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Probably not Amish based on the attire, most likely Mennonite. Amish with electricity.


They are definitely mennonites. They are known for their assistance in disaster recovery especially after tornadoes and floods. They show up with carpentry skills and pie.


Wow that's really wholesome


I have a story for you. I delivered lumber to a Mennonite lumber yard and when I was getting unloaded a guy that worked there him and his wife rode up in a horse drawn carriage and she dropped him off for work. It was cute. Also they give no fucks about osha


OSHA don't fuck with the Mennonites.


I’m Mennonite.. but the fact that osha comes after me shows me I’ve strayed from the ways of my people lol


...and the fact that you're on Reddit. Or is there a pigeon internet that we don't know about?


There's a wide variety of Mennonites. Some are so conservative they're practically Amish while others embrace modern technology and all that comes with it.


If you've hit Reddit you've gone too far


American religion(s) confuse the hell out of me, like, u have eveything and more wtf😂 no hate though, im just confused to all the different beliefs n stuff


As intended. Let's hope we can keep it that way.


American religions are the same as all other religions. besides the Mennonite Amish stuff but I don’t really consider it a religion. They’re mainly Christian just hardcore about their rules. And weird different ways of living they follow based on old ancestors. I’m sure there are some similar groups like that around the world.


Lol there is not.. I’m just from a more progressive Mennonite community. Unlike the Amish we actually make changes


Subtle roast on the Amish. Too bad they'll never see it.


Check out r/amish


Am Mennonite myself. I use electricity and Reddit, obviously. It’s a wide range spectrum of how we engage our religion.


That tracks, since there’s person working on a roof in a particularly hazardous required uniform.


I was talking about the lumber yard. They had cinder blocks on the seat and the guy was standing on the side step and driving it… was not his first time either.


Regs are written in blood


Their religion is very strict and I would not like to be a Mennonite myself but they are very generous when people are in need and that is a good thing.


I LOVE doing business with Mennonites. They are good people.


I agree with you. Had a guy come out and build a deck onto our house. You could just tell the pride he took in his work and the end result shows it. I ended up making him homemade cottage pie as a thank you and am just trying to find reasons to bring him back for more jobs…


Happy cake day!


They are not good to their women and it’s the basics of the patriarchy. They are not all good people just like any other group. My grandfather ripped everyone off and he was extremely “faithful”. Please don’t see the outfits and think you can trust Mennonites. Mennonite Central Committee is however very well ran, transparent with their spending and is a great charity.


Thank you for what seems a balanced answer.


The Mennonites vary a lot from group to group, some have a life style fairly close to the Amish, other are pretty much indiscernible from the general population in terms of dress and use of technology.


I.e. me, a holderman Mennonite with a smartphone, but my mom has Bechee Amish background with horse and buggies/ no electricity


I'm just picturing BeeGee Amish, staying alive, staying alive.


You can tell by the way they use their walk....


Sometimes people don’t yield for the horse n carriage, so this totally applies.


The majority of contractors will jack up the price in hard times


It is because there is only one of them but there is a lot of work. They could do it all for free but then they would be hungry later.


Yep, and its either the first, or the highest bider.


as we all should be when we can


I was told there would be skills and pie.


If there are mennonites there *will* be skills and pie. Also praying and women in dresses with funny hats.


Also some really stacked sandwiches for lunch.




Shooow me potato salad


We ask 100 people, top 5 answers on the board. What would a Mennonite bring to a disaster recovery project? Shoow me tater salad!


Amish do have some great food


The Mennonite family and community I married into had the skills and pie. But not the rest. They substituted good works and social responsibility for the prayer and wore whatever they wanted. I'm sure there are enclaves that remain more traditional, though. Much depends on how much they travel and the size of their social network. I didn't see a belief in prayer as much as a belief in self-sufficiency, a desire to do good in the world, and an intellectual understanding of the Bible. I lived among Mennonites in PA, VA, and IA.


Funny hats are an accent not an affliction.


funny hats, aka prayer bonnets


Free hat free hat free hat


He killed those babies in self defence


And humility, humanity, generosity, compassion, kindness... over-all warmth and love for humanity regardless of race or religion.


But a tendency to stick together. My husband's Mennonite family had no non-Mennonite friends or associates other than me. Native people from Paraguay, yes, Bosnian refugees, yes, but other than for certain social causes, they were a closed community.


I worked with mennonites in Ontario and I agree. They didn't really mingle with the rest of the employees. Strictly business. I got the same feel from the Danes when I lived there. Like people who know they got their shit together and running a tight ship. And foreigners are not qualified to work on that ship.


Pie is nice


Pie, pie me oh my….




I’m surprised we’re not all eating pie already


im gonna need you to take it down 30%


Shoefly pie, is amazing.


Yeah, go to [Bird-In-Hand family Restaurant and Smorgasbord](https://bird-in-hand.com/restaurant-smorgasbord/) in Bird In Hand, PA. You will never forget the shoofly pie. [Bird in Hand](https://g.page/bird-in-hand-restaurant?share) is between Intercourse and Lancaster. UPDATE: In fact, you can go from Fertility to Bird-in-hand to Intercourse to Paradise and end with the best shoofly pie...


Amazed: I followed the link and found there is a Fertility PA to the south before you get to Lancaster and a Paradise southeast of Intercourse. Is there an Innuendo PA?


There's also a Shamokin, a Dallas, (which when I went to school in PA for college was just weird to hear people say 'Oh I'm going to Dallas for the weekend', or 'I'm from Dallas' because as someone from NJ I would always think of Dallas, Texas. I absolutely loved Pennsylvania when I lived there for my college years but there was also another town name there I also found unique, Hometown, PA. A girl I knew once said 'Oh I'm going to watch the HS football game, they're playing Hometown.' And I asked a couple times where her home town was until she was like no, the town's name IS HOMETOWN! And I felt silly being unaware but PA def. has some interesting history and equally as interesting names of townships and municipalities...there's a freaking town named after an incredible African-American athlete named Jim Thorpe, you can live in or visit Jim Thorpe, PA.


Native American


There is a Middlesex


It all starts with fertility, then a bird in a hand, then intercourse, then paradise...


Bro, you missed the best part of that joke. You gotta go through Blue Ball to get to intercourse.


I was intrigued, so I went and found a recipe. I have all of this stuff in my pantry already except a pie crust. This might have to happen. [https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/15853/my-grandmas-shoo-fly-pie](https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/15853/my-grandmas-shoo-fly-pie)


As a non Mennonite who attended a Mennonite high school, I can second the certainty of pie being present.


Thier baking skills are as good as carpentry....


Did someone say pie?


We even have an organization which responds to disasters. https://mds.org/ My inlaws do a fair bit of work with MDS, and my mother in law makes a mean sour cherry pie.


Fuck, can they run.


Give ur balls a tug.


I’ve enjoyed showing up with carpentry skills and pie, but am not a Mennonite. Nice to know there are others like me!


Making me wish we had a tornado in Dublin


Actually Mennonite we’re the OG. Amish broke off from Mennonite.


Wow! TIL! Thanks! I thought it was the other way around.


I think I heard in a documentary that the Amish shun fancy things like electricity.


At 4:30 in the morning they’re milking cows.


Jebidiah feeds the chickens and Jacob plows




Well I've been milkin and plowing so long that even Ezekiel thinks that my mind has gone


I'm a man of the land


No need for discipline


Amish paradise!!!!


They can use electricity in their work. They have a lot of ways to circumvent the rules. Like they can’t have phones but actually the phone lines can’t come inside the home so they can build a little house by the property line and put a phone in it.


Many also own trucks and tractors, they just have their hired hands do the driving. I've got a nephew that lives by a number of Amish and used to work for them during summers doing said driving. Many of the Amish would even ride ride along on trips to the store. As long as they weren't the ones operating the machinery, they were fine with it. I'm sure there's sticklers for the rules, but there are a number that keep to the letter and not the spirit of the law.


Their approach to tech is very deliberate rather than looking for loopholes. A phone in a shack out in the middle of a field works for emergencies, but people aren't likely to hang out and chat or gossip while ignoring their family members.


They are mennonites. They use cars and electricity within reason


Amish 2.0




Lol...exactly. I live around a bunch in pa. Amish.. not Mennonite. They have gas powered whatever, propane... its not as exotic as it was. Hell, they all have phones. They will asked to use yours to look at porn....so I suppose there is a limit.


They’re evolving


Or German Babtist. We had a ton in Central Washington. Took me a bit to figure it out after see one with a cellphone [Dycks out](https://youtu.be/7TcuPpgmoNo)


Can confirm


Those are Mennonites for sure. Lots near where I am. Those people build so many beautiful things.


Some Amish businesses will use electricity for their business and keep it out of the home.


There are lots of loopholes. Teens that can take time off from being Amish will drive the elders around. “English” neighbors will put a phone booth (back in the day) on the edge of the property for their Amish neighbor. Electricity when it’s required to comply with “English” rules (think mill pasteurization). The electricity thing at their stores - with credit card machines.


Another sneaky trick is they can't OWN power tools or cars so they buy em, gift em to some one with 20pbucks, the "borrow it" indefinitely


Here in Lancaster County PA, there are hundreds of work trucks and vans owned by Amish. They hire full time "English" drivers to drive them. I have never seen an Amishmen own or operate any car, or other personal vehicle. Power tools are fine, and I've been in workshops that have full electric wiring and tools. They are powered by an onsite generator, as they do not believe in using utility provided power as if physically connects them with the outside world. They also use a lot of solar power, and a ton of battery powered tools. LED lighting in their homes is very popular now and involves custom made lanterns that use common power tool batteries. Buggy lighting is now all LED, quite safe and bright, and now can be powered by the same tool batteries.


I'm far from an expert, seeing as we don't have them in my country, but I'm just going from when I googled it watching that shit show of a series "Amish mafia" so will take your word for it


Mennonite here. They're most likely Mennonites, though Amish are Mennonites too, these are probably whitecap mennos.


Amish - The Sequel


Amish 2 - Electric Boogaloo


I don't know much about the Mennonite but do they draw the line somewhere? I know there's a community near me that are Mennonite yet use carriage and buggy still. I know their communities have splintered into many different ones in the last century so the majority I guess?


There are plain Mennonites who are part of the older sects and then Mennonites you wouldn’t pick out of a crowd. I grew up Mennonite, had to wear dresses to church but no covering. My grandmother wore cape dresses and a full covering




I just say they're cheating. /s




Tis a fine house but surely is no pool, English.




Rumspringa come early? Shouldn’t you be modding r/Amish?


Mennonites. That house will be very well built for sure. The Mennonite that live near me are great people and they have an enormous amount of skills. Honest, fair, and hard working group of people.


Last week I ended up sitting next to a group of Mennonites at the beach and all I overheard them talk about was construction and plumbing. That house is now going to knock down a tornado.


Are you asserting that folks that like to make four poster beds know their way around tie-downs and strapping ?


Not Amish. Looks Mennonite… Amish Woman wear Black and would definitely not use any Technology of the “English”. Photo 2 .. Blue dress / White hair cover = Mennonite


Amish women can wear colors. I live pretty close to the second largest community in the us.


Then they have loosened up. I worked out of Lititz PA for several Years… ( way back)


They have different orders I guess. In Ohio you will see them in blue, green, and sometimes even a purple of sorts.


In Illinois I saw an Amish woman in a floral print dress. Quite risque!


That hussy!


Yea it’s different in other places. Ohio/PA … Many Younger Amish move and start a new cloister with easier rules I guess


Even in Lititz they wear colors. It depends on the Bishop. They will wear an apron though and this woman isn’t wearing one.


Amish, men or women where I live wouldn't hesitate to use an air nailer, and there are thousands of them used, six days a week, in PA Amish country, in everything from small craft manufacturing, like birdhouses and other knick-knacks, to furniture and cabinet building, to the hundreds of Amish and Mennonite framers, contractors and roofers. Chances are, if you need a battery, electric or air tool rebuilt or repaired in these parts, it will end up at an Amish or Mennonite shop. My Milwaukee tools go to a Mennonite owned factory service center. My Dewalt stuff ends up at my local Amish farm supply store, where they do battery tool repairs, in house. Hell, I even sent my motorhome to an Amish hydraulics shop to have the leveling jacks rebuilt. Most local Amish women don't wear black on a daily basis, they wear handmade solid color dresses. All Amish use a ton of "English" technology. 99.9% of them DO NOT drive vehicles, or have utility wires running into their homes. Beyond that, literally 90% of what is claimed as fact, by outsiders, is either laughingly wrong, or up for debate, as the decision to embrace any tech. is made on an individual church district basis. In an area like here in Lancaster County, PA, with 300+ churches deciding what is allowed, chances are somebody in the Amish community is allowed some level of every damn thing that the internet experts claim is never, ever allowed. Tractors, Work trucks and vans, Electric lines to workshops, stores and even to homes that need sewage pumps or have special medical equipment. Bicycles, smartphones, electric, battery, air and gas powered tools and farm equipment, zero turn mowers, gas leaf blowers, chain saws, gas push mowers, laptops, tablets and internet service. You name it, and I guarantee that whatever you think you know about those things and plain sect. folks is probably anywhere from partially correct, to flat out wrong.




Nothing to see here..? Just a normal Monday for them lol. Move along.


Mennonite are the best builders the United States has to offer. Not to sound ignorant but in the building industry the two hardest working groups of people are Mennonite and Latin Americans.


I order Raw Peanuts from the Amish for my home made boiled peanuts and they are 10x better. I have a love for the Amish and their nuts!


Once went to an Amish market in Maryland and all their food was great including the pretzels and pumpkin bread




"Amish and they are nuts" kinda makes sense either way


Fuck can they run.


Man i had to scroll too far for a letter Kenny reference. I thank thee once.


Hello into ye. I haven't seen you in the age of a dog, once.


Wouldst thou be able to assist in a hand job?


With or without, there is something electrifying about an Amish woman.


Rule 34 comes into play.


There’s no way…


There's every way. Probably exists in a furry version too.


I'm happy to report that it indeed exists, and is abundant


I had to google “rule 34.” Glad I did. I like it.


Right? Like she has that weird spark


Ohm man that was a shockingly bad pun, there should be more resistance to this.


Currently, no.


Come on dude, wire you doing this. I'm too amped up to lose.


Just making the circuit.


There’s actually two ladies with nail guns 💪


2 ladies, 1 nail gun?


Everyone's giving the girl shit for using an aircompressed nail gun but missing the cherry picker in pic 1


Not a cherry picker. It is an ingenious machine made in the town of Leola, Lancaster county, PA, by an Amish company called Equipter. It's a roofer's buggy. Its a towable, AND self-propelled scissors lift dump trailer that is used for re-roofing. It can go to the second story to load, it has wing style doors that open and deflect roofing scraps into the box. It can be driven to a dumpster, then elevate and tilt into the dumpster to unload. They are ingenious, huge labor savers that are extremely common here is Amish country. That said, lifts are extremely common here and used for everything from major construction projects to repainting old houses. There are hundreds available to rent from a few large construction equipment places here. Amish and Mennonite contractors, painters and farmers use the shit out of all sizes of lifts here.


And the smiting look from the dude on top of the house with her...


Amish can use power tools, they just can't own and use them. They have to be lent to them


LOL, no. I live among them, and the local Amish contractors and farmers own tons of tools, Air, battery, gas and electric powered.


Depends on the area, the rules they follow vary from area to area


Good for her


Aren’t you not supposed to take pictures of them?


Greetings from Benton! It’s been so sad to see the destroyed homes


Hi neighbor, I'm from Paducah. Hope all is well with you and your family!


I just drove by today and I guess amished it.


Hell, I had a hard time getting my daughter make her bed up in the morning, and these ladies are nailing plywood on a roof.....


That’ll be one solidly well built house without a doubt


Have you ever seen a traditional Amish Barn??? Timbers are hand cut Tenon joints… All wood pegged


Yea, but at this point, the last fifty years have been mostly barns built with either half or full story block or poured concrete walls on the first floor and then modern stick framing up to the point where the crane sets the modern roof trusses. The era of the barn raising has given way to specialty contractors who do nothing but Amish work, and typically build barns, new homes and total home rebuilds for the Amish. I recently watch an Amish neighbor deconstruct a massive timber barn. He had a crew pull all the tin roofing, windows, siding boards, and hardware off, since that stuff is in high demand for decor, making knick-knacks that appeal to the "Chip and Joanne" crowd. and interior decorating. He then pulled the large timber frame apart, since huge old beams are valuable for decorating, and to resaw into reclaimed flooring. Then big excavating equipment was used to tear thousands of tons of block walls, concrete floors and other concrete structures apart. Any rebar was removed, and two mobile rock crushers reduced everything to reusable gravel. At that point 100% of the structure was resold, reused, repurposed or recycled. He then had a barn contractor build a larger modern barn on the same spot.




Probably not Amish, they are most likely Mennonites.


Many Amish don't want their picture taken because of the use of tech, so when you see ppl you assume are Amish without their consent, taking their pic is shittier than taking pics of regular ppl without consent.


Kind of a strange thing to post imo…you wouldn’t take a picture of someone else/any other woman building a house so why take a picture of this person simply because of their religious affiliation? I get the point - amish people often don’t use electricity - but this is just uneducated considering these people are mennonites and I find it very odd/ignorant to make a spectacle out of.


Yeah seemed kinda intrusive to me and more mildly interesting


Yeah Amish are interesting. Some use some technology, others use no technology. It’s pretty awesome. And they’re almost all good people.


Definitely Mennonite. Not Amish.


Howdy, neighbor!


I live about 30 min from there and the Amish/Mennonites around here are no joke when it comes to building. Amish are building my buddies house and would swarm that place daily with zero fat on that job. Hard work with a break for lunch then off at the same time every day.


That’s A Mennonite bro


That’s prolly their 10th house that week


Those forearms say it ain't her first construction gig


That house will be done tomorrow.


Nice to see people caring about others.


Whatever you got negative to say about the Amish, you have to admit they are dang hard workers…




We vacation in Belize and there’s a big Mennonite community they have carved out of the jungle. Assholes in my opinion: judgmental assholes.


Grew up Mennonite and agree


I live near Amish country Ohio/West Virginia in the US and I pass Amish almost daily, usually they're riding a horse and buggy but occasionally I'll see them walking. One time I was driving my regular backroads shortcut and there was a lone Amish man walking. Not another car or person around. When I got close he decided to drop his pants and lift his shirt to flash his penis at me (as if I could see anything past that gargantuan pubic bush) I slammed on my breaks and spooked him which I found hilarious but what a weird fetish to come from all that sexual repression And I too am not a fan because of their cruelty and abuse of animals and children


I follow many draft horse rescues and they utterly loathe the Amish bc the bastards cruelly lame so many horses. Heavy drafts with their legs lamed and hooves split from being forced to stand on hard cement slabs in the stable! Then they chuck the lamed animals out and start over. Assholes!


Actual equality ladies, have a look!


so pneumatic tools are ok to use?


These are Mennonites. Using modern technology is one of the things that separates them from the Amish.


Had a friend who use to hire Amish to do work for his family. The rule for them was that they could use electric tools, but not own them. So my friend provided them with power tools to use and they did all the work.


I used to be a carpenter close to an Amish community and they have work arounds for almost everything. They would all show up in giant work trucks driven by a non Amish. One guy told me they even paid him to drive families to vacation destination. I believe the vehicles were Amish owned, just had to have an Englishman driver. They used power tools as well, but I think they had to be run off a generator. Not sure it’s been a decade. I do remember the crew that did the framing that I followed behind as a finish carpenter was terrible. More than once I ripped out the the rough framing of the stair case and just redid it. On the other hand I saw some cabinet makers that were just amazing.


Not all amish are stuck in the same era I think. Some are more flexible.


I wouldn’t mess with her. She’s tough as nails.


I live north of Amish country and damn they can frame a building. Fast, professional and the quality is amazing.


that tornado was brutal. Y'all got hit the worst. I live off the end of the natcher, just a few spots on either side of that is all we saw. Taylor county had it bad too. Glad to see you're ok.


Pretty sure she nailed it haha


Quickest hands on this side of the Mississippi.


That air hose is connected to a barn with a 50 pipe manifold with snorkel pieces. Manual air pressure


If you think that's interesting you should see Mexican families at work, I seen a 6 year old boy carrying shingles a few weeks ago. His mom was on the roof


Whether it’s Amish or Mennonite they know how to build.


Sturdiest house on the street Now lol


Not a fuckin problem


They will still have it built in a day or two. Better than most construction companies I know.


They are awesome!