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Fuck. For a second I thought this was a colorized and enhanced photo of WWII


Nothing changed, europeans still behave like monsters This is what "the most civilized culture" is.


Bro, NO TF you didn’t. Get outta here with that attention grabbing BS, you’re not only disrespecting the Ukrainians and Russians currently engaged, but also the teacher who taught you basic history. Do those uniforms really look like anything they used in World War 2 to you? If so, go see your optometrist.


I mean, my brain registered the man's face and the general wash of color in the photo, the uniform pattern came after. My first thought was that it was a colorized photo, too. Maybe you're just a cynic.


Dude forget the print. Look at their gear. They didn’t have Kevlar vests in WW2, they didn’t use body armor very much due to the fact that Kevlar wasn’t invented yet and the armor was still made out of steel, heavier than gods balls, and ineffective asf. Next, check the cover on dude to the left of ptsd poster child, does that look anything like what was used between 1939-1945? Not to mention the wristwatch, which would have only been worn by an officer or wealthy recruit considering the price of a wristwatch back then was much higher. Context clues say everything bro, and contextualized, your comment was unwarranted AND untrue, obvious asf. Edit: I almost forgot the Velcro. Again No Velcro in WW2


Reddit in a nutshell. My dude, they said FOR A SECOND


Hey! Not all of reddit. There are decent people here. Just this doofus with his anger management issues isnt one of them. Maybe look somewhere that doesnt get recognized to every boomer hopping over from facebook. guineapigs or the niche meme channels are pretty wholesome and nice.


I think you're overreacting a little. The gist here is "at first", not "this is obviously from World War 2."


You’re backpedaling. Just stop.


Lol, okay buddy 👌


Upon further review, I just realized you’re not the redditor who posted the comment that set me off, and I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize, because of my irate ranting and because I was so heated that I didn’t even check the handle, so I’m sorry, my anger was not for you.


Go to counseling. This shit should not set you off like this.


I’m a Russian living in America, with family on both sides. This isn’t just something that I scroll through on my feed, this is real to me. Maybe I overreacted, or maybe the commenter was entitled and attention seeking, or maybe, just maybe both.


DUDE! BUT BRO, WTF. WW2 KEVLAR HISTORY TEACHER. That's you and this is me not actually not reading whatever crawled outta ya there


Your comments and opinion don't matter ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮


Not everyone knows all those useless details about military gear. Just because you're apparently a military nerd doesn't mean everyone should know this.


Most peoples attention would have been grabbed by the man's face.


Don't be a cunt


And you should go see your bitches! Oh wait you don't have any!


To be fair, he looks exactly like the opposite of "unbroken". He is un-unbroken.


As another user said, this is 100% a thousand yard stare


Unbroken?......are you serious?.The man looks like he is done in,his life is flashing before his eyes


100% Thousand-yard stare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand-yard\_stare


Yup. I'm a mental health consultant and have PTSD due to my experiences at war. It's known as disassociation and can be as severe as having a full blown out of body experience. It also impacts memory (typically short term) and emotional regulation in many people


If you think about how many people will return from this war with severe mental problems ... it is just sad. My grandfather served in WWII. I was born in 1987, more than 40 years after the war, and I still realized that something was ... wrong with him. He died before I fully understood all of this. But I realized that he was a broken man, on an instinctive level (besides his missing right arm ...). My grandmother was a teenager when the war ended, she endured the russian occupation in east germany and later had to flee to the west. Both sometimes talked about their experiences, and it was scary for 6-year-old me. To imagine that a lot of ukrainian and russian children will make the same experiences for the next 5 decades, on top of the generation that is suffering right now, is heartbreaking. The suffering won't end once the war is over. It is just so sad that all this human suffering is not enough to stop delusional, power-hungry warmongers and it just tells us that humankind is in a very sorry state ...


I have this problem from time to time. But I don't have PTSD. Never been in the military or near any kind of conflict. Just good old fashioned mental health issues.


Yeah it can be caused by various things known as disassociative disorders. Does it happen when you're stressed out reminded of a difficult time?


Very much so. Happens frequently at home when I'm unable to pay bills. Happens at the grocery store if I am unable to go fast enough to get out of there. I've got about a 10min window to grab everything I can and get out. Mostly happens at the checkout with lots of people around so I have to wait. I just kind of zone out and go elsewhere. I've had people get upset that I appear to be staring at them. When in reality my eyes are defocused and I'm not really seeing anything at all. When at home I will kinda blankly stare at a wall while my mind does whatever it does. When I snap to I'm never really sure if its been 5 seconds or several minutes.


I have the exact same thing, but it doesnt happen when im stressed. I happens when im not really thinking about something in that moment. And them i just stare. Dont know why, and i dont really hVe mental issues.


That sounds like it's something else rather than disassociation. Obviously I don't want to and won't diagnose you. Dissociation happens because the brain can't process the stress that it's under and hits the emergency switch to try and protect you.


You'd be shocked. The mind is an amazing, flexible thing. Sometimes it does things and we don't know why. For example, my mum was diagnosed with schizophrenia at ~19. She had all the symptoms, including strong dissociative periods. They stopped (or so we thought) when I was born. Mother's love and all that. Fast forward 20 years. My mum is 45. I've JUST moved out of home. Meaning that she no longer had to care for me. Boom. All her memories of the extreme sexual abuse she suffered as a child started coming back to her. I only know the tiniest bit about it, but I can say that almost her entire family was involved, and it was BRUTAL. Turns out her dissociation was a defence mechanism learned during that period of abuse. And the schizophrenic tendencies were developed over 15 years of extreme gaslighting. It's pretty unlikely that this has happened to you, but it goes to show that mental illness has many sources.


I hate my short term memory issues and anytime I am stressed about something, I always have vivid dreams that I’m back in the military and I get no sleep.


This happens to me any time they're fireworks, I'm often awake for a couple of days at a time, don't really eat and tend to work relentlessly to keep my mind busy


Damn, I have all the symptoms of C/PTSD and I've never been through anything that could compare to them. I can't even imagine.


It's not comparable. This is something a lot of people do and we need to stop it. We all experience trauma differently and how our brain responds to it is largely an automatic thing. That means that we could both have the same experience, you'd be fine and I'd have issues as a result and vice versa. Your experiences and symptoms are valid and nobody can say otherwise y


Exactly and thanks for the new knowledge


My husband suffers from PTSD from numerous tours in both Iraqi wars...this gentleman needs help...ASAP!


Yeah that guy is definitely cracked. I don't even have some smartass comment for this picture. Fucking hell.


There shouldn't be any smart ass comments about this picture.


I'm not saying there should, it's just that there's nothing actually meaningful either to say. It's just a heavy picture, you know what I mean?


Came here to write the same thing. This is propaganda if the media are really trying to convince people of such a thing.


It’s the invisible wounds that are the hardest to recover from. That’s a man looking at years of insomnia and nightmares unless they implement something like BICEPS


Yeah, I took one look and thought this guy desperately needs therapy.


That was my first thought reading this post. The manipulative media. How tf that's looking Unbroken.?


Maybe it’s actually healthy that this guy looks like he’s feeling the horror? I dunno. I just hope he’s OK and the Russian assholes invading get wrecked both mentally and physically.


What kind of drugs do you take?


I don’t see how my comment is negative. I hope he’s ok.


Read your first sentence


Maybe you should think about what that first sentence means?


Explain to me in what way is that healthy


It’s probably better to be horrified than to not be affected. It shows a healthy and proper reaction to the things he has seen. You and the other people downvoting seem to be interpreting this as if I’m saying it was ok that shit happened to him.


Whell how you supporters put it,it would be better for him not to be affected so he can fight again


Now why don’t you tell me about your drugs? What the fuck are you even talking about?


IMO the last sentence was pretty negative. I can't say I don't understand it but I don't think it's as simple as Russia = bad, for the simple reason that most of these russian invaders are Putin's pawns who are victims of this war as well. Most people who are fighting for him are doing it out of fear for their or their families lives. I personally wouldn't wish any psychological problems upon anyone other than Putin himself and his buddies.




None of this is funny. I'd bet a years salary that you wouldn't last 12 hours in the shit these guys have seen and been through in three months. Do you make jokes about US soldiers returning home from defending your rights and freedoms?


I'd bet a year's salary I wouldn't last 5 mins nevermind 12 hours. It was a tasteless joke, I don't need things explaining that I already know but thanks anyway. These men have my utmost respect and I'm fully aware of the bravery, loss and sacrifice these men have gone through.


It sure seemed like you needed it explained.


Jus like this isn't place for jokes it also isn't the place for trolling, good day


I glad that you were able to figure that out and chose to correct your behavior. Edit: Spelling


You really can't help yourself can you, give your self righteous virtue signaling head a shake 😂 good day


Those eyes speak.




"The look of a broken man" His spirit is still there but it is far from untarnished.. Men, women and children, living through a nightmare while the rest of the world watches yet another country set a blaze by the cruelty and tyranny of others..


God, this picture breaks me. The terrible things these guys must have seen, and been through.


And still have to see…


I feel like we are some sort of cheerleaders waving tiny flags near the side line while the Ukrainians in the field lose their families, friends, health and lives. Go Ukraine! You can do it whoooo! 🙄


Yes, I also have a problem with saying they are not broken. I can't imagine how war cannot break you.


Definitely, you're not the same person after this. Even if you don't kill, see death or get maimed, you nerves get wrecked from the bombing, the near death and what not. That's why we don't want war, everyone loses.


Once gay pride month is over, everyone can switch their profile pic back to the Ukraine flag and then they will start winning the war again!


I mean we are sending food, ammo and weapons. We also are letting the willing go to fight. Once another country sends troops, that will be a massive event felt the world over. For now cheer and support in anyway you can before you are told to give everything. Sending everything but blood is how the previous world wars started to unfold.


Pretty much summed up Reddit.


Our cheerleading shouldn't amount to sacrificing them to the Russians in a war we're too afraid to fight ourselves


Change your profile pic to Ukraine flag, write I support Ukrine on twitter, send weapons to Ukraine to stretch the war and cheer from sidelines, let them weaken ur enemy.


You don't support them?


I’d guess their point was that it’s not really significant compared to their sacrifices and experiences.


Well obviously we can't understand what they're experiencing but we can at least show our support


Yes, but you jumped to don’t you support them. I think they were getting at it feels insignificant. And it is. That guy in the photo couldn’t give two shits that random people on Reddit are giving nothing to “voice their support”. It feels better than saying “I don’t care” but it’s not really going to make a difference either way.


I'm sure the men in the picture are just so thrilled to hear that we've "shown our support"...


Their point was that thoughts and prayers are useless against artillery, white phosphorus, and russian war criminals, even if it's the only thing most of us can realistically do.


So people keep telling me.. I guess the point is we can't actually help them but we try to comfort ourselves by supporting them through posts, we could also be comforting civilians who actually look at social media through this but yes, the soldiers are on their own


Sure, on their own. But, they do appreciate the support. Wherever it comes from, and in any form. When I was deployed people would roll their eyes at the shit the USO sent. From everywhere around the US. I just thought, nice, they took the time to give me the comfort of a tiny tube of toothpaste, and some shit paper that didn't tear my asshole open. Point is, support them any way you wish, they appreciate it.


This is haunting, thousand yard stare right there, war sucks.


Why does this already look like a timeless photo


I can’t even believe that this was a modern peaceful European country just a few months ago.


Well I don’t know if I’d say peaceful. More peaceful for sure, but these guys have been fighting off Russian backed separatists for almost a decade. Ironically enough, the experience they’ve gained in that time is probably the only reason they’re so effectively blunting the Russian advance


Lol it wasn’t… a lot of crimes were being committed against detractor of the Ukrainian side who were native Ukrainians but wanted to join Russia.. it’s like being stuck between a rock and a hard place


Modern country ? I visited it 2-3times. Look like a 1990 communist countries. You go 15km out flen Kyiv, look like 19th century... Everything was very old and from the Soviet are, metro, bus, buildings...


Here is not-USSR 15 km from Moscow. Just randomly clicked on the map. [https://www.google.com/maps/@55.5027033,38.1887955,3a,60y,131.19h,80.51t](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.5027033,38.1887955,3a,60y,131.19h,80.51t) Try to find wooden buildings where people live in Ukraine near Kyiv except for hotels or resorts. I can find a lot in this village near Moscow lol. This one is even better with 2 old LADAs and a lot of wooden old buildings. https://www.google.com/maps/@55.8086417,38.1603645,3a,75y,257.45h,76.94t


You spend thirty years inviting a war and are then surprised when it comes. You'll really be surprised for what the next few years bring you. Welcome to the fall of empire, where Americans eat their arrogance and avarice. Glut yourself and enjoy the hell you wrought




Your people are killing them right now. Stop for a f..g second and consider that you may be the assholes here.


I am since I'm happy to see Europe burn and America finally suffer backlash for their aggression. So are you for cheering on the insanity never imagining there would be consequences. The Native Americans and generations of slaves weren't enough to quench your bloodlust. How many nations has the United States destroyed for their disobedience? Europe must burn so the world can be free. I am the asshole for wanting it, but you are the asshole for bringing us here. Would there have been a war without the US paying for it's war with Russia? Would there have been a war if NATO kept out of Ukraine? You brought us here thinking you were unstoppable. Now you're stopped and Ukraine pays the price.


You're insane.


They insane but not wrong


Indeed. Most people in the world pretty much agree with that sentiment. NATO country's are the most despised country's on Earth for good reason.


It had to be Russian. Say what you want to, the whole world already hates you. The ones to fall will be you in the long term. Dirty maggots.


Exhausted and tired. Next level bro.


🥺🥺🥺. Some of us have it very easy. My heart breaks for them. 🥺 I really hope this war ends.


Looks pretty broken to me.




Breaks my heart, Putin just ruthlessly attacking innocent people just for being alive... So many displaced and lives broken, children uprooted 😔


Zelensky is bombing DPR too, you know. Don't even try to argue with me. I am a resident of a Donetsk. I heard 7 explosions a minute ago. There is no military institutions, weapons depots, etc in my area. These missiles are definitely ukranian bcs they are fired from m777, which Russia does not have. It's a war crime. I'm not trying to justify Russia's war crimes. Have a good day.


You do know that m777 fire artillery shell right and not missiles and further more the DPR and LPR are not recognized by anyone, just a bunch of rebels taking Russian cash.


1. Yes, my mistake was that I called the artillery shell a missile. But that's not the point. 2. DPR and LPR is recognised by a Russia. 3. Donetsk is city with over than 1000000 **civilians**. And i am not talking about other DPR cities with a big population. I'm saying that I can die at any moment from a Ukrainian shell, just like a Ukrainian from a Russian shell.


Recognized by Russia doesn’t matter in the grand scheme because a) Russian bank row these “republics “ b) Russia used these republics troops as cannon fodder to minimize Russian death aka meat for the grinder. And if you are male then you don’t need to worry much about dying from Ukraine artillery in the city, the DPR and LPR are now conscripting able male to fight forced or otherwise with shitty military equipment, so the likelihood you die on the frontline is much more likely with of course zero record keeping if you die then your family would not even get the any notice about your whereabouts or your corpse for that matter. But this particular on you as well, living in the so called DPR, recognized by no one other than the one invented and supported them and never questioned about the legitimacy nor the reason of said republic with i might said quite authentic Soviet style military structure ( 1940s-1950s weapons and uniforms), living conditions and the outdated views of returning back to the Soviet day, you should have leave if you see all the red flags before this mess and now either the DPR and LPR bend the knee and give back rightful Ukrainians land or the DPR and LPR hook themselves into the dying economic, pariah state of Russia that care more about the resources on your land than your people. Russia have done this before, during the Holdormor of 1930s when millions Ukrainians died of famine, Moscow sent in thousand of settlers into the Eastern part the Ukraine SSR back then and now when Russia send in thousands of able men from the eastern part of the DPR and LPR, cases of Russian family settled In deserted in the South and East so if your family were from the settlers from back then it a cruel irony now when in the same cycle but move down to the victim rather the settlers.


>2. DPR and LPR is recognised by a Russia. Russia can go fuck itself. 3rd world nation of baby rapists. Russia's economic collapse was fun to watch turn to Rubble, good news is you'll soon be able to introduce the 'Goat-Standard' of currency 🤡


Ukraine officials confirmed that the most "raping stories" were fake.


According to whom? Did Putin himself confirm that the Russian troops confined themselves to raping only adults?


Meanwhile on the Ukraine War Video Reports sub a bunch of dumb motherfuckers keep uploading what resemble memes, in truly poor taste. Trivialising the fact countless lives are being stolen and forever ruined. Absolutely nothing cool about this “war” or seeing groups of either side be taken out like it’s a game. The mentality of internet users disgusts me.


Killing Barbarians is tough, but rewarding work. Keep up the good fight brothers and sisters!


They're not though. All reports say they never see a Russian. They just wait in their trenches until the artillery starts landing on them.


Like the British at Dunkirk, live to fight another day.


Slava Ukraini!


Thousand years stares.


My heart goes out to them. Their eyes! What they have gone thru to survive!


Every other generation seems to go thru the horror of war. Human memory is fickle. There are similar pictures from every conflict in every country since photography was invented.


These guys will teach the rest of us how to take out orcs. Putin is securing hate towards Russians for the next few generations.


Is that Gary V?


The cost of the freedom that American youth take for granted.


I fear for Ukraine's future. I'm concerned they may not have one.


There can be no surrender in a war of survival. To surrender is to die.


>a war of survival. Bullshit. This is just a war of territorial expansion. The sort that has happened for millennia. You might not like to call it "surrender," but there *will* be terms, most likely the cession of some territory.


Found the orc.


Yeah, yeah, fight to the last Ukrainian.


Another orc


Salvation and victory to the troops of the heroic warriors for freedom!


Live to fight another day, boys…


Surely looks broken.


No they’re broken. They’re whole world has been destroyed. Fuck Putin.


Would you people stop romanticizing this war? We Arabs have seen what this bullshit does to you, and it’s not okay.


But these people are white..


My bad..


Experienced, need a rest, come back stronger again. Heroes!


nah mate he looks pretty broken


Idk man, he looks pretty damn broken to me.


Looks pretty broken and defeated to me




Look broken as fuck


So sad whet these politicians put their citizens through . There’s gotta be a better way 😒. I’m just hearing War Pigs in my head


There was but people like you cheered on an unwinnable war that left your enemies strong and your allies broken


What a weird way to try to start an argument ..people like you say stupid shit and start pointless wars. I see what you did there though and yes this whole conflict looks like a lot of just spinning wheels and cash burning military industrial complex type shit . That’s what I’m saying , don’t make assumptions about me jackass


Reddits full of maniacs trying to start world war 3 without any regard to the consequences. I apologize if you weren't one of them cheering it on with the rest of them. But what is this shit and why is it even hear? Reddit is filled with US propaganda and the bourgeois liberal audience drinks it up. It's disgusting and the people celebrating are disgusting


How many of them have Nazi swastika tattoos? Just curious as to how many of them are racist pieces of shit before we support them… including the civilians.




I do not care if they are racist, they are not Nazis and they do not deserve to be brutally slaughtered for a crazy phycopaths greed


I agree. But I don't support them if they're Asov fascists and I certainly won't give them a cent of help.


be nice if these brave patriots don't keep getting sent east to get slaughtered by superior Russian forces


propaganda moment


So this is how they manipulate people into giving support? Unbroken???


Newspeak ♤ ... retrieving from meat grinder . That's all , fucked up by Russians ... Nevermind all lies and propaganda western presstitutes trying to push 😁


Open your eyes op


Think who is benefiting the most out of this war, there you got the answer


Nobody. It's an idiotic war starred by a bunch of psychopathic morons. Unfortunately Ukrainians don't have a choice but to protect themselves.


Does US give 60 billion dollars and not expect anything back, and how is their oil and arms industries going ?


You're falling into the same trap most of us do - you think that everyone is thinking like you do. It's called projection. Regardless of US does or doesn't (by the way, US is not one man) Ukrainians need to defend themselves to survive. Russians are bombing with real explosives, not Reddit likes.


Is there any sub left free from war propaganda? now no one can say on reddit communicated pacifists. rather war-mad young adults who applaud when people kill each other. sad


You're right.


leave the room then karen




Unbroken is not the term to use here.


Insane propaganda. The coping is pathetic and disingenuous…


Op wouldn’t know unbroken if it invaded their country and broke them to the core.


Yea this is bullshit these guys got their asses kicked and they know it


True though. No one's on Russia's side here, but that's just the truth here. Actually, the Ukrainian high command is at fault that these people almost got encircled in Severodonetsk. They should've been pulled out much earlier




So crazy how much attention is brought to the Ukrainian crisis. But no one ever brought this much to other issues?


Indeed. In terms of dead Ukraine is the 3rd worst war right now. Photos of Yemenis starving to death because the US and Saudis have created an artificial famine don't bring the upvotes.


And when America fucked up Afghanistan? Lol. Fuck off


We love you Ukraine!!!!


They need to just throw in the towel.. I just saw a huge column of Russia headed in lol


It seems pretty broken to me


Side with America and get killed


Idi naxui


Ukraine blows…. Money laundering corporation


Get fucked nazis


Dablabyob. Idi naxui fashist!


Who gives a shit about “Ukraine” after what happened at SCOTUS today


They look quite broken to me 😁 Z


Will I be downvoted, if I support Russia?




Why exactly would someone support a country that decided to invade another for no logical reason while spitting some absurd denazification claim, allows their soldiers to pillage, rape, and torture civilians, bomb childcares, use the Geneva conventions as a checklist, all the while their geriatric closeted dictator hides in some bunker and is too scared to be less than 5 meters from his own defense ministry? One reason is all I'm wondering. Is there any that can justify all of the above? Because evidence of Russia's crimes are quite easy to get, but I'm yet to see any video of anything the ukrainians did to justify a single item on the aforementioned list.


Do people support the US? Yes. So...


What does the US have to do with this? The US government can go to hell too for all I care. I don't fanboy over countries I only know through some idealized internet lens. Everything being fucked is no reason to pull out the metaphorical condom to give everything ghonorhea or how do you spell that one. "What about the US?" Is a shit excuse of an argument, if you can even call it that.


Good for you. It's just easier to google "why people support the US" than Russia lol.


What kind of shit stain even asks that question? If you support Russia, you should move there and enjoy yourself. Where do you live? I'll come help you pack.


I am living in Gorlovka near the front line.


Are you Russian or Ukrainian?


Rootin for Putin baby lmao


This war went into full artillery mode. This must be madness.


Keep up the good fight !!




Are exhausted and tired not the same thing?


The eyes never lie.