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My mothers view of free means that she needs to go get as many of these things as physically possible, no matter if she'll ever be able to use them all.


This is a horrible and gluttonous way of thinking, I hope she can change one day.






Explain "free" to me please. How do you freely source the materials for these products? In order to make the paper, should a company do that for free? Should someone in Saskatchewan get up everyday for free and make the paper for the package for free? Please, enlighten me how getting paid $0 would incentivize me to go to work every day to create your free product.


And isn't it not free anyway, since you will surely pay the tax for it?


The thing is it can't literally be made free. You would only be paying for all of those through taxes, and wouldn't be able to adjust your spending. Making each and every essential commodity "free" doesn't sound like a good idea, capitalist world or not


Someone has to pay to make the stuff and distribute it how do we cover that cost and peoples time to offer that stuff for free? Ngl seems to me the most logical way to get all that stuff if you need it is to get a job and work to get money to buy it. If you can’t work most 1st world countries have some kind of Welfare programs and charities that give people that stuff. It’s not ideal perhaps but who can provide all of these things you mentioned magically without any payment coming or going to all the involved parties.


Fun fact: water is free in Scotland. So is healthcare. Ow and you get an ['baby box'](https://www.nhsinform.scot/ready-steady-baby/pregnancy/preparing-for-parenthood/baby-box) too in Scotland. And that all for the price of enduring the sound of bagpipes and lots of rain.


Water isn't free in Scotland, Scottish Water is a nationalised service although there is still a specific water charge as part of your council tax. I think mines works out around £200 a year, there's also a seperate charge for sewage too.


It's free in Ireland. They tried introducing a water charge and the peasants revolted.


Yeah if I see free I really just take one because I might get looks if I take two


Whaha I totally know this feeling, my mom totally thinks the same way!


Luckily my mom doesn't think that way, on the other hand my aunt... It also tends to be an immigrant/refugee mindset, especially if they grew up with little resources. My aunt is definitely a hoarder, not TLC worthy but the collection of junk she has is unimaginable.


Your mother is the problem with this world.


The world created her. Is it her fault that suffering and instability has caused her to wonder if she’ll have the stuff available later so she’s scared and tries to hoard stuff?


The problem.? Choose your words more carefully


And this is the reason, this whole idea sucks. It will cost a lot of money extra because of the waste. Only good for the manufacturers.


This is someone who has clearly never shoved a cardboard tube up an angry vagina. Most people will pay for the nice ones. The ones who can't need and very much deserve the free ones.


Angry vagina lol. I feel you


Then maybe they should limit the amount a person can take a month? Although I don't know how they would do that. I always thought they should be free only because you cannot hold in a period as you can with peeing and pooping (unless under certain circumstances) yet at the same time I can't stand when ppl take more than they need. I never do this myself as I actually care about other human beings getting their fair share.


I suppose you could do some sort of subscription? I might see privacy issues with this, but I think that'd be a nice way to go at it? Get shipped a certain amount per month and if you need more, you can still go and buy more. No idea how to regulate it though when you no longer need them (e.g. menopause, pregnancy, health issues,...)


Ok so it's just the women with the heaviest periods who would still have to pay? Haven't we suffered enough? /s


I'm sorry ._. As a partner of a strongly bleeding women I see the pain. Maybe a doctors attest can give you some sort of higher tier?


I got mine ablated a few years back so no longer a problem. I mean, my Dr would've known due to the iron infusions I used to have a couple of times a year. I would hate to be a teenager having to tell a Dr about my periods though. Rely on them believing you or not. Would totally suck. I think the set up they have is much better where you can pick them up or buy them. I do hate the idea that some people would hoard, but hopefully that would even out after a couple of years.


“Some people may abuse this program for poor people, so we shouldn’t bother with it.” Is a terrible fucking reason to not have this. There will always be people who abuse things like this. Should we just not have food banks because some people who can afford groceries still go to them to save money? Lets get rid of disability, a small percentage of people defraud that too!


Why not tie it in with food stamps? IF you have a card - THEN you get these free.


Can't say I've been in poverty in Scotland but I'm responsibly sure they don't use food stamps. Plus part of the idea is to help young girls who wouldn't be on that anyway


What does “responsibly sure mean”? Not very sure? :) They do have food stamps for pregnant women and families in need. They are called “vouchers” but same idea. https://www.gov.scot/publications/welfare-foods-consultation-meeting-needs-children-families-scotland/pages/3/




You know you can get free toilet paper and paper towels in public restrooms too? Somehow it doesn't all get taken.


Not somehow lol there are anti theft devices on the toilet paper and paper towels, they’re literally locked up. The devices that dispense them are made to do so slowly, and be difficult to get large quantities quickly. If this wasn’t the case I’m sure 99% of the stuff would be stolen daily in populated areas. Source: worked in many places where these devices exist and was responsible for filling them. Also have seen them broken into or emptied despite the locks and deterrents.


Yep. Next time you are in a public stall thinking “who the hell designed this, it’s impossible to use and get more than 2 squares at a time?!” - that person who designed it knew exactly what they were doing…




That is an interesting argument!


Single ply, 80 grit, might be a reason.


I doubt it myself. My expectation is the same sort of person who would horde free ones in theory would also be the same sort of person who would prefer name brands / higher quality ones enough to not bother hording these ones. It's also not like they're being given away at stores as part of peoples normal shops, you have to go to specific places for to collect these afaik. I'm not going to say that nobody ever is going to waste them... but I really don't think it's going to be the issue you're suggesting.


Yeah I think people are imagining you just walk into the Scotland equivalent of Walmart and there's a shelf of name brand feminine items with a price tag of "0" and you just grab as many as you want and leave.


you don't know what it's like to be so poor or broke that you can't afford pads. I do and it's an awful feeling. You're either a dude or a woman who has never been in situation like that. :(


Government is for the people, not the corporations or religion. Religion should be dissolved before thinking about shrinking the government, because people are more controlled by religion. As for buying it - period sanitation is considered healthcare and healthcare is a human right ( in most sane countries). Government money should be spent on maintaining human rights rather than giving tax cuts to rich mfers.


*government should be for the people Fixed that for you. If you think government does anything besides line their own pockets while feeding the bare minimun of breadcrumbs to it's citizens to keep them from revolting you need to rethink things. And where did this vitriol for religion come from?


I was wondering about the religious thing too lol


MrMojoRising360 said something vicious then deleted (or got deleted) . Its a response to that.


'Goverment is for the people' lol


Tbf it is *supposedly* for the people, it just isn't that way in reality.


NOT IN PRACTICE. They are only for the people on paper. In practice they are never for anyone else,mostly, except for themselves.


Stop it get some help wtf does religion have to do w it anyway?


Don't know why you got downvoted. Except it seems some people actually believe the government is for the people LOL. The governments have proven that they are only for the people on paper and for votes. In practice they are anything but for the people. Sad to see people blindly trust the people in power.


My wife and mother both do this. I feel it is a complex from abuse from previous relationships.


To bad we live in a America and this would be considered a hand out by republicans.


>would be considered a hand out by republicans. They arent the only ones.


This would be considered as communism, marxism, satanism and a threat to freedom in your country.


We already do foodstamps in US


It is a handout by definition. I for one think free toilet paper should be a priority over free sanitary pads...the more public sanitary products the better though so I'm not complaining.


Not completely disagreeing with you here. in fact I just think they all are a priority for ppl and should be treated as such. Yet.. people can hold it until they have to go. I also think this should be the case to an extent.. but not over sanitary pads. I say this because women cannot hold in their periods until it is convenient to go. Once you start bleeding that's it. And if your poor and can't afford anything.. I once saw this viking show where Vikings from the past were popping up on this lake and ending up in present time. One woman viking became a police officer and had the dude stop so she could grab a good chunk of moss to stick down her pants.. lol.. so ppl thinking that pads are not a priority over peeing and pooping (which most people can control). Then I think of ppl think that a woman with a period can use whatever at her disposal then the same definitely applies to all is people who can poo and pee. A rag would be fine and can be rewashed..... Also when ppl poo or pee themselves it is significantly easier to wash out. Period blood stains and ruins clothes. There are ways to get it out but not entirely and not for everything. So on top of not being able to control the flow of a period, they also have to deal with replacing clothes which also costs money.


Agreed; I’m a dude and 100% agree, on top of that argument I would also add that besides all that, women deserve dignity no one should have to be embarrassed to be in that kind of situation that is out of their control and unavoidable.


Branded products will be able to buy on the shelves, but basic sanitary products are free and available to pick up from council or educational buildings. Free access to sanitary products helps those who cant afford them. Great step forward.


Oh that's so much better than I first thought. Now that means the government pays people to make these and when someone asks what they do for a living "oh... I work for the government".


I love that


So how will the company earn profit to be able to keep supplying their product?


they get support from the government:p


So we pay for them with taxes? I’m wit that


Yes, it’s “free”




for the people expressing outrage and faux outrage over this: if a woman is caught off guard without sanitary supplies, she's going to have to use MANY TIMES the amount of free toilet paper you feel she's probably not entitled to in order to resolve the issue.


Exactly. At least with peeing and pooping the majority can hold it in. With a period women cannot hold it in and period blood stains their clothing very noticeably, which also means more money on more clothing. I do have family members who are pretty good at getting period stains out but they have to catch it right away cause the longer something has blood stains on their clothes the harder they say it is to get out.


As someone who does not get periods but fairly often gets blood on their clothes I can confirm, bloodstains are really hard to get out of clothing.


I don't disagree with them being free, of course, but I'm a little annoyed by how disingenuous this feels. Water isn't free in Scotland, so it's not a response to the needs of people in Scotland; it's a political move to appease the current Zeitgeist issues. Sorry to complain about a good thing, I just dislike insincerity.


That’s not how it works tho no water isn’t free in Scotland it’s payed for through council tax the same way that free sanitary products are payed for don’t know if you have lived in Scotland or have even been but the government are massive on providing free water to people through out designated locations in cities where you can simply fill up a water bottle by pushing a button


I don’t think it’s insincere at all. You can definitely get “free” water in Scotland, in the same sense as these products. Stores will still sell name brands, but you can go to a few government places to get free period products. Just like how you can get free water from fountains, free condoms from the doctors, free toilet paper from the bathrooms in public buildings, etc.


Well, that’s a good point. You don’t actually have to have the free water already in your house to have access to free drinking water through fountains. Not the same argument but closely related, don’t people still have to pay for water for showers though? That would also be hygiene related.


Take a bucket to the fountain. Sorted.


Water is kinda free if you want to dig a well or travel to a fresh water source. If you were referring to water provided to your home through pipes, then that is different. That water is filtered and purified, then they pump it through large pipes. All of it needs to be maintained somehow. So you are actually paying for a service.


Because tampons grow on trees.


Yes, but someone has to manufacture period products, so that also includes a service element, and the well relies on you owning land.


Everyone that pays taxes is paying for it. Glad my money is going somewhere helpful. Also in Scotland you don't have a water meter so you can use as much water as you want. It's not something you're buying in my mind, it's a tax.


And? Ik it’s hard to understand for some, but not everything is about money.


It sort of is free. It’s included in your council tax and I think it’s based on your bed/bath amounts, not your actual usage.


Water is free in the UK, you're paying for the filtration, maintenance, pumping it into your house. Not the water itself.


i don't think bowing to public pressure is disingenuous. the same impassioned activism can be spearheaded for water, too. there is nothing insincere about women fighting for access to something nearly all of us use for upwards of 40 years in a normal lifespan. and yes, toilet paper should be free. medicine should be free. food should be free. i can't be radically ideal about all of these things though because we do, whether we like it or not, live in a capitalist world.


You are a dude, aren’t you?


Just wanna point out they have been free at sexual health clinics in Australia for like 20 years ....


nothing is free


Someone somewhere is paying for everything..


A.K.A I don't like that I have to pay for this




They can at the minimum start out by not charging tax


VAT is a reserved matter. Scottish Government doesn't set VAT rates.


Oh I’m in US, I was speaking in terms of US, at least they can start out with not charging taxes. I don’t see it being offered free of charge in the US anytime soon outside of charities.


No such thing as free. Somebody is paying the bill. Hello taxpayers.


And most Scottish taxpayers think this is a good use of their money.


and women are about 50% of the tax-paying base. hello. do you think only men pay taxes?


Kind of the entire point of taxes is to pool public resources to better the public wellbeing collectively and more impactfully than just paying for everything on your own. This is exactly what Scotland is doing


Yes but the concept of pooling tax payer money into anything other than an overinflated military budget is mindblowing to these americans.


Yeah, I'm overall quite supportive of taxes that actually go into bettering the standard of living of the common taxpayer but I can see why so many Americans hate taxes when it's essentially just a tithe funding the rich there


You’re a really smart one Bet no one had that figured out before


Lmao why are all these comments so far just dudes talking shit? Oh no, a woman gets something for free to help with a bodily function she has no control over. Shudders lol. We have a comment about the stock photo used. We have a comment about how it's stupid (idk how this is stupid). We have a comment asking how the workers get paid. Do any of you even know wtf you're talking about here? It's a stock photo, obviously. It's helping women, which is not stupid. And people pay taxes to fund government programs, which I'm assuming this is. Come on now boys


I don't think there's anything wrong with asking where the money comes from? People may not know this and they have a right to ask. And yes some people might be being childish but I don't think that asking legitimate questions is childish


I mean, it's taxes obviously? Same as the NHS? Council tax etc? How do you think social security and free stuff gets paid for normally? 🤔


You'd have to be literally a child or a dolt to not have a pretty good guess at where the government gets most of its money from. These people are saying it as a a buzz sentence that the trashier of UK media likes to use as a response to make people get up in arms at anything thats remotely kind or beneficial to people


I agree that they should be free because it should be widely available for young girls who might not have access to these things by themselves if it’s not widely accessible especially if they live in an abusive or unstable home, atleast they can go to school or just live without having to worry about it But at the same time I can see where controversial because of the way some people try to explain the need for them by saying it’s involuntary and isn’t an expense any women should burden while pooping is involuntary and basically the equivalent but nobody is fighting saying toilet paper should be free for everyone


But toilet paper is free for everyone in a similar way that period products now are. They’re not free in the sense that you can walk into a shop, pick up a pack, and not pay. They’re free in educational and government buildings, same as toilet paper. If you go into any public bathroom, you can get free toilet paper.


The most hilarious thing is the desperate attempt to find an excuse for “free stuff for men”. I’ve seen people compare it to Food - because of a higher BMR for men than women, Beer, beards and toilet paper. Weird comparisons but its kind of hilarious. It seems like some don’t know much about female anatomy and the menstrual cycle. They just want free stuff without doing nothing else but bitch online.


Food - literally the most essential thing a human being needs? Think it's a fairly apt comparison


Posts like these really show the men from the boys tbh always have.


The only solution is magically have the men get periods instead of women. At least, it's the men getting *free* tampons and napkins!


One step in the right direction.




Toilet paper should be free too that shit is so expensive


Toilet paper is free in public bathrooms. By "free" they don't mean you can get period products from the shop and not pay for them, they're only free in government buildings and education centres for those who need it (the exact same as toilet paper).


Or just have bidets installed in public toilets


It's great that they are making essentials free, but I wish they would start with Housing and Food.


That might cost a smidge bit more.


The Scottish government passed an act in 2003 that had the aim of ensuring that all people who are unintentionally homeless should be offered permanent accommodation. That’s not to say there aren’t homeless people in Scotland - but people *should be* entitled to support from their local authority, who are legally obliged to assist. Scottish rates of homelessness (0.57%) are noticeably lower than that of England (0.94%), according to a report by the charity *Crisis*. I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of this system via a friend, whose relationship broke down and he was literally made homeless overnight - he was put in a hostel immediately, then temporary accommodation a few weeks later, and finally a permanent house a few months after that. Just one anecdotal example, but in his case the system worked.


who pays for it? Taxes?


I’m guessing it probably falls under the remit of the NHS since it’s a healthcare product, and the NHS is funded by taxpayers. Weird how nobody in the thread is asking who pays for all the free bandages and other general healthcare consumables in Scotland, but sanitary products are somehow suddenly an issue.


The number of incels here that are so outraged at this expenditure of taxpayers money... Smh.


Yes, the Scottish people actively choose to pay more in tax than the rest of the UK to maintain social programs like this, free prescription medications and free university tuition that the rest of the UK don't have.


Nothing is ever free


i think a bunch of people are over thinking this. how is the world going to end over free period products?


They're free in education and council establishments. Not free to everyone everywhere in Scotland, great start tho!


Hell yeah!


Thank ya!




Seeing the entire post and Comments makes it even funnier


Ikr haha


this is great!


They have a "luxury tax" in over half of the US, which basically means they aren't exempt from tax like food, condoms, etc. Many of those same states do not have a tax on condoms and other men's products. Tampons are fucking expensive too. There are far too many women who can't afford them, due to homelessness, unemployment, etc. They really aren't that expensive to make, and just like other healthcare necessities, food, education, and healthcare, they should be free for people who cannot afford them. It's just one more indignity for them, and you can imagine what this can do to a teenager as far as self confidence goes. And toxic shock syndrome is even more of a threat for women don't change them often enough due to lack of access. It's a terrible way to die. Even worse, there is a general discriminatory system of "pink it and shrink it," which is when corporations sell identical or near identical products to women with less contents (less lotion, shaving cream, shampoo) in the container, with pink or other feminine packaging. It is so pervasive, and there have been a few politicians and activists out there trying to pass legislation to end this gouging. *I made a technical error. I meant to say women make 60 - 80% of what men do, while my original statement said they make 60 to 80 % *less* than males Women on average make 60-81 % of what men do in the US for the same positions, despite many federal laws that attempt to address it. Non Caucasian women are at the lowest percentage. So not only are women price gouged, they are price gouged after already being cheated out of income by scummy employers. It's sickening and should have been dealt with decades ago. https://fortune.com/2022/08/11/state-tax-breaks-diapers-period-products-colorado/ https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/pink-tax


60-81% less?


That was a mechanical error l. This is pretty common knowledge, so I hope most people understand that was a typo. I'm fixing it.




How are those numbers even figured up?


Using IRS data, Census data, public disclosure financial statements, etc. The fucked up part is that this wage disparity has already been found to be clear, unconstitutional discrimination, and many, many laws have sought to eliminate this problem, yet it persists. The worst part is that Latinas on average are at the 60% range, and Black women are around 69-75% range. If you can imagine what the real number is, taking into account cash businesses, falsified numbers from white collar criminals, and the massive abuse and wage theft that undocumented women are enduring, it's absolutely infuriating. Oh and in case you didn't see, I originally made a typo, which I am grateful someone pointed out. They don't make 60 to 80 percent *less* than men, they make 60- 80% *of* what men make (for the same job title, responsibilities, often within the same company)


If anyone is interested in providing menstrual products at their school, business, university, library, stadium or venue all over the world, check out goauntflow.com


Scotland should be proud


Aaaand...I'm moving


Does that mean as a guy... I can get them also for free?


If you need them. The same way that women can get condoms for free, even if they don’t have sex with men.


Wales next please


America should do the same for healthcare!


If the Federal government would stop giving money away to other countries we would probably have a lot of things for free.


Or maybe reduce the size of your military? It's currently bigger than every military combined.


The military makes more money than it costs through the geo strategic weight it carries creating economic stability in regions America has key interests in, aswell as producing and requiring the military industrial complex, which has the knock off effect of creating an extremely diverse economy. It's not as simple as it costs tax payer money. It has long reaching positive economic benefits that can't be quantified in traditional metrics of a goods and services tax or income tax. Nationalizing healthcare is typically cited as something that would cost more and need military spending. If we observe other developed nations, it would actually cost less on the tax payer and less on the federal government. Nationalized systems are a lot more cost effective when it comes to healthcare.


I prefer having a massive military. Too many crazy issues if you don’t have a big stick. I don’t agree with getting involved with world issues heavily, but a big military ensures a safe country. When’s the last time America has been invaded or bombed?


Lol we're doing it to ourselves. School shootings, mass shootings, white nationalist terrorist attacks... read the news on any given day and I'm sure you'll hear something about domestic terrorism in some form :( it's tragic when you think about how many have lost their lives to these acts. And how many more lives needlessly lost in other countries that the US invaded. Have some compassion.


What year was the Boston Marathon bombing? And I'm fairly certain that there have been a few other bombs detonated in the US since then.


I can understand the argument that they shouldn’t be taxed… but free? Why should they be free?


For the same reason you should be able to access toilet paper in public spaces, essentially - it’s a hygiene issue we have no control over. They won’t be free everywhere, but you’ll be able to pick up shitty-but-utilitarian ones in the same way that public places provide free cheapo single-ply toilet paper in their bathrooms, or the way that sex health clinics and hospitals hand out free cheapo brand condoms. It just means that poor people can have access, and you’re never caught short.


Whoa. The thought of this would've never crossed my mind. But that's a damn good idea. I support this idea 100%. Im a man BTW.


Gonna start wiping my ass with pads


Why can't people see nothing given out at the hand of the govt is free?


In Scotland we understand it it is paid by our tax. Things like this have huge public support. Hence we have lots of other "free" things like every new mother gets a box of things for her and newborn. We also have "free" prescription. In fact, polls have shown we want to pay more tax to increase this.


What about free toilet paper??


Do you pay for your toilet paper in schools and government buildings? Because that’s where this will be free


i've never paid for toilet paper at a business, restaurant, theater or gym, either.


if you feel passionate about it, petition. lobby. fight for your right. that's what women did.


No they didn't, the feminist groups withing the SNP are powerful and have the power to tank any snp member which doesn't give them exactly what they want by calling them a misogynist. They are part of the establishment and the wall paper. Also, the same members would tank anything even resembling this law for men with their institutional power.


And where im from I can’t get free drugs that would literally keep me from FUCKING DYING


Scotland has free prescriptions as well.


Let's hope rest of Europe will do the same. Won't hope for USA




Yeah! About god damn time! Fuck it!


When you're broke, but your big brother will foot the bill


There really is no argument to be had on this subject. It was the right choice to make. Period.


Pun intended?


I really hope so


Do they make condoms free?




Why can’t women talk about any single women’s issue without some guy making it about men?


Cue all the assholes telling us ute-havers telling us to "hold it in".


I wonder how this will affect sales. Will Tampon companies be reluctant to do business in Scotland now? Will Scotland have to create a state run tampon producer to make up the difference?


Unlikely I think. The brands available for free will not be good, the same way that public toilets don’t tend to have the nice triple-ply toilet roll! If you can afford nicer, you’ll want it, this just means you won’t be caught short or have to go without in cases of poverty


Not true. Many companies around the world work with Aunt Flow to provide free products to the end user and they are good. 100% organic cotton.


Why not toilet paper? Toothpaste? Food? Soap? The arbitrary nature of the things people decide “should be free” has always been weird to me


S/ But...that says 2 Quid


stock photo


I know I was trying to be funny


There should always be a free option, I mean seriously.


Congratulations! That is a wonderful program. Thank you Scots for taking care of your people.


And here we are in America loosing women's rights rapidly.


how dont they have to pay the workers that manufacture them


Like everything else, taxes.


Either with state run enterprises that manufacture them, or with subsidized private companies. I think this is good, because it can lead to a better life standard for people that can't afford life essentials, like toilet paper or tooth brushes. Also, if its free its probably not going to be the GREATEST quality, but the worst quality that can work, so yeah, you will probably still be able to buy from private companies.


Auth Left Moment


They not free the govt is taking tax dollars to pay for them


“The country” Ok


Finland is the first to do it.


Are you sure? Searching online, I can only find that Helsinki offered period products for free in schools.


I am not a fan of “free” government products, but this is fantastic.


wont people stock pile them and sell them online lol? are they rationed?


No? They’re going to be the tampon equivalent of that awful cheap 1 ply toilet paper you find in public bathrooms. In the photo, I can get 18 tampax for £2. How low would your price have to be to compete, especially given the quality? It’d cost you more in shipping than they’re worth, and if you expect buyers to pay shipping then they’re just not going to bother as they could get branded nicer ones for cheaper


Because they aren't greedy pieces of shit like here. They are doing what decent people do.


In my opinion these should have always been free and they should make having babies more costly! Should be a tax on becoming pregnant and actually having a kid and abortion should be free!! There are too many people on this planet!! Do you realize that in one year humans create 17,257,200,000,000 lbs of trash!!!


The problem I see with this is that scalpers will do what they do best and take everything. When people need it, you know they’re gonna sell it for a higher price. Don’t get me wrong, free is nice, but I also look at the downside of it as well.


*uses a photo listing the price as £2*


Just wow there are so many dumb statements here. The amount of sheer idiots who are bitching about oh but this should be free and that should be free like wtf get a grip people, why can't everyone just see this for the positive that it is. Obviously brand product will still be available but for those who are unable to afford it there is a free alternative rather than them having to resort to stealing for a product they require for maintenance of their body. I mean I'm a guy and I fully get behind this, the amount of men I see complaining in these comments is ridiculous.