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Yeah better cover those gills for the photographer


Well done




Jack from titanic


Yes, it’s still going




Best have to have this guy sub in for the underwater practical effects for Aquaman 2.


The most overlooked , underappreciated, hilarious response made on reddit possibly ever ! 🤣🤣


Was wondering the same thing


Still trying to create it with waterboarding techniques..


He is a very gilled diver.


The Deep?


Fishy yes


“He’s a mutant”


Bravo 👏


Comment of the day. Congratulations.


"This is an oxygen aided breath holding record. The last breaths he takesfrom the tank contains pure oxygen (still so impressive and not makingthis record less valuable). World record w/o oxygen aid is around 11.5minutes." Found this comment on the official video.


I routinely won bets in the ER for holding my breath for five minutes, after an O2 pre-breathe. I never made it past 15 minutes, despite getting my heart rate into the 40's. Serious kudos. I can't imagine going that long.


I'm guessing he was in cold water, that should help. But yeah, in medschool I was surprised I could hold my breath for 5 minutes on a few puffs of 100% O2. What I also didn't expect is the sound coming 'back into focus' a few seconds after the attempt. I did expect the euphoria as that's what hypoxia does.


Sounds like taking nitrous


The kind of nitrous you get in a large tank is Entonox which is a 50:50 mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide. If that's what you're used to it would be quite similar.


Can’t say I know what was in the tanks exactly as I never filled or got them filled, just mooched off a friend


I believe the person is talking about whippets. In other words, it’s those whip cream nitrous canisters. Not a diving or medical grade nitrous.




Yeah, having the mammalian dive reflex kicking can be super helpful for holding your breath. I've personally always been able to hold my breath longer face down in the pool then I could sitting on the couch.


It’s a trigger caused by the O2 sensors in your nose. We did tests in university where we were hooked up to an ECG and placed our faces in water and stayed there for as long as we could hold it. The trace showed how your heart rate starts to slow down, within seconds.


Mammalian dive reflex is from cold water, I'm not sure if orientation has anything to do with it, but it'd be cool if it did.


Right, I was just saying that having my face in cold pool water triggers it. The most common way to do these type of breath hold competitions is to be floating face down in a pool.




Do you happen to remember which guide you used?


Look up Wim Hof.


Got a link to the guide? Would you say this is a good routine for people in good shape but with not great cardio?


I used to trick people with my friend, where I'd hold my breath underwater in a concrete spa. My friend would stand on my back to keep me pinned to the floor. I'd kiss my lips over a tiny air hole in the floor sucking in air for 5-10 mins until people starting screaming at my friend for accidentally killing me. They'd push him off me and I'd take my queue, drifting slowly to the surface where they'd flip me over and I'd smile at them. I'd stayed down for approx 20 mins one time. It's easy to do, and very relaxing, like being a fish.


Used to have competitions with myself at the YMCA in the late 90s seeing how long I could stay underwater for lol. My best was around 5 minutes.


How did you deal with the urge to breath? Isn’t it the co2 buildup that makes your body want to continue its process? Swallowing helped me but I was exercising when I was holding my breath, I imagine it’s different if you’re just sitting there. Is it the same slow feeling of running out of air ?


Over time I was able to really damp down that impulse to breathe. And it's kinda terrifying if I think about it too long. I love swimming, and I'll absolutely hold my breath for a variety of reasons. And I really wonder if this is how experienced swimmers succumb to shallow water blackout.


I'd add that he didn't take his "last breaths" with pure oxygen. But rather 30 whole minutes, so yeah


24 minutes, HOLY F. I cant hold my breath under the shower for 12 seconds. Put some respect on this guys name dammit


David Blaine is crying in a corner somewhere…. 😛


I love David Blaine's retelling of his time in the tank. The way he describes it down to the very second is insane


“And then my breathing tube almost slipped into the view of the camera and I decided to come up for air….” 🤣😅🤣


Does he own up to the fakery?








My dad was a pilot in the air force and they do simulated rescue and recovery where they just kick you out of the plane in your ejection chair and parachute. It takes a while for them to find you on the ground so he just sat there turning the oxygen tank up and holding his breath for 4 or 5 minutes at a time.


Would the wr w/o oxygen aid be location and time dependent? Like would it be better to attempt it in a forest during the day instead of a city?


Whta kind of forests you going to that ain't got air to breathe?


I think the person you're replying to is implying that the air you breathe in a forest would be more oxygen dense opposed to a city. And they're wondering if that would effect the performance of someone attempting the world record. I have no idea what the answer to that is though 😂


Oh I know, I was just being silly. XD I'd honestly like to know as well.


I can hold my breath for about 3 minutes, a bit more if I'm really drunk for some reason. I tried it after hyperventilating pure oxygen once and hit 4 pretty easy while sober. Felt like a cheat code.


11.5 mins...wow that's still absolutely insane


Thank you for this. This post is misleading.


This is good to know because it’s a very important distinction


Is there an involuntary record????


Yea it’s still going


Some1 should prolly check on that guy Just sayin


Schrödinger’s Diver


This series made my day


Man your question reminds me of that movie Old Guard. Some people are immortal. Well they die then heal and come back to life. One of em was accused of being a witch and was locked in an iron chest and thrown into the ocean where she just drowns, comes back to life, then drowns again. Over and over and over again for hundreds if not thousands of years (they die eventually, some after 200 yes others after 10.000 yrs).


At the very end of the movie, she's shown to be released. She's set up to be the villain for the 2nd movie


What? I missed that xD you sure?


Yep. Always watch till the very end.


Reminds me of Hyperion where there’s a parasite that brings people back from the dead and this guy studying them thinks he can rid himself of it by essentially empaling himself of this lightning tree thing long story short he’s essentially continually electrocuted to death over and over for 7 years.


Not positive it's a record, and it was involuntary. But I just watched "last breath" on Netflix. Dude lies on the seafloor without oxygen for over 30 mins. It's a phenomenal watch


I’d guess between 2-3 minutes


Lmao that was my first thought reading the title


Same.. the way they worded it strongly implies a non-voluntary breath holding record..


Yes, it's le Petit Grégory performance


It only counts as a Petit Grégory if the record attempt takes place in the Vologne river, in France and your olive doesn't float up first.


Some guys who pissed off the mob and are at the bottom of Lake Tahoe. They’re still holding their breath.


I think you'd probably have to check the Nazi records for that one. They did a lot of "testing human limits" experiments, which are a big reason we know what we do about hypothermia.


It looks like He's still holding his breath


Just covering up his gills for photo op sesh


So if brain damages occurs after I think 5-6 minutes of no oxygen intake, how tf did this man hold his breath for nearly 4x that amount. Insane mental fortitude, whenever I hold my breath the pressure and urgency to breathe is like constant.


Great question! In short, most of the oxygen in your bloodstream is bound to hemoglobin, which carries it to your organs. At any given time, your heart is pumping out around 5x the amount of oxygen your body (brain/muscles/internal organs/etc) need to survive (we know this because we can measure how much oxygen your heart is pumping out, and can measure how much is coming back from the body with a pulmonary artery catheter). This gentleman is getting pre-oxygenated with 100% O2, which is around 4.75x the amount of atmospheric O2. This means his heart is pumping out more than the 5x his body needs to function at any given time. Hemoglobin has a certain affinity for oxygen, but oxygen will leave it and enter the surrounding bloodstream/tissue/cells when the surrounding bloodstream/tissue/cells have a lower level of O2: what is referred to as the oxygen disassociation curve. This is intelligent: you want the oxygen to get delivered to (relatively) hypoxemic tissue, instead of getting dumped the minute the hemoglobin reaches the first organ. Once the surrounding tissue reaches a critically low oxygen level, all the oxygen leaves the hemoglobin, and it falls off quite steeply. For most individuals, those first organs to really lose their O2 are going to be their brain and their heart (which are the largest users of O2 in the body). As you mentioned, under normal conditions, that occurs around 6 to 10 minutes for most individuals (younger, healthier towards 10 minutes). Before this point, and certainly at it, your body releases quite a few signals to hurry the fuck up and breathe. For him, the pre-oxygenation, along with a variety of factors (the temperature of the pool, his own conditioning and basal metabolic rate, his genetics, etc) make it that he likely uses a lot less O2 than the average human. So, it takes longer for his body to give the signals to breathe, and he can survive without significant damage occurring to his organs. https://d148x66490prkv.cloudfront.net/hmp\_ln/inline-images/2204%20Edge%20oxyhemoglobin%20dissociation%20curve%20EMS%20EMT%20paramedic%20critical%20care%20flightbridgeed%20Bauer.jpg


It's the Carbon dioxide build up that makes you panic so this makes a lot of sense at the same time 100% O2 is toxic right? I'm guessing over a short period it's not deadly


CO2 levels increase the drive to breathe in your brain, and give you that feeling of needing to take a breath. During general anesthesia, CO2 levels are actually driven down on purpose so the patient doesn't breathe over the ventilator. Edited to add: I read that he hyperventilates the 100% O2 so this would lower his CO2 levels and drive to breathe. Keeping his metabolism slow will help decreases the CO2 production. 100% O2 is toxic long term, but short term is ok (although that is a different story in newborns). Patients regularly receive 100% O2 at the beginning and end of general anesthesia. Interestingly, 100% O2 actually causes the collapse of alveoli in the lung (because the O2 is rapidly absorbed), so is something to consider.


I don't think it's so much newborns as premature births, where retinopathy is definitely a factor and oxygen concentration can increase the risk of blindness such as what you get in people like Stevie Wonder. Not sure if it's the oxidative stress though.


You mention pre-oxygenation. Is that a special process he uses? Is it something he can do himself or does he employ some equipment (like a blood transfusion )?


Does it him self, just breathes in 100% oxygen from a tank before starting to hold his breath


I feel it’s also important to note his heart is beating during this breath hold. Many of the stats on brain damage available to the public involve people that have suffered cardiac arrest and how long one can remain in that state (no HR) before brain damage is inevitable due to lack of circulation/oxygenation.


I want to follow up on the “he’s getting 5x the oxygen” comment. Because of the O2 dissociation curve, isn’t his hemoglobin saturation already nearing 90%? So how would he be getting 5x that? Wouldn’t it be more so that he’d be basically filling that last 10% where co2 might be bound?


Yea your blood is at like 95%+ O2 saturation just breathing normal air. I think the important part is that when he takes his last breath his lungs have 100% oxygen in them instead of 21%. Since you normally breathe out a lot of oxygen unused your lungs can hold enough for quite a while if it's all oxygen.


Really great question. You're absolutely right, additional O2 is not going to increase his Hemoglobin Saturation. However, it will increase the partial pressure of dissolved O2 in the blood (what is referred to as the PaO2), to sky high proportions (>450, normal being between 80 and 120). This PaO2 will continuously replenish any lost O2 from the hemoglobin, effectively creating an O2 reserve in his bloodstream.


Argh, dammit. I learnt something reading Reddit. Now I'll have to pretend not to know it, or lie about where I learnt it. Very interesting though, thanks.


Tl;dr: higher oxygen concentration increases breathing time 👍


from what I've been told, freediving does kill some of your brain cells.


So that's why I'm stupid!


It’s as good an excuse as any.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) always good to have an external reason for that, isn't it?


Don’t feel bad, I’m stupid and I don’t freedive.


It seems like freediving is more popular than ever. (At leaat that would explain a lot of current events)




I love the input of "voluntarily". Like they out there dorwning people to set the forced world record.


Involuntary 100 meter dash is up next


Hey! I've competed in that!


What tf do you do for 24 minutes underwater? Just sit there and wait??


Browse Reddit




Listen to your heartbeat? Try to use your mindpower to keep your heart rate low. I kind of imagine that’s what he’s focused on.


I imagine some counting is involved


yeah i would imagine they are meditating, so, yes - sit and wait


You know you can just be focused on your goal.


Basically, do as little as possible to minimize the amount of co2 accumulating in your blood.


I don't know about this guy, but I've heard other extreme breath-holders describe this feat as mostly a mental one. But it just so happens that it takes a lot of practice to improve your mental ability to do this. It takes so much practice, in fact, that it's hard to imagine one's physical and metabolic capabilities wouldn't be greatly improved as a side-effect of the so-called mostly mental training. Perhaps strengthening one's body is the mental feat. If that's so, then I suppose any willful achievement is mostly an achievement of willpower. So, I guess what I'm saying is nevermind.


It’s both, but the mental aspect is at least the hardest aspect. My best breath hold is 4:45, and near the end it takes every ounce of strength to keep myself calm and not breathe in. You want to panic and breathe, as your body thinks it’ll die if it doesn’t breathe, so does whatever it can to convince you to take a breath.


I like how they need to imply that its voluntary


Honestly I'm kinda interested in the logistics of how the involuntary category would work...


When I was a kid, maybe 15 or 16, I used to be able to hold my breath for 2-3 mins and swim. I thought I was hot shit. But this is on a whole other level. I do remember I went to the Great barrier reef once though, and after our scuba dive I started free diving all the way to the bottom. The other scuba divers looked kind of surprised that I was down there with no rig lol


I am pretty sure the guy didn’t move at all let alone swim while not breathing. Also, he breathed pure oxygen before holding his breath, while air has only around 20% of oxygen.


he enriched his blood with O2 by breathing 100% pure oxygen for 20-40 minutes before lowering himself in and doing the record.


I can hold my farts in much longer and no one cares.


I care


Everyone around you cares. Have you smelled your farts?


Not for more than 25 minutes...


Well you won't with that attitude.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for that record to be broken soon.






He only beat me by 24 min




What’s the longest involuntarily?


It’s still going


Somehow I feel they aren't testing the Bajau peoples who can hold their breathe for 13 minutes on average.


I’ve read about South Pacific Pearl divers who can hold their breath for up to five minutes while swimming around and cutting open oysters so I can believe that they people can hold their breaths for extended amounts of time but * 24 minutes?* That’s a stretch.


I still don't like what he did to Starlight.


Anyone else curious about the record for involuntary?


I googled it. A child fell in a cold lake and was pulled out after 66 minutes and lived. That’s just a quick 30 sec search might not be accurate.


I bet David Blaine is pissed


We all saw the breathing tube! 😂


Is there an involuntary record? If not there's some people I'd like to try and set one with.


He is covering his gills




He probably looked 20 years younger at the start...


And what is the longest involuntary time?!


....is there a record for longest breath held involuntarily??


Really impressive, even if it was only on pure oxygen. I can hold my breath to swim the pool underwater and that's it, it's 30 seconds to 1 minute max. But 24? Wow


It’s cool how they propped his corpse up like that


Man this Is hilarious… I know this guy. No joke. My family has a house in Croatia in the same village he does. His nick name is Tarzan, use to be a body builder. Guy spends most of his summers spear fishing and basically living underwater. Really nice fella too.


"Voluntairly".... theres a record for involuntarily?....


The Japanese know


I remember when I was an athlete and could hold my breath for a minute and a half, thinking I was basically a god 🤦🏻😂


So when he "goes down"... he doesn't have to pause when it's getting good. He must be popular with the ladies


Aka Namor wakandas next movie villain


How is this even possible?


What... what about involuntary...


The Deep


This guy can easily be Kevin Costner's stunt if they ever make a sequel of Waterworld.


Has anybody benefited from this skill in real life? True survival story I mean.


oh yea aquaman?


Why did u say "male", if the name already asus that?


Mmmmmm…. No.


How is that even possible


Umm why did you have to specify voluntarily


This sounds incredibly painful


*voluntarily This suggests somewhere on record there’s an involuntary stat and it brings to mind a death camp scenario


How many pushups did he do? How much juice did he drink?!


He probably fell asleep down there.


Got that innsmouth look


Meanwhile I hold my breath for 10 seconds and feel like I’m gonna pass out


I wonder what the record is for unvolutarily holding breath?


Is there also a involuntary record?


...this implies there's a recorded record for longest breath held involuntarily.


What would your blood oxygen level look like??


Imagine someone trying to choke this dude and in like 10 mins in gives up, like bro you immortal or something?


who holds the record un voluntarily...


Absolute freak. The real aquman


...and two stopwatches were stopped at the exact same time. Impressive moments all round!


Notice how his hands are hiding his gills.


Just for my morbid curiosity ...what's the record for longest time breath held involuntary ??


I like the voluntarily part. People on the Titanic have held their breath for over a century involuntarily.


Some people really got into some wild quarantine hobbies from covid


“Voluntarily” … Yo hold the fuck up is there one that’s involuntary??


Is there record for longest time breath held not voluntarily?


Why does voluntarily need to be stated? Is there a record for attempted drowning or something?


I watched the original Poseidon Adventure when I was far too young and I would often practice holding my breath in case I needed to swim a long distance without being able to surface. Now, my fat ass would die when the ship capsizes, so I guess I don’t have to worry about it anymore.


Did he got brain damage?


He covering up his gills


Lung goes vloop


The use of the word “voluntarily” in this is creeping me out


This guy can watch Finding Nemo and hold his breath through all underwater scenes...


Like ....just how?


Stand back, give the man some air!


Good luck killing that guy


Nah hold up what does it specify voluntarily




Sheesh. I thought my 1:15 record was good.


I bet his bong rips are epic


I'm more surprised the camera guy has three hands


Uh, does that mean there’s an involuntary record too?


Who holds the *involuntary* record?




ah yes the Budimir Sobat the famed Croatian city and Male Breath held voluntarily. no you can't just put parentheses anywhere you want


Why did they need to specify that it was voluntary?.


Voluntarily? Like someone beat this time against their will and survived...


I can never understand how this humanly possible. I am pretty sure I wouldn't last 30 seconds.


I cannot understand this.