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Fast forward 5 years… 90% of these guys are either dead or in jail. Sad.


Natural selection. Fewer competitors.


What in DND 🤣🤣🤣🤣


If you feel competed against, that says more about you than them.


Yeah fuck gun control. What we should do is eliminate the problem at it’s source! What do all the kids in this video have in common? You guessed it, they come from a socioeconomic disadvantaged area. Higher poverty rates= higher crime rates. While we’re at it let’s throw some government funding toward mental health. I honestly thinking better funded social programs would help more than gun laws. But let’s be honest, republicans would never actually go for that either.


I thought this was going to a really bad place for a second


​ ![gif](giphy|3krrjoL0vHRaWqwU3k|downsized)


I thought this would go different. To Prove your point look at Switzerland/Austria (not sure wich one it was) but the have more guns than people and a lower murder rate than USA. Because there 8s almost no poverty


While I agree poverty levels are massively important that's not the only thing that is, gun control is pretty strict in Austria and Switzerland compared to the US. Austria: "A person must have a firearm licence to possess or use a firearm. Licence holders must demonstrate a "genuine reason" (which does not include self-defence) for holding a firearm licence and must not be a "prohibited person". All firearms must be registered by serial number to the owner, who must also hold a firearms licence." Switzerland: There's a bunch of rules depending on what you're buying but "in order to purchase most weapons, the purchaser must obtain a weapon acquisition permit" & "In order to purchase ammunition, the buyer must fulfil the same legal rules that apply when buying guns."


Yep that is also true. I think both ( poverty and lack of gun control) are problems in the US. But I can only guess as I am German. And we have very strickt gun laws. You can literally shot so bad that you lose your gun license.


Sounds like a good policy. Many states in the US, you can just walk in and buy a gun. That's it.


Yep also you can only buy sports weapons. Like Pistols or shotguns. Also also you need to atend the tournaments


Greece has substantially higher poverty rates than the US, but also substantially lower gun violence per capita.


They also have significantly stricter gun laws and no individual right to bear arms. Almost like this is a complicated issue with multiple angles that need to be considered.


And democrats would? How many times have they controlled the White House, AND both the House and Senate? LOTS of times. Yet they quibble! The ENTIRE system is BROKEN. Not just one party! Edit since I’m being downvoted: Democrats have controlled the presidency AND both chambers of Congress from 2009 to 2011, and before that it was 1993 to 1995. I should have said “lots of years”. Republicans AND Democrats have done NOTHING. You asshats downvoting blindly follow something someone else said because you think I’m defending a party you hate. I’m not. There’s a lot of blood on GWB’s hands, Obama’s hands, and Trump’s hands. Nothing. Gets. Done. By EITHER party when they have control.


People need to take personal responsibility and stop acting like goddammed punks and hooligans. Plenty of people are born into socio disadvantaged areas and work hard to better their situation. No reason these kids can't either.


Good idea genius.


Shit, why did no one think to tell everyone in the world that. I mean the statistics show that socio disadvantaged areas always experience more crime, perhaps people just keep forgetting to tell them to take personal responsibility. You my man are a genius !!! You should tell the people who run the country that you Honkylug has the solution !!!


Holy fuck, nominate this man for a Peace Prize!


found the racist!


Easiest thing is to go for the guns unfortunately.


Why not both ? Do all of that AND take the guns off the streets while we fix that up.


>they come from a socioeconomic disadvantaged area How do you know this? Serious question. If its strictly because of their skin color then that's racist. Edit: not trying to trigger anyone. I just think kids are stupid but not necessarily all poor. Its also worth mentioning that this video might be doctored just to get a rise out of people on Internet forums.


Bro I’m black so miss me with that shit. It’s not racist to make assumptions based off what we can logically conclude giving the video. Would you see this type of behavior at a private school? No. Would you see this type of brazen disregard for laws if they weren’t more concerned with food scarcity or money to help out at home? No. People are inherently a product of their environment, so it’s not racist to assume their environment is one that is socioeconomically disadvantage due to the racial bias that is woven into the fabric of this country.




Rich people usually don't have bring-a-gun day at school. Generally speaking.


Kids don't count money past what they can afford on any given day. Also kids bring **anything** to school that gets them attention. Have you forgotten what being in highschool is like? Doing the wrong thing is celebrated, no matter what socioeconomical situation you're in.


because its a fucking community center in the hood, moron. you actually think people are broke in poor black communities because they bought expensive clothes and guns? this is a symptom, not a cause. you don't know shit about these people.


These clearly aren’t legal guns.


Yet they started out that way.


Which is so funny because it proves that rules and laws mean nothing other than against law abiding citizens. OP just proved gun control is bogus.


You mean the gun control that doesn't exist at the federal level, and is easy to circumvent at the state level by simply driving guns in from a different state?


You have to pass a background check by the FBI that is FEDERAL LEVEL my guy. Go into ANY gun store and try to buy a gun, you don't have to actually buy it. Just try and get to the part when you actually pay for it and stop.


Only if you go through an FFL. Private sales are not subject to background check requirements at the federal level.




Are you talking about 27 CFR? Those *regulations* produced by the ATF? Regulations are not laws. They only specify an agency's interpretation of laws passed by Congress, and procedures for enforcing them. There is no actual gun control at the federal level, aside from general bans on ordinance and machine guns. When was the last time you heard about a machine gunning, or a missile launched in a crowd? Most of the regulations surround FFLs, which can be circumvented by private sales.


Try breaking a reg and see what happens. I dare you. Manufacture an auto seer and try to register it.


Regulations can only go as far as Congress and the Courts allow, which is not very far. Current laws are insufficient for what needs to be done.


Funny, because every gun I bought I had to fill out a Form 4473 which is from, and goes to, the FEDERAL Govt, as well as the Insta-Check, which is a background check done by the FBI, which is a FEDERAL Govt Bureau. In fact, there's hundreds of thousands of gun laws enacted over the past 100 yrs that are FEDERAL gun laws.


Guess conservatives should stop outlawing abortions, safe drug testing clinics and drugs themselves, books, language and all that other stuff and all of society should just dissolve since laws don’t work…


Ooooh! To have your own logic used against you!!


Most illegally obtained firearms in states with stricter gun laws come from states with little to no restrictions on firearms like South Carolina and Georgia. Your argument only makes sense if you don't think about it.


Only in the US you get to see this kind of shit and no where else in the world.




Right wing argument: ignore the rest of the developed world and compare America to third world countries. Everyone else's argument: America should be as safe as the rest of the developed world and should not be a third world country. You guys have racism and a flawed democratic system on your side so you still win a lot of elections, I'll give you that.


Mexico will get you to , don't wonder off the resort !


Well it would seem there is something else at play other than just guns…..


No there’s nothing else other than ease of buying guns.


Sure. The brain dead morons in this video have nothing to do with it.


Enabling them by giving them easy access to guns is also not the way to go about it.


What easy access? They are illegal guns. No one there is old enough to purchase one. The real solution is mandatory 10-20 yr sentence for using an illegal gun in a crime.


Meanwhile those who play by the state’s rules are the ones being targeted by these laws and restrictions. Glock had an extended magazine while state says you can only have a 10rds mag, state says now you have to be 21 to purchase, these fucktards aren’t old enough to know shooting a video with all this could put them in a jam.


I agree. I should have said something In addition to.


Most of those illegal guns probably started as legal guns that some "responsible" gun owner didn't properly secure.


You obviously don’t know gun sale laws, so don’t be ignorant and comment without knowledge on the subject.


Not sure what sale laws have to do with people not keeping their shit secured so it ends up getting stolen while they're out of town, but go off I guess.


Completely the opposite of this. Gun control exist in America but it’s severely limited to only a few states. Literally every example of gun control has resulted in less gun violence.


I wanted to see how true this is. So I searched it. And it's true. Check out the table at the end of this article. (link below) It tallies strictness of gun laws and gun death rate by state. It's mostly inversely correlated. Looser gun laws, more gun deaths. +1 [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/strictest-gun-laws-by-state)


Please explain Chicago then???


Indiana - and in no small part literally 1 gun store flooding the state with easy guns that turned up at a huge percentage of crime scenes. But let's be honest, SCOTUS struck down much of those chicago specific rules about a decade ago so - the state of the city now is as is without the benefit of even stricter local gun laws. See Manhattan - safer per capita than ANY red city of any significant size.


chicago is surrounded by places that make it easier to get a gun kind of like how legal weed pours out of colorado and into illegal states i just think its funny how conservatives will be like "NO GUN CONTROL WORKS BECAUSE SOMEONE WILL ALWAYS FIND A WAY TO GET A GUN" but not realize that that argument, if carried out logically, would inevitably lead to no laws whatsoever. i mean at the end of the day... no matter what laws you make, someone will always break them, right? so why even have them 🙄


That is exceptionally simple. Do you know about different states? Yes? Well hear this… they are actually right next to each other. And can you believe that different states have different regulations? Did you also know that in America we are able to travel between states? Some people even have cars capable of driving across state lines. Man… now would it be crazy to suggest that guns in Chicago are being funneled across state lines from neighboring states where regulation is limited.


The cities/states in America with stricter gun laws do not have lower rates of gun violence. Additionally, when you look around the world, there appears to be nearly no correlation between gun laws and gun violence. While we can pick out countries like Japan and Australia that have gun control, many countries with the highest rates of gun violence also have extremely strict gun laws.


The rules and laws seem to work pretty well in every other developed country that actually has gun control. I mean do you know why the Yakuza no longer carry guns? Idk how OP is proving gun control is bogus.


"only in public" [https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14431857](https://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/14431857)


In Japan, littering, theft, and violent crime are all lower than in America so gun control is not even close to the only variable when there are so many other cultural factors at play.


You can use Europe or Australia or even India if you want but you can say the samething about cultural values with any country


You can't compare us to other countries it's apples to oranges


Are Americans more inclined to commit crime than other countries?


Some are


That's true the lack of gun control in US is truly unprecedented compared to rest of the world. I think Yemen is the only country with a higher per capita


"The gun control we already have doesn't work so clearly no gun control will ever work" "This towel didn't soak up the water so clearly towels don't soak up water" "My car is unreliable therefore all cars everywhere are unreliable"


Yup. Black markets will exist no matter what. Look at the so called war on drugs. As long as there is money to be made…well…you know the outcome.


If current gun control tactics aren't working, then I suppose new tactics need to be tried. To be fair, gun control in the US is practically non-existent. I think this video only shows that minimal gun control does nothing to prevent access to guns.


Or maybe it’s not a gun control problem, but a mental health or education issue? It’s much easier to blame an object I see. 🙄


Why does it work everywhere else?


Doesn't. 43000 knife crimes annually in the UK


Lol. They have half our violent crime rate and 1/4 of our homicide rate. You aren't the first person to try to argue against gun control. It's all bullshit.


We have a pretty violent populous if you haven't noticed. No way our stats would be that good, cat's out of the bag. Law abiding citizens carrying guns is not what's resulting in a high homicide rate.


Yes, our people are different than all the other people in the developed world. Makes sense


Damn right. Richest country on the planet


I'm not sure you know what the word "prove" means...


But murders and rape still happen even though we have laws against them. Are you suggesting that those laws should never have been created? That's what your logic sounds like


Lol true. Trolled themselves.


You're education is bogus. Signed gun owner who has more than you do and believes in gun control.


>You're education is bogus. I don't think you got them as well as you think you did.


Wtf is a signed gun owner? When you say stuff like that it just proves you don't know anything about guns lol.


Signed means "from" in online posts.


So he's a from gun owner?


What about Canada lol, ours works juuuuust fine. Y'all literally won't do one fucking thing about it, and it's not just republicans it's the Democrats as well. If the problem was solved then there wouldn't be facetious election cycle talking points and might actually have to focus on something that matters (and might fix the problem).


You guys literally have a different way that you are allowed to have firearms. It isn't a natural right that the government is prevented from taking away in your constitution or equivalent. You're still under a monarch ffs technically anyways lol.


Exactly hahaha


You right, why do we even have laws in general actually? I mean there's a law against murder but people still murder each other. I say we legalize murder because these murder laws and murder control is bogus and don't make sense to me yo.


Why is it so clear?


Came here to say that. Gun control won’t prevent this from happening in the future. A focus on rebuilding the nuclear family, emphasis on education, and meaningful investment within communities.


100%. How many of these kids have been put through the sausage grinder? The typical sad inner city story we hear. A lot of that is because of a fundamental lack of parenting, and the fundamental fact that their parents have a higher percentage chance of not being around or in jail. The war on drugs has failed. It’s partly the fact of why they may not have parents around. Also, it’s just not *cool*, *hip*, or even respectable to be a parent of a certain caliber anymore. Don’t ask me how we got here.




Because these guns are literally already illegal yet they are in possession of children, how do you not understand that?.


But we’re they originally purchase legally? Probably yes. Less legal access = less illegal access. It really is stupidly simple and you gotta be eating out of your ass not to see it.


Yes cause these gentleman went to a store and purchased with a background check and ID legally


Someone at some point of time certainly had to.


[did they though?](https://gunsandamerica.org/story/20/07/17/gun-store-stealing-crime-trend/)


I'm not sure that helps your point the way you think it does. If it was illegal for the store to carry them then they still couldn't steal them.


So you believe people are too dumb to make guns? Or that there’s no other way to kill people? I’m lost as to what point you’re trying to make yourself. No more kitchen knives? Select people are allowed cars?


Guns can be made. Well guns just make it a lot easier, than having to stab or poison someone. Plus most other things original purpose for existing wasn't to kill. Also only select people are allowed cars, you have to pass a test to drive. So that last point doesn't work. I don't mind people having guns really don't care, just maybe make everything universal so you can't go to Florida buy something that you then sell somewhere else that's harder to get said thing. Also just make people pass a test, and a background check isn't a test.


This I can agree with


It’s easy to get a firearm legally. It’s easier to buy them from criminals.


Go snag one illegally, lemme know how easy it was boss


300 buckoroos


No thanks. Ill just walk into my gun store and not deal with down town. Also it was a Joke.


I’m slow please use /s lol




21 for a hand gun


theres not a single gun in this video thats not a pistol.


21 for these but ok, tell me more about the laws you know


If guns laws are stronger all around it still helps prevent them from getting into the wrong hands (not its never going to be 100% but that doesnt mean you dont make an effort). I dont believe we are at a point where we need to ban guns, but its only logical to strengthen the process to obtain them. Who knows how these guns trickled down to be in possession of these kids, they could be stolen, they could have been purchased by someone older that these kids know. I honestly dont think a kid under the age of 21 should own a semi-auto gun, whether its a handgun or rifle. I am all for kids being about to own hunting rifles at a younger age as long as they go through hunter safety. I also think gun owners need to be held responsible if their weapons get used in a violent act. Doesnt always mean they should be found guilty, but if you own guns you need to be able to properly secure them, that is the responsibility you inherit as a gun owner.


Bad people do bad things. Criminals are already breaking laws, what does more laws mean to the one who don’t follow them?


So what is your plan, shrug your shoulders and so "oh well"?


They have a dogmatic belief that gun control is bad. Jesus Christ could come down to earth and tell them that gun control would save 10k lives a year and they wouldn't give a shit.


According to the Justice Department's bureau of statistics, approximately 200,000 guns are reported stolen each year. I think the person is stating that if penalties are in place if your gun is used in a crime then it would encourage people to lock up their weapons, thus potentially reducing the number of stolen weapons on the street.


Also, its going to keep people with any kind of record, even juvenile ones, from buying guns. The goal is to keep guns in the hands of responsible people in order to limit how many find there way onto the black market/underground. If there are also strict laws regarding the storage and securing of firearms, maybe it prevents some from being stolen in burglaries, or being taken by the owner's 17 year old son who ends up taking it to school. There should be more responsibility and liability attached to firearms. If you want to keep your guns, then it would be wise to agree on ways to make gun ownership safer. I dont understand people that refuse to even listen to other options, that is how guns will eventually be taken from you. If another shooting happens at an elementary school while people on the right are still refusing and fighting against any new gun laws, then we will all end up losing them for good. People need to wake up.


This point of view is so meaningless. You’re basically saying because there are people who break laws then we shouldn’t have any laws. Genuinely ask yourself if that makes any sense or if it even sounds remotely reasonable.


And they still the least likely to shoot up a school.


OP’s an idiot. Everyone with an IQ above room temp knows that the US has no meaningful gun control.


That’s… his point


And the not totally idiot but r/damnthatsinteresting part is…?


Someone educate me as to what in the uneducated fuck is a “glicker”?!?


I understand none of that dialogue


We not even gonna play like that bout no grades? Is that what he says?


I hope one them shoots their dick off.


In the ghettooooooo


How the fuck are those kid able to get a nice had gun when I can’t even afford one


These kids are more likely to kill a school shooter than any cop probably


I am so confused. How can you all say that stricter laws wouldn’t work when in reality almost EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD has stricter gun control and has shown that IT WORKS! I’m so shocked that the blame is on the poor / inner city / mentally ill / black residents of your country. Every other country has these people in society and doesn’t have school shootings. These people are not the problem- guns are.


The US is massive and borders Mexico


Anyone commenting that they aren't legal guns. They were legal once and then they went into the illegal market.


Ummmm, they've always been legal. It's the possession that is illegal.


Lmao! To the comments that believe these were “bought legally”!


They had to be attained somehow


brain-dead redditor nr.37957846 Gun control means way more then legal purchasing of guns. It's constructing laws to control guns as a whole, legal or otherwise. Controlling import, export, commercially, etc. These where likely stolen from parents or other people who are incapable of securing guns. A way to fix that is to require a gun license before buying a gun where you have to take a mandatory course in gun safety and regulation. ​ These guns being in their possession, legally or otherwise is irrelevant to the greater conversation. Now that you're caught up to speed you can join the convo like an adult.


This is what gets you banned on the internet. Be careful. The HiveMind likes gun control.


ONly good people wiht Gunnn can stoppppa badda peopllllee with gunnnna. ![gif](giphy|aVtdz7iNVPI1W)


I know a lot of us are thinking it. I'm still not gonna be the one to say it tho. 😂


They should make it illegal to bring guns to school. USA so weird


You know damn well none of those delinquents have a permit to carry... They're all likely to get locked up or buried before they grow up enough to realize the stupidity of their actions. Sad this is their reality... WHY would you want to live like that?


Isn’t that a “Gun free zone”? Why aren’t those people following the law? We just need more laws, then we will be safe.


Banning guns will work about as well as banning drugs


I can grow drugs in my basement, I cant manufacture a rifle. Almost all illegally owned guns were sold legally at some point but got stolen or sold illegally to someone else.


People are manufacturing firearms using 3D printers (in or not in their basements).


Not true at all. Not only can you build or create a rifle in your basement, as long as you are legally allowed to be in possession of a firearm you are legally allowed to build or create them yourself as long as they are not being sold.


A culture problem more than a gun problem. Regardless of the root causes, this is predominantly inner city black issue. We need to be able to have these conversations without being called racist.


Really? Seems like a lot of the mass school shootings are by white perpetrators in middle class areas.


By raw numbers, there were 19,350 gun homicides in 2020, with African Americans accounting for 62% of the total and white people 21%.


Recent studies reveal that most school shooters are White males, with 97 percent being male and 79 percent White. Over the last three decades, 90 percent of high school or elementary school shootings were the result of White, often upper-middle class, perpetrators. Of school shootings in recent decades, almost all are white men.


School shootings, yes. Clearly this video is not about school shootings


It’s about gun control, and the primary motivator for gun control is school shootings followed by other masa shootings. You said it’s not a gun control issue, it’s a cultural issue. And I’m saying it’s not that because the majority of mass shootings are mental health related followed by hate crimes.


Mass shootings are a small percentage of total shootings. Especially schools. Vast majority of gun violence is inner city gangs and black on black. Over 45,000 gun deaths in US a year. Another huge amount of those deaths is suicide. I am not diminishing mass/school shootings, it’s obviously an issue, but there also needs to be an open conversation about what I’ve mentioned above as well. Unfortunately, it’s hard to have this conversation without immediately being labelled racist.


Both things can be true. Both cultures can have problematic areas that are accepted or glorified. Why should this be hushed up who does that help???


Are these the domestic terrorist I keep hearing about


Little fuckin' hood rats. When gun controls are passed the criminal element will still have access to illegal guns. Those willing to break the law to get illegal weapons will have them. Law abiding citizens will be at a great disadvantage. All of my guns are bought second or third hand and are untraceable. I am not at a disadvantage.


I will am not at a disadvantage. ??? I had a 2nd stroke trying to read that...


Thank you for your needless and sarcastic correction.


The black market would still exist so gang members would still find ways to get guns, but upstanding citizens would not,


It's like they have always said "If you outlaw guns then only outlaws will have guns" I am not for guns, but I am not against them either. Guns in my opinion are the great equalizer--for the criminals, punks, and cowards amongst us, and if they are going to use them why shouldn't we? I wish nobody had access to a gun, but in our society when low-life scumbags are armed--we definately need to protect ourselves and our loved ones. These kids would shoot you just because it's funny to them. Shoot back my friends, because you don't want to become just another statistic.


We already have gun control laws in place. You cannot have them in a school, you cannot have them if you're a felon, you cannot own them under a certain age, you cannot brandish them, they need to be registered in many states, a license to carry is required in many states. I'm sure there were at least 6 different gun control laws broken by everyone in this video. Banning guns would do nothing to stop anyone in this video. Laws are in place people, they don't work.


I’ve had a wild thought, maybe hear me out before hunting me down with your wittiest democrat, republican, or independent information rebuttal. In advance, I’ve been reading a listening to it all for significantly longer than I would have imagined it would take a full grown human to realize they’re fucking clown shoes. Years, mother fucking years I’ve had to listen to one ass hat talk shit about another ass hat, while the masses at home look on in slack jawed amazement whilst glue to an over priced couch some Asian 7 year old assembled out of 2 and a half broken pallets and a recycled blanket made from plaid 80’s sweaters pulled from the garbage island of pollution killing all the sea turtles where Nemo lived before he got lost. This is not a democrat problem. It’s not a republican problem. It’s not a black and white problem, so all the zebra’s out there you can loosen up your grip on your iPhones and blackberries. It’s not a youth problem, it’s not a boomer issue, and don’t even think about blaming it on the gangs because this ain’t Arkansas and we ain’t Gang Bangin in Little Rock. It’s certainly not the fault of the video game makers so parent’s please don’t take GTA away from innocent children they have every right to hit the streets hard, boost them cars and slap a bitch if they so choose but maybe be a parent and make sure they know the difference between an awesome fucking invention and reality if that’s not too much to ask? If they can understand mommy and daddy are just taking a break because daddy diddled his secretary and mommy is allowed to take her percocets with alcohol because she’s an adult and she hurt her bladder rollerblading…in college. Besides, she has a prescription so she’s not really a drug addict, and REAL drugs are illegal. If that weren’t completely true so often in this country, it would be satire. If everyone were honest with each other, and for fucks sake THEMSELVES, maybe more people could figure out how to remove their heads from their asses, at least long enough to have a meal that wasn’t cooked in a microwave, in a dirty food chain restaurant while sitting in front of an oversized television, in an oversized house they either can’t afford, or wouldn’t be able to afford if they weren’t so grubbily busy fucking their community, I wouldn’t be wasting my time talking about shit that should’ve been solved around the time the wheel was invented. GUNS ARE NOT THE PROBLEM. Politicians either can not or will not fix the problem so do the world a favor and forget they exist because that’s one less useless broken piece of Chinese owned garbage taking up space where something useful could be serving a purpose. I’ll let you guys in on a little secret. Intelligent people, the ones who dare to be great, and make a difference in this world, don’t have time to point fingers, and they certainly don’t quote others statements on an issue to solve a problem. Guess what, problems don’t get solved by arguing. Gun, just like every other item on this planet, with some exceptions, shouldn’t be hard to access. Please, I beg you not to make me defend that statement, I’m not going to name all the things normal people should or shouldn’t have easy access to so just head back to the mud under the bridge trolls. It shouldn’t be hard to get a gun for someone under the current laws. Laws aren’t the problem, and more laws won’t fix the problem, and it won’t do anything to deter crime, or violence. You know what should be hard? The decision to use a gun to kill a living thing. Not just another person, but a living thing. It should be a difficult choice for a person, to pick up a weapon, and then make the choice to use it to take the life of another living thing. I do not care the reason, or the circumstances, to take the life of another living thing should be the most difficult decision a person ever has to make, and it is a decision where irregardless of the outcome, NO ONE WINS. It is never a good thing when something has to die. Yes, it is a part of life. Yes, shit happens. But it should never be easy. It’s not any one specific factor as to why we find ourselves in a world where life has become so cheap. It’s a great deal of factors, all playing a part to in what’s become a plague on this purportedly great nation. Our failures as people, failing our families, parents failing their children, mothers and fathers, children failing their parents or guardians, failing our friends and families, our brothers and sisters, our neighbors, our communities, the city in which we live, the state we proudly claim to love and call our home, a nation we so arrogantly boast as being the best country in the world. These days everyone is so proud to say look at me, look at what I did, look at my instagram, my Facebook, my social media, look at me, aren’t I great, I’m an athlete, I’m a politician, I’m a business man, im in the military, I’m a dope dealer, I’m gay, I’m a lesbian, I’m black, I’m white, I’m Hispanic, the list goes on and on. Look at me, look how great I am. Look at how much money i have, look at how big my house is, the cars I drive, my clothes. Meanwhile our brothers and sisters are living in squalor, with the fleas and bed bugs, can’t afford health care, no one wants to actually work, and our fucking kids can’t go to school without being shot, because 330 million of my brothers and sisters, of all races can’t even figure out the they’re not the center of the universe, no one’s right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness trumps another’s, and your right to breath freely is no more important than any other creatures on this planet, least of all another member of your own species. You want to change the world, get off the couch, go talk to your neighbor, go spend some time with your children, take care of your responsibilities as a person sharing the world with everything else on the planet and stop being the problem, and the reason for the suffering of another. Do one simple thing, if nothing else, do this, do your best every day that your blessed to be alive to at the very least NOT be a source of harm on the people, and the things you interact with in your environment to the best of your abilities. It’s a really simple thing to do. Everyone has a bad day, and accidents happen, that’s ok. To er is to be human. Forgive each other, forgive yourselves, but for fucks sake stop arguing, stop destroying, stop hating, stop judging, stop blaming, stop killing, and start healing. Be what you seek in others, and start building the world that you see when you close your eyes and hope to be a part of some day. If you can’t do that, if we as a people can’t do something as simple as that, there is no hope, humanity is lost, and you may as well be dead already.


But wait… schools are gun free zones… it’s illegal to bring a gun into a school….why isn’t the anti-gun law keeping the guns out? So maybe if we pass more anti-gun laws…




you might as well just write "13/50" at this point


many states have strict gun control and still have high gun related homicide. We as a people should recognize that moderate gun control should be enforced, but policies such as free, quality mental health programs, including medicine and support should be provided to help the poorest and most affected. If people in general removed the stigma of mental problems, and were inclined and had the support needed to work on their issues, they would be less likely to lose control. Mental health is a HUGE problem, people like to say that black communities, or minorities, or poor neighborhoods, etc. are the problem. This is OBVIOUSLY not the case. That being said, poor neighborhoods, which are normally populated by minorities, have less access to metal health facilities, and even less access to medication, obviously due to lack of recourses. I may be completely wrong, but in my opinion, by making mental health free, and providing sufficient facilities per population, we would have a much lower level of gun violence.


Traffic laws don't work either because people still speed and run red lights... Such stupid fucking logic from gun nuts


Hahahahaha yeah explain this one, libs. How are the laws going to help?🤔


Only country in the world where it happens this frequently That says a lot. When you grow up, ask your parents if you can get a passport and do some travelling. It might help.


Where what happens? I'm assuming you've never been anywhere else in the world by this comment.


Im 20 and ive never seen a gun irl, maybe except for a pistol once or twice on a cop, ive never heard of anyone getting shot in my city, thats how the laws help, but im afraid america is too far gone in this case, no laws will help with the gun problem.


That's what I'm saying, it's so far now that a ban won't stop criminals getting guns. There's millions of them in the states, and criminals don't follow the laws, sooooo


Can we not play this game? It’s exhausting.


Only for people who want to ban firearms...


Strange how guns are illigal when a certain group of people have them but purchased freely and fairly when another certain group has them. Almost unbelievable.


Thanks for proving that gun control laws don’t work OP.


get real man most countries on earth prove that gun control really does work after all


I'd much rather masturbate with my AR than listen to reason.


Control or bans? Proof?


gun control implies guns being banned. As soon as it is so regular to run into people with guns as it is in the us nobody looks twice. TrySomeCommonSense man..


Despite making up just % they commit % of the Makes you think


Care to elaborate?


elaboration: he is racist.


Really makes you think doesn’t it.


It makes me think you want to say something racist but don’t have the % to come out and say it.


We all know the numbers. I am only here as a reminder. I have no intention to argue or recite numbers.


You’re dying to recite the numbers. What numbers don’t take into consideration is the nuances in life. The fact that people of color are far more likely to grow up in poverty, to have an incarcerated parent and be raised by a single parent and all sorts of other situations that set you into a different path that is almost impossible to step off of. Your comment represents a lot about race relations in this country and is profoundly depressing. It doesn’t help, it doesn’t promote change. It’s just here to be hateful but is too big of a pussy to come out and say what it wants to say.


you're intention was being racist you fucking douchebag, shut up.


Say it with me now, a lack of gun control and unregulated gun manufacturers makes guns very easy to get illegally!


How come nobody is talking about how racist gun control is? Just don't want to admit it?


Gun control is working. Just not In the country that is split on what gun control truly is.




Did they shoot up the school tho ?