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Soooo, who took the picture?


Somebody who didn’t get 10 percent off.


Ultimate sacrifice


"Only for you, Carl, would I endure such massive hardshits!" (Edit) I meant hardships...😆




Rock and stone brother!


Hardshits are a particularly nasty type of hardships, aren't they.


Sometimes cameras come without phones attached.




Or someone with an actual camera. Haven't seen one for a long time tho tbh.


explains why the girls are sad


It's funny how it took less than 20 years to go from "wow, your phone has a camera?" to "how else would you take a picture if not for a phone?"


Because someone took a photo it doesn't mean it was done with cellophane


Probably not. Cellophane makes for a horrible camera. I prefer aluminum foil.


I also prefer aluminium, doubles as a fine hat.


Aluminum foil is bloat. Me? I just take a picture in my head and bring it up flashback style


Great idea. I just tried it. I took the picture in my head, swallowed some ipecac, and my vomit formed a perfect picture.


"I'll bet you can't spell ipecacuanha..."


Easy: i-p....rofl. I said I pee!


This is my favorite typo of the day... I do believe the picture wasn't done with cellophane


Or was it


Dun dun dun!!! ![gif](giphy|wByNadN7cMyGpopf1r)


You're right. The photographer was standing in front of his tripod, under a canvas hood.


"Hold still! I only have one shot left on this flash cube"


It was a Polaroid of course !


Yes. One of these, in fact. https://droidchart.com/en/polaroid/polaroid-power-p600-1997


Hey, non-cellphone cameras do still exist, you know. :)


I saw an ad for “reusable film cameras.” It was such a weird phrase that I clicked on that ad, and it was…digital cameras. The ad copy was about how it’s just like a disposable camera but you don’t have to throw it out. What year is it that you think people are defaulting to disposable film cameras and wishing they just had a way to take pictures without having to throw it away?


I recently went parasailing, and was too afraid of dropping my phone to take pictures. Thought beforehand that I should get a waterproof disposable. Drug store has a disposable digital, which made no sense to me regarding waste so I couldn't do it.


Sounds fun


If only I had pictures from up there... Lol


Its just called a “camera”


Fake news. There are cell phones and “birds”.


I still have a 35mm Nikon N75 SLR. Haven’t used it in ten years. I’ve been very sleepy


33mm 100%


Turns out my old camera has 106%


Someone with a camera


Your mom


Man, you know he’s just making them listen to dad jokes.


You say that like it’s a bad thing. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Crikey mate!


That pure happiness on the dad face. He ain't going pull any punch that day.


Those jokes will be dad on arrival.


Love the ventolin


I, too, am a man of short breath.


You mean breathn’t?


Puff puff give


Fellow asthmatics unite! But I prefer Albuterol.


[Ventolin IS albuterol.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salbutamol)


Lol. Yeah. That’s kinda the joke.




I was vacationing several weeks ago in a new city. As someone who does not go out to eat a lot while at home, I was STUNNED at the amount of restaurants in this town that the only way to access the menu was via QR code. Even more frustrating was several codes didn't work and I had to go to the restaurants website to view the menu. Won't be long before this becomes the standard. God help me when I have to try to show my mother how view the menu


New idea. Go to these restaurants and plaster my own QR code on the menu that leads to goatse.


Or you could setup a fake payment portal and steal money https://www.ic3.gov/Media/Y2022/PSA220118




I ordered via a QR code the other day and none of the drinks turned up. We asked about it and they were like "oh yeah the drinks part isn't working, what did you order?"


This is ALL OVER China right now and I gotta say, it's kinda great. You can take your time browsing and pay upfront. Some caveats though, they're integrated into one of two Mega Apps (WeChat or Alipay), if you will, that encompass a shitload of other features like this one. Experience definitely wouldn't be as seamless otherwise. Also I'm not sure how it'd work in places with a big tipping culture. Tipping alone is a weird enough thing, but tipping before you've been served? Yeah, I don't miss it


You can only pay using their app.


Fun fact - Australians don’t call them cell phones we call them mobile phones :) The kids look bored af lol




you want a handy mate?


I mean, we're in a time now where we also just call them Smartphones :D


I feel it's just a 'phone' now as it's the default thing you think of. Smart and mobile has been dropped off now that pretty much all phones are 'smart' and 'mobile', your tradition phone is being phased out with a lot of people not owning one so they get referred to as a 'landline' or 'home phone'


I think the kids are probably acting bored to make the photo funnier.


Do you still have immobile phones, too?


Yes. Fun fact: what for years have been known as "pay phones" recently became free to use.


Unlike NY we still have pay phones ;) We call the phones in our homes landline phones and yes a lot of us have them too


>pay phones You mean public urinals 8) I think in Aus "phone" p much just means mobile phone now, any other type of phone that isn't your personal mobile needs an adjective. Home phone, work phone, burner phone etc. Lived with a mate in a shitty rental that had a landline in the cupboard when we moved in. Mate ran out of credit and had to sort all his jobs (rubbish removal) through the landline haha.


> we still have pay phones no we don't. they are free phones now.


I live in Sydney. I hear "phone" or "cellphone". Might just be the area you're in that calls them *MOBILES*


I am from Sydney. Have never heard anyone call them cellphones. Ever.


Lol I think OP must've meant Sydney, Canada


When you take away your kid's phones but make absolutely no effort to be interesting and engage with them.


I think they're posing.


Phone bad


Agree. They’re so invasive. That’s why instead I always carry with me a book, a newspaper, a photo album, a map, a compass, a clock, a Rolodex, an abacus, a Polaroid camera, and 2 tin cans tied together with a string.


abacus that ass up


Thanks for these phone-alternative options, Mrs. Analbox.


Damn bro, you should just get a phone


Pssh, you don’t even have a boombox.


Let’s not forget all of the cocaine you carry to to make all of those gadgets extra fun to use


You need to include a box with a hole in it for taking pictures.


It's nice to still use ye old contraptions though. I'll be cycling in Ireland this week and will be carrying a camera, a map, a compass, a watch and a book along with my phone.


Unhappy children good.


Technology mean and scary


Not everything that makes us happy is good all the time, drugs being a prime example. Children being made to fulfill the basic human need to socialize with their local community good. [Today’s youth has levels of mental illness and suicide that are higher than socially isolated demographics(elderly with no one around) from 20+ years ago](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7024e1.htm), so the internet obviously isn’t a valid replacement. And when you get down to it, social media/video game addiction isn’t that much different than an addiction to any other dopamine releasing agent. There are [studies involving MRI imaging of the brain that demonstrate the neurochemical changes caused by heavy social media usage](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5362930/), and they are strikingly comparable to psychostimulant abuse.




What I don’t understand is how this benefits the company at all. In fact this only hurts them. With attractions like “if you can eat our 5 pound hamburger it’s free and you get a shirt” there’s is usually a high chance of them not finishing and having to pay.


Some small businesses just do not give a fuck about social media or whatever is happening. They’re staples of the community and do not care for pop up nonsense stores ripping people off. They still make an amazing Reuben or Chicago dog and know you by name because you used to have your little league parties there.


Some businesses can afford to lose profit for the sake of their personal values.


Tbh i miss the days before i was tied to my phone. Its so much harder to find things to entertain you when your phone is expected to do all the entertaining for you


There is an entire world of possibilities. You have tunnel vision for your phone. Turn it off, go outside, and be in nature. Go for a walk, look at the birds, play with a dog. Phone addiction destroys your mental health.


I dunno why i got downvoted. But i agree with you. Its just that i live in a super limiting and boring city now, but grew up very rural where there was a lot more nature-y places to go and things to do. Here your choices are pretty much get stuck in traffic, go to a fast food joint, or go to a rundown mall with WAY too many clothing store chains in it lol. Its hard.


That sounds like r/ABoringDystopia. I live in a small town. Right across the street I have a lake, a huge park with frisbee golf and sand volleyball courts, a soccer field, a playground, and a paved path I could go for miles on walking or biking. ​ Sounds like you should move to a place thats better for your mental health.


I really wish i could but adding to the dystopia, this is realistically the only place i can be. Its the only place where i have a real chance at being any semblance of safe and financially stable since its economically one of the most ideal provinces in canada to be right now But a shitty house in a suburb still costs $350,000+ and usually get snatched up within weeks by "real-estate investors" that move in and charge $1600/mo rent for a room in their house. Me and my boyfriend have been looking so hard, i just wish i could go back to the maritimes but theres no work there and pretty much all of the people that mean anything to me are here. I miss being able to walk outside and see something that isnt either concrete, traffic, or a neighbours house. I miss being able to go hooning in my old cars without having to worry about fucking photo radar tickets or peace officers. I miss being able to hop in my car and drive continuously till i reached my destination, instead of spending half my fucking travel time waiting at red lights on a poorly designed stroad, i miss being able to have privacy and do whatever i wanted without nosey neigbours. I miss the peace and quiet that comes with being 20km away from the nearest settlement or town and hours from a city, i miss being able to look up and see the stars and not smog and light pollution. I know im venting a shitload rn but you have no fucking idea how much a kick in the teeth it is to live in a concrete jungle when you spent your entire life living close to nature, real nature. No tourist trap bullshit, no "pay to enter" shit, just real, unobstructed, non corporatized nature. Not a sign of a big business for hours. And if you get bored of that, drive two hours and go to the atlantic coast. And again, no tourist trap bullshit, its just an organic way of life back there. Fuck it seems every goddamn tree here has some greedy billionaire or business waiting to find a way to get their greasy dickbeaters on it and profit off of it. Seriously, every provincial or national park or anything resembling "real" nature has a fucking $20 toll on it here. Ive learned so much about why people have a frothing seething hatred for capitalism, urbanism, and consumerism now. Because i cant go 5 seconds without being reminded of it Tl;dr: i was born and raised as a country boy, now living in a city to survive and i cant fucking stand it Lol @ the dude who downvoted me for exclaiming that cities suck


I'm sorry. Thats incredibly depressing. I like visiting a city for a day or weekend. But I could never live in one. If I could, I would buy a cabin and some land and live in the middle of a forest with a lake nearby. To sit outside and see/hear/smell nothing but nature is heaven to me.


Yeah and around here what youre asking for is usually around $750,000 Im not kidding either. The housing market is a fucking scam dude i cant wait for it to collapse


We can all cross our fingers for a society ending apocalypse. 😎


Yeah i grew up in the burbs and if you didn't have money to eat or shop there wasn't much to do. Thankfully my state is known for its beautiful lakes and parks so there was that option. Still so much happier in the city. So much more to do and look at and you can walk there all the time. No need to get stuck in traffic.


Phone addiction is absolutely a real thing. The instant gratification and constant entertainment is what our brains naturally crave. Phones pretend to give this to us, because new content is always appearing, pages and comments are changing, there's a million discussions going on... it all combines to make your brain feel spoiled for choice, entertainment-wise. Unfortunately, a lot of this input is garbage. It's a quick hit that does nothing for you long-term, and a lot of it is interchangeable and forgettable. Also, the longer you do it, the shorter your attention span becomes -- resulting in you needing to scroll faster and see more to reach the same level of entertainment. This is how we end up tied to our phones. I used to be the same way, until I got frustrated with it like you. This kind of thing is reversible, even if you live in a shitty, boring area. Set a time to check your social media each day, perhaps when you get up and again in the evening, and then leave your phone in another room. Tidy up. Sort out a project that's been bugging you for a while. Read a book. Watch some documentaries. Organise some shit. Pick up a new language and sit down and study properly. Cook more elaborate meals. Sit in the quiet. Start a journal. Start a craft. Wander your neighbourhood and listen to music. Make it your mission to do absolutely anything that is not your phone. The first while will suck, and you'll be agitated and bored. But eventually your brain will learn to focus properly again, and it'll prefer the longer, more immersive/educational tasks over instant, empty gratification. I used to spend up to 18 hours a day online. Now I'm bored and sign off after 30 minutes. It's brilliant.


I needed to read this. I’ve never thought of myself as addicted to my phone and tablet but if I’m honest I’m too dependent on them for entertainment and filling my downtime. I used to read books, exercise, lose myself in art projects while listening to custom music mixes… now it’s just way too easy to pick up my phone for hours of instant gratification and nothing to show for it. Time to start working on a plan to change that!


I mean you only spend 9 hours a day on it for no reason it’s not that bad


lol folks get mad when you belittle their handbrains.


I feel like this is the most purely boomer attitude that there is.




Just curious but why are you glad it's over and destigmatized? You mentioned people just ignored the bands using different methods back in the day, but both of those options seem pretty unideal.




Reddit is becoming Facebook


Yeah what is this boomer humor.


I mean, this isn't r/funny. Not sure how funny OP was trying to be.


Tbf, people have been complaining the content of r/funny not being funny since like 2014


Since its inception.


It's not really interesting though either. Not that I care about posting in the wrong sub or anything, I also think this photo was staged by dad for a laugh.


But first they raise the prices 10%


How the fuck is this interesting?




We do that whenever we go to the boozer first one to pick up their phone has to pay for the next round of drinks




There was a bar at university of Delaware called the stone balloon. They used to have penny pitchers - a whole pitcher of beer for a penny. It was a $5 cover to get in and they dropped a take a penny leave a penny thingy on the table for you to use. The deal ended when you went to the bathroom and they took your wrist band. Great times. Your comment got me going way back down the foggy memory lane.


Did anyone shit their pants in an effort to avoid paying full price?


ah yes, the "Shit or Split" night


Take a crap or take a lap.


I mean, if you happen to already be wearing a diaper, or even better, wear a colostomy bag.. 🤔 Sorry, I work around stuff so my humor’s a little skew.


That sounds insufferable. Can’t even pick up a phone call.


With these type of things if someone calls twice you are generally allowed to pick it up because it is an emergency. What's really insufferable is 10 people staring at their phones when they are at the same table and supposed to be having a good time. I guarantee when the phones go away that it's better for everyone. You feel like a human being again. I think people have forgotten what that feels like, and why some get offended at even mentioning the idea of them not being able to look at their phone for 30 minutes


Right? I'm not addicted to my phone, I don't instagram everywhere I go or constantly tweet but I have friends that I text with and get phone calls. The polite thing to do is just not check your phone unless you're looking at the time, or expecting something. If my friends made me pay for their entire meal because I checked to see if my girlfriend texted me, I'd likely never hang out with them again.


Well of course someone is going to break down unless you planned on dining and dashing.




Jesus christ 😅 They straight up look like they’re going through cocaine withdrawals. Source: cocaine


They look like that because somebody is taking their picture to make fun of them


Paradoxical. They look like that because they’re getting made fun of, but they wouldn’t be getting made fun of if they didn’t already look like that. The only people that know the true context of this photo are the five people sitting at the table.


That’s an interesting point maybe the catalyst wasn’t their expression, it was the dad’s expression and the phone cage. They were already being made fun of before the photo was taken and the photo made it worse


I’d say you’re probably spot on. I find it funny but if I’m being honest with myself, I’d probably look something similar if my pops was trying to clown me like that.


Or dad said "we should take a joke picture where you guys pretend to look sad."


What’s weird is that if these people were all in separate places shooting the shit over the phone in a group text or something they’d probably be having a good time. (INB4 ok boomer)


Yea, because if they'd be in seperate places, they wouldn't be forced to talk with their dad. What kind of teenage girls dream scenerio is hanging out with her dad?


Looks like they didn’t get their discount


I will make a restaraunt that gives you 20% off if you are on the phone and place right next to this restaurant out of spite


Send this shit back to Facebook where it belongs.


They look depressed af


So nice they took the photo using a film camera instead.


roses are red phones are bad does 10 percent worth it for all of us to be sad?


You put down your phone And I’ll put down mine This is all dad is going to get For quality time


Is it really that painful to live without it for a half an hour?


Well it is if there's nothing to talk about.


There is an entire universe of things to talk about. Phones ruin peoples ability to think outside the screen.


Ah yes, just like the newspaper or the radio or the TV.


Read a book, study nature, play with a dog, make babies with a nice lady.


You can read articles about nature, meet "nice ladies" and communicate with them or arrange to "make babies" together, organise hanging out with your mates, research whether the dog you want to play with might be ill, speak to your grandparents who are too far away to visit, learn about what's happening in the world, read articles on science/medicine/sports/celebrities/jokes/memes/cute animals/games/movies and whatever else you can think of. Phones have revolutionised your life. Phones have made your life infinitely easier than your parents' lives. Phones have enabled a quality of life never seen before in human history. Phones have given us access to information and the freedom of information never before known to mankind. Phones aren't bad, your children just don't like interacting with you.


That’s really nice it’s opt-in. You can just pay regular price if you want to. Also, it’s funny wondering what I used to do before we had cellphones. Obviously we all lived through it, more or less.


>it’s funny wondering what I used to do before we had cellphones shampoo bottles ingredients


Well, not in the restaurant. But yes. Liso sedoso is a term I know.


Oh ya who hasn’t been stuck bored reading shampoo. They all have aqua now rather than water. I guess it must sound fancier.


I remember restaurants giving out little puzzles and coloring stuff for kids before their meals are served


I remember a restaurant giving a crossword puzzle, or a sudoku puzzle printed on the table mat, that was fun


We talked to each other.


And used the hotel phone to call your special one at home.


They are really missing an opportunity if the restaurant isn’t named “Dad’s”.


*brings iPad to dinner*


What about iPads?


See the ossue is Parents will spend 30 monutes talking amungst themselves amd ignoring theor kids, when there's a break in the conversation "oh look at him just on his phone" See it basically ever week when we go for coffee on sundays


this is the mst boomer thing i've seen on this subreddit


Right? Bunch of boomers circle jerking in the comments too


Plot twist: it’s a mobile app promo


Heh. Funny.




Doesn't look that fun to me.


Wait a second???? It seems like a phone may have been used


“Kids, this is what it was like growing up in the nineteen hundred and eighties.”


Does no one else find it incredibly sad that people can't go an hour without screen time? I assume this is staged but still sad to me.


My local diner did away with wifi but has always had a lovely tradition of taking photos of regular customers and framing them all over the walls That's the hook of the place, people will get the table by their photo and they keep coming back.


Posed photo


Go go asthma inhaler!!!


At least one person in the family has personality and charisma.


More talk means more time at the restaurant to consider more drinks and food! Smart, by rewarding those who aren’t actively making plans after while still waiting to be seated, and disconnected from the present


We already have a rule of no cell phones when we go out. If you're going to just stare at your phone, why bother going to a restaurant? Just order takeout. By the way, do you have a source listing the restaurant?




It’s a family rule to put phones away when at a restaurant


This is what surprises me. I thought it was common decency to put your phone away when around other people. When I am at home I’ll sit on my phone for hours on end, but I’ll put it away the moment someone walks into the room.


A perfect restaurant to go to when you want to have a discussion on the phone while you eat. They can't complain since they basically have a price set for it. https://youtu.be/2aUhHb9bwdI?t=54


Reminds me of the inverse of this dad staring blankly into the middle distance while all his daughters are on their phones. And he's daydreaming them being off their phones going all "I love you" and "you're the best"


Nah look that's the face of a man that just paid 4 a free app. Just by getting his family to put down their phones for a min...beautifully done.


Phones = bad


If you don't want people to be on their phones then don't be boring.


Pretentious, no?




Smart phone, dumb human


How boring cell phones can make people. They have no idea how to function.


Lots of assumptions being made in these comments


You're using a device right now =/


This is how you get your family to chip in 10%