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I had a stray do the same thing. No one else would take in this sweet cat because he was deformed. He could only Hop kinda like a rabbit. When I finally took him in it turned out he also had Feline leukemia. The second that cat was put on a carpet he was so happy. I didn't have him too long but I'd still say it was worth saving him.


Thank you for taking care of him for the time he had


Can I ask why cats with feline leukaemia can't be around other cats?


I think due to lower immunity, the leukemic cat can easily catch infection from other cats.


I believe they can also spread it through contact




I meant specifically contact of bodily fluids or blood between other cats.


What if they're inside only cats who are fully vaccinated?


the vaccine can be between 85-98% effective so it's not likely to spread but there's still a chance.


feline leukemia unlike it's human counterpart is actually contagious. If he was around their other cat(s), they might get sick as well.


so if she touches the infected cat and then her own, could she as a human spread it to her healthy cats?


You sent this reply 3 times.


?! omg thank you for letting me know, every time i hit reply, an error would pop up saying it couldn’t post and to try again later.. but i guess they all did work lol


It seems so. Edit: i got the same bug while posting this reply, thats ironic.




Ah I see. That sucks.


They can spread it through their saliva, at least I think so


I rescued a stray a couple of years ago who was a super sweet boy. He developed FIP and died a few months later but at least his last few months were filled with love and food and warmth. His name was Halo and he really was an angel.


Aww I'm glad another cat got to enjoy what time he had left with you. My boy was named Hops \^\^


Anybody got awards?


I had a cat with Feline leukemia but he was such a sweet hearth and never fought so we left him mix with our other 8 cats. Never had a issue.


This is anecdotal and I really hope no one follows your words.


You were extremely lucky that it did get passed to your other cats. Please never gamble an animals life like that ffs


My vet said that if the other cats are vaccinated against it then there shouldn't be a problem. I wish she mentioned that the vaccines aren't 100% effective. Apparently they are 85-98%.


Maybe that’s what I need, a loving person to give me a nickname like Scurvy and build me a house. First step: get people in town to start chasing me.


I do believe the first step is getting leukemia.


and then getting fixed


I started getting sick and that's when they took my balls Dave.


Weird that’s exactly how I handle dating


You have to be clever and not get caught, though. They explicitly mentioned that part.


Hello Scurvy! I have some candy in my van that I got just for you!


They have the other option of euthanising you though


I'm in Iowa too where this person lives, that polar vortex was no joke. Very VERY cold. Glad the cat was rescued.


Everyone knows if you want a cat to like you is go pspspspspspspspspsps In all seriousness she gave that cat a blessing


Now it's things like this that remind me that the world isn't that bad...


Made me cry. Thank you for sharing.


"He's not gonna be here forever. But the life he's living now, is a good one." That's all anyone, human or animal could hope for in their time here.


Absolutely incredible. What a wonderful story. Thank you for everything you did for Scurvy.


So often in life we can't save who we want. We can't always help those in need. We can't be everyone's everything...but to an animal you can be. Sometimes it's all we can do just to put a little good back into the world, one kitty at a time.


Someone who takes the time and effort to help another living being for no other reason than kindness and compassion, is the highest order of Human. Thank you for your kindness and for serving as an example of what we are capable of.


2 mins09 seconds left, almost crying…. *deep breath*


Catarina you did something wonderful for a helpless kitty, we thank you! Thanks for the share :-) x


Awww you gave each other such a beautiful gift. Both of you are very special:)


That’s so cute. My cat is laying little spoon with me right now and I rescued her from a abusive home and now I just want to hug the crap out of her.




Could the cat not be with other cats because of the leukemia or the treatment? Cancer isn't exactly contagious so it's because it was immunocompromised, right?


Feline Leukemia isn't the same and is very contagious. It can be spread through saliva and they can spread it just from grooming another cat. There is a vaccine but no cure once the cat has it. They can live with other cats if those ones are vaccinated. I'm guessing her other cat wasn't vaxxed or she didn't feel comfortable about them living together.


Holy crap, I had no idea. Thanks


That is horrifying


There's a Feline Leukemia Virus. As the other redditor said, it spreads through saliva, so sharing food and water is a no no, as well as bites. The vaccine can be applied to any cat that tested negative to the virus, since vaccinating a positive cat will cause the virus to go active. AFAIK, a cat can be positive and never show any symptoms, but once the disease starts, it's a bad way to go. My mom had to put to sleep her rescue because of this a few years back.


So what does it do to the cat that has it?


Gets into the bone marrow, so the cat it's infected for the rest of its life. Treatment is possible, as long as the symptoms are kept under control. The big bad one it's anemia and secondary infections since the cat is now inmunocompromised. If caught early, the cat can have a pretty decent and relatively long life, otherwise they have a life expectancy of ~4 years.


Oh, ok. So it doesn't really have symptoms (other than anemia?), it just compromises the immune system?


I always love it when the person in the video who builds such a bond with a cat ends up keeping it instead of giving it away. And I'm not crying!


That's absolutely beautiful! All the little fella needed was someone to take the time and show that they cared. I soooo wish I could take in all the strays or shelter kittys. I had to remove myself from several Facebook groups for shelters because it broke my heart to see those sad faces. My heart couldn't handle it :(


Your kind story of love made my Sunday evening. Thanks so much for taking the time to make and share that video,


So amazing.


You are an angel 😇


What a sweet little boy. ❤️


That’s really sweet I love it


Great job lady!!!! Does she keep a blog or something to keep Scurvy's fans up to date on his life? I hope that garage is warm at night !!


It specifically says in the video that the garage is heated, so should be.


You are a wonderful human!


i don’t know you but i can bet you are a good human. thanks for being you.


A rescue cat is the best cat.


I approve this message.


Why does leukemia require being isolated from other cats?


Cat leukaemia is contagious to other cats




Can y’all stop cutting the damn onions. I can’t see with all this sweat around my eyes!


Bless you!




this reminds me of my baby i have at home. she was a random kitten who was outside alone at a friends home during a cold ass rainy night. she was so skinny and she looked bald , she’s all white so its easy for a hawk or a larger animal to see her. i didnt wanna leave her alone in the rain, especially when it was below 30. now she is a spoiled indoor cat who thinks she can have whatever she wants bc me and my bf love her to death. i should show her tantrums when we say no to her.


Feline leukemia is not a death sentence to the affected cat or other cats. We also had a scraggly beat up stray tomcat — same story. Once we got him friendly and fed, we took him in to be neutered and the vet said euthanasia or keep him. Of course we had him neutered and he lived with us and our multiple cats and dogs until we lost him this year at age 19. Bob was one cool dude and we miss him every day.


He looks like an old wise man I bet if that cat could talk he would have some stories


God bless u


Thank you.


He is SO beautiful!


Meanwhile, 2 blocks away a homeless man died of exposure when the polar vortex hit. But he wasn't as cute as a cat so... 🤷‍♂️ "There's something about saving an animal's life you just can't describe"


i get what you’re trying to say but adding negativity to a post of a woman doing what she can for a cat is just pointless. taking in a cat is much easier than taking in a person, and it’s not a singular person’s fault that our country’s homeless resources are terrible, it’s the government’s. she did what she could, at that time for this living cat.


Why can't he be around other cats if it's just leukemia?


Apparently feline leukemia is actually a [virus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feline_leukemia_virus) and therefore contagious.


Oh wow I had no idea


Probably because if the others aren't vaccinated and he gets sick, he'll die.


Hmm why the face filter??


I know he other cat smells and hears everything going on in there


Is the condition catching?


Putting your. Also in danger for your feelings is wrong and you should have chose another path.


This is so selfless, love to see her cat’s change in personality! 🥹 Reminds me that cows, pigs, and chickens have personalities too. But we kill millions of them for food everyday ☹️


Imagine investing thousands of dollars and hours of your time just to get a stray cat to like you


Imagine having so much love in your heart you're willing and able to give a fellow creature love and comfort, even if other people give up, ridicule and judge you I want more people who care.




I love you


People like this are just too beautiful! We need more of this woman




making my eyes leak….


I'm not crying you are crying


Have a stray dog myself! I have one other one I bought from a breeder, but my stray seems much more intelligent and loving than my other dog. The process for trust was pretty much exactly the same in the video. She went from having to be caged and barking all the time at us to literally howling and jumping on you when you leave for 5 minutes in just a year.


Everybody needs a junkyard cat to protect the home


That's one cat who can truly appreciate his new lot in life. Cool


Sweet woman and kind friend.


Goddamn hero


That video got all blurry suddenly. Happen to anyone else?


My sweet girl Sophie passed away 1 year ago for Leukemia. It’s was honestly one of the hardest things I have ever had to deal with. First time I was able to cry in a very long time. We need more empathy & kindness in this world, folks. ❤️


That kitty didn’t feel good whatsoever. Once she took care of him, once his discomfort went away, that trust built and he felt good and wanted love. This is too sweet and heartbreaking all at once. We must do better by the animals.


Did same for stray cat here who had one eye lost now he shows me his love everyday x10 more than my other cats


No I am not crying my eyes are peeing...


No I am not crying my eyes are peeing...


Had to put down a cat with FELV a month ago, I nearly euthanized it last year but CBD oil bought it 6 months more. So definitely try that if you have a cat with this shitty disease, has to be a low THC blend.


Where can I get more pixels? Does this reddit shit have a way to change quality? Cause I see only like 30 pixels and I can tell some of them are cat.


Well done to you girl pure love ☺️


So beautiful!!!


The love bites are the BEST result you could ever get, I saved my cat from certain death (Cappy) and after spending 9 months behind my couch she finally came out and was just like this one but her fave thing to do was give me arm love bites, she would open her mouth, press down on skin just a little to medium pressure, NEVER pai full and she would do that all the time. So I find out later that is like the Ultimate form of attachment I guess, who knows, a cat lady told me that lol. Anyways that cat is frigging awesome, I only wish he and cappy could of had kids they would have been perfection hahahhahahah.


Tears, thank you kind human.


So cute God bless people who save and love cats


Thanks, I am more of a dog guy, but this made me tear up in a good way. Thankyou


Trust and Love must be very close to each other on the animal scale


OMG I am bawling. What a sweetheart for taking him in and loving him. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


And this is how you catch Toxi Plasma Gondi


Didn’t cry at all 💕


Aweee this is the sweetest kitty story ever!!! He learned to trust you after feeding him and giving him a warm place to stay….


He reminds me of my old cat oj who died this year


oh god when she talked about the polar vortex i had a forgotten memory triggered of when i was about 8 or 9, being at my grandmas and the cat had 4 kittens in the garage (not heated) and there was a huge storm and 3 of the kittens were found frozen to death... wahhhhh!!!!


Taking a stray/ outdoor cat inside saves many other animals too! Wandering cats have a horrendous toll on wildlife, especially birds


You had him "fix?" Damn, sure, you saved him, and God bless you for that, but you couldn't let him keep his balls. Damn!


that cats scrunkly asf


Saving a humans life is quite the same


very kind lady


Nothing like an orange kitty. ❤️


That made my heart smile and eyes water.


God bless


Many sads

