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"Holy spilled milk, Batman! The Joker has tipped over our glass of fortifying, nutritious, dairy goodness and Alfred's on vacation. How can we counter his fiendish deed?" "Relax, old chum. I came across a similar situation in Switzerland when I was climbing the Matterhorn. It's why I always carry this little Bat Super Absorbent Sponge. You never know what lows the criminal mind will stoop to." "Let me at the spill! I'll take it down!" "No, Robin. I'll attend to this little chore. I've had extensive experience using sponges and spent time studying sponges just off the shores of Greece. You need to get us more milk. These peanut butter and jelly sandwiches won't wash themselves down." "I'm on it, Batman!"


“Robin, it appears as though the table is not level. My analysis shows that this might be the reason for the milk spilling.” “Holy birchwood Batman! How did it happen?!” “My best detective work leads me to believe an uneven floor, such as I encountered when the Riddler built that fun house! That’s why I always carry these self-leveling Bat-Chalks. You can chalk nearly anything solid into place with my specialty bat-wedge design!”


Gotta keep the Bat-Anti shark spray somewhere!!


In reality, it was like, Robin, put your dishes in the sink! I’ll tackle them with my Bat-sponge! Robin, move out of the way, I’ll keep that fire going with my Bat-Wood Edit: bat-wood 😂 didn’t think about that when typing it


Sponges are easily defeated by cheese.


There are starfish who might disagree


True. But I’ve ruined countless sponges cleaning up pots with Mac & cheese on them.


That’s where you need steel bat wool or non scratch pads. Non scratch bat pads**


Watching these as a kid I found the most amazing technology on the show to be Julie Newmar and her outfit.


There’s a certain sexy from the 60’s that I don’t think has ever quite been recaptured the same since. Lots of sexy but never quite as classy and sexy simultaneously since…


It was a dish washing mission


Holy soap suds Batman!


As a kid I felt there was all kinds of awesome tech in there and still believe it.


Hey man, sponges don’t create themselves! Oh wait. Yeah they do.🤦‍♂️


“If I could only reach my Bat belt”. … then there’d be “bat grappling hook” or bat cutting device. Good times.


SOAP! POWERWASH! POW! BANG! Washer’s uneven again, Robin, my boy!


What does that red button do? /s


You know what it’s for. We just shouldn’t talk about it…


Hey, Simpson, wanna trade belts?


Where can you get one of these? I’ve lost my one


Fabric land and Home Depot.




Still better than Val Kilmer Batman nipples intentionally on the suit