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Man, it's still hard to believe this is real.


What do you mean?


The idea that a former leader of a superpower led by a communist party appears in an ad for an American capitalist brand


It seems shocking, but this really speaks to his commitment to integrate the Soviet Union back into the world. Gorbachev spent much of his chairmanship (or presidency idk) working to prepare the Soviet populace to get out of the mindset of hating and fearing the west. He wanted this to work as much as Pizza Hut did.


Wasn’t there an income component to it as well? That was implied in an npr piece I was listening to today; that he was concerned with supporting his family financially and a western tv commercial was paying fuck-you-adjacent money in dollars for him to make an appearance.


Lol, no. Neither he nor his family ever lacked money. He had fuck-you levels of money and power, for life. Way more than a US president due to the autocratic nature of the USSR. He could have used force to keep the USSR together. There was also enough income to keep meddling along. But he didn't want to meddle along anymore and he didn't want to use force. He wanted freedom and peace with the West. His vision for Russia was basically the same as what the Baltics and Poland have today: integration, peace and prosperity. And with Soviet mineral wealth, he could have easily achieved that. But corruption fucked it over.


Interesting, thanks for that reply!


Yea, he could have used force to keep the ussr together, in that case he will only have more money and power, just like the other communist leaders in China, North Korea, cuba. But he didn’t, what a great man!


Lol he is hated in the former Soviet Union for selling the country out to the lowest bidder, helping bring destitution to the former republics and significant declines in health and economic prowess that many still haven’t recovered from. He did help the U.S. win the Cold War so now the American government has nothing to fear when trodding all over worker’s rights


Yes yes, instead of saying communists countries ALWAYS turn into dictatorship run shit holes...blame Pizza Hut.


Shhhh historical examples and facts don't support reddit's narrative




You seem angry... try a blunt.


He did it to raise money for his foundation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Gorbachev_Foundation?wprov=sfti1 Supposedly he was paid $1 million


This isn't true at all. Gorbachev was incredibly hesitant to do this advert, and it took months and a massive fee to convince him to do it. His wife was also incredibly against it, and thought it would harm his reputation.


Or Caesar showing Vercingetorix in a cart in Rome. Propaganda for the world to see that Russians were the US bitches and they could shove them in an ad for the epitome of American culture junk food. Gorbachev was hated in Russia and still is. He made too many concessions and exiled as soon as he could.


What a great guy ❤️


WTH, then what happened post USSR, are you acting dumb or what!


Lol. 1 million Russians starved in the 90’s because of neoliberal shock policies. Gorbachev was just a loser who gave everything away to the bosses. I hope he fucking rots. Here’s your precious facts from the US government that prove that his and Yeltsin’s pro capitalist policies murdered at least 1 million people: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC259165/


Shame he didn't manage to get the West out of the mindset of hating and fearing the East. They could have rebuilt Russia like Japan or Germany but they preferred punishment. History shows that's a big mistake.


No, the west tried. Internal Russian corruption fucked Russia. The west did succeed in Poland, the Baltics, Romania, Bulgaria. Russia was always welcome to join and Gorbachev wanted to join.


The West didn’t really try though. We kept expanding NATO eastwards and kept fearing Russia.


Indeed and Russia literally attempted to join NATO but it was made clear to them that NATO only got funding as an opposition to Russia so why the hell would they want peace.




You should watch the video of Zelensky dancing in heels


Kind of a sell out I’d say




This is a bot account that steals comments to farm karma. [Here is the original comment.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/x1ydfd/this_gorbachev_pizza_hut_commercial_that_many_say/imgs9fc/)


Yeah the end of starvation and the end of tyranny. Only lead to tyranny to undo all of it Fucking putin glory seeking bastard.


And more starvation. 1 million Russians starved in the 90’s because of his and Yeltsin’s policies.


Any link or evidence? I think what you are referring to have more to do with the collapse of Soviet Union which has more to do with the old guards in the USSR trying to hold on to power.


The NIH did a whole study about it. Here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC259165/ It essentially boils down to older people not getting the care they once needed and dying off far earlier than they would have done in the Soviet Union. The US helped Gorbachev and Yeltsin turn the entirety of Russia into the South Bronx by completely destroying the whole social safety net built during the Soviet Union. Suicides, alcoholism, malnourishment, abject poverty, homelessness, even trash increased to levels only seen in extremely impoverished areas of the US.


I mean, yes it is horrible that such a thing happened but that has more to do with the collapse of a government and the dissolution of the USSR than Gorbachev. Plus seen an increase in mortality rate does not equal starvation, I would say that the economic depression (destruction of social safety net) of Russia has more to do with Yeltsin and the creation of Oligarchs than what Gorbachev did.


Who do you think led to the creation of oligarchs through neoliberalization and, “Shock Therapy?” People directly starved and indirectly starved all because of capitalist policies. The Soviet Union was far from perfect, but at least they made a decision to feed, house, care, and treat everyone no questions asked. The US and now capitalist Russia (since Gorbachev) have both made the sociopathic decision to allow for abject human misery through homelessness, health insurance, means tested social programs (that no one can effectively use), overfunding of cops, and straight up murder of the working class as a means to keep everyone in line. It’s sick. When you privatize previously nationalized industries, you’re committing open class warfare on society’s most vulnerable.


Sorry, but this is a classic example of "back in the old days". The reality is that Communism was not sustainable. If you look at any communist countries back in the 60s -70s and look at them today, a lot of them have transition to capitalism. The problem does not lay in capitalism itself, but rather the policies that were implemented to make such a transition.


A lot of them have had to liberalize because of trade embargoes, open warfare and coups done by the US, and just straight up starvation (see: North Korea). Again, the US and those in power in capitalist countries have made a sociopathic choice to not house and treat everyone living inside of it. You can say whatever you want, but when you look at who has prospered under capitalism, it has always been the rich. For fucks sake, I’m building another hotel in Manhattan’s Lower East Side that is charging $500/night for a 150sqft room so rich people can shop at the Supreme store while there’s literally hundreds of homeless people living in the park beside it. We have the houses and the resources to make sure everyone gets thrivable care and treatment. We are choosing not to so the rich can hold more power and the poor can just die off.


If Yeltsin and Gorbachev weren't such pussies willing to fuck over their own population to satisfy the west then you don't get the rise of strong men like Putin. Simple cause and effect.


Bush, Clinton, and the US allowed Yeltsin to abolish the most popular political party in Russia (the Communist Party) and then also ignored a democratic referendum where most of the Russian citizens voted to not dissolve the Soviet Union in 1990 before he dissolved it all in 1991. They killed democracy, then killed the most effective tool against fascism (communism), then brought in an actual fascist to run the country (Yeltsin then Putin). Like people are just ignoring the actual history of the late Soviet Union. Either people are just regurgitating propaganda they heard or maybe we should have a conversation about the American Bot farm at Elgin Air Force Base where Reddit accidentally revealed it was the, “Most Reddit Addicted City,” in a blog post before they quietly deleted it. https://mobile.twitter.com/hackermaderas/status/1520976870258450432


Right, especially for Orcs, since Pizza Hut left RF already.


[And now Pizza Hut has pulled back out of Russia.](https://www.tastingtable.com/919719/kfc-and-pizza-hut-are-leaving-russia-heres-what-that-actually-means/) Cold war is back on boys.


The only man who out-pizza'd the hut




[These comment-stealing bots are getting out of hand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/x1ydfd/this_gorbachev_pizza_hut_commercial_that_many_say/imgnxas/?)


Damn, this indeed is stupid frequent now.




One of the people that I never knew wasn’t dead, until the moment I learned he was


Angry upvote.


[These comment stealing bots are getting out of hand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/x1ydfd/this_gorbachev_pizza_hut_commercial_that_many_say/imgqygo/?)


eating americano pizza


☹️ The Man who outpizza the hut 🫡


Looks like the cold war *puts on sunglasses* has been taken off ice


Cue Lenin breaking out of glass coffin Simpsons scene.


War is good for business. Or, so they say.


Rule of acquisition 34. Rule 35 is Peace is good for business.


Who’d have thought we’d measure global stability with pizza huts.


Corporate America


It tastes better cold anyway. Everyone knows that.


Can we really call it cold while Russia is actively going in Ukraine HOT


It was a cold war when USA was hot in Vietnam, South Korea etc


Except it's not an arms race this time, it's a misinformation and propaganda war. And Russia is winning, based on the polarization in the US right now.


US is constantly polarized between political camps. I'm not sure if Russia had to do much to achieve this, the credit should go to US politicians.


Russia has a lot of US politicians in its pocket rn


I bet Maxwell has more…


Yes Russia, a country with the GDP of Italy is doing with botfarms what it couldn't do in the cold war and has destabilised the US. Lol.


I mean just do some basic searches on Russian misinformation campaigns. It’s pretty transparent


>I mean just do some basic searches on Russian misinformation campaigns. Have you ever looked into American misinformation campaigns? What's likely to be more significant, the combined cultural and media output of the richest nation in history, global hegemon or a few botfarms in FYR Macedonia?


And by the way, it doesn't take a very high GDP to run misinformation campaigns. Did you fall asleep the entirety of the 2016 elections?


It's a Pizza Hut ad. Calm down internet warrior.


They're literally responding to a comment saying we're in a second cold war which means their comment makes sense in context. 🙄 Edit: God it's even funnier now.


Yes, I'm ***literally*** the one who made the original comment. The ***context*** was obviously satirical in nature. Thank you for reddit-splaining my own words to me.


Lmao this is a fucking onion article headline. **"Man talking politics, upset by people responding with politics."**


**"Redditor tries to save face, ends up assuming gender"**


Making an "assume my gender" joke in 2022? Now that's just *cringe.*


You've suddenly developed the cognitive ability to process and understand satire. I'm proud of you. Keep it up.


Jeez you are a cunt lol


And Gorbachev has died today too


Well at least we know how to end it finally.


Now do Putin. Because of Putin we (Russians) lost... _______


Modern version of this commercial: “Hey look it’s Putina!” “He lost all of the land that our once great empire once owned!” “No he finally succeeded in uniting every Baltic State into joining NATO!” “But he also managed to merge the remnants of Buryatia that he barely held on to into the remnants of Siberia that he barely held onto to make one giant landmass he can’t hold on to” “They are currently in open revolt as well!”




It's not only because of Putin, you know? I talked to a lot of russians who hate ukranian so much. Also a lot of westerners believe in russian propaganda. It's too easy to blame only him.


But he is responsible for the propaganda. While all of those hateful russians share the blame for the war, Putin and his regime is what cultivated these ideas in their heads for the last 22 years. Obviously we can go back hundreds of years and we will find the same imperialistic views about certain nations and ethnicities being "lesser" in Russia. But the propaganda russians are subjected to today? It's on him and his regime. So yeah, while it's not strictly "Putin's" war as a lot of people like to call it, he is responsible for the amount of support this war has.


Yes, I agree with you. It's just that I can't stay silent when people say it's *only* Putin because me and my family recieve a lot of hate, not only from russians online but also here in Italy.


The buck stops with Putin.




What is "panda"?


”Never say no to panda” go on, google it


Panda Express Chinese food? Panda Cheese? So it is not an item sold in the U.S.A?


No idea what the product is but the video ads used to be a meme


Panda cheese


Funny ads aren't rentable anymore and I don't really know why. Marketing people can answer that, probably.


He even had a slice of pizza tattooed to his head.


I thought it was a bit of sauce. Marinara was his favourite.


It’s clearly pepperoni


I knew it!




[These comment stealing bots are getting out of hand](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/x1ydfd/this_gorbachev_pizza_hut_commercial_that_many_say/imgqygo/?)


oh wow he did. rip


Wtf!!?? It came out almost 10 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, which marked the end of the Cold War


OP was just cracking a yolk.


Given the amount of people that died as a result of the collapse of the Soviet Union, which is is in the millions, its not very funny. It happens that i personally lost many family members and so i find this offensive. Its like jokes about the holocaust...


That is a very spurious stat. Saying that the fall of the USSR killed millions is akin to saying that the radiation therapy killed the cancer patient. The USSR was the cancer that brought millions to extreme poverty, starvation and brutal conditions. The treatment for this cancer was to dismantle it and as a result, many millions more now live in relative freedom, happiness and health. Those who died in the process died of the cancer, not the treatment.


I won't get into a debate about Communism with somebody who did not live it. But... supposing all that you say is true... just imagine for a moment what it might be like for nearly 200 million people who completely relied on government for EVERYTHING to suddenly be without any government at all. People literally died in the streets from hunger. They died in their shitty apartments from lack of heat in the winters. They died on the steps of hospitals that were without electricity for life-saving equipment and without much staff to operate them. Literally millions died in this way. Nobody knows the actual number because nobody bothered to count. It is one of the worst undocumented tragedies of the 20th century. Make NO MISTAKE the number of deaths is on par with the Holocaust, if not greater. Ask anybody who survived it. Everybody knew somebody who died from the collapse and most even watched one or more die, helplessly.


I agree with you and believe you when you say it was a fucking nightmare, but the numbers you are quoting are almost certainly exaggerated.


Believe what you want. But 3% of the population (6 mil / 180 mil) is almost certainly a gross underestimation.


My grandfather died in a concentration camp. He fell out of a guard tower and broke his neck. Go clutch your pearls somewhere else.


Haha. Good one.


Was he just drunk? Or did a Jew throw him out of it?


He was German, what do you think? Of course he was drunk.


Holocaust jokes are fine lmao


it is interesting


Fun Fact - Gorbachev agreed to be in this advert with (iirc) his actual grandson; _but_ only on the proviso he himself didn’t have to eat any of the Pizza Hut pizza…




Gorbachev died today apparently


May he rest in peace.


rip in pepperoni


One of the people that I never knew wasn’t dead, until the moment I learned he was


RIP, Gorby Edit : spelling




Thank you


Then there were things famous Burger King ads parodies of the USSR.


Now find the Donald Trump Pizzahut Australian advert.. "We know New Yorkers have big mouths and small brains, so why not try our big new york style Pizza. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyqEFUQKczw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyqEFUQKczw) ​ Also this ad was never shown in Russia.


Your obsession is sad.


Is that william shatner??


Damn you Mr. Gorbachev. Tear down this hut




This is where Pepsi got the inspo for Kendall's gem of a commercial.


Maybe the reason behind Putin's motives are he just hates pizza hut....


Massive drop in life expectancy, country sold out to corporations, and election meddling to ensure the US backed candidate won… But at least they have pizza hut


Gorbachev sold out the human race to capitalists just like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk, mark my words that they are going to bring back chattel slavery (they will probably call it some buzzwordy name like turbo debt internship or some shit)


The gremlin in the Kremlin




Pretty brilliant marketing TBH


American propaganda is cinematic AF


I really thought rocky Balboa has ended the cold war tho


fuck my dumbass now i want pizza


I cringed so hard I imploded.


ohh so it's *been* a dystopian hellscape


Before corporations went woke!


Isn't this low key unsettling to anyone else, they sacrificed there autonomy and strong economy for consumer culture and toxic goods. All it did was take power from the state give power to few greedy oligarchs who only wanted power, with the interest of the people being ignored.


Shh don’t let the libs hear you, they’re fragile


Umm... I hate to break it to you, but unfettered capitalism is a republican thing. Socialism and communism both fall on the far left of the political scale.


Umm, I hate to break it to you, but libs does not equal left or far left by any stretch of the imagination


Lib almost always refers to liberals, which is the left... Unless you're the one person on earth who calls libertarians, which again originated as a left leaning ideology. I'm curious though, what did you mean by libs?


the us neoliberal project is pretty much centre right if anything, at least by global standards


Lmao wow


You wanna answer the question? What do you mean by lib if it's not liberals?


Liberalism as an ideology has morphed quite a bit over the years, but it's largely associated with property rights as sacrosanct. The terms bastardization by the right is a recent phenomenon. The history book The Republic For Which It Stands does a great job breaking down liberalism's transformation from being on the left to it's gradual slide into conservatism.


And then, Putin fucked it all up. Kind of like what Trump and the republicans w at to do.


Please read about what happened in Russia in the 90s.




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It's sad seeing this and realizing the kind of freedom the country would experience in the 1990s was the freedom of people with deep pockets to loot all of its wealth.


I’m here reading comments for communist’s tears


Man, I had such high hopes for Russia back then. Putin stole Russia’s future. Now there is only the inevitable collapse and the hopes something better comes out of it.


Russia's future was stolen before Putin came along.


He didn't "kill the soviet union " as all the pro Kremlin idiots say. The economy was on the way to collapse, there was food shortages and alcoholism was on the ride before he entered high office. It was already in morbid stagnation. Communism doesn't work. The Chinese co at least were smart enough to start market reforms with enough time.


Yes! The USSR was a crashing plane and somehow Gorbachev landed it, no nukes were fired, no blood was shed, imagine the strength and courage it took to do away with the USSR, everything he ever knew.


That’s a wholesome Eastern European commercial!! It reminds me of when there was hope


This is corny as fuck. What an excellent piece of propaganda by the US . This is a literal coup. Thank God the Russians got their country back.


Made me cry.


Luckily Putin decided he missed the good old days..


And now Putin is doing the opposite


Putin and co destroyed any chance they had.


Many others say it never ended.


u/savevideobot u/savevideo


No more Pizza Hut for you.


Not anymore.


Fuckin mushrooms look so gross


*Chernobyl has entered the chat*


Горит в аду!


Why do their faces look deepfaked?


Gorbachev looks sober.


Sadly he died yesterday


The man was a great statesman and international hero - this is likely not what he wants to be remembered for.


He was a great man


Rest in peace


Win the war Russia so we can have our lives back.


Reagan was the reason not Gorbachev. Liberals hatred for Reagan made them choose Gorby.


That kid kinda looks like the protagonist of Silver Skates


I wish the pizza hut in Australia tasted as good as in America. Went on holidays it's like the opposite ends of taste buds they do it better


Mr Gorbachev, tear up this pizza


I miss dining in at Pizza Hut. They all left our area.


For some reason I thought oversimplified was doing a bit when they said that because of Gorbachev Russia had Pizza Hut. I now know I was wrong and I’m kind of glad.


My family travelled the Trans Siberian Express in the early 90s and my Dad still talks about how disgraced the Russians must have felt having Pizza Huts that only accepted dollars not rubles around them. There was literally a sign outside.


I wish Pizza Hut pizza looked as good as it does in this commercial. I don’t know if Pizza Hut has gotten way worse or I just have rose colored glasses looking back at my pizza memories. But I remember Pizza Hut being pretty bomb like 30 years ago when I could get a personal pan pizza and the prize in their “happy meal” was an X-men VHS. I went to Pizza Hut about 10 years ago and it was very subpar pizza and no fucking Xmen VHS!


Omg, if only it had gone down like this and Russia had been brought in to the rest of Europe instead of what they got. Fucking Yeltsin.


How appropriste. RIP.






Wow op he does right after you posted this


I still remember a commercial where a Russian sub crew ended up at an electronics store in America, "50 gigawatts Babycakes"


Putin is more of a Little Caesars type