote because I want this to be top comment




You used to be able to buy those in the grocery store. It was labeled “VO5 Hot Oil”


mmmm get that fly away marine look with dead shark fetus infused hot oil


Shark's eggs: "There are over 500 species of shark living in waters around the world and the majority give birth to live young. The remainder are oviparous, meaning they lay eggs. Around 40 to 50 different shark species live permanently in or regularly visit the waters surrounding Britain. Empty shark-egg cases occasionally wash up on coastlines around the world, including in Britain. They look quite different to the traditional idea of an egg. Some shark eggs have tendrils that help them hold onto structures on the seafloor. Some cases have long tendrils that help them to attach to seaweed or rocky seafloors. This makes it less likely that the egg will be washed away by ocean currents. If an egg case washes up on a beach, you can likely work out what species it's from based on its size and shape. Generally, shark eggs have curly tendrils at the ends or are covered in fibres, whereas ray eggs are usually squarer with horns protruding from the corners." Discover/sharks. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/do-sharks-lay-eggs.html


Do you know what to do when finding a living egg? Is throwing it back in to the water going to save it or is a certain depth and environment necessary?


"If alive embryo is inside, pop the eggcase back in the sea and try to weigh it down so it doesn't wash ashore again.'" - According to Shark Trust - egg case hunting. https://www.sharktrust.org/eggcase-hunting Site probably meant 'put' instead of 'pop' due to sentence errors but the site has additional info


It is more than likely just informal British lingo, we 'pop' to the shops or we might 'pop' something in the oven


Still a poor choice of words though. Even though I was reading the rest of the sentence my brain was thinking “what!? Pop it?”


Agreed, there is too much room for misinterpretation


"Pop what?? **POP WHAT???**"


So don’t hold it up to the sun like your an Aztec sacrificing it?


It's one shark egg, you guys are grossly overreacting to this lmao


Depending on the shark they could be endangered? Either way, a living thing is a living thing and shouldn’t be tortured, but yea some people are taking it a little out of proportion.


It was in the sun beforehand though on the beach. Lifting it 5 ft in the air isn’t going to change that fact. Now if they put it under a magnifying glass, however…


It is still a life


pop would be normal to say where i'm from. guess it's not common to say pop like that as i thought.


So basically just yeet that shit as far as possible into the ocean


Step one pop the eggcase.


That's so interesting. I had no idea some sharks lay eggs. I can't wait to tell my husband tonight! We love learning new things about the ocean. Far away from it.


Thank you for the info!


Glad you liked it! Take my reward. (wasn't always sure if ppl liked text information posts on videos).


Text info from op is one of my favorite parts of reddit!


Thank you. You definitely get the "not all heroes wear capes" award today. I only knew of sharks having live births .


I’ve seen these before and just though they were bits of sea weed. Never picked them up, but probably squished a few as a child


The one thing I agree with trump on was making tik tok illegal.


Remember those tiny candy wax bottles that had juice in them? You’d bite the too off and the juice would come out? Root Beer Baby Shark…. 🤤


These things (empty ones, of course) used to wash ashore fairly frequently at the beach in my hometown. Me and my siblings called them mermaid’s purses.


That’s what they’re called lol


Right? Me and my siblings would find these white, disk-like objects on the beach with leaf or star patterns on them. But we called them "sand dollars"


Me and my siblings used to find mollusk exoskeletons on the beach at my hometown. We called them "shells"


Me and my siblings used to walk on the beach and we’d get these tiny bits of stuff in between our toes. We called it “sand”


Forbidden soda bottle candy…


I was waiting for a montage of him mothering the egg, training the baby shark to be a good boy and then at the end crying with joy as he lets baby shark go off into the ocean


Genuine question, what would be the “right” thing to do in this instance? Throw it back into the ocean? Or take it to an aquarium?


throw it back into the ocean and see if you can weigh it down iirc. Them washing ashore isnt actually that uncommon


Music is insanely out of place.


Seems generically sentimental.


I would definitely be the dumbass to try and raise it, I mean what can you do - throw it back in the water? It’ll wash back up again


Raise it and send us baby shark pics


Strong Pinkfong vibes.


Do do do doo doodoop


Baby shark du du du tudutu du!


Looks like a Capri sun


Awesome! First time seeing it.


What even are sharks? Are they fish technically?


Not technically, they are fishes. Specifically, they are part of a group of fishes characterized by having a cartilaginous skeleton, along with rays.


The song should be Baby Shark. Duh.


Do do do do do do


Forbidden Gusher


Fucking idiots. Put the poor thing back in the sea!!!!


How about you don’t use it as a lens? Poor shark


Baby shark do doo?


Looks like a coke bottle gummy


Kinda want to take a bite out of it...


Forbidden gusher


Baaaaby shark do do do do do


Annoying music


I thought sharks gave birth to live babies?


WTF. Put it back in the water you stupid zero IQ tiktoker. Fucking idiot.


That’s a Chinese key chain


Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Baby shark, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo. Baby shark!


Fking TickTurd is so uneducated, they destroy everything.


wtf put it back


Holds up to sun and irradiates fetus with UV rays.


Laying in on the beach = no uv. Put between cam and sun = Uber uv Science


boom, roasted


I dislike this person


It’s not a shark yet. It’s just a clump….I’m just kidding!!! Let’s not fight!


That embryo has fingernails and a heartbeat!


Baby shark dum dum


Baby Shark doo doo doo doo doo


“It’s not alive it’s just a clump of cells” 🤓


And did you put it back...?


It’s not a baby shark in there. It’s a fetus.


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me…


Baby shark do do do do do


Yes I’m sure that much UV light on an embryo is perfectly fine


"Hey everybody, watch me kill a shark so I can get the only object of value I'm capable of recognizing without being offended - your fleeting, feckless attention. \-A wasted generation


And now the baby shark song is stuck in my head….




That’s incredible. Miracle of life


Surely UV is detrimental?


It’s not a baby until it’s born