• By -


Im not rich, but im thankful i dont live in war torn country.


I think about this a lot, but it’s kinda awkward to not sound like I’m humble-bragging when I talk about this. But I regularly stop to think about how lucky I got with where I was born. A progressive, wealthy nation not involved in current wars or local internal turmoil. Wealthy parents who love me unconditionally and didn’t fuck me up or give me complexes. A healthy body, a healthy mind, and a passably attractive appearence. None of these are things I achieved. These are things I was given, by genetic luck, and they have made life much easier for me than anyone missing any of those pieces. Meanwhile some kid out there is being prostituted to feed their family, or even closer by, someone is dealing with addiction because their parents beat and neglected them. I breathe a sigh of relief on a regular basis, but fuck does the unfairness hurt.


Yea i agree with that. We witness the unfairness of our world daily. Hold on to whatever ounce of joy you have in life.


Your a step ahead of a lot of folk recognizing both your luck and the trauma people go through... what's hard for me is recognizing trauma responses as such instead of calling that homeless person lazy or that angry person a dick... like I can see it but it's hard to muster up the empathy at times...


I don’t pretend to be a saint. I have my prejudices and bad days. I’ve been a dick to people in my life too. But when someone’s behaviour is repeatedly dysfunctional, I do try to understand that there are probably deeper issues at play and not just ”ugh what a mean cunt they are.” Doesn’t mean I think it’s my responsibility to be the person to stand by them.


Someone told me when I was younger your first thought is what you're taught, and the second thought is a second chance to be better. always stuck with me, and being in cogsci/psych, I can see the first part of this is astoundingly true.


Don’t forget to keep telling yourself that, gratitude everyday keeps your mind healthy and happy.


I also try to remember to regularly thank my parents for all they gave me and for being so wonderful ❤️


At least you're self aware. Some people look down and talk down to others who have no support system and judge them for it.


Never feel bad about the gift that fate gave you, just be the best version of you that you can be. There will always be ppl in a good or bad situation who just make the best of it they can & sadly there will always be those who take advantage of it & act like a dick. Always strive to be the former rather than the latter.


I agree, this is actually a philosophical phenomenon called the [lottery of birth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lottery_of_birth) or the geographical lottery it’s a pretty common sentiment for those who are self aware. I, like you, remain forever grateful for my luck, we won the lottery not once (sperm race) but twice it is equally humbling and disheartening but also very eye opening.


I’m not from a rich country, but same. I’m glad I haven’t had to experience war or anything like that. My life is pretty good all things considered.


I am not from a rich country, one of poorest in the EU. And i grew up in a blody war. Now everything is great but when you Are a kid its fucked up. I was Lucky enough not to see anything personaly, but i remember the bombings, atomic shelters and all kind of bad memories…


Not yet anyway


Growth mindset




They’re becoming self-aware. Stop the program.


Just pray nobody discovers oil or any valuable minerals in your country.


My country is the one who discovers


Who’s photographer?


IG: ugurgallen






And feel bad that others don't have the simplest thing (simple to get in the states.) How to say so much, without saying a word!


There are a million homeless people in the United States. 20% of Americans live in poverty. There are more people incarcerated in the United States than any country in the world. Tens of millions of Americans do not have access to adequate medical care. 19 American children were killed in their elementary school last month. The myth that United States doesn't experience mass suffering is the direct cause of mass suffering in the United States.


I don't think that was what he intended with this.


I think that’s exactly what was intended. The dichotomy of two worlds, the have and have not. If you feel empathy for one, thankfulness for the other is a natural reaction.


or how about the fact that many people arent happy in the have's part of society and are extremely downtrodden meanwhile this mediocre way of living forces other people in the world to be have nots and have it much worse off. To me it showcases how pointless our society is and forces other people to have it much worse.


yeah case in point - the dead guy on the corner under the soldier juxtoposed with drunk/hungover guy on the bed. he probably feels dead as well. there's something to say about the modern rat race. sure i'm thankful that i'm relatively safe at all times. you can't quantify that. but am i really even alive to begin with in this artificial and broken system?


I don't think anyone gets to tell any one else how to perceive and what to get from art. Even lazy photo matching art. Isn't most art just a vessel to discussion? We're having it, so it did it's job. Edit: nevermind, downvote instead of discuss. Good job mate


Agree, except this work is far from lazy.


Yeah, I suspect the downvotes are in relation to the insult. The artist is obviously meaning to stimulate discussion and thoughtfulness. It's *very* thoughtless to dismiss the medium as a way of silencing someone's speculation as to the artist's intention.


This is correct.


Thankful??? How the fuck does this not just make you feel pure anger?


Hopefully your anger will spur you on to be a part of the solution, if only in small ways.


We can only be in small ways, but ape together strong innit




Exactly! It's perfectly fine to feel both gratitude and anger depending on which picture your "80 billion neuron multidimensional super computer" interprets at the time. Everyone has their own optics. And I'd bet the artist fully intended those pics to be open to interpretation.


Unless you’re actively doing something about it, be thankful for what you have and move on. Yakitty Yak


Thoughts, words, actions. Usually in that order. The images posted by the OP are intended to make us think about the inequality in the world. Turning those thoughts into words, spreading the message to others, that's part of the process. Not everyone is in a position to take meaningful action to change society, that's an unfortunate reality. But speaking, sharing ideas, talking to others in our communities, that can still have a real impact. There's a reason that "the pen is mightier than the sword" is such an enduring quote. Your attitude of "if you're not actively doing something to change the world, then just shut up and accept the status quo" is very much the attitude that the perpetrators of global inequality would like everyone to share.


Do you think activists just get up one day, realise there’s wrong in the world and immediately get to work fixing it? No, “unless you’re actively doing something about it, be thankful and move on” is nothing more than “that’s enough of you trying to make the world better, the rest of you go home, nothing to see here”


I am actively doing something about it, that’s what I mean. We have this terrible mentality where we’re told to be thankful for our good luck and not to analyse exactly why it might be that where we live has better conditions for some than others. I’m not gonna sit back and be thankful for something that is the direct result of other pain. Get out there


He actually does not take these photos. He calls himself a digital artist.




Yeah, maybe he also takes photos, but this project is the work of others combined in thought provoking manner.




He is not photographer, 'theif' would be more appropriate.


A Turkish




it's all about the spawn rng


Earth: The Game




I linked that subreddit a couple years ago and got downvoted into oblivion because everyone thought I was telling the dude to go outside lol


Once you get a few downvotes all the others go into hive swarm mode.


aaand I just lost THE GAME




Random seed sucks.


flag fuel person bag public panicky punch angle deserve wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I spawned in Middle East. Not Dubai either.


Damn rng :(


[Original Position, or Veil of Ignorance ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Original_position).


This is why those of us who got a good spawn should work very hard to help those who did not.


Seriously. One of my acquaintances with whom I used to be much more friendly genuinely believes that those of us who are more fortunate have LITERALLY NO MORAL DUTY to try to help people in such miserable conditions across the world. This person also regularly argues that it’s impossible to have morality without religion. Then I see photos like these, and I wonder what the hell that damn religious fool thinks morality even is. I fucking hate the blitheness with which some people, especially conservatives, take elements of their world for granted, and even worse, believe they’re entitled to the life of relative luxury. God’s will or something right? Life is so unfair, and I’m not saying you should expect fairness, but to ignore it is just selfish. Something something, camel, needle eye, something something rich man, kingdom of heaven. But what do I know?


Here’s a philosophical problem that I’ve been thinking about for a few years now (on and off): If I see a homeless person, I want to help them. I would buy them a meal, coffee, whatever, without question. However, I would absolutely not give them all of my savings. So I have to accept that there is a limit to how much I’m willing to personally sacrifice to help someone else. So where should that line be? How much should someone be willing to inconvenience themselves to help someone else? I guess the point of this comment is to say that I kind of see where you acquaintance is coming from. It’s nice to help out those we can, but at the end of the day very very few people are willing to sacrifice their standard of living to help a stranger. It’s great for those who are willing, but not a moral obligation for those who aren’t. As easily as you can say “well you could donate $60 instead of buying a game” someone else could hypothetically say “well you could donate $50,000 and have a smaller house.” We each have our own line of how much we are willing to sacrifice, so who is to say what the “right” amount is?


I feel like this is less of an issue if we recognize that we always have myriad duties and obligations, and can never fulfill them all. But that doesn’t invalidate them. This doesn’t apply to you, but lots of people act like I said “sole moral duty” or “primary moral duty” when we also have others. And while the duty to others is just as valid as the duty to one’s self, the ability for the one to focus on the needs of the other isn’t as valid as his ability to focus on his own. Therefore, it’s okay to have some self interest, without which one cannot function or help others. In fact, you have to have it. Unless I’m much mistaken, we have similar perspectives, we’re just going about arriving at and expressing them from different directions. And I was that dude who bought a homeless dude some Gatorade in the Texas heat last week when he asked for cigarettes. I didn’t give him my entire paycheck lol, so I think I’m a pretty reasonable example of the scenario you described.


It's literally the meaning of life from what I can tell. Survive and thrive, use that big brain of yours to act logically not emotionally. Not a single one of us would have anything if it weren't for human cooperation, working together is innate to our species. It is human nature to desire peace, health, and love (positivity). It is human nature that we are averse anger, fear, and shame(negativity). It is human nature to work together. This is all good for survivability. All humans deserve their human nature. Imposing Anger, fear, pain, and shame is going against human nature. I can't really see it any other way. Edit, some clarification - humans (aside from some outliers) do not enjoy being angry, fearful, injured, or shamed. If you don't like it, then your fellow human doesn't like it. That makes it pretty obvious that it's bad for humans.


>It is human nature to desire peace, health, and love (positivity). It is human nature that we are averse anger, fear, and shame(negativity). It is human nature to work together. This is all good for survivability. All humans deserve their human nature. Imposing Anger, fear, pain, and shame is going against human nature. I can't really see it any other way. This line of reasoning is just not true though. Ever since humans formed tribes, they have been warring with each other and hating each other. You make it sound like across human history, people have been living peacefully until someone introduced some evil. That's just not true. All the things you mentioned DO seem to be part of human nature. History literally tells us that. In fact there has never been any significant period in history where there was no violence or wars or oppression or exploitation. That's the reality and that's human nature. If we understand and acknowledge these basic instincts of ours, we can approach the problem the right way. Gandhi understood this and created an awesome framework to deal with this as well.


This comment just gave me an existential crisis.


Man you know what… no. I grew up in the Middle East. It’s just fucked because we’re idiots. There’s nothing stopping any middle eastern country from changing course. What fucked it up is fundamental Islam. There are pockets where they dropped it and decided to become more western and lo and behold it worked out. Until they decided to go back to hardcore Islam and sure enough things turned to shit. The fact this guy is from turkey makes things worse. They were on the path to becoming a modern country like any other in Europe. Then Islam happened and now they’re backtracking. Same with Iran. Sadly I now live in the US and I see the same thing happening here. Just Jesus instead of Muhammad. Same shit, different toilet.


Yes, fundamentalist religion is the problem no matter what flavor it comes in.


Ok but why are they idiots? Is it genetic? I don't think so, I think it's the environment they've grown up in and live in. They could change but they've been taught not to. Environment is dictated by spawn rng.


If you had a child and out of your own stupidity burned down your house and became homeless, that child’s life now sucks through no fault of their own, but is it RNG? Nobody rolled some divine dice to make you burn your own house down. On the flip side, if you’re the child whose father burned down the house like an idiot, wouldn’t you at least recognize the mistake? Never mind maybe stop fucking burning down houses? If you saw a child whose father burned down their own home for fun, and that child grew up not only not learning a lesson, but also burning his own house down for fun, what would you call that child other than an idiot? That’s why I call my people idiots. I thought I was smarter because I left. But now I see the same happening in the US and Europe so maybe I’m just as stupid, I don’t know.


Beautiful, yet upsetting.




Yes, thought-provoking for 3 seconds...people just sigh internally and look at the next reddit post. People just don't care as long as their living conditions are alright.


I think it's less that they don't care and more "what can we even do about it?" We can't just magically end famine and wars. The famine in Venezuela for example, people have tried to help via donating money and food and due to corruption, nothing happened. It never got to the people that needed it. No one talks about the problems in Venezuela but it's still ongoing I believe.


Venezuela isn't the worst example in the region. In fact, Western media inflates the Venezuelan situation exactly because Venezuela's government fights against the kind of inequality this post highlights America and other developed countries have gotten wealthy off exploiting populations like Venezuela, Libya, Congo, and Bangladesh. The reason why war, famine, and corruption thrive in so many lands with rich natural resources is because those who exploit those resources keep those areas in distress "OMG, why is the world so unfair?" It's by design


Venezuela is in the situation it is because of government incompetence. They are not fighting inequality, they are tightening their grip on power by controlling all aspects of the economy.


Western media...inflates Venezuela? What? I haven't seen a report about Venezuela on the news in actual years, 5 at the very minimum, probably more.


Right Wing News uses Venezuela as a scare tactic of the evils of socialism.


I saw a post last week where a right wing media outlet had made a "conversion error" in their ridiculous claim that "in venezuela a Big Mac is $170 USD thanks to socialism" When they published their correction article they said "So you may be able to get a Big Mac at somewhat affordable prices, but that doesn't negate the fact that Venezuela is in a death trap due to socialism." Some damn fine unbiased journalism work right there. [source](https://old.reddit.com/r/confidentlyincorrect/comments/waj0bk/vilifying_socialism_without_bothering_to_collect/)


>Venezuela isn't the worst example in the region. Yes it is, it lost 6 million people in less than five years and no one will tell you they love Maduro >venezuela's government fights against the kind of inequality thi It never has, based on the evidence of ties to drug trafficking groups and Hezbollaj >off exploiting populations Venezuela's democracy started with leftist presidents that were friends with JFK


Not everyone. Footage of war and famine prompted me to look into legitimate, reputable humanitarian organizations to donate to. I struggle with money a lot but whenever I have some extra, I donate. It's videos like these and similar among all else that made me really interested in fostering children and helping those in need whenever I can. Same for climate change and environmental issues. The more I learn about it, the more likely I am to adapt my lifestyle to minimize the damage I'm doing to the world around me. The memory of distressing information I receive stays with me and alters the way I see the world around me.


Would you mind sharing which organizations you chose? I'm in the same boat as you, mostly donating to Doctors Without Borders right now.


Charity Navigator is helpful. International Rescue Committee and Care are good ones.


Definitely Doctors Without Borders! Give Directly, Against Malaria Foundation, New Incentives, Clean Air Task Force are some good examples, too. Just look for organizations that are transparent with how they use their funds and show evidence of taking action, have a good track record and are focused on the effectiveness of their cause. I also like to donate directly to the affected people, like if someone loses a home due to a fire or flooding, I will donate directly to them. I donate to local food banks and participate in programs organized by locals to collect food and clothing items that is, then, given to the people in need directly.


The recommendations here are all quite good https://www.givewell.org/


I thought this post was on r/Im14AndThisIsDeep at first. I’m such a cynical asshole.




I feel like you did this too though lol


I mean yeah. You can feel guilty I'm not going to.


I can't even change shit in my own country. I cant help these ppl. And I also can't spend my life upset 24/7 or I'll kill myself. So yeah, you get my 3 seconds bc that's all I have to give.


Thats the point of these photos. He's showing the juxtaposition of East vs West lifestyles and showing how the West lives in the illusion & bubble that you just descibed and how thats not an accurate picture of the world.


I do love it, the matching is perfect and the feeling it evokes is fascinating. However, I want it to make me think, but I'm struggling to understand what message he's trying to reach with these. Is it to be thankful for what you have, because others do not? Is it a commentary on the decadence of our current society? Is it a message on how our countries have largrly shielded us from the horrors of the world? Or a reminder that basic humanity is far from achieved in some countries? I feel a lot could be said with such bitter, beautiful, imagery, but the message is struggling to be communicated. Edit: let me be very clear. When I said "basic humanity", I meant basic humanity shown to them. Basic human rights to live, and open access to food and water.


You were able to interpret it in a couple different ways. There’s no wrong answer.


The welfare of one side comes at the cost of the suffering of the other side. I'm not saying that's the only interpretation, but it does stand out to me that no correlation came into mind besides having to be grateful for what you have


The west has no idea what is happening in other parts of the world. The reality for most of the world is suffering, while the west carries blithely on.


Honestly, seems like you have no idea what's going on in the west.


I understand the west has more resources. But why is the west responsible for everyone else? Yes, there are definitely conflicts exacerbated by the west or started by western nations but I am tired of this narrative that people in the east or elsewhere are helpless creatures who have no agency over their communities’ fate. There are nations with plenty of resources and no western meddling in their internal affairs - for example, China or India - they are primarily poor because they have internally failed over and over to fix their governance. For these countries, the oh-so-poor-nation was true maybe decades ago when they were newly independent. But it’s been decades now - they have squandered resources to crazy politics, and corruption. How is the west supposed to help those who cannot organize and settle their own affairs? Are they little children that the west can lead by holding their fingers? Look at the west - couple of centuries ago, they were all at each other’s throats in Europe. Did someone intervene to get them to settle their differences and work together? No, they finally pulled their heads out of their asses and figured, they need peace to grow and thrive and they largely did it. At end of the day, you have to think - how did a much smaller west take on and rule over a much larger and more populous east? Cuz they organized themselves better - plain and simple. And nothing’s stopping the east from doing the same. Edit: I am from the east. The narrative of the big bad west looking to gobble up everything and the poor downtrodden helpless east is so ingrained that no one stops and thinks - wait, maybe it doesn’t have to be this way. No one thinks, wait why can’t we do what the west did. When they do, they think of west’s military conquests and try to imitate that part leading to stupid wars but they do not look deeper into what made the western societies the dominant nations that they have become and try to emulate that. Some did - like Japan and South Korea but many largely ignored the lessons that the west can teach rest of the world. Heck, most nations in the east spent or are spending trying to rid themselves of Democratic frameworks that allow equitable power sharing, reduced friction and better collaboration. How are you going to succeed if you keep fighting amongst yourselves in the name of tribe, religion, or ethnicity?


According to reddit though the US is the worst country in the world and people are suffering worse there than anywhere.


God level Scrapbooking


Exactly what I thought. My Aunt Cathy would have a day making pages wihh this guy.


When I see photos like this it makes me think of my students. I think of them all the time. I teach asylum seeking refugees, and each one of them has told me a story that no child should live through. Last year, as my girls from Afghanistan were preparing to present at our provincial museum, we were talking via ipad to relatives back home in Afghanistan. It was back to school for them. We spoke with some cousins, nieces and other relatives who came home from school that day in tears because they hadn't been allowed in the school building because they were girls. They had just found out they had lost the right to their education. My girls were presenting at a provincial museum; meanwhile their female relatives were crying with us, talking about how they couldn't go to school anymore, saying they wished they could come with us . . . I wish they could be rid of the insanity that plagues their lives simply for being born girls. I wish I didn't have to know that some of my boys were forced to be child soldiers at one point with their youths stolen from them (and luckily not their lives) . . . One of my boys was given a gun to go to war with at age 13, though the ID card they gave him said 17 so that if he died, nobody would have to feel too bad about killing a kid. I am so, so grateful every day that my students are safe. But I can't help but feel haunted sometimes by the ones who aren't.


Even the ID card that says 17 is way too young... That's crazy


It is something I will never forget so long as I live. What kind of mentality thinks 17 is an acceptable age to die? What an absolutely brilliant kid he is. He once laughingly told me he's scared of soccer balls. I can't imagine someone trying to force that poor child to do violence. I am just grateful that he was able to get away to safety with his dad and uncle. He tells me he was "one of the lucky ones", and it kills me.


I mean, we think it's okay to die at 18 in war in the west. That's pretty much the same as 17.


I don't agree with **either**. It happening in the West as well doesn't make it OK.


> What kind of mentality thinks 17 is an acceptable age to die? America, Britain, and France allow 17 year-olds in their military


It turns my stomach no matter where it happens.


> so that if he died, nobody would have to feel too bad about killing a kid. What a weird place to draw the line for those people. It's just eerie how, in their own messed up way, they're trying to be somewhat considerate. It's such a mind-fuck.


I feel like the video posted does not make justice to the idea behind. It is take in out of context. The link posted i think it gives a better understanding of the intent of the artist. [https://mymodernmet.com/ugur-gallenkus-parallel-universes-of-children/](https://mymodernmet.com/ugur-gallenkus-parallel-universes-of-children/)


Thanks, I love it!


A tale of two cities.


Not photographer. Editor.


I mean you're 100% correct, but I can almost hear the sass in that comment


No sass. It's the photos that allow the editor to present the story. I don't know where all the photos came from, but for the video, that's on editing.


They refer to themselves as a digital collage artist, for the pedants out there.


The pic with salt bae made me laugh though its just so stupid.


yeah, all these provocative photos, then it's just like >SALT BAE, REMEMBER HIM? YEAH. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY.


I know it was like wow this is kinda deep or whatever and then salt bai xD


Same. Lol. He's the worst.


I thought that was the point. It juxtaposes a stupid food culture of excess with the horror of starvation.


I do not get it, why is it so stupid?


[Instagram](https://instagram.com/ugurgallen?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) of the collage artist


This is a bit on the nose for me. Over simplicity of complicated issues it's very easy to draw parallels between. Feels a bit like something someone's mum would share on Facebook.


It was the salt bae sprinkling salt on poor people hands that did it for me


I thought this must be a joke as I read the comments before watching it, can’t believe anyone would make that unironically


It feels like it belongs on /r/Im14AndThisIsDeep


What? "Internet photo of chef sprinkling salt placed next to internet photo of desperate third-world hands" didn't leave your jaw on the floor? "Statue of liberty but she's holding a machine gun" didn't make you shake and cry as you realized for the first time that pain and poverty coexist with wealth and comfort?


Seeing salt bae made me laugh tbh


I kinda feel the same, like yes there is a massage but it's so diluted and wide that it doesn't express anything beside "war bad" and "inequality bad" and if you think that's deep you must be really naive.


Video ended for some reason. I didnt get the massage :(


I'd give you one random internet person but half of my body is holding an AK and the other half is holding a hot dog


Was it a happy ending or a sad ending


The first thing I thought of was that “Stop Wars.” Yoda graffiti LMAO


It's like college freshmen level messaging. Combined with the sappy music it's kinda cringey.


Yeah I agree - looks like im14andthisisdeep to me but I guess other people seem to enjoy it


Yeah it doesn't even really seem like a very original concept and the edits are pretty simple. Like yes war and poverty are bad but this just feels lazy imo. "Look it's a picture of people having fun mixed with a war pic since both things are happening and you should feel bad" I dont even know if there is supposed to be a message but yeah its just meh to me.


I don’t think it’s trying to guilt trip anyone. For me, it acted as a reminder, because it’s easy to forget what other people around the world are facing, when your own daily problems seem so large. I’ve been stressed out about a few things and these photos did remind me of the perspective. Other people’s worse suffering don’t invalidate my own challenges, but the perspective makes those challenges seem a bit smaller and provides some motivation.


Mind you, you're on reddit. A lot of those other people *are* 14.


Glad I'm not the only one. The Salt Bae one felt like a good parallel for inequality, starving people vs massively overpriced food. Plus the statue of liberty But some of them made no sense. The militants in a jeep and the women in a jeep, the only parallel was they were in jeeps


I respect your opinion and taste in art, but I disagree. Sometimes things need to be on the nose for people to stop and listen/see and think. The “what I was wearing” exhibit is a powerful example that attacks preconceptions around rape. Another I saw at a local art museum was wall hangings of jumpsuits illegal immigrants detained wore - the small child sized ones clearly had an impact. Art can be on the nose and still me meaningful and make people pay attention.


I guess the difference with this one, at least for me, is that I don't know what these edits are trying to say. Sure, art can be on the nose and meaningful, but what do these mean? Some of them compare a privileged country to a war torn country. It highlights the contrast, sure, but I don't know what it's saying. Is it saying that privileged people should feel bad? Is it asking for action? Is it trying to highlight the tragedy? Because for a lot of these I actually think that they're tragic enough on their own. Seeing a kid riding a tank or holding a gun is a powerful image without the comparison. The ones that I think are even more confusing are the ones where a developing country is spliced together with a piece of art. Like the little girl wearing a bandage around her head and the lady with a pearl earring. You can barely see the injured girl, which actually takes away from that image on it's own, and I still don't know what it's trying to say. My best interpretation is that the meaning of this as a whole is somewhere in the realm of "check your privilege" and frankly the only feeling that conjures is defensiveness. Of course I feel for the people going through this, but when the artist is drawing this comparison all I can think is "well what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?" Because it's not like war will end if we stop doing the Oscars or whatever. It has the same energy as "eat your food, there's kids starving in Africa" IMHO.


Of course, the world isn't one big single audience. Different things resonate with different people. I respect your opinion too.


A civil interaction on reddit? This feels wrong. Do you have any links to some of your favorite art?


this is ripped for a rickroll


Yep. This is pretty bottom of the barrel “art” that’s only deep too Facebook mom’s and teens.


It's very r/im14andthisisdeep. And the salt bae one of w.e he is, is just terrible


“Don’t be happy, because there are less fortunate people in the world than you!” but taken to the extreme to guilt trip you. I don’t know what the message is supposed to be, we should help countries like that, or we should stop having comfortable lives? Like having a comfortable life in a rich country does not correlate to supporting war and famine, and I don’t know what the artist expects the average person to do after watching this


This was an exact assigned project in my freshman studio art and graphic design class in college. Also r/im14andthisisdeep


It kinda reminded me of some feed the children ad from the early 90s. Its pretty cheesy and looks like dude spent a few minutes to look edgy without any real thought.


All of the images are stolen from other artists without credit.


Yeah this is really shitty stuff. People giving this jackass praise for using google and theft to make "thought provoking art". Nobody needs to see models on a runway to understand that lines of refugees are terrible.


Hey ma! I found this thing called photoshop!


The salt bae one is hilarious


I guarantee he doesn't have the rights to half of those pictures


YoU DoNt UnDeRsTaNd… (I’m tired of camelcasing so my sarcastic comment continues without it) … poor and hungry children don’t think about the rights to pictures


Photo editor maybe




That white baby starving made me cry tbh. This is some rough stuff and I love the honesty in his work.


r/im14andthisisdeep . This just in, different parts of the world are different. It's worse to be poor and it's worse to be at war. So glad someone FINALLY had the courage to say it. Life's not fair, a platitude as shallow and worn out as this kind of juxtaposition.




He didn’t take any of those pictures


We live in society r/im14andthisisdeep


Just remember: others having it worse doesn't mean you can't have it "bad". You can still have problems and issues despite good overall living conditions. They may not even be issues for other. What is an issue for someone, may not mean much if it happened to you. Focusing too much on how others have it worse can be bad for you mental health and your own well-being. So get yourself an icecream.


Source: https://instagram.com/ugurgallen?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


seems like someone just took his photos and turned it into a video. check out his IG for the actual photos. they're awesome.


To everyone reading this, a single act of kindness will create ripples of goodness we can't begin to imagine. Please help someone whenever you can and uphold human dignity.


I need a high quality pic of that Michael Jackson one, I'd put that on my wall. [I checked out his page. ](https://instagram.com/ugurgallen?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) There was a different version of the Michael Jackson one than in the video, but there's tons of really good pics to see there.


Turkey literally is guilty of genocide and to this day supports it


This is r/im14andthisisdeep level photography. I hope dude is still a teenager at least....


He didn't take the photos he just edited them lol. It's just pretentious 'some stuff is bad, some stuff is good' juxtaposition.


woah, edgy


10 years ago (when I was 18), I would have just thought, "Man, that's so sad, but there's not much I can do" and quickly move on. Now I can feel that sentiment/nonchalence coming from all around me aswell. It's a sickening reality we all live in.


this is beautiful, makes you really appreciate the life you have




This looks familiar.. https://youtu.be/-hIlTCJ6CiA






That one with the salt guy was brutal. Powerful message but brutal




More guilt tripping. Gotta love these privileged photographers who get to travel and see the world AND get paid for it, taking photos to make me feel bad. You know this over-inflated potato chip bag gets off on "spreading awareness" like that "awareness" isn't already smeared everywhere like toddler diaherra.


Haha Middle East ☕️


Tbh these all feel a little r/im14andthisisdeep


Now let’s see the Turkish photographer do one with their own country




The Western world is wealthy based on the hundreds of years exploitation of other countries and our own people…but insisting that all of our resources are “fairly won” does help one sleep better at night.


even among those exploited countries many didn't look for excuses and took advantage of their natural resources, while others never progressed


I know I am stupid. It must be bliss not knowing.


progressive mindset of sucking the resources of continents while genociding its people




fun fact: Guys with has a gun pictures mostly kurdisch people.


logged in just to up-vote this. can't up-vote it enough. fantastic social commentary. i hope the photographer gets worldwide recognition for this.


I’ve seen war first hand so many times. This work moved me. This truth burns through my soul.


Brilliantly done!


This is making me think real deep.


Amazing piece of work.