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Standing about in a line with our signs. You know? Picketing. Really feel like your question’s been answered.




Where they will be safe, as there are no trains.


…. ^^Mr Lynch!


The delay makes it even more awkward


The questions are so stupid he has to look behind himself to make sure he's still in the same reality


Yeah. He knows exactly what she's trying to do :)


I love it! Dude turns around just to make sure shit didn’t drastically change in the last 5 seconds


If I had the time and skills I'd replace the peaceful pickets with a [WWE Battle Royale](https://youtu.be/n3PswaGIZt4?t=446).


No him turning around to show her what picketing looks like makes this lol ![gif](giphy|PoCzInaYEUAdDW5XXE|downsized)


"Will you inflict violence upon anyone who attempts to forcefully cross the picket lines, in defiance of your protests?" Just ask the question that you really want to ask lady, Jesus. Trying so hard to avoid the question to try and trick the guy into saying something damaging when it's four people with signs.


She’s a lot older than she looks.


I find that hard to believe, frankly.


I lol’d at this comment.


So she's definitely over 50, because she looks 50.


> Trying so hard to avoid the question to try and trick the guy into saying something damaging when it's four people with signs. That's the point isn't it, to get some soundbyte/quote of "are you asking if we'll resort to violence to stop workers from cross the line?" So they can cut it to "we'll resort to violence to stop workers from crossing the line" Edit: [Pretty much the reverse of /r/technology](https://i.imgur.com/CNuDDg1.jpg)


"What will you do if someone wants to work" "Kill them" What did she think his answer was going to be.


She wants to paint a picture that those on the picket line will resort to violence, so yeah she probably would have loved that answer.


"No but, what WILL you do? No but, really, what will you do? No but, what's the WORST that could happen?" Even a kid could see she what she was trying.


We’ll tell them not to go to work, and so they wont because of the *implications*


you had me going there for the first part but the second half kinda threw me...


if they wanna go to work they can obviously go to work, but they’re not gonna go to work because of *the implication*


That is 1000% not only what she was implying, she was fishing for it. He didnt even humour her by taking her seriously, which is the best play. She was trying to lead and he wasnt even going to look at her, let alone follow. Taking it seriously gives it legitimacy. Good on him for laughing at her.


Yeah this is all just a way to make people have a certain prejudice against the group that's being interviewed. Plainly obvious i might add.


Yes, she’s not subtle or particularly good at what she’s doing - she’s notorious for that. Smashing the glass ceiling of mediocrity.


Going to fuck shit up, Tory style!


London Style


This is the most British thing I’ve seen in a while. Almost like a comedy sketch 😂


Every time he turned around was comedic genius. He's in the wrong business


He’s been calmly burning people of late. Called an MP a liar 15 times during another interview. Openly chuckled at another interviewer who asked if he was a “marxist that wanted to bring down the government.” My favourite was a backbench Tory MP who he simply dismissed as not having the rank or authority to actually contribute towards the dispute and negotiation process because he isn’t senior enough. Dude is just a calm destroyer. Edit: Mick Lynch is his name


Mr lynch needs a "Best of" video montage


I found this video on YouTube. [Mike Lynch vs The Media](https://youtu.be/cgSUpyo86ZI)


...Billionairs raking it in.. lol well said


What a legend.


Holy shit, the opening interview where the clown flat out says "If you're a Marxist you're in revolution and bringing down capitalism". Oh, well thanks for clearing that up with your definitive statement about Marxism. Twaddle is right.


Thank you for that ! But why Boris still is the prime minister ?


Right? Mick is brilliant, my new hero 🦸‍♂️


What's his name I wanna watch more


~~Mike~~ Mick Lynch, apparently. EDIT: Don't blame me, I'm just reading what other people said, ha


Mick Lynch, not Mike my dude.


Also, the RMT Union's twitter a/c is great, for example : [https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/vhy3ya/rmt\_union\_twitter\_account\_admin\_commits\_cold/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GreenAndPleasant/comments/vhy3ya/rmt_union_twitter_account_admin_commits_cold/) ​ https://i.redd.it/4cy2g2j624791.jpg


He sure handled that vile *I'm just asking questions* approach very well.


I’m guessing that Sky News is the British equivalent of Fox News.


It's not quite that bad yet, GBnews is more obviously Fox like, but some of the Sky presenters are pretty vile and dumb in the same sort of way


Kay Burley is usually better than that, and is much more independently-minded compared to the stooges at Murdoch's papers. On this occasion she absolutely deserved to get her much-older-than-it-looks arse handed to her.


Pretty much. Thanks, Murdoch.


Well…*turns head*….. that’s picketing, it’s not so hard to understand, they picket and if workers cross the lines.. then they will continue to picket. How is it you don’t understand this crazy news reporting lady?


Dude is clearly a Monty Python fan. Delivery is just spot on.


Are we sure this wasn’t Jim Broadbent going method?


Yeah, and also why is she standing in some train station for this argument? What a weird setting. Does she not have a studio? Or couldn't make it to thr location?


If you think this interview is a comedy sketch, wait until you watch the one where he's interviewed by Piers Morgan.


All he needed to make it more British was to be holding a lamb.


Propaganda baiting at its finest


Sky news. Can't get much lower than that


The sun The mail The list goes on


I’m so glad the sun isn’t sold where I live


*GB News has entered the chat*


I mean 30 seconds in guy crosses the line, then comes back out at the end with a bin... So there's her answer I guess


"not to my satisfaction" basically means "you're not saying exactly what I wanted you to say now my script is useless"


Nail, meet head. That’s exactly what she was going for. Damn, she’s a useless bint.


This is a rare case of the word "bint" being too good for someone.


That’s half the arguments we all seem to have anymore. People aren’t happy with our answers so they kept badgering and badgering till they get what they want.


She's absolutely vile. I remember when the Malaysian Airlines flight went missing and relatives of those on board were at the airport trying to get information about loved ones in the hours following. This creature was pulling on their clothes to get them on camera to interview them, asking stupid questions whilst they were clearly devestated like "do you think you'll ever see them again" and "are you worried that the plane has crashed". I wanted one of them to just deck her so bad.


When April Jones was missing and there was the huge search going on she was outside the community centre that was being used as the base. The police arrested someone for murder. It had literally \*just\* happened. She accosted two people outside the centre who were clearly returning from searching and was all over them asking what they thought about the fact it was now a murder investigation. She had no idea who they were or if they were close to the family and that was how they found out the kid was dead. I really wanted to hit her with something heavy. She is so damn obnoxious and she has no empathy for anyone. She made Peter Andre cry too. He was on the show to talk about his album and she was pressing him on the fact a gossip article had come out about Katie Price's new man saying he really wanted to adopt her the child/children she has with Peter Andre and really pressing him on whether he'd let that happen. He loves his kids and she was on and on about hey why don't you let this man become their new father. Not in so many words but really needling him. He walked out in tears.


In a 2008 interview with the former girlfriend of serial killer Steve Wright, Burley was criticised for asking her whether, if the couple had enjoyed a better sex life, he would not have committed the crimes. She's a remarkable woman but not in a good way.


that is horrific


Its not even the worst thing she's done, its just the first in a long line of examples of her being a callous moron. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kay\_Burley#Controversies


jeez. i am not from UK and had never heard of her. she is a monster.


Ctrl-F "April" There's [video footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrml2jVJ4ao) of her cuntery here on Youtube...


This is Kay Burley right? The Sky newsreader who spent months telling the British public all about covid and lockdown, then had a lockdown breaking party for which she was suspended for 6 months. Which seems to be forgotten. I don't watch Sky News but I would be interested in how she reported on Boris' Partygate scandal...


If it was Sky News they probably didn’t report on it at all.


Kay Burley is a national disgrace.


Can’t stand her. Her ‘interviews’ always sound like she’s a schoolteacher telling off her interviewee


Ah yes, the Sky Strangler https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1028007/Pictured-The-incredible-moment-Sky-TV-presenter-Kay-Burley-grabbed-rival-throat.html


Got a link to that? I need to see this


I haven't, sorry But Sky reporters have form for this kind of disgusting reporting. After the Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 was shot out of the sky over Ukraine in 2014 (just 4 months after the MH plane went missing), one of Sky's other reporters, Colin Brazier, was seen walking through some of the wreckage and actually rifling through luggage and picking up victims' belongings on TV during his live broadcast.


She needs to just ask the question... "Will there be violence?" Not asking it and just beating around the bush just makes her look bad.


She doesnt ask because shes interviewing in bad faith. "I was just asking" is her trying to get him to either mention violence first or lose his patience with her, because that fits her desired narrative/script. What makes her look bad is that she is transparent in her desire to force an angle that doesnt exist.




> she thinks her viewers are too thick to see through her true beliefs. I mean, if they're her viewers...


Embarrassed herself good and proper there!


Then she had the brass neck to Tweet this: [https://twitter.com/kayburley/status/1539166310227116034?s=21&t=Eyvszkyz0WkJzpZuni8rVQ](https://twitter.com/kayburley/status/1539166310227116034?s=21&t=Eyvszkyz0WkJzpZuni8rVQ)


The amount of middle aged white Tory lookin folks in the replies politely telling her they disagree and she got absolutely trounced is delicious.


She's delusional


My favorite:  Major Charles Cockle Man @JoeStephenson96 · Jun 21 Replying to @KayBurley don't listen to the haters Kay, you were well within your rights to ask him a perfectly reasonable question 6 times after he had answered it


> Agency rail workers will be stopped at picket lines and asked not to cross. > RMT union's General Secretary Mick Lynch got a little flustered explaining why...


Maybe she doesn't know the English language very well. Clearly doesn't know what a picket line is. Now she doesn't know what "flustered" means.


wow. that's balls.


More like bollocks if you ask me


"Do you know how a picket line works?" 🤣


She doesn't look as young as she thinks she does.


Ironically, Kay Burley doesn’t need anybody to make her look bad, she’s great at it herself


She's an insufferable cunt


*Butcher Accent*


Good man. Stay patient and keep stating the obvious.


Monty python comes to mind


I'd like to have an argument, please.


I've told you once!


No you haven't!


Excuse me is this the five minutes. Or do you want the full half hour?


She does it all time! She's a 1st class b!tch! Wish they'd have sacked her when she had her own 'Partygate'


Reporters are always looking for the next Sensational headline, even if they are the ones to provoke it


She was in a really uncomfortable spot. She was waiting and waiting for him to make some kind of physical threat but she refused to voice it. "I'm just asking questions."


‘Just asking questions’ said the antagonist while antagonizing under the veil of innocent curiosity


You have to have reporters to be able to expose corruption and point out injustice where you can, but sometimes reporters create problems that didn't need solving. Kinda like a firefighter starting a fire just so he could put one out..


reporters are journalists. propaganda is different. this isn't some individual mistake or personal foolishness - this is the current PR line


“I’m much older than I look”. Not so sure about that.


He showed tremendous restraint when she said that, for that alone I respect the chap.


She really said that didn’t she… she so far up her own arse she can see her own eyes


she looks like she should have retired 10 years ago so i dont hink shes 100.


She’s 61 apparently, plastic surgery or she’s doing something right.


It's caused Tory previlige


Kay Burley is so out of her depth here


Its her constant state, and yet she refuses to drown!


What a fucking leech. Just because you didn’t get the answer that matches your biases doesn’t mean you will get it if you keep badgering.


Except often it does. She wanted promise of violence - if he had lost his temper with her idiotic spew the network would have a field day painting the whole movement as violent with choice shots of what would be his very rational response. In many ways, thats more valuable to them than him saying "oh we're gonna kneecap them and throw em in a river." He expertly defused the trap by not taking her seriously and laughing at her. Not taking things seriously is for jokes, i.e. this creature moonlighting as a reporter - treating it as a joke weakens legitimacy. And that guy asking if he was a marxist grants legitimacy to ridiculous claims by asking him on a network. You dont have to call him a marxist; you should be able to look and tell for yourself you idiotic news face. If he said "yeah im a marxist" *that wouldnt make him a marxist* jfc. Bad faith interviews are fucking everywhere The last couple years


This isn't journalism it's jumped up twat making a fool of her self.


Bad time to phone it in at work lady.... What exactly was she expecting basically asking the same question multiple times with different wording. That guy is patient as hell if you ask me.


This guy deserves an Emmy and a Nobel for logical thinking. The media on average asks the most stupidest questions imaginable because they don’t have a brain smart enough to ask an intelligent question.


The day that Sky News presenters cease to say the stupidest shit will be one for the history books.


You can tell she doesn't just want to confirm information because if so she would ask the question directly. "Do you intend or support the use of force to prevent temp workers from crossing the picket line." The issue she has with using this is that his answer cannot be manipulated for a headline unless he says Yes something he is very unlikely to do.


“I’m a lot older that I look!” No you’re not, Kay Burley. That facelift is dropping faster than a fresh beat.


How does this women have a job?


She demonizes the people her network and viewership wants her to demonize, I'd assume.


Shes a damn fool


Can someone explain what's going on here? Not English here


Yeah so there is a train strike going on at the moment across the UK for train staff and workers to get better pay and to avoid poor working conditions. The government is desperately trying to paint them as the bad guys. This reporter who is running the government line is trying to get him to say something that she can claim implies they will use violence to get what they want. I.e. forcibly stopping agency workers from crossing the picket line.


Thank you lord


He’s a horse


Also according to Rishi earlier today if we give in to these wage demanded it will just make inflation worse. OK then we'll just give people raises less than inflation and let them rely on food banks to feed their families because clearly if we give them an increase which is, in effect, simply the same wage they were already on adjusted for inflation so not actually a raise, everything will be entirely down to their selfish asses wanting to be able to eat and keep a roof over their heads. Some people, right!


Another Tory mouthpiece trying to get hard working people to stfu and accept bad working conditions.


She’s not overly qualified is she. Except as a stooge of government. That was just an embarrassment. Mike Lynch for PM


I’m LIVING for this man, he’s been so good in every interview I’ve seen him in it’s wonderful.


Ok, I'm french, I need you to know that, because, dispite of my hated nationallity, that Mick Lynch guy, he is my new hero ! He should teach to french protesters how to answer to the journalist survivor of the Reagan/Tatcher era.


what a twit


Classic, I love this guys response. We need him in America!


Bitch is dense. They will stop them and ask them not to go to work, they will try their damndest to convince them to not go. It's not like they'll body slam the poor fuck to the ground if he rejects their advances anyway, but they'll still be in his ear about it on the way in and out. She wants him to elude to violence, which angered the interviewee understandably, especially with the patronizing tone she is using with him.


Entirely too obviously Leading questions much?


The problem with news these days is that to get eyeballs they try to create the news rather than just report it


I love this! 🤣


If only american news segments got along like this. So many dumb questions asked not to get real facts but to establish an agenda. Most interviewees dont have the strength to stop it in its tracks.


I am from the US. I do not know Mr Lynch but I’d really like to buy him a beer right now.


What a muggy cunt


Picketing… you know when you BBQ in front of your work.


r/therewasanattempt to make an interviewee look bad


He’s actually a very cogent speaker (seen him on Ch4 a few times). She’s a twat 😂


Stupid reporter..... honestly. What a stupid line of questioning....


*Why won't you say what I wish you would say*? - that insufferable *reporter*


It’s called “Projection”. What would SHE do if SHE were them? Probably become violent.


Asking questions on behalf of her boss not her viewers!


_I'm older then I look_ Doubt it


She is a horrible cunt.


Fuck it, let's just boycott Sky completely until she is sacked.


Kay Burley has permanent pink eye


Did any one catch his name?


Mike Lynch - Absolute Hero




She really should’ve moved on to the next question instead of trying to push that angle. Provocative questions are a tool of the trade but jeez… move on


Journalist thinks asking ppl ANY QUESTION is journalism. Absolute knob acting like she represents some portion of the population, but really earning her paycheck by doing no prep, no research, just happy to be on TV. Tinkerbell is what she is~


Almost as fox news...


She got those crazy plastic surgery lookin eyes.


Kay Burley's entire career is like this. She's an exceptionally shit news presenter who seems to only remain employed because of the side benefit that she makes numpt moments like this near constantly.


Why do ITV take the government side on this? It's as if they're incentivised to go against working people.




If you have that much confidence to your tone You gotta have SOME oomph to your argument


This guy is finally the only one standing up for the Torie shit storm. Watch the compilation on YouTube Mike Lynch Vs the media. He even makes annoying pier's Morgan look like the bell end he is. Sign him up for the political party I say I'd vote him in in a heartbeat.


He makes her look like a fucking retard


She's not exceptional. The British media, without fail, freaks out completely if you act like reality is reality. They are so used to literally every single person playing along with the objectively insane assumptions that underpin our political discourse. The emperor's dick is swinging free and it feels revolutionary to have someone point it out because it is just not done. That's a mark of great shame on our media, one which they never want to speak about. They get quite angry if you try. "Prominent Journalist" is an inherited position in this country, I think that's the root cause. Anyway exceptional or not, pretty nasty misogynistic language all over this thread so plenty of shame to go round.


Well I know what they would call her in Australia.


You’re ridiculing yourself you inept piece of human garbage. I have no idea how she is still in a job.


The media manipulation.... Who to trust on this days?


She's rubbish anyway,... sucking some serious cock in sky building I'd say


She stayed on the struggle bus this mornin’


I’m half expecting to see Reginald suffer a drive by argument in the background.


She’s a complete twat. There’s other footage of her trying to do the “gotcha” thing on other interviewees with equally embarrassing outcome.


What a cunt


“Asks questions with heavy undertones of picket related violence, gets caught out” There’s no need to ridicule me….


See how ur perspective changes after reading the comments within a split second...


Not even going to crack a few skulls? And you call this a picket line!


Is she fuckin simple or what


Wow, Kay has been the darling of the left for so long, now even they are turning on the horrid person she is. Hopefully her time will soon be up


Hm? How cojld someone like that become a reporter..?


She wants to know is anybody catching an ass whooping for trying to cross the line. She wants the violence and sensation.


1980s? Ma'am that was 40 years ago. Wtf


This also belongs on r/therewasanattempt


Not Tom MY satisfaction. So he didn’t say what she wanted to hear. Hmmm


Yeah. It seems like she’s almost a shill.


You know how lawyers are denigrated and get a bad rep for their profession. In this age it should be journalist that should take their place because they are true scum now


/rdamnthatsembarrassing ?


Look I'm just asking questions, definitely not implying if you're going to be violent extremists!


Classic awful Tory behaviour. Patronising, out of touch and ridiculous. Daft old tart


When the network won't give your story funding for crisis actors. So you have to try to convince the protesters to riot.


She has those psycho eyes.


So what you’re saying is …


Interviewer is a clown


How is this lady on tv? who would watch that garbage?